are cunts.
Winston Churchill said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”. The problem with having a democratic system is that idiots get a vote the same as everyone else. Sometimes those who get voted into power go on to make a mockery of the democratic process and provide a propaganda gift for the world’s autocratic dictators. This happens because the majority of politicians are far more interested in their personal aggrandizement than they are in the welfare of their compatriots. A fitting quote comes from Mick Farren’s book ‘Give The Anarchist A Cigarette’ in which he laments this country’s endorsement of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister. He wonders how an electorate can reach such a point of uninformed ignorance and bewilderment
“……that it would run, lemming-like, to any self-proclaimed authoritarian who promised an illusion of strength, order and a return to some greeting-card past that had never really existed.”
Yoon Suk Yeol, elected South Korea’s president, made a complete fool of himself by attempting to impose martial law under the pretext of protecting his citizens from the regime in the north. It was his own political career that was at risk, not his country. Benjamin Netanyahu , elected prime minister, in his 70’s and becoming increasingly unpopular, decided to ignore intelligence reports of a planned attack by Hamas militants. When the attack occurred, it provided the justification to lance the boil on the arse of Israel and cement his legacy. The blood of 1200 citizens and a further 250 hostages is on his hands. Their lives were less important to him than his need to remain in power.
In this country, prime minister Boris Johnston clung on for all he was worth until a mass resignation of Conservative ministers forced him to resign. An investigation found he had lied to the House of Commons on numerous occasions. Liz Truss saw herself as Thatcher #2, but no-one else did and she was forced to resign after less than two months in the job. There aren’t too many complimentary things to say about Rishi Sunak, but at least he didn’t spit his dummy out and scream like a big baby when he lost the election in July. He didn’t complain that the result was rigged, he didn’t challenge it in the courts, he didn’t put pressure on election officials to find him votes that didn’t exist, he didn’t invite a mob of BNP extremists to converge on the Houses of Parliament and he didn’t contemplate the imposition of martial law. He gave a short speech in which he congratulated and even complimented his rival, and the transfer of power was achieved in an orderly manner without protest or petulance. And that’s exactly what’s supposed to happen in a democracy.
Nominated by Allan.
My favourite is the dour one eyed, rock bottom gold selling, Scotsman, Gordon “is that a bigot” brown.
Who had to be forcibly evicted from number ten.
After hanging around like a Brussel sprout fart in a locked room.
He did his best to help out with Nokia sales though Baz.
I notice there us no mention of Labour fuckwits in your nom Allan, nor the utter destruction they are currently wreaking upon the nation.
Why no mention of the war-criminal Bliar? Or RR the tea-lady whose only experience of accounting is falsifying her expenses (and CV)?
Your opinion on the telephone thief/liar/fraudster? The tulip woman up to her neck in corruption and free houses? Slack Angie?
Let’s not forget the pædo-protector in chief, Starmer, nor his sexual proclivities, nor his alleged involvement in the Southport horror.
Democracy sucks. It doesn’t work. Look put the window, see?
Benevolent dictatorship is the way to go, and obviously I’m your man, and Uncle Tez would be a very busy boy indeed.
I must second this.
Ask “the man on the street” in any European country what he thinks about how democracy has worked out for him and his family.
I don’t think the majority are doing cartwheels about how their countries have been governed this past quarter century…without listing the many failings it’s obvious that the political process has failed totally.
It’s no wonder that millions are becoming restless,ignored by the people they voted for,failed by the much lauded “democratic process”,dumbfounded by their own participation in a system that actively works against them.
The more the political class spout their bollocks about upholding democracy the more people ignore the lying cunts.
It’s a fucking cesspit,full of the most foul vermin.
Full unelected Oven.
Rishi Sunak is a cunt, who was selected as Prime Minister by party ‘grandees’. Fuck all to do with democracy.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Afternoon 20.
We don’t live in a democracy BTW.
Agreed, Mr T. Even less so when this year’s local elections are scrapped by that great defender of democracy, Sir Two Tier. Cunt. Labour showing their true marxist colours.
Spot on the cunt did everything he could to loose, WEF job waiting in the wings just a fucking useless place taker, Old Liz tried to be a real Tory and was thrown under the bus immediately .
The only politico i’d stick a tail on.
Rusty Shoe-rack could have been but lacked balls. Mini scrote and a lilly-livered coward.
It will be a circus maximus when Don and his wingman Musk get stuck into Mandy, Lammy da Monk and 2TK.
Ding ding. Get ready to rumble.
The only thing worse than democracy is weak democracy.
What is the point of having democratically elected leaders if those leaders don’t actually govern for the benefit of the population.
Hungary, Viktor Orban said fuck off to the EU when they wanted to push fucking rag head ‘refugees’ into his country ‘their fair share’
Netanyahu ignored warnings, fuck me Israel is under constant threat and has been for decades, rocket attacks every other day/week.
What do we have, weak Blue and even weaker Red, I wonder what Starmer thinks about Romania and Bulgaria entering Schengen, his Smash the Gangs has just been given a kick in the bollocks 😂
Dunno, oligarchy doesn’t look like much fun.
Because that’s exactly what we have masquarading as a ‘democracy’ ergo…two wolfs and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner.
A new year first…I agree with Allan!
Well, specifically his first point about simpletons being allowed to vote.
No-one should be allowed to vote (or parent a child) until they’ve passed a relevant test to ensure they understand, and will take responsibility for, the ramifications of their decisions.
So no vote for:
Any immigrant.
Anyone receiving benefits.
Anyone who watches ‘Strictly’ or ‘Celebrity Love Island’ or other similar nitwittery.
Anyone who can’t change their own engine oil.
The electoral roll would shrink by 90% and a good thing too.
If ISAC’s gentlemen were running things as benevolent tyrants, we’d get this country fully sorted within two years.
Not forgetting Jill, who would be minister for panda preservation.
Oh I’d love that Thomas. Very much so🐼😁
Or panda steak consumption, whatever floats your boat.
You just had to spoil yourself, didn’t you?
Never change, Thomas.
If you did I’d know for sure the end of the world was nigh!
Democracy??. Voting for different parties in this country is just choosing which door to the slaughter house you would like to use, either way you’re fucked!.
Well said!
Meanwhile in the UK, the centre left ruling party, who were elected basically by default, are showing the world what true democracy looks like?
Afternoon HJ, how goes it?
I wonder if, after gayLord Alli has perforated 2-Tier’s ring, they swap places?
He’s so lame, you’d imagine he’d fail to successfully shag anything, man, woman or octopus and just sit there on the edge of the bed making pathetic excuses for his poor performance.
Afternoon Thomas
I think you’ve just solved the riddle as to why Dame Kweer always has that sweaty uncomfortable look on his face like he’s followed through into his favourite keks.
* keks purchased by Lord Alli.
That’s because he’s a tailors shop dummy, who has to be dressed by someone else.
They are not centre.
I refer cunters to the man who really knew what he was talking about.
The Texan in Catch-22 believed in more votes for the decent folk, and quite right too. Personally I would allow IsAC contributors a million votes each.
That way we’d get the right election results.
People mean about parties not keeping their manifesto promises, rightly so, bit a better rule would be that parties are not allowed to do ANYTHING that is NOT in their manifesto.
The less these fuckers get up to the better.
An aside, but it always makes me laugh when you hear politicians and activists refer to their opponents as ‘a threat to democracy’.
Afternoon all.
Me too Ron. I see that festering feminazi pea dough supporter Harriet Harpoon called Reform a threat to democracy.
This from a member of the party that’s trying to cancel elections and give the vote to foreigners and 16-year-olds, the gerrymandering cunts.
‘Rules based order’ is another one.
Obviously, the rules only apply to the little people.
‘Our values’, more bullshit. They might be yours, they sure as shit ain’t mine.
The one I like is “populism” or “populist”, the word they use to describe a party or a politician they don’t like and of whom they are afraid.
Never understood that one.
Surely the whole point of democracy is that the party that is the most popular wins and by default represents the majority.
We should start a trend.
I reckon that the left are fascists, and a threat to democracy.
Democracy by the bayonet.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
Considering the democrats were all for occupying the Capitol not so long ago the hypocrisy in politics is rife.
I wouldn’t hold up Rishi Suntan as a example of fair play and good conduct.
I know it’s all about perception but I perceived him as a feckless, toothless, little unelected token d@rky who was in way over his head.
Right about that liberal albino Boris though.
I’m watching Yes, Minister atm.
Although I’m laughing my head off, I can’t help but think there’s a documentary element to it.
I concur
I want to see Bojo vs Blair on a boxing card someday. To be held in Saudi but on Freeview.
Fight to the death.
Two hapless, filthy excuses for humans.
Look around, British democracy is a fucking con.
This country bears no resemblance to the one that fought against the national socialist party of Europe.
No cunt ever asked the British people if they wanted to be swamped by uncontrolled east European and third world legal and illegal immigration to name just one ” democratic” decision taken in “our” name
I’m pretty confident if my father’s generation could see what has become of GB they wouldn’t have bothered…
It certainly doesn’t feel like “we” won the war.
Not when you see what’s happening to Western Europe.
Who knows, had the Austrian fella with the toothbrush moustache been victorious, Western European capital cities such as Paris and London might still be desirable places to visit.
Do you think he would have tolerated hordes of dinghy riders, trans freaks and pooftah parades?
What, precisely, did we ‘win’?
”If my sons wanted no wars there would be no wars” (Guttle Schnapper Rothschild)
A very profitable business for the Red Shields since Naploeonic times.
Unfortunately to many of us have more years behind than in front. What this means is we have a longer time perspective to look back on events. Whilst I agree with the tenet of Alan’s subject I do feel he has exhibited a small amount of bias in his assessment of past PM.s (please, not “Leaders”) Dear Maggie of sainted memory began the bargain basement sale of “the family silver” Yes British Rail was crap but look at the mess now. Blair did much for the Country with his golden “Buy a U.K. citizenship” offer to the world’s assorted chiselers and his clever public-private partnerships that resulted in crippling useless contracts with crap suppliers.
What any of use do know, if we are honest, is that all we can hope for is that the political posts. however they are filled, will be filled by the least corrupt rather than by the most.
Our “Cunt of the Year” should be hailed as a fine example of democracy in action. No spoilt papers, no postal votes, no “community leaders” helping to make sure you voted correctly, and no chance of being bribed by any of the candidates.
G’d Evenin’
We heard all that ‘fighting for democracy’ bollocks from our politicians during the d day commemorations back in June.
Which is all very noble, except the cunts don’t know what they’re talking about.
In 1945 you could buy whatever wattage light bulb you wanted. Buy whatever car you wanted. You could call a spade a spade without fear of imprisonment.
The list goes on.
Today’s ‘democracy’, as politicians see it, is simply letting the little people vote for two parties that are basically the same, being able to fuck another bloke up the arse without being arrested, and giving ethnic minorities the run of things.
That isn’t what men fought for. Nothing fucking like it.
It’s early days of course, but I think your nail-on-the-head summation could well stand the test of time and be ‘cunt’ of the year.
We were never asked.
Bravo FM.
Indeed,dry shafting us in the tradesmans without even the courtesy of giving us a reach around.
Well Allan, thanks for the usual dose of leftist shite which we have come to expect. Thatcher was about the best thing that ever happened to this miserable shit hole, since ruined by leftists, war criminals, turd burglars and their apologists in Conservative guise like Cameron, Sunak and Johnson. Truss was a breath of fresh air, rapidly taken out by her own party, the lefty media and civil service, when it became clear she was not going to be more of the same.
Back under your rock please.
Winston Churchill
Margaret Thatcher
Boris Johnson
Liz Truss
Rishi Sunak
Not a Labourite in sight!
How the fuck could you not mention Tony “I’m the biggest liar in the history of British politics” Blair?
What about the current Fucking Useless Cunt Keir? (F.U.C.K.)
Yeol but not Trudeau?
Bibi but not Volo?
And of course there’s always that lovable old Fenian Coffin Dodger, Joe Biden.
This nomination may be righteous but the given examples betray an underlying bias.
A cunt is a cunt no matter what side of the political aisle they sit on.
My political stance is probably libertarian. The fact the establishment can motivate the mob to give them a mandate based on a very narrow band of choices and call it democracy doesn’t do it for me.
The end result is always a big state where the individuals rights always come a distant second to the states objectives.
I actually agree with all of the points in Allan’s nomination. That being said, I also agree with all the points that Allan seemingly omitted from his nomination as well.
Apologies, O/T, but I`m still choking back the tears …
… of laughter at the thick cunt in the link.
Anyone fancy starting a “Leave The Thick Twat Where He Is” Go-Fund-Me?
I’ve been watching this “tragic” story, with a view to doing a nom, on the lines of behaviour in a foreign country,
But Madame Beau’s comment just sums up the total apathy I feel when some idiot, of any of the squillion sexes, falls foul of another countries laws.
Two words.
Tough shit.
It is amazing peacefuls in their own country don’t except that from outsiders
Pàkis in our country can do what they want. And have government protection.
Apparantely the girl he shagged was of Indian origin. Her Mother dobbed him in it when they were back home, otherwise the daughter would be in quad.
Not to mention a bit of er… racism, being that Asians don’t seem to like Gibbons.
A year for that, by a n-th-generation cunt(by the looks of his rah rah squad) ???
Can we petition to get the sentence increased, maybe?
Starmer knows how democracy works. Think you’re going to get a whooping in upcoming elections? Delay them until you’ve abolished the councils and replaced them with regional party run unitary authorities.
Democracy is a sham, less chance of an uprising if the plebs think they have a choice of government.
The only people smart enough to use the system against them are probably Islamic.
The first election they win will be the last ever.
Oh I don’t know Termy. They had an election in Gaza nineteen years ago for instance. I’m sure there’ll be another one held soon and the fact the previous victors then killed off all their rivals should be only a minor glitch easily resolved.
Politicians are theatre.
Real power is held in the hands of the workers Unions, the only ones who can challenge the elites but we also know that they drink from the same well.
Every institution has been infiltrated, etc
Democracy is just Eastenders or Coronation street and makes fk all sense these days.
Democracy is out of the plebs hands
My mother voted for Bliar based on the fact she thought he had ‘nice hair’ ffs.
Evidence, if more were needed, of why women should not be allowed to vote.
I take it Bojo never got her vote …
Nope a bit higher than unions.Try these.Committee of 300/Club of Rome/Bilderberg Group/CFR/Trilateral Commission/Knights of Malta/13 families (Rothschild,Rockefeller,Astor,DU Pont,Collins etc)/Jesuit Council///many more.Try tackling that lot ?
Our system is not democratic in the main. Yes we have one person one vote (except for certain parts of London and Yorkshire) but when a party gets about a million more votes than another party and the party with the lesser number of votes gets loads more seats in the house of bollocks that is not democratic. This occurs because of our system. Fucking stinks, bit like the Thames in the 19th century.
And speaking of Democratic backsliders…
Today, President Joe Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom…my nation’s highest civilian award…to George Soros!
And if that isn’t insult enough…he also awarded one to Hillary Clinton and Bono.
Democracy my Yankee Ass!
Hang ’em all from the nearest tree.
The mentally deficient Cunt-in-Chief commuted the sentences of 37 cunts on death row as well lately, for good measure.
Shat ALL over the 37 cunts’ victims-families.
Indeed he did Cuntem’!
Or should I say his Obamunist handlers did.
But then the only thing that senile old cunt knows is when there’s a load in his Depends.
(Depend is a US brand of adult diapers.)
Link please.
More ‘n a fortnight ago, Jeezum … hush hush MSM (not) at work ..
(unless I misunderstood & you were looking for a link to the adult diapers, Jeezum 😆)
Oh no, you didn’t misunderstand.
Thank you. I may have something to say about the commute, but unless I’m terminally thick, they are all in jug with no possibility of parole, now.
Wonderful. The tax paying Americans are going to keep these monsters alive until they die of old age.
A thing they denied their victims?
I support the return of the death penalty, in case you hadn’t guessed.
Yes the great humanitarian and his allies in the MSM want you to believe that he commuted their sentences so that the evil Orange Hitler can’t execute them at will.
Think JP wanted a linkbto the adult nappies CEA 😁
I want one.
I’m black.
You want one what?
A pardon or a diaper?
Off topic a bit, but Dam busters on the idiot box now and I’ve been triggered by Guy Gibsons dog and the fact they were based at Scampton. It’s fucking disgraceful. George Orwell was a far better seer than Nostradamus. Why have we all let his happen?
Apparently the dog has been ironically renamed ‘Trigger’.
Apathy, pure and simple.
If you are doing OK, or ok-ish, why would you care about owt that doesn’t immediately affects you?
Yep! The Great British temperament, Don’t rock the boat, keep your head down, don’t make a fuss And when the giant does give the hint of a kick call them “Far Right” and send in the rozzers and stamp him back down quick and spin some story to take his mind off things.
It has worked in the past, worked in the present and will work in the future.
Only 20% of eligible people voted. Starmer has the cheek to say he has a mandate!
Let’s face it, there was nobody to vote for. WEF, WEF or WEF or Reform. I didn’t have a Reform candidate, hopefully there will be one next time.
Andrew Lawrence doing Sir Keir Starmer’s Christmas message.
Starmer has a mandate Mrs C?
Yes and I’ve got a cervix.
Oh shit, just realised, he’d have no difficulty accepting that claim.
Isn’t that the very quintessence of ‘Democracy’…108 year old,Alzheimer strickened Winnifred Bracegirdle proves to be the sole voter for a busted flush political system and every other citizen stays home then they thus have a mandate for doing their corporate/bankster puppet masters bidding duly…wars,environmental degradation (3d rabbit hutches on every blade of grass),to say nothing of a mass DARPA bioweapon assault on billions sold on the most gargantuan lies.Democracy is the ultimate Trojan horse.
When you put it like that, doesn’t seem much has changed since rotten boroughs.
Interesting cunting. If Netenayhu knew about the terrorist attack then he is a fucking war criminal. For the deaths of his own people.
The rest seems fair but perhaps selective.
Thatcher destroyed industrial Britain. And passed our capability to the Chinese. But hey, we have a fucking McDonalds on every corner.
Net and Yahoo knew dam well, they were even warned prior.
The thinks tanks let it unfold.
The empire lets Israel loose because it suits.
And Costa,Starbucks,Subway,KFC and fucking Burger King all purveyors a toxic yank junk masquarading as food and drink befouling every motorway services and closed down local garages throughout the land,even into the west country,Never saw the Little Chef chain as haute cuisine but you could always get a filling plate of eggs,chips and beans in the buildings these evil chains have usurped with their satanic business model.
I’d say that there should be minimum level of contribution in order to have a vote .
Whether that is via public service or amount of tax contribution etc etc is open to debate
Cunts on bennies should have no vote unless they have paid in to reach the requisite level
What sort of fucked up system allows people to vote for the party that offers the most free money .
All I will say to Allan is that, pace his remarks about Boris, had the lily-livered back benchers, and those with a personal axe to grind, like that ridiculous old poofter Dominic Grieve, held their nerve, it might well be the Conservatives would still be in power, or at least the July loss would not have been so great. Boris was a victim more than a villain – after all that cretinous arsehole Starmer was holding beer and curry parties at the same time as Boris birthday cake nonsense.
We have a thorough going cunt in power who cares only about Muslims, quares, lesbians and himself, and his grubby crew, are amongst the most stupid ever assembled in one party.
As a punishment, Allan, you ought to have the contents of Dame Emily’s rubber knickers thrown at you.