Drag Queens (5)

There are certain professions (politicians, schoolmasters at boarding schools and scout masters, for example) where I strongly believe a psychiatric assessment ought to be made into the candidates motives and mental health. Another one I would add to this list are drag queens. Clearly homosexual, these confused and mixed up individuals seem to think they really are women, and behave in an effeminate manner at all times, prancing around with falsetto voices. When the slap all comes off and they find they are men, and not women – that seems to be when the trouble starts.

These comments are made because of the untimely manner of the passing of yet another of the number this weekend.A man who called himself “The Vivienne”, dead at 32 – suicide or drugs, I wonder?.

The story is treated as a major tragedy in the Sun “newspaper”, so let’s go for something a little less gushing. Anyway, the painted and powdered Health Secretary should read and take note – not least for and about himself:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

56 thoughts on “Drag Queens (5)

  1. Where are they dragging the queen to ? Which doesn’t matter anyway, due to her passing last year. We have a fairy king at the moment which is not helping.

    The information told to me from the Sun was highly offensive and should’ve been kept to yourself.

    No offence to W C Boggs by the way.

  2. Or perverts as I like to correctly call them.

    On the BBC news last week, a whole section on why drag queens like twinks. For those that don’t know, a twink is a teenage boy who benders want to ….

    Tell me that’s not borderline fancying of little boys?

    Vile creatures.

  3. Even as a kid Danny la Rue gave me the creeps. Piss take ones are ok – Dawson, Little Britain, League of Gentlemen etc but the true fucking horror of these creatures revolts me.

    • George Doors is skating on thin ice from what I’ve heard, and the other one dresses up as a woman, has confessed to homesexual fantasies, hangs around with queers and likes writing books for kids that he can read to groups of them.

      How many red flags?

  4. men dressing as women in public for no other reason than to draw attention to themselves…..it will never take off.

    err….hold on

  5. Good shout Mr.Boggs.

    We must always be on our guard against Mentally Ill Degenerates.

    Until they inevitably commit suicide of course.

    The vermin at the BBCistan love them naturally,which is reason enough to…

    Full Oven.

    • (That indifference is in relation to the dead cunt in the article, and all the other cunts in the same piece, fawning over the dead cunt).

      And the entire club of brain damaged bent cunts and their similarly brain damaged bentfans, wherever, worldwide.

  6. Absolute degenerate poofery!

    What is a drag race, do they get on the line of a quarter mile strip to see who can run the fastest in high heels.

  7. I worked in one’s house a couple of years ago it looked like Bernard fucking Breslaw with a pair of tits god knows who it was trying to kid and its mate looked like Fatima whitbread . Needless to say I got the job done and fucked off a bit rapid

    • Fatima Whitbread was a contestant on that SAS programme a couple of years ago. When her hood was pulled off to reveal her i.d. I honestly thought it was Melvyn Hayes😮😂😂

  8. The mental illness is called Autogynephilia and it is defined by the (American) National Institutes* of Health (NIH) as:

    A male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.

    There are four specific types:

    physiological, behavioral, anatomic, and transvestic.

    Of course we’re not allowed to talk about this. We’re told rather than being mentally ill we must accept these mental defects as normal.

    Recently, the darling of the American Idiot Left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC, or in Cuntster parlance, Another Obnoxious Cunt) took to the House floor and in a remarkable display of public stupidity, declared “Trans girls are girls too.”**

    In short, these are mentally ill human beings supported by the professional Neo-Marxist Gender hustlers who want to promote chaos and division in their attempt to destroy Western Civilization.

    Another righteous Cunting is what has been a collective stream of Righteousness from the IsaC Faithful.

    *Evidently there is more than one Institute.
    **That’s for those of you who according to her; “…believe there are only 2 genders.”

  9. Boo hoo; one less pædophile in the world.
    Rather a shame he didn’t run amok at a drag event and manage to bury his stiletto heel into the temples of several of his fellow kiddie fiddlers.
    Hopefully the tide is turning and these diseased freaks and their mental derangement will soon not be indulged or tolerated and they’ll top themselves in droves.

  10. These fucking freaks will give little kids nightmares. Naturally, they have infested every BBC programme. NeverEnders, Doctor Whoke, even Blankety Blank and the National Lottery.

    Also, does anyone remember that episode of Rab .C. Nesbitt, where David Tennant is a transbender circus act? That cunt showed his true colours early on, eh?
    I bet the cunt dresses in irish jigs and ladies duds in his spare time.

    • Well, I hope they do give the kids nightmares.

      What I’m concerned about is kids seeing this shit, and the faux-acclamation these nutters attract, and, usually encouraged by their bored, divorced or single mothers, think they’ll give it a go.

  11. Drag queens belong on gay clubs, if they stayed there no one would care.

    From the looks of it most of them are with the others assorted democracy deniers in Washington protesting the inauguration of the new president.

    It’s a real drag.

    • That arsehole Torsten Bell (a fine working class Labour name) became an MP in July and a treasury minister when Tulip tiptoed out, and he has always been against the triple lock – which is no doubt why Rachel From Accounts wanted him appointed. She needs to resign she has bigger bags under her eyes than Harold McMillian had.

  12. Ankle-tie the cunts to the back bumper of large pickups with about 30ft of rope apiece, then head out over rocky ground (or sand) at 50mph till the last one finally shuts up.

    There’s a drag race I’d be glad to watch some footage of.

  13. Was watching “sailor” the old docuseries about the much missed hms ark royal city of leeds the other day and the last run ashore at diamond lils in plymouth, proper old school drag queen, even included a dwarf and proper hairy fannied strippers. I miss the seventies and the freedom to do what you like when like.

  14. Today’s drag queen has nothing to do with the past ones. Mostly was gay men as entertainment just for fun, part of gay culture. It had nothing to do with all this TQ+ crap. Revisionism and propaganda. Look at past drag queens like Lily Savage. No one had a problem then. It’s because the agenda cultists have taken over. They are the real cunts.

  15. Off topic, but this very recent news story needs it’s own Nom. “Eight men arrested after Vietnamese women found in glovebox.” Of course all 8 had English names. Some from the Huddersfield area. I guess she used the airbag as a pillow.

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