I have to say, right up front, that I smoke and have for over 50 years. No lectures, please.
MPs have backed plans to make it illegal for 15 year old, or under, children to buy cigarettes. Big wow! I thought it already was.
Let’s move on.
The previous Government were moving legislation through to gradually increase the age people could legally buy tobacco products from 16. The current Government has decided to take up the ball and run with it.
Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, argued the Bill would reduce pressure on the NHS.
” Smokers are more likely to need NHS services, be admitted to hospital, drop out of the workforce and onto Welfare, and need Social care years earlier than if they didn’t smoke”
What a sweeping generalisation, totally without any kind of reports, studies or statistics.
Where the fuck is his proof that smokers are “more likely” to do any of the things he generalised about.
As I said, I’m a long term smoker.
I have never been admitted to hospital for a smoking related illness.
I have never dropped out of the workforce, unless taking early retirement counts.
I’ve never been on ‘welfare’
At 70, I still don’t need social care.
The legislation is also pushing through the issue of stopping teen vaping, which I think is ironic as vaping was heralded as the new way to stop smoking, not that long ago.
All this throws up loads of questions about what happens if everyone stops using tobacco, not the least where the replacement revenue, levied by the Government, will come from?
Vapes, oh silly me, there’s a crack down on them, too.
What about the cotton producers and workers? Will they be ‘welcome here”, as we have taken away their livelihood?
Anyway, I’m off for a fag ( outdoors, in the Tikki Hut)
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Sorry Jezzum, but everyone seems to have missed the point, and the point is, How will this be enforced? How can it be right that someone over the age of majority will NEVER be allowed to buy “tobacco products”? What’s the procedure, a national identity card or licence needing to be shown? Perhaps a MARKER out on your bank account that automatically denies purchases of “restricted products” and decided by whom?
Will it be yet another fucking “offence” to supply said products to “the wrong person”?
Will this be used as yet another excuse to get rid of cash, to totally control the masses, the Trojan horse to total financial surveillance, naturally to “protect the preshhhhhussss chiiiiiildrennnnn” the standard reprise to prick our consciences to restrict and remove our freedoms a bit at a time until there’s nothing left, and those “preshhhhhussss chiiiiiildrennnnn” never know what was stolen from them.
I am of the opinion that those cunts who framed this, knew exactly what they were doing, relying on the unthinking cunts, distracted by “the preshhhhhussss chiiiiiildrennnnn”, to slavishly follow, without thinking it through.
It was bad enough that the fake Tories introduced this, it’s far worse with the bunch of anti-democratic corrupt, dictatorial student union Trots in the driving seat, who cares more about the human rights of fucking cunt “palestinian” Jew killing terrorists than the British electorate who are tarred as “far-right” and whome they viscerally hate, particularly if you’re white.
The “tobacco product” restriction is just another step forward in taking away and controlling everything we have. Your homes, elections, travel and even food choices are next.
You read it here first, and the Sheikh hasn’t been wrong yet.
I don’t smoke and never have, but it’s not my business to dictate what anyone else does that is legal. It also sets a very dangerous precedent where we have, surprise surprise, two tiers of human rights, so much for that “equality” bollocks these cunts spout.