What a bunch of arseholes YouTube are. In their attempt to clean up the site and make it all wokey-friendly, they banned one of my videos for contravening their policy on “violent or graphic content”
Here’s a link to the original post I put on my blog.
It relates to a group called 10:10. remember them? No, me neither.
Take a look at the date on the post. Yes. that’s right – after 14 years, 2 months and 5 days YouTube have decided that my piss taking video contravenes their policies.
Good to see they are right on top of things…
Nominated by Dioclese.
YT is a pathetic shadow of its former self.
The search engine is a joke, my “Favourite” box is 80% deleted, anything remotely controversial, i.e. interesting is banned, it’s garbage now.
Don’t get me started on the ads.
I’ve never forgiven them for deleting the ‘Buggernation’ channel. Bloody funny that was. It’s on vimto but you have to pay a subscription to view them.
It gets me Jill that they expect me to pay in order to NOT see rubbish I don’t want to see, namely ads.
Netflix want you to pay, if you choose to, to see things you want to see, a much better idea.
Still, I suppose it’s slightly better than the BBC model where they want you to pay even though you don’t watch any of their nonsense.
Enjoy your Boxing Day Jill, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of communicating before ?
@turmujin enjoy yours too???
There isn’t anything worse than woke algorithms,they can spoil any gentleman’s fun.
Youtube hid Joe Rogans interview with Trump and randomly shuts down content it’s far left megamind decides is “harmful”..
There’s still some very good content,the wise enthusiast might find an app called Smartube helpful as it mimics YouTube but removes all ads and sponsored bits completely so I’ve heard..
At the heart of it Google or Alphabet or whatever “safe” word they call themselves are total cunts,censorious all powerful left wing globalist CUNTS.
Good morning.
Morning Tez, all.
I use YouTube with an online MP3 converter to rip any music that I want.
The only videos that interest me are the flash mob ones and the incredibly talented street musicians.
Karolina Protsenko is amazing.
Stunning stuff Artful, brilliant! Post some more anytime.
Do you know where in the world that is?
She is Ukrainian but performs in Santa Monica, California.
She probably makes more money in an hour busking than she would make by putting on a performance in a concert hall.
Hey Artful,
Do you know Laura6100?
Not a street musician but very talented.
There are many talented kids around GC.
I prefer acoustic guitar but your link was very good.
Imagine being able to do this aged 10…….
She was actually 9 according to the notes on that video.
This is a year later……
Most kids her age are struggling with Janet and John books.
At infant school but only just out of nappies.
Indeed that kid has remarkable natural talent.
I must confess, I wonder how many of those street vids are truly spontaneous. That doesn’t mean the people aren’t talented but I do wonder.
While perhaps not as gifted as your violinist, this little twerp is a prodigy on the bass guitar. She has several videos on You Tube. I think she was nine when she did this one.
It seems that the production are entirely set up, and not very well.
It doesn’t detract from the unbelievable skill of these young people.
I think that it’s appalling that there are so many useless, illiterate kids around.
Wanting ‘respec’ for being able to do fuck all.
It warms my heart to see the talent and dedication shown in these short videos.
We are agreed Artful.
These Generation Q walking abortions want respect for identifying as a non- binary, purple haired Unicorn. They can neither read nor write but they know all about the joys of orthodox Multicultural diversity.
They think their birthright is entitlement.
Like you I find it inspiring that there are kids out there with that much musical talent. My musical ability stopped at playing the stereo.
I am very fortunate General.
Every year our town hosts the Youth Choir competition where young kids from all over the world come to sing.
They sing just for the joy of it and are all very good, representing their various countries.
We call it The Habeneras, It’s generally not gospel stuff.
Many of the choirs are put up in the hotel less than 100 meters from my home.
We don’t need to go to the auditorium to hear them perform.
They practice in our park, on the rocks overlooking the sea and on the beaches if the sea is calm.
Just young people, dressed as young people and singing together.
It’s a special time.
I reckon some of the fucking BBC “fact checkers” and do-gooders moonlight on the YT site. You can say almost anything you like about Boris, Ms Bandenoch etc but the slightest critique of Kweer Keir is regarded as transgressing their “policy”.
Their only policy is to make money with shitty adverts.
A site where I hear adults (adults!) saying ‘grape’ in sex crime reporting, … ‘made unalive’ or simply ‘unalived’ for killed or murdered to describe, well, .. rapes & murders that happened. On true crime channels.
What the fuck kind of censored, nanny bullshit nonsense have we sunk to?
And as for the comments-leavers(when they’re not AI generated wankshit) .. actually not much different, just moron-generated wankshit for the most part. Adults posting shit that I’d be ashamed of, if I had a seven y.o. offspring posting at the level of ‘wit’ in 99% of comments I’ve observed… although ANY comment section(news channels etc.) I’ve seen generally is in the same category as that.
Just another – originally harmless – Internet channel badterdized to death by greed and ultimately low-browedness.
Don’t forget to leave a like, and subscribe folks, and hit that notification bell .. it really helps me out. ?
Should call it yourtube so I can say, shove YOURTUBE up your arse. I go elsewhere for pleasure, where evil cunts get their comeuppance. Set alight and murdered, in whatever order you prefer.
It makes me laugh when you “fucking” tube show a massive pair of tit and cover the nipples. What’s all that about.
There is a porn site called You Porn. or so I am told…….
You can only laugh.
Morning all.
YouTube is a mixed bag for me.
Personally speaking as a football and boxing enthusiast, it has enabled me to watch matches and fights from yesteryear that I had only ever previously read about or seen photos of/from.
For this I am eternally grateful.
The woke shit and the censoring/removal of comments they don’t agree with is pathetic.
Whenever there’s a subject being reported that’s remotely touchy or open to criticism, (such as cultural enrichment) the comments are duly turned off. (Sky and ITV take note)
Good morning
YouTube has meant that I’ve been able to watch hundreds of classic (and often almost forgotten) film classics that you just wouldn’t find anywhere else.
Good on ’em for that.
Ja, absolut, Ron.
One can relive one`s past.
There are also some quirky things …
It’s not all bad…….
I hope Ron doesn’t click on that, he might have a relapse.
Those badonkers should come with a government Heath warning ?
Lord have mur-cee!
Where’s my inhaler?
Why bother with niceties when there’s grotesque round the corner, watching karma. My heart glows with glee when toerags are splattered all over the road by a motorist, whose seen them stealing a bag from an old lady.
This is the site for you then:
I have to sign in for what you’re offering, Moggie63. I think YNC offer a reasonable amount for what l’m looking for, thanks.
What’s worse than enjoying karma, are those who get pleasure from visiting the Jewish concentration camps, when the should be viewing the slaughtering of the Natzis.
If your you to put three adverts in one song you’ve fucked your platform.
Pre Google ownership it was a good platform where you could find all sorts of interesting content, now it’s a pile of cunt where you need to pay to watch approved content you don’t want to see anyway.
On the other hand, Sly tv are allowing Amazon to cover the top football matches today. Leaving us to view shite from the old 3rd & 4th divisions. They’re going to get a stern word from me later. Hope the cunts a Amazon get their comeuppance with boring nil-nils.
It’s not YouTube at play here, it’s Google. I’m looking to get a de-Googled phone next year, those shitters, pry, eavesdrop, sell data and censor for the NWO commies.
I was watching an interview with Kelsey Grammer, of Frasier fame, on YouTube the other day – a really interesting and frank account of his life and the enormous tragedy that has also haunted him alongside his success. The comments below went along the lines of:
“Oh such a shame. He seems like such a nice and thoughtful guy, but since I found out he voted for Trump and is therefore a fascist, I can’t respect him anymore or watch anything this evil N*zi is involved in”
The mix of slander, infantile sixth form moronism, and outright fucking stupidity that passes for an “acceptable” comment on YouTube tells you everything you need to know about those who manage it and the agenda they’re cultivating. All of these outlets – when used to brainwash the cognitively inert masses – are a positive danger to society.
Keep getting banned for my comments. The last one was for 24 hours for stating Starmer should be hanged off Tower Bridge.
The cunts.
Perhaps the comment was removed out of a desire not to encourage the sullying of a much treasured national monument. I wouldn’t even condone him being drowned in a cesspit for fear of him dirtying up the turds.
Starmer should be turned into a national monument, i.e. encased in concrete.
He could then be displayed on the 4th plinth as a warning to traitors.
That’s a bad thing? I should think the country would give a standing ovation.
You misyakenly beieve we still have free speech in this country. Went long ago. Many MSM and social elite types tying to shepherd the people.
Long drops and short ropes required.
Moderate that.
Utube is ideal for when you live alone. You can find groups of people having a party and it can go on for hours without understanding a single word what they’re talking about. After a while, the next door neighbour’s shut the fuck up.
A thoroughly righteous Cunting from the legendary Dioclese.
I spend a lot of time looking at all kinds of things on YouTube. From News reports to Podcasts to old movies to music videos to audio books, and I completely agree that the cunts who run YouTube, the algorithms they use, and the advertisers are all cunts of Metaphysical proportions.
I’m particularly angry that they have blocked Boggs Pornographic Productions Ltd.
Fucking cunts!
Try brave web browser, it filters out the adverts. works a treat for me no adds?
That Susan Wojiewhatshername, CEO of YT, passed away this year. She is famously documented at Davos spewing her view on disinformation and how she will shut all that down on YT; I even nommed her on this site. No doubt she has been replaced with another one cut from the same cloth.
Didn’t they shut down Talk Radio for a day because they didn’t agwee with them?! Awful.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I watch a lot of cooking posts by one of my favourites I am subscribed to, and frequently find it has ‘disappeared’ from my subscription list and I have to ‘subscribe’ to their channel again.
I also find twonks in my subscription list I have not ‘subscribed’ to and instantly un-subscribe.
Youtube tries to push content on you that you don’t want – “you might be interested in this” ….Fuck Off you Cunts – no I’m not interested.
I’ll put up with your endless shitty adverts (which I don’t watch and Mute the sound on). BTW any advert foisted upon me ensures I will Never buy that product. If it was something I might have been considering, I’ll buy their competitors version, since they haven’t nudged me and pissed me off.
I include myself amongst the many millions who share your view LotR. I reckon advertising agencies are the biggest con men out there. It’s obvious that companies pay them for adverts which are not merely ineffective but commonly alienate potential customers. Bud Lite, Cadbury’s Creme Eggs anyone? As for Jaguar, oh god help us all! Consider the constant stream of adverts for electric motor cars and still they are unsaleable.
The Youtube channel wars are hilarious.
Some cunt, putting up episodes of a classic and rare TV show.
And then, some other cunt puts up different – and somrtimes the same – episodes.
As long as it benefits the fans of the shows and they can be seen, everyone’s happy right?
These Youtubers accuse each other of ‘stealing’ ‘their’ videos, like they own them. When they are in fact owned by ITV or BBC. Instead of working together to fight ‘the man’ and help old TV fans and collectors, the daft cunts are too busy fighting each other in the ‘who’s posted the most episodes of suchathing’ competition and feeding their own insignificant egos.
One cunt actually took all his videos down once. Not because he was busted by ITV or the Beeb. But because he felt he wasn’t getting enough thanks for putting the things up. Straight up, there are cunts like that out there.