Corynne Elliot

Corrynne Elliot AKA Speech Debelle is a theiving, race card playing cunt.

Daily Fail. (Non-paywalled link provided by Sam Beau)

I shall let the article speak for itself but sum it up by saying said cunt got caught using company card to the tune of close to £10k, company suggested it was paid back, reaction to being caught was the card was attempted at employment tribunal no less.

I have no words.
(Well, very few words but just about enough for us to let this pass – NA)

Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles

39 thoughts on “Corynne Elliot

  1. They can`t help themselves.
    It`s part of their rich heritage & culture – like stabbing & looting.
    Of course, it`s all buckra`s fault.

  2. Surely the worst thing that ever happened to blacks was Martin Luther King.
    Before he gave them ideas above their stations, they were far happier.
    A nice easy job, picking cotton in the sunshine, regular meals and zero responsibilities.
    Now look at them: nasty, violent, aggressive, unable to process modern life with their limited intellects and poor impulse control.
    They were far happier two hundred years ago and I doubt the Klan were as bad as history pretends, the naughty scallywags.
    I bet they barely ever lynched anyone.

  3. One of many blick ‘music industry’ cunts

    Why bother with these cunts in the first place, trying to tame the fuckers by kissing their arses and promoting the shit they turn out will never work.

    She stared a go fund me, what a cunt, should have a ‘go fuck yourself’

    • The cunts could knock-out a new gonfundme if they thought you looked at them sideways on the street. It’s become general cunts go-to reaction to anything.

      A real case of, dare I say it, .. monkey-see, monkey-do …

  4. Rapping is a short lived profession.
    The first sign of a grey hair and she will need to find something else to do.

    She will be instantly forgotten.
    Like all the rest that came before her.

    With no skill set for another career she will revert back to going on the pilfer.

    She will get caught multiple times and end up in prison because she is not very good at that either.

    • I’ve genuinely never heard of her.

      Having said that, I’ve bever been a fan of bongo bashing and rhythmic war-dances.

      A mercy, no doubt.

  5. She has appeared on a BBC television programme. One in a list of bl*cks featured on BBC programmes who have turned out to have committed serious crimes up to and including murder. I’m not sure what it tells us, at minimum an astounding level of naivety.

  6. 1) It is a misnomer to say she, or any other of her “rapper” ilk, have anything to do with the “Music Industry”.
    2) Lefty on trend whitey (BBC) thinks playing this shite shows how ahead of the game they are. It is Emperor’s new clothes again.
    3) She should not be mistaken or be put in the same class as B.B.King. Being simply black does not make you Lighnin’ Hopkins (nor white make you Clapton)
    4) It would be nice to see a few of the “commoonidy” coming out and condemning this bad behaviour. That would do more for creating a cohesive mixed society than any of the other bollox.
    5) Don’t “ask” for the money back, just fuggin’ take it from her, and not from her promotors or management. Remember all the dosh that those BLM chiselers grifted in the States? (what did happen to them Colonel?)No better then Major Thomas grasping daughter.
    G’Mornin; all.

  7. Blacks think all they need to do is have a silly name, get fat and do something simple. If the money doesn’t come rolling in, steal it.

  8. Well,having looked into this appalling situation it’s clear that the whole thing was a conspiracy against black musicians by the Far Right,and the Jews as well probably.

    The poor lass has obviously sought solace in chiggun by the skip full.

    Put her on the compensation list one place ahead of Gerry Adams.

    Then immediate Tar Babý Oven.

    Good morning.

  9. Blacks think its there privilege to have status, all because an evil relative was prevented from breathing whilst being arrested for breaking the law for the umpteenth time.

  10. Cunts like this are an insult to the memory of Otis, Smoky etc. True musicians who didnt spew out random couplets backed by a stolen track.

  11. The arrogant self-regard and entitlement this old bag shows proves she is in the wrong job – she should have been a Labour MP like Claudia Webbe and Keith Vazeline – a man who has few peers – except through the window of the changing room at the boys club.

  12. If, as she claims, she inadvertently put charges on the “wrong” card, what’s the issue with simply saying “Oops, silly me, I’ll get that money paid back, sorry”?

    But no, she has to be a shit and play the race card, presumably in the hope of getting a wodge of cash.

    Tell me, how did that work out for you, dear?
    No more TV appearances or made-up jobs funded by the tax-payer for you, I guess.

    The pity of it is, we’re probably now supporting her through unemployment benefits instead.

  13. Watching, I think, Road Wars years ago a drug dealer got nicked. While in the police custody area he empties his pockets of a few hundred quid on the counter and a blik being taken to a cell behind him made a sudden lunge for it. The sight of all the cash was a trigger.

  14. Just proves the point that colour, race, religion have no bearing on being an utter cunt fuckwit. Wow, do you realise that cuntishness is the epitome of equality!

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