
Or more specifically, the acceptance and encouragement of it.

I don’t mind the occasional ale, but I’m very well aware just how much damage it does. To your mind, your body, society, productivity, crime, the list of negatives of drinking more than a small amount massively outweighs the positives, of which there are only two: seeing your mates and being sociable.

The way that the effects of this poison are glossed over is almost unbelievable. If booze were invented now, it’d be instantly classed as a toxin and banned, yet because of the tax it brings in, the goverment being beholden to the drinks industry and its historical acceptance, alcohol continues to cut a destructive swathe through society with violence, sexual assaults, crippling expense and bodily destruction.

I know there’s no answer, I just wanted to vent a little as I’ve had beloved family members and acquaintances utterly destroyed through alcoholism and now my elder son (22) drinks like a fish, which terrifies me.

Thank you for reading.

Nominated by: Thomas the Cunt Engine

114 thoughts on “Alcohol

  1. My relationship with alcohol has been a bad one. I started young, then drank on and off for years. I don’t drink now, having finally come to my senses. I lost my uncle to alcohol, he was found by my aunt on the floor dead. When she went through his stuff, she fund 100s of bottles of various sizes hidden away. I can say from my own experience how difficult it can be to give up, especially given the side effects. Head ache, shaking stomach upset, heart palpitations for months after giving up, fucked memory like an 80 year old the lost goes on. fortunately I never had anything as bad as delirium tremens. I must say it’s shocking how normalised it is on TV ect. Have a few whiskies then get in a car ect. Adverts never show the harm or side effects of alcohol. I wonder if one day it will go the same way as tobacco? who knows, but I know from experience how evil it can be. It’s fine I fully expect a tirade of abuse on here for saying these things, but fuck it lifes to short. It’s also to short to waste half of it feeling ill.

  2. A Nomination that does not require a link. Alcohol has been around for the last 9000 years, & there is no sign that it will be outlawed any time soon.

    • When I see those signs in pubs, “Anyone using drugs on these premises, will be told to leave, & would be reported to the police,” I have always wanted to say “Right! Everone out!”

  3. I personally enjoy a regular pint of Guinness, Cider and the odd whiskey. (not a pint of whiskey)

    All very much in moderation these days mind you.

    Found myself reluctantly being dragged out over the Christmas period for a few afternoon drinks with some old mates and can only manage around 5 pints before I’m ready to conk out with fatigue or bloating.

    Alcohol is a very interesting one in so much as the way it is often celebrated and traditionally encouraged in society when the side effects from it are terrible.

    Was a time when I could go out on a Friday night, have a skin full and still be right as rain the next day.
    The absolute polar opposite is the case for me now.

    The levels of demonisation that something such as Cannabis receives compared to alcohol is another interesting phenomenon.

    When was the last time somebody was beaten up, or shop windows smashed, gangs of drunken women spewed in the streets or an A&E department was overwhelmed with cannabis smokers?

      • UK is the biggest producer of medical cannabis and most of those contracts went to tory donors.

        We wont see legalization for another 10 years at least.

      • As usual, follow the money. I’m waiting for the inevitable bird flu scamdemic. And the shit tone of money embezzled by the cunts in power (again).

  4. The good news for anybody who is adverse to alcohol and pubs is the vermin from the 3rd world that successive Tory and Labour government’s are frantically replacing us with, tend to hate pubs and alcohol.

    * Except for when they’re giving it to 12 year old girls that is.

  5. A work colleague had a daughter in her early thirties at the time who was an alcoholic. There is nothing funny about it. She had taken to cheap suoermarket vodka in her early teens and her parents had a shocking realisation when she came home from school in the afternoon staggering about and even falling down. She lived with her parents still, unable to work and her parents always had that fear in the back of their minds of what happens to her when they are gone. The late wife of a mate of mine was warned about the level of her drinking. Took no notice, died at the age of fifty-two leaving my mate and two young kids, early teens. I can count on my fingers how many times I have been properly pissed not due to any religious or other belief but because my job required me to drive all the time. Apart from the fact I hold drunken drivers in utter contempt a conviction would have meant being unemployed and unemployable.

    I can only wish you the best of luck in getting your son to cut down Thomas but as to how to do so I’m afraid that defeats me.

  6. I don’t get cunts who pay a fortune to go to a concert or somewhere else, and then aim to get ‘hammered’. Why go to the O2 or the Manchester Arena and pay top dollar to see a band or singer just to get pissed and not remember it? Because there are loads of knobends that do it. And they’ll pay over 100 quid for a tray of beers at the extortionate Arena prices. Fucking idiots.

    As much as I liked a pint with my mates – especially when we were at United matches – I never got the appeal of getting ‘shitfaced’. One always needs one’s wits about them when in the town centre. Today’s revelers are mostly mongs, who binge drink and who will guzzle any old shit just to get out of their tiny brains. Vodka and Red Bull? What sort of tosser drinks that? That Sambucca shit and all. And these twats usually behave as loudly and as cuntishly as possible.

    • And lads who drink poofs drinks or ladies drinks bend my head. Young men who drink alcopops (that WKD shit) and the aforementioned Red Bull. Not men’s drinks at all.

      And my dad would only touch bitter or mild. He even thought that lager was a poofs drink.

    • You’ve reminded me Norman, of fools who’ve started too soon on the drink and have slept right through a big important match, even a cup final. Where’s the sense in that ? I’ve sat close by them shaking my head and wondering what excuse will they tell people later who wouldn’t believe them, besides the embarrassment of not having any recollection of what happened.

  7. There is nothing wrong with alcohol as long as you are sensible about it.

    What do you want?

    Ban it because there are a tiny minority of people who can’t handle it?

  8. What the fuck is this shite?!!!!

    I’m away a few days and I come back to the fuckin Temperance League!
    Or a bunch of fuckin Mormons!

    There’s nowt wrong with ale.
    There’s NOTHING more English than a few pints.
    It’s what made us great it’s part of our culture,
    It’s what we do.

    It makes us violent?… GOOD!!!
    We need a bit of fire in our collective tummies ,
    This country is turning into a nation of Crispin pissthebeds,
    Limpwristed hippies and bacondodgers.

    I blame you and your ilk Cuntengine I really do.
    Psychedelic inner space astronauts
    Ripped to the beak on fungi and peyote, LSD and lickin toads.

    Well fuck that🖕

    That shite ? End up like Syd Barrett?
    Laughing at his shoelaces,
    The great spastic.

    • Finding a decent pint in Manchester is a task these days, Miserable.
      Especially a draft pint of Boddies. That Joey Holts muck is in most pubs now. Either that or that ‘craft beer’ bollocks.

      And, if Boddies is found, it’s no longer from the Strangeways brewery. I have to watch my intake now for the obvious reasons. But I still love a pint of Boddingtons if I can get one.

      • I used to love draught Joey Holts. Boddies went down hill. Isnt it brewed in Wales now? There used to be a great pub attached to Boddies brewery on Bury New road. All gone now I expect.

  9. I thoroughly enjoy it.

    The whole of life is a game of chance and if drinking sees me off then there it is.

    That said,you have to be made for it,if it makes you ill by way of violent outbursts,addiction,inability to function etc then you should control it.

    There are all manner of drugs we can abuse that can lead to total disaster but it’s human nature..Great hordes of people are quite delighted to smoke cannabis,take cocaine,abuse anabolic steroids tobacco and vegan “food”.

    You just have to stay on the right side of it and if you cannot then you must abstain.

    Addiction is a wicked thing,just look at mobile phones,social media,gambling..owt you want,humans are frail little things really.

    Good health to all here.

  10. I’ve drank since I was 12.

    Bottle of Olde English cider and 2 cans of Lamot pils before going the youth club on a Friday night.

    At 15 I was drinking in pubs.

    I’ve never had any issues with my health.
    Not a shaky Jake drinking hand wash in the park.

    I drink if I feel like it, mostly I don’t because I’m always driving.

    No Ill effects whatsoever.
    I haven’t got a nose like Karl Malden.
    I don’t walk like Michael J Fox.

    Because I’m not a pisspot but a occasional social drinker.

    I think anyone who disagrees should be electronically tagged and placed on a government watchlist.

  11. There’s no greater feeling of having arrived socially as the landlord of a pub asking you ” the usual?”

    Or having a tab.
    Means your a man who can be trusted.
    Someone who will settle his debts.
    A gentleman.🇬🇧

    Being a regular in a boozer is like being a member of Cosa Nostra.
    You can get away with things others can’t.
    You have special privileges.
    Your privy to things others aren’t.

    Let’s all go the pub !

    • My favourite watering hole near Old Trafford is sadly gone.
      The Dog and Partridge was the best red alehouse. I loved that place.

      It was all part of the ritual. A couple in the Dog before the game, and a good few afterwards. The Gorse Hill was a good red pub and all.

      We have very few Saturday 3 O’ Clock kick offs these days. And the loss of almost all the decent pubs around Old Trafford makes those rare Saturday afternoon games much less appealing.

      • My mate always goes to The Gorse Hill on match days fuck knows how much he spends home and away and Europe all from north Notts.

    • Hooray! Glad to see you back, mo’ fo’!
      Hope your Pops’ health has improved?
      He’s more than welcome to some of my stash…

  12. The Romans noted that native Brits were right pissheads. Think we have a genetic susceptibility which manifests itself as a massive yearning for the devil’s holy water.
    This curse has ruined many members of my family especially if they have seen active . service. Bloody hard to stop once the claws are in. The powers that be should reduce the amount of advertising as a gesture if nothing else to show they care an itsy bitsy bit.

  13. I enjoy the pop. I used to like it a bit too much, but as I’ve got older I find the hangovers (see, “tiredness”) pretty much unbearable. I also like spending my weekends not getting arseholed constantly – there’s plenty of other enjoyable activities to be getting on with. I can take or leave booze in the same way I can take or leave smoking.

    I say that, last Friday and Saturday I caught up with a friend I haven’t seen for six years. We spent it getting rip-roaringly shitfaced in various taverns and had a splendid time. Horses for courses innit? A little bit of what you fancy never did you any harm!

  14. There are some people who have a tendency to stab and kill small, white girls.

    Therefore knives are bad.

    Ban them!

    This nom is nonsense.

  15. Drinking is utterly brilliant. Love it. Beer, wine, whisky, brandy. Not too keen on Cider or those creamy liqueurs as I like drink to taste grown up, but otherwise, keep it coming. Take my advice, get those drinking trousers on and have at it, cunters.

  16. I would never want booze banned. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without it for a start. A nice scotch or brandy at Christmas is all part of the magic.

    Booze is like guns. It’s the daft cunts that get their clutches on it that cause the troube. Binge drinking slagettes or Wee Radge Joe cunts who spoil everyone else’s night out. And, it’s usually the women who get out of hand when on the pop. Fighting like stray cats and showing themselves up while pissed. Don’t put on Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ , any crap by Adele or Miley Cyrus and ‘Flowers’ whatever you do.

    Most lads just like a quiet life and a quiet pint.

  17. Then there are the comedians, WC Fields, Dave Allen, Father Jack, Tony Hancock, Sir Kweer, Lord Charles, drink made them all hilarious.

  18. I drink too much, and have freely admitted as such on here in the past – although I do impose lengthy periods of abstinence on myself to try to limit the damage to myself and those around me.

    Which leads me to one observation on this subject which I personally consider to be mythical; the notion that addiction is a disease. I don’t doubt that one endures the chemical symptoms of withdrawal when you become a serial substance abuser, but at the end of the day it’s fucking willpower that marks the difference between being addicted and being able to handle your poison. There have been times in my life where I have verged on alcoholism, and during my divorce I had to prove I was able to control my relationship with alcohol if I were to have unfettered access to my daughter. I had been drinking to toxic levels every single day for over a year during the time my marriage was detonating, but my daughter ended up being more important to me and I didn’t touch a drop for nearly a year, and provided all the tests to prove I was clean.

    I now have a less damaging relationship with the sauce, but am still prone to bouts of excess. But I know I can stop instantly if I – or anyone important to me – thinks that really needs to happen.

    I have also spent all day today feeling drained and listless because I knowingly made the wrong decision yesterday and spent a miserable wet Sunday indoors watching The Godfather and sinking a few. I knew it was the wrong decision at the time and I would regret it, and sure enough that’s what’s happened. But I now get to enjoy the really great bit – where I knock it on the head for a while, get fabulous sleep, behave like a better person, and, perhaps most importantly, rekindle my enjoyment of the booze for when I next indulge.

    Perhaps the nom might have a different complexion if it read “Cunts who can’t control their alcohol intake”. I’d still probably qualify as a cunt under that definition, but the point being that I tend to think it’s the drinker, not the drink, that’s the real problem.

    • My attitude with the piss is exactly the same boat as yours, BD! I’ve got a fair bit of work coming up for the next six weeks and need to get my head down proper for it. I’ll knock the boozing on the head until then at least.

      I feel your hangover! Nothing worse than Monday Tiredness… that said, I’ve got a dab of food poisoning from the chicken wings I had in Wetherspoons while pissed up on Saturday! Play with fire, etc… 😆

      • I’ve always known we are spiritual kin cuntis, let’s enjoy a bout of temperance together these next few weeks!

      • More than happy to support you, BD! We’ll be talking about gardening and summer crops by this Friday! 😄

        Tbh, when I look back at my highly-esteemed drinking career from early 20s to my mid-30s, there were two things that stick out…

        Firstly, I think a lot of it was boredom. Apart from a few occasions (now and in 2015-2018) I’ve never really had a job I loved. Most of the boozing I think was to fill that void I no longer have as I genuinely see my inputs making a change at work.

        The second thing I noticed was the difference in how you’re perceived when you’re pissed at say, 22 to 32. When you’re younger, it’s seen as a bit of a laugh. When you’re that bit older (building a home with someone, buying a car, having babies, etc) then people start asking if everything’s alright at home…

      • When they see you permanently pissed at 46 cuntis then they know everything is not good at home! Concur with your analysis completely, and am getting my slippers reconditioned and my subscription to the Parish News renewed in anticipation of a rocking few weeks ahead for us!

  19. Rum is a great problem solver. Failing that, a duel.
    A combination of both does not work.
    This is about all I have learned over the years.

  20. I used to drink. I don’t anymore.

    In truth I haven’t tasted alcohol in almost 40 years.

    My friends tell me not to worry. It still tastes the same.

  21. My relationship with alcohol is traditional Scottish with less violence.
    One drink leads to a couple of days without stopping then pass out and suffer, and repeat.

  22. On a more serious note…

    I had an intimate relationship with booze. Bourbon and Canadian beer to be exact.

    The problem wasn’t the booze. The problem was me.

    I have no issues with anyone who drinks alcohol. I have no issue with anyone who abstains from drinking alcohol. But I dislike drunks who can’t handle their booze and teetotalers who rail against any use.

    Beer and pizza…bourbon and cigars…made for some great times. Me not knowing when to stop, not so much.

    • I hear you General, especially the Canadian beer. The west coast stuff I was drinking on my honeymoon was 8% sometimes higher. Very drinkable indeed, till you fell like you lost a fight with a bear the next day. My issue was always carrying on, just not stopping when I should have. It ruined some real good times. hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  23. Know that band Chumbawumba?
    Never take their advice.

    ” Have a whisky drink
    Have a vodka drink
    Have a cider drink”..

    You’ll end up getting your stomach pumped in hospital.

    Don’t mix your drinks boys and girls.

    They also said

    ” I get knocked down
    Bit I get up again
    Nobody’s gonna keep me down”

    Stay down.
    Maybe curl into a ball?
    Like a woodlouse.

    I’m starting to think Chumbawumba are a bunch of mitmots.
    Seek wiser counsel.

  24. I don’t like lager.
    Too fizzy.

    Or cider.
    That’s for tramps and field hands.

    But I love a pint of draught bitter.

    Simple pleasures ❤️

    Dunno why but if I’ve had a very hard week,
    Fuckin t-shirts rotting from sweating,
    I start to crave a pint of bitter.

    Must be something in it that you lose when sweating?
    Salts, or vitamins or something.

    Probably some scientific reason for it?
    That I could research.

    But can’t be arsed.
    Let’s have a drinking song.

    Nice looking lad👍

  25. Apologies for going a bit off topic but a brief update.

    Trump took office a week ago today. So far about 2600 illegal Shitholians have been arrested and detained.

    Press reports differ but close to that many have been put on military aircraft and sent back to Shitholia.

    ICE Director Tom Hohman expects efforts to ramp up and those numbers to increase.

    While MAGA supporters are lifting their glasses in a toast to Trump I bet there’s some Leftest cunts who could use a good stiff drink right about now.

    • I wish that would happen here, General.

      Instead, we have almost every UK southern seaside town ruined. As these parasites and muck infest hotels.

      • Hey Norman,

        Last week Trump made a deal with India. they agreed to take back up to 18,000 of their citizens illegally residing in America.

        Over the weekend the President of Columbia refused to allow a US military aircraft full of deported Columbians to land.

        Nonplussed by the refusal, Trump announced an immediate 25% Tariff on all Columbian goods, with an increase going to 50%.

        The President of Columbia (perhaps after a good stiff drink) relented and today he sent a Columbian aircraft to the States to pick up those same deportees.

        As the toast goes…Happy days!

  26. Alcohol was brewed so drinking water was safer prior 1650
    The alcohol in the various brews from cider to grog, got rid of most of the nasty microbes that water sources might contain and given to children as well.
    People weren’t stupid back then, but maybe a bit pished doing the daily work and chores.
    Caffeine then became available via tea and coffee but was made with boiling water, so safer again and productivity increased as concentration levels rose for the general populations and led to the industrial revolution of the 1800s.

    I remain an alcoholic, sort of

    • small beer Mecuntry.

      everyone drank small beer
      man , woman and child.

      it was low alcohol ale.
      but least you didn’t get typhoid.

      • On the ball Mis, the way things were for everyone, back then.
        The older women from the countryside had various brews and concoctions for the younger females after giving birth in wintertime before spring arrived.
        They knew the toll taken physically on their being and past down the knowledge of their elders , so that more would survive.

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