Just watching the UK Championship. The dozy bird refereeing, Tatiana Woollaston, has just tried to replace the potted pink on its partially covered spot before Judd Trump told her that the green spot is completely (and very obviously) available!
Jesus wept.
Trump should’ve told her, “a male referee wouldn’t have make such an error. Go and put the kettle on ready for the end of the frame, love. I’ll have two sugars in my tea.”
Then treated her arse to a playful slap as she walked off.
Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine Link by Sam Beau.
What a balls up.
Sorry Thomas but this lady is well qualified to be a snooker referee.
True enough Jill; I’m aware all referees have multiple tests to qualify to referee major tournements.
However, in decades of snooker watching, I’ve never seen a male referee make such a pathetically embarrassing mistake.
Perhaps she was on the blob?
Maybe she got confused because her pink turned red…
I agree in principle Tommy, although I do recall a male ref at a major championship being asked to clean the white, which he did, without first marking its position for its return to the table.
There are only a certain number of high profile tournaments throughout the year and it seems that male referees are being looked over in favour of girls who add nothing to the game.
It can’t be that hard to become a referee.
You don’t need to be able to play, the adding up is basic and everything else is done through the rule book.
Neither men or woman referees ever make a decision.
They always call a miss on any very close miss on an attempted escape from a difficult snooker.
Other fuck ups that I have seen by the women are replacing a balk colour on the wrong spot, losing count during a break and very recently a girl lost control of the game by allowing the two players to debate her decision in front of her.
Of course they are not all bad at what they do, but who the fuck needs them?
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should.
Every time someone is given a preferential employment opportunity because of either skin colour, gender or anything else then someone who is better qualified and probably has worked harder has been discriminated against and has been deprived of that employment opportunity.
I know little about snooker (except it used to be called billiards I believe?) but it sounds like a classic diversity hire. I’ve heard this is the reason Boeing aeroplanes are no good nowadays. Can’t find any reference to it on the BBC though.
Billiards is a different game Arfur, usually involving just 3 balls, sometimes with no pockets on the table.
I would say it’s more difficult than snooker, which is in turn more difficult than 9 ball pool, which is again more difficult than 8 ball.
Thanks Termy. Showing my ignorance there but I don’t take offence. I feel a certain humility is required to learn anything new.
Ignorance is not a flaw unless people want to make it so. I’ve always been happy to accept my lack of knowledge, the number of times I don’t remember who won series 3 of Strictly, what some ‘influencer’ said on tiktok or other critical facts is so staggering I feel embarrassed.
Was just say Arfur, not criticising.
Billiards is dead boring BTW.
I think the problem here is her pink spot appears to be partially covered. If that could be made readily available for the viewers to enjoy then I think she’ll more than justify her role in the sport.
They have a pretty blonde referee who is too short to replace the blue ball with her feet on the ground.
And why are the presenters of the snooker coverage on every channel women?
They sit there with one or more male World champions, reading from notes and asking inane questions.
“So how do you think the players will be feeling before this important match.”
“So during the break do you think that the players will be having a cup of tea or will they be on the practice tables?”
There is one ugly, Irish presenter that is so hideous that if you watch, the camera never shows a close up of her.
There is very little left for us men anymore so just fuck off and cover your own, women’s sport.
Same with pro snooker player commentators! i watched a match from 1990 something hardly a word spoken by the late Ted lowe, jump to today they don’t shut the fuck up almost playing the game for you the cunts!!
Same with most commentary on most sports these days nobby.
Cunts invariably babbling on non stop telling you that what you’re watching is fantastic.
Thank fuck for the mute button.
Well that’s just not cricket.
It’s not just snooker.
All sports!!
Boxing, and events like Worlds strongest man.
Now I’m no racist or even a sexist.
But there’s never been a female world’s strongest man.
Or a black one.
All white men.
Now I’m sure black people excel in other things,
Feats of cannibalism
Fastest to sink in a swimming pool
Most shoes shined etc
But stick to what you know.
For darts?.presenters should be fat pissheads.
For snooker?
Some cunt in a waistcoat.
‘But there’s never been a female world’s strongest man.
Or a black one’
Oh I don’t know Mis, not even Serena Williams?
Have Serena Williams and Big Mike Obama ever been seen in the same room?
They both look like Terry Crews.
Maybe Francis Rossi?
He’s a waistcoat enthusiast
It goes to show, that the physicality’s of sport don’t mean a thing.
Sammy @
In America they play rounders, it’s a big money sport there.
One of the legends of the sport is Babe Ruth.
Little fat cunt but could swing a rounders bat.
He was called Babe because he was a pig in the city.
I’ve said here on many occasions, Mis. The hamshanks mainly play women’s sports, netball and rounders, with a little bit of rugger thrown in.
I refer to a previous cunting,
ie. If you can do the job, do it; if you can’t, don’t.
Colour, disability, and in this case gender, don’t come into it.
However what does matter is dress sense. ie smart and no rainbows thankyou.
A black transexual in a wheelchair with an adapted stick to replace potted balls because they can do it?
OK for comedy value.
Snooker, Darts, Kick-a-ball and the gayness that is rugby should be banned.
Along with all versions of the women’s games and female commentary.
To have them officiate is a no no, to much multi tasking going on in their heads.
Slighty OT but I keep hearing on the wireless about some wimmin called ‘Kelly Krates’… she’s all over the BB fucking C, so i did some research and it turns out she’s the daughter of that scotch/scouse bin dipper Kenny ‘slit for a mouth’ Dagliesh.
Scouse, jock, Dagliesh. No wonder those lefty cunts at the Beeb love her so much.
Another nepobaby cunt then.
Kenny was a phenomenal player. But a cunt as a manager.
The most ungracious in defeat gaffer to ever grace the game.
Apart from ‘Pep’ Cuntiola and the Gorton Globetrotters of course.
Dark Arts? What a cunt.
And that’s a bad miss
Snooker, darts, tennis, need to be zombie to watch that shite.
I was once so off my tits that I sat and watched crown green bowls.
Snooker and darts….pastimes not sports
Dated worse.
A true gentleman knows to pot the pink first before going for the brown.
It’s just good manners.
Indeed,too much risk on the bacterial ingress front.
I only really enjoyed snooker in the golden days of the 80s.
Big Bill Wobbly Dick from Canada who could only play at the highest level after 2 dozen pints..
Sporting legends.
Good morning.
I can’t think of many players that would be able to drink even one pint now.
It seems that they all rush off to the bog after every frame having only had a few sips of water.
I remember when the World Championship was the Embassy World Championship.
Players chain smoking throughout the game.
Today’s players get put off by the slightest noise from the audience.
They certainly don’t practice in any snooker hall that I have ever been in.
Fruit machines making noise, people dropping things and the occasional fight.
They would be nervous wrecks.
Jukebox in the background….?
“He’s going to attempt the green, and for viewers watching in black and white, that’s the one next to the yellow” lol.
Alex The Hurricane Higgins was apparently a better player when he was pissed.
Alex got so desperate later on that he would charge people on the spot for an autograph or a picture took, just so he could spend it on the booze.
Indeed Tez.
I recall one episode of Sportsnight one mid 80s Wednesday night.
Steve Rider said that he wished Alex Higgins well, after his daughter’s pony had kicked him int the face. Alex had a huge fuck off black eye and his face was a mess.
My dad sat there and said, ‘That’s bollocks’.
My old man was at a club in Hale Barnes the night before. And Higgins was in a poker game. Anyway, the Hurricane was acting like a real cunt and a very bad and ungracious poker player, as he rubbed his poker win in some very heavy faces, people who simply were not to be fucked with. Alex was pissed up, but he was being a major arsehole.
After several minutes of Higgins acting the big time cunt, he was taken outside and given a forensic meticulous kicking.
Pony my arse. But, when snooker was a man’s game.
Reminds me of my father who was a fireman on the steam locos through WW2 and into the early fifties. He told of drivers who couldn’t drive the fucking loco until they were well pissed. The locos weighed a hundred tons in round figures and the train of course added several hundred tons more.
Fireman on a steam loco was crucifyingly heavy work, witness the state of Jeremy Clarkson after one such trip on “Top Gear”. I weigh 10½ stones and my father wasn’t as big as me. He died at the age of 54 but this is a subject for another nom, I’m going way OT.
Attractive young lady, I’d forgive her any mistakes if I could take advantage of her pink spot:
And this lady golfer.
I’d be like shite off a shovel.
Christ, yes!
Surely it can’t be legal to appear in public looking that good?
Some of these female snooker refs have tremendous arses mind you.
That Michaela Tabb was a classic milf from a few years ago.
Difficult to concentrate on the game while she was re-spotting the colours.
Tabb looked like a very naughty school teacher.
Well saucy.
From the pixie eared yid Joe Johnson……
He has a choice of reds to go for.
He can hold for the black or the pink.
The blue is available or he can play onto the balk colours.
He gets paid for his in depth commentary.
From the scruffy dosser John Virgo.
Your not allowed to have sports presenters now unless either a sooty or split arse.
Or both.
Expect to see ‘shark fishing with Diana Ross’
Bare knuckle gypsy boxing with Alison Hammond.
Ferreting with Andi peters
And potholing with Bill Cosby.
Or Match of the Day with Alex Scott.
Because it’s coming.
The horror. The bloody horror.
I dare say Andi Peters is anauthority on ‘ferreting’.
As in rabbit hole.
Joe Johnson and John Virgo also have the annoying habit of commentating by asking a series of questions.
“Can he see enough of it?”
“Will he be taking this on?”
“Can he get to a colour after this pot?”
“Will he be using the rest?”
And have you noticed that they now have a Pákí to introduce the players.
Is that to appeal to a wider audience.
And John Parrot.
Parrot by name. Parrot by nature.
O/T….3 gimmes didn’t make it to the land of ?and ? so this wimminz referee won’t be bothered as none of them would have been wimminz ?…. where’s the cue ball going!
As the joke hasn’t been made on the post yet…if you’re snookered on the easy pink by the nasty red, you’d better try the tight brown.
I don’t know where this idea comes from Tom that it’s no entry when she’s got the painters in. Not true. As for sticking it in the wrong hole, no thanks.
Wimmin in all professional sport should not be allowed.
Former professional footballers, some league title winners, some FA Cup winners, some even World Cup winners. Having to share air time and listening to the endless blabbering babbling crap of daft tarts like Karen Carney and Alex Scott.
When the legendary Sir Bobby Charlton passed away, the great Jaap Stam was on Football Focus. He gave a moving tribute to Bobby and talked about how he met him and what a nice bloke Bobby was. Jaap also sjowed great knowledge about Bobby’s playing career for Manchester United and England.
Then – because it’s now BBC policy – some stupid bitch next to Stam was asked about Sir Bobby. ‘Errrr… He was a great player, and he was two footed’. She repeated this at least a dozen times without adding anything else. She was obviously told to say this, and I don’t think she had even heard of Bobby Charlton. Arguably the greatest English footballer of all time, and the BBC serve up some dizzy clueless slag to make their official tribute to him? An absolute laughing stock.
The cunts don’t care how thick and how laughable these horrendous bints are.
They ‘have to’ be there now, and quality and insight doesn’t come into it. One of English football’s World Cup heroes and true greats has died. But… But we’ve got to let a woman have her ‘say’. Even though she clearly knows fuck all about him and who he was.
Get to fucking bastard fuck.
A decent fella, by all accounts Norm.
Indeed Norm, I often chuckle when I hear the likes of Ali Mitchel, Alex Harvey or Isha Gua blathering on about when they played in ‘The Ashes’ or what it’s like when facing fast bowling.
They can get to fuck.
In the women’s professional’ game of cricket there’s no fast bowler above 65mph, which is the sort of pace bowler most men’s club sides on a Saturday afternoon roll out first change.
As for them playing in the Ashes I can just imagine Beefy Botham in his prime or Alan miserable grumpy nasty bastard Border telling them exactly where to get off.
Indeed Leo.
When I hear Alex Scott blabbering ‘I know what it’s like to pla in the World Cup.’
No, she fucking does not. The daft mare is putting herself on a par with Charlton, Cruyff, Pele, Beckenbauer, Maradona, Platini, Zidane and other masters of the football art.
And I loathe the BBC, when they call it the ‘Men’s World Cup’. Wrong, it is THE World Cup. There is no other. These fuckers try to give the wimmins version importance and prestige. When – in reality – nobody gives a toss. Mary Earps (wimmins goalie) BBC Sports Personality of the Year? Bloody laughable. The BBC will be comparing her to Banks, Yashin, Zoff and Jennings next. Ridiculous.
Don’t forget Clemence Norm ?
Did she mention “the press” at all.
They love that.
I’d have loved to have seen the old Sky Sports boys with tarts like Carney and the like.
Best, Marsh, McLintock, Mullery. Bestie would have said, ‘Cup of tea, please love’
and there would be a Nagasaki tyle chimp out.
And Cloughte, Shanks, Revie, Big Mal and the Doc would have been even better.
Love snooker, me.
Tatiana is an great referee.
End of.
Afternoon MJB.
Do you still play the occasional game of snooker with the wife – Lady Creampuff?.
Aaaah, the penny has dropped for me, that explains it.
LOL, There you go again HJ.
You still don’t get it, do you?
Me an RTC were posting together for years before he left.
We were friendly.
Had similar opinions.
Doesn’t make us the same person though.
No amount of flattery will get you into my pants,
You degenerate.
The same goes for you, Turdman.
You wish, turd burglar.
I think the poster SCB is RuffTuff.
Although seems to of disappeared again.
I liked RuffTuff.
Great poster!
And not a number.
You lot are terrible sexist’s.
Look at the sterling work our first female chancellor has archived..
No one could turn a growing economy in to a flat-lining basket case in under six months..
That takes next level incompetence..
Bravo helmet head I salute you..
Unintentially funny typo Baz ?
I will store that under stupid things I have texted termujin..
To be fair, Snooker is one of the few sports where you can be rewarded for a deep screw and kissing balls.
Just don’t follow through HJ.
A mate of mine who was a good club player had the “pleasure” of playing John Virgo for a frame.
Said he was an utter cunt .
A snooker nom on ISAC and not one mention of great Big Bill Werbeniuk.
A drinker’s drinker if ever there was one . Treat yourself to a laugh about his drinking exploits on Wikipedia.
Close to being unbelievable .
A far cry from the whining Ronnie O’Sullivan drinking a cup tea during matches .
Fuck that , Bill once drunk 76 cans during a game with John Spencer and would always have 6 pints before any match , followed by one per frame .
The fucker still got to a UK Championship semi .
Love to see Judd Trump or one of the weedy Chinese do 76 cans and still reach a semi final ?
Apologies he was mentioned once earlier but still read his wiki .
The greatest obituary one could hope for