Self titled ‘Bear’ (real name Edward Michael Grylls) showed the world what a massive Woke, Ignorant, Anti-Semetic, Jew Hating Wanker he is, by sending the world his own ‘Christmas’ message of peace, by recounting the story of the nativity.
In ‘Bear’s version of the birth of Christ, Baby Jesus is not a Jewish child, born in Judea, but a refugee looking for shelter, born of his ‘Palestinian’ mother, a poor girl with no money, probably fleeing persecution from those pesky Israelites.
The Romans, who were in complete control of the middle east at this point don’t figure in this new version of the nativity.
Why was Mary penniless ? She probably donated her coins to enable the peaceful Palestinians to buy weapons to defend themselves from the oppressive Jews.
Little FACTS such as Palestine not existing until hundreds of years after the birth of Christ and the Jews being under Roman rule are not convenient to Grylls and his Hamas oppologist chums.
What a pity ‘Bear’ wasn’t around to show the poor Palestinians how to craft rocket launchers using piss stained palm leaves and some driftwood….
Nominated by : Lord of the Rings
100% cannot stand the cunt.
best thing he ever did was get a spice girl to piss on him when he got stung by a jellyfish…..jammy cunt. normally costs me a fortune to get a bird to do that on my cock.
Good darts, CC!
The women at work don’t believe me when I say I’ve been stung by a jellyfish and will one of them do a tinkle on the affected area?
Mainly because a) I work in deepest Oxfordshire and b) how would manage to get stung on my tonsils in the first place?
TC, you are the despair of right-thinking individuals everywhere.
Keep up the good work!
WHAT ? When did this happen ? Which spice girl,bet it was the ginger one.Jammy bastard.
I bet it was the black gobshite, Charcoal Spice. Bear might have a thing for birds like that. Who’s next? Rusty Lee? Kim from NeverEnders? Lizzo?
I think I’d rather have Diane Flabbot piss on me than that loud mouth Yorkshire trollop Scary Spice.
It was indeed dark spice.
Sorry, My Lord, but not everyone is a fan of the Red Sea pedestrians! However, the Grylls unfortunatness is indeed, a cunt, especially for drinking water from Elephants shit!
Do you know when they’re playing the Harlem Globetrotters, I’d quite like to get tickets ?
I see.
Mr Grills should,in the name of Christian piety,sell everything he owns and give the proceeds to the relatives of those murdered on October 7th by “Palestinians”..
then he should take himself off to Gaza and work as a labourer for nowt rebuilding homes for murderous trash that hopefully soon will be again laid waste by the fine fighting force that is the IDF.
Another know nothing woke cunt.
Bear Grylls, never used one. I have a big george foreman grill.
I bet he gave himself that nickname, like that shortarse Bruce Springsteen.
Get back to drinking your own piss, you dopey walloper .
If my history is correct the area Mary was travelling to with Joseph (no mention of him either in “Bear’s account) was at the time known as Judea, hence its inhabitants were/are known as j*ws.
The reason for the journey was to return to her husband’s birthplace, Bethlehem, to enable the Romans to register the population for taxation purposes.
The family was indeed later forced to seek ‘asylum’ in Egypt when Herod had one of his murderous fits, but unlike today’s variety, returned to her homeland once the danger had passed.
Wasn’t Bear in the Terrotorial SAS at some point? Its difficult to know, because he never mentions it every 5 minutes.
Scoutmaster Grylls you say? Hmmm, interesting.
BTW Archaeologists have yet to find any historical documentation of the family claiming ‘bennies’ during this time.
My understanding is that when the romans had put down the jewish revolt in judea, as an extra kick in the bollocks to the jew they named it ‘palastina’ ergo palastine never existed until the romans called it that! personally i don’t give a flying one about either of them.
Correct, after their arch-enemies the Philistines, whose then territory lies in current day Gaza.
He’s also an honorary colonel in my old unit , the Royal Marines
I’ve even seen the cunt wearing a green lid
Hats off to him , 21 SAS selection is no joke but don’t take the fucking piss
`Bleb` Grills, more like.
The man`s a complete sponge-head.
He needs to try surviving in the swampy infested wilderness of Angela Rayner`s bush for a few days – that`ll learn him, and no mistake.
Overcome by fumes, poor sod.
It stands to reason that anybody calling himself ‘Bear’ is a weapons grade cunt by definition.
Afternoon Sam, all.
The silly cunts were still protesting in London even after the cease fire had been agreed.
I watched the film Mary on Netflix, not bad for a biblical story, based on a loose interpretation of events but never the less a reasonable watch if you like that sort of thing.
Noa Cohen, Israeli played Mary (at least they didn’t try to put a blick in the role, that would have been blasphemy)
Oh yes 👍
As for Yogi, what a fucking knob.
I read one random article about the ceasefire this morning (CNN, it was) … and, thusly, I learned how this has all been an unmitigated, incredible triumph for Hamas.
Them boys done good was the narrative.
I’m glad I don’t give a fuck either way.
3 hostages for 90 Palestinian prisoners and hundreds of aid trucks Oy Vey!
The Hamasians can’t resist it, how long before they lob a few rockets into Israel 😂
Hey Sick,
We cannot trust the Hamassholes.
Hello General
Big day today, the USA is BACK 👍
Get the hostages back then carpet bomb the fucking lot, all cunts
That’s the ticket!
Indeed we are Sick! Indeed we are!
The entire Gaza strip should be turned into a parking lot. If there are any Hamassholes left they can bang their heads on the asphalt.
The ‘x’ numbers killed, that they haven’t shut up about daily since 2023, .. they didn’t warrant a mention, even as a downside, in the piece.
A triumph for hamas, and a triumph for the people of gaza didn’t really come across as being on the same plane at all, really, .. but the neanderthalics didn’t seem bright enough to even *pretend* to give a shit on that score.
Pathetic bravado.
The guy is a massive fucking bell end with an ego the size of the Titanic and even people that know him and “served” with him can’t stand the cunt.
With regards to Bear and his opinion on the birth of Jesus…
And that comes from someone who isn’t even religious.
This lad is the real deal..
Indeed, Doctor.
As per the challenge above [re surviving in Ms Rayner`s nether regions] a proper outdoorsman indeed – skilled in the arts of bushcraft – he would have started by constructing a robust shelter made from her undercrackers (having washed them in purest rainwater first, obs) thence on to making a hearty fire from a few of her strategically placed dried ginger pubes.
One may imagine him further augmenting his freshly caught dinner on the spicy fragments of batter thus disgorged.
Ray and his magic shorts. Where does he put his balls?
Here’s adventurer Bare Grilles doing something really dangerous (not)
Actually a few days later the Tyne Bridge was struck by lightning. If only he’d hung around we could have watched his knackers being blown up by 30,000 amps.
Now that would have been spectacular.
Never seen the cunt but terorist supporting is very woke and Luvvieish.
Fuck off Bear, I’m sticking with my George Foreman.
I don’t think many can deny his adventuring prowess, but he really has shown his purebred cockhead credentials with this bullshit.
He should stick to breaking bones, “scouting” young boys and leaving his 11 year old son stranded on an island to be rescued by the RNLI.
Fucking buffoon.
Bear Grylls: Yeah, I’ve just started a camp fire using this blade of grass and some hippo dung. Next I’m gonna try to create a meal from this tree bark and that ants’ nest. It won’t be great, but it’ll help you survive.
Director: … amaaannd CUT!
Bear Grylls: Great, now get the chopper to drop me at the nearest Premier Inn where I can read more adventures of Christ Our Lord and his completely true, believable miracles.
Just listening to the Donald his Inauguration speech, but there is something else, I can also hear the tears 😂
Shame GB has no politicians who put our country first, instead of every other twat in the third 💩 world…!
Agree 👍
Oi Starmer ! Two genders.
Male & Female..!
O/T …FFS. Hang the cunt…☠️
BBC News – Southport killer was referred to counter-terror scheme several times before attack
Onion headed little neeglit.
A hot furnace awaits the prick.
BBC poster boy, my hirsute arse.
Oh he’s a born & bred Welsh choirboy don’t you know ?
I am sick to death of the bare faced lies the UK gov’t & MSM keep feeding us. Do they think we’re as brain dead as they are ?
A blind deaf man knew this piece of shit was imported filth and the attack terrorism. Yet again, fingers in ears to public outcry……nothing to see here, etc …
And hang the cunts who failed those poor girls and their families, by letting this piece of human excrement run free.
‘We had him on our list. MFI (or whoever cunts) had him watched. Lessos will be learned.’
Just like what the same incompetent sods said when Lee Rigby was butchered in the street by two more killer treeswingers.
Also what they said after Joe Sandfilth bombed the Manchester Arena.
And, that’s exactly what they say after the next one. Because there sure as shit will be one.
Fucking inept bastard cunts.
This cunt is not a survivalist.
I have seen him throwing himself into rock pools and eating all sorts of crap.
Everything is staged for him.
I am no expert but I do know that if you are stuck in the wilderness you don’t risk injury or sickness.
What sort of idiot would jump from any height into a pool of water?
A sprained or broken ankle would mean certain death.
And unless you know exactly what you are eating you wouldn’t risk getting sick.
The man is a fucking idiot.
This cunt is a full blown fake anyway.
All that shit about drinking piss and eating weavils. Absolute shite.
The cunt has his own crew, and that includes caterers..
While he’s doing his ‘adventurer’ shit on the telly, he eats better than most families in this country do. The man is a copper bottomed cunt trombone.
From the North.
Don’t eat the yellow snow.
Bear (Helo back to the hotel) Grylls.
Fucking Blasphemous private school turd. Of course, had this wanker said something similar about Allah or the so called prophet, we would hear the woke sirens for miles and for weeks. But, in this spineless country, he is allowed to offend and piss on C of E and catholics. Grylls is yet another muslim collaborator and apologist. And I loathe bastards like that.
And, any man named Bear has to be Beetham Tower sized cunt. Which, of course, he is.
The heirachy of the CofE and the catlicks appear quite content to piss on the faithful themselves.
Well, that is true.
That sack of shit Welby is as disgrace.
True, although the current Pope is a bum sex obsessed apostate.
Anyone got a spare giant ray we could throw at him?
Fat fuck Mears?
He’s just some twat off a crap t.v. programme, why would anybody take any notice of what he thinks or says?
Being a media “celeb” doesn’t mean you suddenly get the gift of true enlightenment.
“F’k off an’ make your daft telly prog. and just shut the fuk up.”
and here endeth the lesson.
As the true survivalist Major Les Hiddings ( Bush Tucker Man) said An accident waiting to happen Bear Grills a complete gold plated cunt. 👎👎
Bear arse the fucking bandit more like it. Can’t stand the animal murdering bastard.
My Auntie Mary was a staunch catholic. But she was one of the kindest and most genuine women that ever lived. The term salt of the Earth was made for her. God rest her soul.
And I know she’d have been upset by what this cunt Grylls has mouthed off about.
So, I would dearly like to give him a first class shoeing just for that.
Bear requires the oven treatment.Cock.
I could do survival just as well as bear grylls
All I would need is copious amounts of rum and a well stocked larder.
While we’re about it send cheryl from girls aloud for the pissing on rather than spice girls especially not sooty spice