Alex Rudakubana


*Deadline January 20th 2025*

Well well. That certainly came as a bit of a surprise. In his court appearance in Liverpool today, the notorious ‘Southport Stabber’ Alex Rudakubana pleaded guilty to the murder of three little girls last year, and ten counts of attempted murder to boot.

He also admitted two terror offences, while strangely, Inspector Plod still declines to treat the attack as ‘terror related’. Mmm… one can only wonder why. For good measure, solid citizen Rudakubana also pleaded guilty to the production of ‘a biological toxin, namely ricin’. Again, one can only ponder what his plans for this were, but it’s safe to assume that nothing good could have resulted.

Rubikcube now awaits sentencing, and presumably this charmer can now look forward to a long stay somewhere at HM’s pleasure and our expense, unless he falls down a couple of flights of stairs in the meantime.

He deserves a damn good thrashing. Honestly, kids these days.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

118 thoughts on “Alex Rudakubana

  1. I can think of few better reasons for the return of the death penalty than this piece of shit.

    As for our security and justice system, words just about fail me. Like a lot of things in this country they are fucking useless. ‘ Not fit for purpose ‘ is nowhere near an adequate assessment.

    This cunt should be shot, his parents deported and the people in Prevent and other agencies who failed to stop this fucking savage, given hard labour for life.

    This country is a cess pit.

    Good afternoon.

  2. Another nail in this once great countries coffin..
    How many opportunities to catch the wretched cunt.. but we don’t want to be accused of racism, do we now…

    Just hang the cunt now.. why waste millions prolonging this savages life.

  3. As there is no death penalty and he fits the profile, I predict a prominent career as a Labour MP, Minister of something and perhaps even PM.

  4. Prevent…..another💩department in a country full of them,this country is now a dredger bringing up all the filth and bile that it can find from every corner of the realm…. how’s the song go, can only get better 🎶 I wouldn’t bank on it, we’ve still a long road ahead before it could begin even to start a very long climb 🪜 back towards sanity…this piece of excrement deserves the most unimaginable demise..pure evil nothing else, and all his inablers too 🙈🙉🙊

  5. The English language seems wholly inadequate to describe the revulsion that most of the country feels over this disgusting animal and the appalling crime he committed.

    One can only hope that the foul creature receives the sentence he deserves once inside prison. Preferably slowly with a 6 inch blade.

  6. By G◯LLY !!! He does indeed resemble the now banned Robertson`s Jams logo. I`m surprised the BBC hasn`t pulled his photo for that same reason – you know, in case any of the gen-Z`s are triggered into committing suicide or spilling their latté or whatever the darling slushpoppets do these days. Anyway, here`s what he looked like before his brain cell imploded in his thirst for narcissism …

    [posted latterly, but moderated – amended slightly].

  7. Whilst I’m in agreement regarding the death penalty for this lump of shit (& any other cunt tempted into these kind of terror activities against the innocent), my preference would be to ensure he goes through a couple of months of beating-enforced rock-breaking, 20 hours a day, nourished by by stale bread & water, then go through considerable mortal terror by being chased by war-dogs for five miles all the way to the gibbet, in full knowledge knowing that nothing but the noose awaits the worthless cunt at the end of it all.

  8. The BBC (again) blaming it on the fact a 17 year old could buy a sharp implement on Amazon while the cunt PM says it’s about sad boys sitting in bedrooms.

    We all know exactly what it is: the importation of poncing freeloaders who hate us.

    • Oh aye,Yvette, ignore the ACTUAL reasons & blame Amazon! Stupid cow.
      I notice Two Tier is being all statesman-like & talking about a ‘new kind of terror’, namely ‘young men’ in their bedrooms, intent on violence & extremism. No mention of the darker shade of the vast majority of these cunts.
      Starmer is nothing but a greasy turd who earned his wedge as QC ensuring that exactly these cunts got into the country. Prick.

  9. It has been reported that he intended to go on a stabathon at his old school the week before, apparently stopped by his dad, why the fuck didn’t daddy drag the cunt down to the cop shop.
    There has to be some blame there, reporting the cunt for going out with a ‘bladed item’ would have had the cunt locked up.

    The whole thing was a fuck up from start to finish with three little girls dead.

    I agree with Ron, a damn good thrashing (like the scourging scene from the passion of the Christ)

  10. Lots of cooing black birds had this twats image for their bus pass, now having to give it up. At least they had their monies worth due to this cunt having issues with all sorts of illegal goings on for yonks.

    • They say he will still be a young baboon after serving a long sentence. Not if he ends up more black and blue than when he went in, which seems impossible. Bummed to death is an obvious option, but you don’t know what other methods await him. Solitary confinement will be easy to get round due to devious characters in there. There should be a running commentary on the money making cunt for us nosy lot.

  11. Reading one of the many news reports about the guilty plea, one thing stood out.

    That he’s unlikely to be given a whole life tariff because of his age at the time of the offenses.


  12. This country is fucked. I guess we have know this for years but starmer is the biggest liar and cunt ever to hold office. He should be locked in a cell with this vile wicked murdering cunt until only one is still alive.

    Then winner deserves then to be shot or worse.

    • Told to stand up in court, .. he defied that. Told to state his name, he defied that too.

      And do they deferred to his bad manners and carried on. Psychologist would say this little cunt won that little encounter.

      A clatter across the back of the fucking head for each act of defiance was what the little cunt should have gotten, until he did what he was told. That, of course, would be a criminal act against diddums… but what WOULD have been within someones remit to charge it with contempt of court, 2 counts, … put some extra time on this future sentence that apparently won’t be a full life term. Show a hint of fucking backbone against these scourges on modern life.

      Everyone’s wishes for prison justice … will most likely be ungranted. huntley, anyone? And the notion he’ll be ‘got’ upon release? Yeah, like venables you mean?

      This cunt will walk the streets again, a free cunt. His debt paid to society, is the phrase…. Thia planet’s superior species, we’re supposed to be. Yeah, right. 🙄

      • Rest assured, this cunt won’t be seen again on release, unless its in an early wooden box to avoid the pong.

      • In the U.S, family annihilator chris watts (murdered his pregnant wife, unborn son, 2 daughters aged in the bracket 4 to 5 y.o and then mutilated the girls bodies in his attempts to cover his tracks.

        Cunt is 6 years into his life term, completely unharmed. Fan mail aplenty reaches him of course. He has photos of the 2 girls he murdered on his cell wall. He claims they forgave him, in a dream.

        A petition was undertaken to have those photos of young Bella, and Cece taken away from their murderer’s cell … denied … his ‘human rights’, as their father, y’see.

        Trumps their rights not to have been murdered simply ‘cos daddy was horny for his big-titted work colleague.

        There’s (selectively)bleeding heart – approaching mentally ill – portions of society probably don’t want this cunt to have to serve time either, would anyone be surprised?

  13. Thank you Ron.

    I notice today unsurprisingly that total coward and traitor starmer used the terrorist murder of 3 young girls as a platform to increase censorship and state overreach.

    The media try to cast the father of the murderous foreign savage who plotted his islamisť attack as some sort of hero.

    Our “police force” denied terrorism was the motive.

    Almost our entire political class use mealy mouthed excuses and promises regarding an investigation,reform and “no stone left unturned”.

    Yet again they claim there were failures by the institutions meant to “keep us safe”..


    Politicians have imported the worst of the Third World into our country,most Islamīst vermin,who want us dead or at the very least subjugated to their will.

    There are no “systems” that can keep us safe,our security was long ago jettisoned by the venal scūm that inhabit Westminster.

    If this country is to be secure again then those who are our enemy need lessons that we once knew to be true but we have forgotten..

    Break this Rwandan cunt and his entire family at the wheel.

    Burn their house to the fucking ground.

    Find anyone who this basťard communicated with and hang them.

    Everyone in the institutions who failed to identify the obvious savagery of this African cunt should be beggared and left to starve to death.

    Of course,nothing of note will happen,there will be enquiries,laws regulations,statutory bodies and a million other examples of the usual vacuous bullshit..

    None of it will address the real issue,radical Islám and the utter cowardice of our elected official and their lackeys in the police,armed forces,border farce and many others.

    What a fucking cesspit,built on the innocent lives of British children.

  14. I hope Musk gets whiff of this case and gives it his attention and ensuing publicity around the unjustness of it all; from the girls’ murder to the political prisoners taken for showing their ( as it becomes clear) justified outrage 😡

  15. Seems to me the ideal opportunity to ban crossbows and double the price of a shotgun certificate. Problem solved!

    • Having just got my renewal notification you will be pleased to know that as of Feb. shot gun, firearms and air weapons licences have practically doubled in cost.
      I believe you have Starmer’s ear, and are therefore a stooge of the Establishment. You couldn’t mention the immo problem the next time you are talking to him.

  16. “This was not a “Terrorist” incident” as reported by MSM, Plod and our dear leader.
    His card had been well marked by various authorities based on past behaviour and evidence. ……but not a “Terrorist”
    Had shown many disturbing signs, typical of the behaviour any normal person would class as “terrorist” …..but not a “Terrorist”
    I see the Professional psyco babble has begun already with the well practised excuses of “learnin’ difficulties, racist taunts etc.
    And Labour want to lower the voting age, well at least the thugs won’t be able to hide behind the “under age” rule.
    Yes the “System” has failed, it failed the victims not the vile, hate filled, evil, perpetrator.
    “Something Rotten in the State of …..Britain”

  17. Here will no dought be a good few fathers brothers and uncles inside who will make this obnoxious cunts live a total fucking misery whilst the screws look the other way then hopefully the vile ,worthless cunt will top himself

  18. Let’s be honest. If he was white working class he’d have been locked up years ago. The system failed because he’s black and nobody wants to offend a minority. Just like the mudslimes, he’d been allowed to be a vicious bastard because of his skin colour.

    Fucking diversity. I hate it. Three more children have died, three more families have been ripped, shredded, forever because nobody has the common sense or balls to stand up to it without fear of losing their jobs, or worse. There’ll be more as well, you can guarantee it.

    Kill any bastard that harms children. It’s about time we started sending a string message to bastards like this.

  19. Deal done.

    Plead guilty and no explanation for his horrible crimes necessary.

    Three little white girls targeted and murdered, not black or Pákí kids.

    A life sentence where the cunt will be out in 8 years.

    He will be segregated in prison.
    Locked up with the sickos who will be in awe of his cuntishness.

    He will go nowhere near the general prison population.
    Totally protected from harm.

    A new identity when he gets released.
    He will not be deported.

    • Even as a kid, I reckoned a murder sentence should reflect the number of years the cunt stole. Projected lifespan -minus age when murdered, per victim. Consecutive sentences bar none.

      So roughly in this case 80-10=70, times 3 in this case is 210.

      210 years. Plus the ten for contempt.

      Not that complex, really.

      And a bare minimum 20 anyways, if some cunt tries an OAP-murder loophole.

  20. At the least, that shitty government department prevent should have the decency to change their name to pretend.

    Worthless sacks of pig shit..

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