Poor old Whoopi Cushion. You’ve got to feel for her plight. Aside from having one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome known to medical science, it looks as though she’s really feeling the pinch financially.
Speaking recently on the box about the US economy and the presidential election, Gobshite Goldberg claimed to relate to the plight of millions of ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. ‘I appreciate that people are having a hard time. Me too. I work for a living’. Then The Cushion continued ‘if I had all the money in the world, I would not be here. So I’m a working person… I know it’s hard out there’.
Yes, it must be really tough for this self-styled ‘working class American’. She makes it sound as though she’s really struggling, and having to pick herself up every day for another twelve hours at the coal face in an attempt to make ends meet. She’s barely getting by on the few million a year she scrapes from hosting shit show chat show ‘The View’. She’s down to her last four houses apparently.
Now I could understand it if she’d said something along the lines of ‘I’ve been poor, I know what it’s like and I sympathise’, but how’s anyone supposed to take seriously a multi-millionaire who still tries to sound like she’s struggling just to get by? Who is she trying to kid?
The insufferable Goldberg might just be the most tone-deaf individual in America.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Talent free and extremely lucky. Shit films, shit show. But black innit.
Yet another talentless, gobshite multi-millionaire victim of racist oppression.
Southern deep fried chiggun’
and fries ??
XXLarge portions of!
Another victim of Arab/Africunt slavery?
Fuck yoo…
It must cost a fortune in febreze to hide the smell of that rat king hair style..
The stench must be unbearable.
Deluded chimp..
I feel for her.
I really do.
Sometimes when I’m breathing out my arse, dripping in sweat,
Humping a wardrobe up two flights of stairs I think
” I wonder how the black community of Beverley Hills is doing?”
I’m lucky enough not to feel the pain of struggling to get a decent masseuse or live in chef,
I don’t have any problems with the guy who cleans the swimming pool.
I’ve never had the bitter disappointment of not being able to get fresh avocado for breakfast
Or my plastic surgeon putting up his rates.
Spoilt little bastard that i am.
I’m that film ghost,
Where patsy swayze comes back as a poltergeist?
That was me, I’d sexually ghost fuck Demi moore and then set about racially abusing whoopi from the grave.
Swastikas would appear on the shower screen and hurty words .
I’d also possess her on voting day so she voted Trump.
The daft bitch.
We don’t know we’re born Miserable.
Until you have had a coked up B-lister actor overdosing in your Malibu hot tub and having to call the emergency services while also getting rid of the under age prostitutes and unregistered firearm, you can’t begin to understand.
Being black means she can say anything no matter how ridiculous and stupid media cunts listen and nod, why the fuck didn’t the host say ‘come on, you are fucking rich stop pretending to be feeling the pinch’
How did she get an Oscar, the only blick on the list.
Thankfully I have never seen anything with this cunt on the cast list except the odd episode of Star Trek next generation as some fucking smart arse bar tender ?
Star Trek The Last Generation was a truly awful program. I didn’t think it could get any worse until Caryn Johnson was cast as some sort of bazillion year old, omniscient being who ran the ship’s bar.
In the pre-woke days it was called politically correct.
Smart arse was her acting stock-in-trade Sick.
Smart arse nun, smart arse cop, smart arse medium… A veritable one-trick pony.
Now she’s run out of acting road, she’s a smart arse panellist on shite show ‘The Vomit’.
Smart arse was her acting stock-in-trade Sick.
Smart arse nun, smart arse cop, smart arse medium… A veritable one-trick pony.
Now she’s run out of acting road, she’s a smart arse panellist on shite show ‘The Vomit’.
Mind you, if that pic of her with the Pope (see link) is anything to go by, she might be in with a shout for the role of the creature in a new ‘Alien’ flick
Paint a few bits green and you have the perfect Jabba the Hutt.
I wonder if she has to buy special reinforced bog seats?
She reminds me of a certain multi-millionaire, who came from Surrey and was so poor his dad couldn’t pay the phone bill, he himself had to pick stones from a farm and is still so poor, he needs a poofter to buy his clothes for him – and his wife’s!. I do believe his dad was a toolmaker.
Looking at this fat balding old tart – along with Dawn Butler and David Lammy – wouldn’t it be wonderful if, when they go, Blue Peter suggests a new hobby for the kiddies – how to make shrunken heads?. Those three would be such a good project, and no washing up liquid bottles or sticky backed plastics needed. This would be a real down-home organic hobby. Just ask mummy (or daddy, if there is one) to take the head off for you with a sharp kitchen knife, and be careful immersing the head into a big saucepan of hot water.
Last I heard, it was demanding an apology from Royal Family for slavery.
Still can’t believe Ted Danson shagged it. ?
Just shows you how drunk it’s possible to get.
I bet all the working people in America who are struggling found Whoopi Goldberg words of empathy a real comfort.
Here’s some words of wisdom for you, Whoopi.
Learn how to read the room.
Hopefully she’ll be even ‘poorer’ when the Donald has finished ?…..then she can join that other oppressed sister at maccy D’s ….?cluck,sqwark ?
Sooner this bovine is culled the better.
Whoopee the bitch is dead, spend your filthy lucre in hell.
Feel better for that, good afternoon.
Whoopie was on the breadline and then she ate it, the fat slug of shite.
Caryn Elaine Johnson is one of the most truly awful creatures to walk this earth in the guise of a human being. A perfect example of de-evolving back to a lower species.
I hope she and her deranged colleagues on The Peugh* never get another moment of sleep as they quake in terror at the thought of Donald Trump persecuting their fat Wokeist asses.
*I thought this word was spelled pew but it didn’t look right so I checked. I found pue, peuh, peugh, and pyoo all used to define the expression of a repugnant stench.
Afternoon General.
I’ve no objection to Goldberg having money, even though she’s got as much talent as a fridge magnet.
I object to her constantly shooting off her fat mouth, particularly when she pretends to understand the plight of the average Joe and Jane in an attempt to seem relatable. ‘Ah’m still jus lil ol’ Caryn frerm th’ hood’. Fuck off.
Afternoon all.
Hey Ron,
I completely agree.
There is something uniquely and quintessentially American when an untalented, big mouthed, gormless cunt becomes a rich celebretard, then pretends to be common and unpretentious while dispensing wokeist platitudes from her elitist perch.
You can take a hood rat out of the ghetto and place her atop the Phonywood dungheap but she’s still fucking vermin crawling on shit.
By the way General, has she had anything to say on the subject of her hero ‘Jumpin’ Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his rat of a son Hunter for his various *ahem* misdemeanours?
If this was Trump we were talking about, she’d no doubt have spewed out a few million well-chosen words by now…
I haven’t seen anything yet Ron, but I expect she (and her kind) will parrot the official line. i.e. Poor little Hunter is a troubled young man who has cleaned up his life.
The evil Republicans are trying to ruin him simply because he is Joe’s only living son.
I think cushions have burst under her weight recently. Besides, she’s needing a respray. The palms of her hands and balls of the feet were missed the first time round and remained white for donkeys years. Now is the chance to become totally black and to make sure, the arsehole ring piece and sweaty minge should be sprayed also, to make sure.
She is estimated to be worth $60 million and she earns $8 million a year from her daytime talk show.
Hollywood is really a fucked up place.
Her and people like her get paid millions for ‘acting’ in cartoons, voicing the words of a character.
They even get awards for reading the words and having a cartoon team making it look like the character is speaking.
If you want your cartoon character to sound like Whoopi Goldberg then why not hire someone who sounds like Whoopi Goldberg?
You don’t need to pay the actual person.
There must be any number of people that can mimic her voice for a fraction of the cost.
It seems like Hollywood is not about producing films for the enjoyment of the masses.
It’s about keeping already incredibly rich actors living in luxury.
Another word salad blek lies mitherer.
Hobo Oven.
Poor old cow, skint? Fucking awful here at Cunty towers I sit rubbing my finger and thumb together for her. t’s the worlds smallest violin playing a sad song for her. A talent free cunt. Good afternoon all.
Whoopi by name, but (Frank Spencer’s definition of) whoopsie by nature, and definitely by looks.
My heart bleeds.Not.Silly trout.Full African cooking pot treatment.
She’s not a bonny lass, that’s for sure…?
I suppose her relative millionaire poverty brings her a crumb of comfort….!
The same goes for all the slebs who seem to think their vacuous opinions are highly valued by the masses. Preaching this, that and the other from the comfort of their multi million dollar mansions about how they identify with ordinary folk. They know the final score of cunt all. Actors should stick to acting, not politics. All new films these days are wank anyway.
I could not agree more, TV.
You’ve commented on a pending nomination. That’s an absolute no-no.
And could get you banned.
I suggest you use the
“contact us” and say sorry.
Yes – i transgressed once. I crossed the line of “no comments on noms”. I apologised profusely and cunted myself – it was the only way of getting back in the fold.
Wholeheartedly agree ?
Apologies, Jeezum.
I genuinely had no idea commenting on pending nominations isn’t allowed. Lesson learned and apologies again.
Have you grovelled, ahem I meant apologised to Admin, via the “contact us” option.
You don’t need to say sorry to me, I’m not Admin, but you really should read the rules.
No worries JP, I’ve apologised to Admin via the link, although grovelling isn’t really my style!
That last photo in the link, it looks like the predator about to disembowel the Pope.
Ah no not Whoopi
Have a heart guys, after she lost the Tom & Jerry gig things were hard on Whoopi, sure she got to play a loud black woman in a few movies but she lived to shout Thommmaaasss…..
Honestly I don’t really have a problem with Whoopi, she’s found her niche and she milks it to death.
My problem starts when media quote her like she’s a great thinker and her mumbling rants are actually meaningful insights into politics or American culture.
Whoopi waves the race card around like it’s an American excess black card (pun not intended but her it fits) even though she’s living proof that an unqualified not overly talented ugly as fuck black elderly woman can make a good (8 million bucks) salary in America.
Whoopi is actually proof that America is so desperate not to be racist that being black can get you the keys to the citadel.
Candice Owens on the other hand is an intelligent interesting black woman but she’s not saying the right things.
Hollywood has bitten the dust i think it safe to say given its essentially churning out Marvel comic shite mostly these days and i think future revelations connected to that rancid turd P Diddy will be the coup de grace that finally reveals the true purpose of Hollywood which will shock millions if it penetrates their cognitive dissonance that is.wer’e talking serious satanic stuff here.
Not seen a decent flick since Tarrantino went quiet followwing his last dismal offerings Django Unchained and Hateful 8 which were essentially harvest promoting propaganda projects.Brilliant director but seedy as it gets.
O/T, with apologies to Ron.
I was absolutely delighted to see that today, along with around 10m other pensioners, I have received from the DWP my Christmas Bonus, a staggering £10.
Yes, a whole untaxed tenner!
I cannot tell you how excited I am.
No, I really can’t, because it’s like a slap in the fucking face.
I’ve donated it to one of the tiny local dog and cat rescues I support, who don’t take a wage or even payment for their own expenses. I think they need it more than I do.
I’m sending my tenner to Whoopsie. The poor soul looks as though she could use a square meal.
Whatever one might say about Rachel from Complaints, at least she’s got a sense of humour.
I’ll be giving mine to the pub on Friday evening.
Good man GT.
I’d have spent mine on gin, but those puppy eyes kill me!
Rachel from accounts completely forgot about the £10 for Christmas, don’t worry it will be gone next year.
It will pay for a couple days at 2 bars on the leccy fire ?
I’ve already noted that I’m surprised she hasn’t done away with the amazingly generous pensioners Christmas Bonus.
I’m sure that’s on her hit list, assuming she’s still in office next month.
I reckon Louise Haigh took one for the girls, hoping a relatively minor ‘scandal’ would distract us from the much more egregious fact that Rachel Reeves faked her CV.
If anyone has a ‘sack her petition’ link, I’d like to know.
Tough shit, eat it up and fuck off, please, sick of being lectured by multi millionaires.
I bet a pound to a pinch of shit that Goldberg wasn’t disadvantaged in any way under Trump’s last term.
This is nothing more than monied blek showboating in a desperate effort to raise her profile amongst a modern woke audience.
A fucking ooking and eeking, talent-free turd.
My tummy is a bit tricky and I’ve just curled out a turd that is the dead ringer for Whoopi Goldberg even has the dreadlocks!
Should I phone Esther Rantzen?
Don’t delay – book an appointment with Dignitas today!
Also, take photos and video, too!
If you’re not sure how, get the lad to help you.
I’m sure he will be delighted to help, once he understands the importance.
Whoopie’s net worth $30m
Virtue signalling at an obnoxious level.
it is a shame for her it really is.
the mad cunt.
This news item should be taken with a pinch of salt, Unkle.
Then knead it in well. It’s important to get it evenly distributed.
Otherwise, it won’t be edible/believable.
Her views on the Holocaust are so ignorant and utterly appalling. By implication she seems to think racism can only happen to black folks by white folks in America.
I hope this doesn’t come as a surprise to you, however, I’m appalled.
I haven’t seen her in anything since Ghost and didn’t have cause to think about her for decades.
Then only recently I heard on YouTube that she hosts The Spew and learned of the deranged things she says, along with fellow woke hags. She’s so woke and deranged that I nom’d her for Celeb COTY.
Hear hear ! Cuntologist, how dare she be Flippant towards the Jews and with a surname in honour of them. Its all due to being black, I think the majority are of their colour.
Ashamed was accidentally left out.
Well knock me down wiv a fevver just seen a headline ” Anonyms Rich cunt gives lots of his/her dosh away to feed hapless homeless hungry poor starving disaster victims. says ” My name isn’t important I just do what I can do and do what is right.”.
Nah, couldn’t ‘appen.
Summat odd is happening.
Every time I try to post about Whoopi Goldturd, the post just vanishes into the ether.
It’s an error on my side, as it has happened before.
This post will also probably not get through either.
Ghost is a terrible film.
That mastiff faced cunt Patrick Swizzle, pretending he’s screwing Demi Moore.
When it’s her ghost in the body of Whoopi Goldturd.
Fucking hell, screwing Whoopi Goldturd? Even the SS didn’t come up with something that mind bending and horrifying.
Gotcha! As the lovely Goldie used to say on Laugh-In.