Ads on YouTube [17]

The insanity of ads on youtube.

I hate ads in general, so I avoid as much as possible, but, YouTube has decided I must be subjected to having my intelligence insulted multiple times a day.
I find it strange when I’m watching a documentary on WW2 history to have ads popping up, that I can’t easily avoid, for some feel good, healthy food, exercise bullshit.
That is very poor targeting by someone’s marketing department.

If all this AI shit is doing anything useful, it would know that inserting annoying ads into something I’m listening to is more likely to make me avoid the product, on principle.

Don’t waste your time on me

Nominated by : Cuntry House in Kent

37 thoughts on “Ads on YouTube [17]

  1. Good morning to one and all.
    Just use the Brave browser rather than Chrome or Edge.
    No more Youtube ads ever.
    And no more fucking annoying cookie acceptance nonsense on every website you visit.
    I use it on both PC and my phone and have done for years.

  2. Good nom.

    I find it particularly annoying when I’m trying to listen to music on my headphones and it’s constantly interrupted.

    Their business model appears to have become to deliberately annoy people with adverts so they pay to get the ‘premium’ service without ads. No chance, morons.

    The drawbsck with chrome is that the TV uses the app, which still contains ads.

  3. Good Morning Everyone,

    I really like YouTube it is great for historical stuff. I am trying to organise a trip to Normandy for our local car club and it has been invaluable. However their advertising has become so bloody annoying. Thanks for the tip TCE about Brave I will try that. I was amazed the Panda 🐼 image wasn’t degenerate.

  4. I like getting annoyed to vent my anger on the black cunt adds that shouldn’t be there, with all the expletives under the sun.

  5. Is it owned by Google?

    If so then it will be all about annoying the user with the ads so they go “premium”,they couldn’t give a fuck.

    A fine solution is as suggested by that fine English gentleman Mr Cunt Engine,alternatively there are ad blockers available for chrome that work well.

    Even better,if your TV is “,smart” is to install a lovely app called SmartTube which acts just like YouTube but removes all adverts and any other annoying shite, even remembers all hour favourites and so on.

    As noted,Google are Mega Cunts.

    Good morning.

    • Morning UT…you might be disappointed to learn that the ‘fine English gentleman’ is half-German by birth.
      Heil Elon 卐

      • Well I shan’t hold it against you sir.

        Unlike some of the outright scoundrels that inhabit this fine forum.🤡

      • My dad was based in Germany when he was in the army. And I lived there myself from the age of 18 to 22. It was great in those days. But I’ve heard from the friends I stll have there that it has gone down the crapper, just like it has here in the UK and for the same reason. Third World shite infesting the place.

      • You’re in fine company Thomas.

        Trump is half German. His father was born in the US to Kraut immigrants. LEGAL Kraut immigrants.

        The other half is Scottish. Real Scottish. Not pretend Jockistani, McPaki Clan from the Punjabi Heilans.

      • My mate is half square headed, sausage-munching, jack-booted nazi and half garlic-stinking, unwashed, cheese-eating surrender monkey, and he despises his french heritage with a vengeance.

        Decent chap.

      • My aunt lives near Hanover and the place is full of 3rd world cunts. shame used to be a lovely place. I’m glad my grandparents can’t see what’s happening to Germany.

  6. ITV and the like used to scream blue murder if there was any encroachment into advertising. There’s not enough to go round, they claimed.
    Their revenues may have taken a hit, but there’s more advertising now than ever.
    As well a YouTube, maybe the company’s commissioning this shit should finally realise that ads are a signal for many people to refuse to buy their products, but they simply don’t get it.

  7. The add cunts tend to go for the lowest common denominator, meaning I can enjoy listening to and watching beautiful classical music and obscure foreign language films adds free, until the cows come home.

  8. I use youtube a lot and to be honest most of the ads I seem to get have pretty ladies swanning around. A1 must know what I’m interested in.

  9. Usually the ads have a “skip” thing after a few seconds

    They are annoying but I am not going to pay for YouTube

    So I will deal with it. How many videos of cute young women contorting in yoga shorts can I watch anyway?

  10. When a longish ad comes on I used the back button to lose it, then click back onto the vid and it usually comes back on at the point you left missing out the ad..

  11. And almost all of the adverts on Youtube are filled with treeswingers. If one was to believe the ads on Youtube, one would believe that the majority of people in the UK were black.

    • To be fair TV adds are exactly the same. It’s got to the point where I cheer when one is just white people. It’s a bloody joke, I don’t know what they are hopping for? I wonder if there will ever be a push back. How much longer will this site be going? with 2tk and his rules about calling out policing and the like. Worrying times. I must admit having to check what I’m saying on here. I have strong opinions like everyone else, but 8 don’t need a knock at the door!

  12. Couldn’t really fault U tube before Google paid 1.65 billion for it in late 2006. Since then it has grown into a massive advertising platform, which seems to be getting worse, with more breaks when something is being watched. It’s reaching a point where for me anyway, it is no longer worth looking at.

    • I watch U tube on a mac desktop and scroll over to the video I am interested in and it plays without actually clicking it, these days as no adds when viewing
      Its good enough for my needs as I only want to listen to what’s being discussed but it is a pain in the arse if i click on to watch it in theatre mode and the adds interrupt just at the most interesting points in the video. Them fkrs AI bolloxes
      Brave won’t work as my unsupported iMac Catalina 10.15.7
      and I ain’t getting a more modern Big Sur 11 version which will run Brave browser

    • I use ‘The Duck’, works well BUT under the hood they are now using some form of half-assed AI bot.
      The AI stuff goes against the principles of Duck.
      I will drop it when I find an alternative.

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