The ‘pope’…
… is, in the real world, an absolutely useless, worthless cunt. A fucking figurehead of one of the planet’s greatest crocks of shit/hypocrisies, … some of the cunts maybe even believe the shit they espouse. Yuk. But either way (ecumenical believer or wealth-covetous deceiver), they are invariably a cunt of some magnitude.
The current one is, as they all do, sticking his nose in to affairs to which one assumes he COULD exert some bit more influence, if he really gave a genuine shit beyond the brand, ..or was willing to risk a red cent of his institution’s hundreds-of-billions of accrued wealth. Big, right-on opinions on the starving, the poor, … on everyone(else’s)obligations to millions of illegally-arriving immigrant filth scum all over Europe and the world(not the vatican though, no sir!) ; .. or the token oppressed this, token that and the fucking token other. (Except the Society of ex-abused altar boys but I digress). [please stop with the crazy punctuation or bin next time – Day Admin]
The cunts are always ‘calling on’ outside parties to investigate things, as per headline. It always reeks of pretending to give a shit, to me. Similarly to how – for example, in this situation, the Paddy government(also with a built-in deference to the pope-led cult) has been making similar soundbites for the past 400ish days, whilst making the square-root of fuck-all of any difference in real terms. Shit or get off the pot, cunts! On all your ’causes’.
Back to the christian jefe. Spend a tiny percentage of your global corporation’s ill-gotten gains(on something besides cover-ups), or just fuck off and stop pontificating. Words are cheap. Especially coming from the press office(s) of obscenely mega-wealthy…
So fuck the pope. The current one, the previous ones and any future ones too. And all their equally cuntish religious counterparts as well.
See also The Onion
Nominated by: CuntemAll
I can’t be doing with the ducky little opinionated cunt.
Always pontificating.
He’s a pontiff, that’s what they do for a living.
The current pope is a cissy.
If the world must endure a “king of the pædos”, bring back the animated corpse of Benedict XVI.
At least he was a Nazï.
That would be an ecumenical matter. Yes.
Just think of all the wealth and treasure he has access to.
Chests filled with gold and precious stones.
Mountains of slowly sliding coins,
Magic swords, and the Arkenstone,
Aztec gold, Spanish gold, pirate gold, Terry’s all gold,
Then they do a raffle for help with a church roof.
He hasn’t got my gold.
The Vaticunt.
Fucking old humbug.
Afternoon all.
I feel sorry for him, he had to meet the Stockport slapper angie last week..
12 hours in the confessional, absolving her of last weeks sins..
She said 10 old Mary’s and 5 our farmers.
Unless the cunt gets organised, the Vatican will make a lush mosque.
Westminster and St Paul’s will look interesting with minarets.
Euthanise the cunt.
Organised Religion can fuck right off.
…to late for another crusade
They certainly don’t travel around much nowadays.
I remember that Pope who was always popping up in various countries.
He had a special glass car that he would be driven around in too.
The present Pope just spends all week having his ring kissed by Cardinals while surfing for little boy porn on the Dark Web.
The dirty fucker.
The ‘Popemobile’.
From a Viz Letterbocks entry of olde …
“I read that the Popemobile has inch-thick bulletproof glass ; … now *there’s* fucking faith for you!”
OK, the Pope is a cunt blah blah blah…
But…the Onion?
You can’t be serious! We’re citing the Onion as a source for a Cunting? This is at least the second time someone has cited the Onion. (The last time some was when some dumbass cunted Prince Andrew and cited the Onion.)
The Onion is a satirical publication. It has been around since sometime in the 1980s. They parody real events and create fictitious ones. They are not a serious news source or even a new source of any kind.
As I said, the Pope is a cunt. And this current Pope is more of a cunt than his predecessors…which is indeed an accomplishment.
Sky News is legit. But the fucking Onion?
Jesus H. Christ as a BBC New Anchor!
It no doubt has better credibility than BBC News.
See also, The onion.
Which implies see also, this humourous take.
Keep your pants on. (panties, not breeks)
There’s no reason to believe that the Cunter implied a humorous take by including a link from the Onion. (And he certainly didn’t say it was.)
Given the outrageous content of the Onion story, it seems far more likely to me that link was used as additional backup to the original as a means of poking fun at stupid Christians. (Something that happens all the time here on IsaC.)
And as I said, The Onion has been cited before as backup for a Prince Andrew Cunting so it is not without precedent.
It’s OK if you disagree with me. Just don’t get your knickers all bunched up over it.
The Onion link was a’lighthearted relief’ link to close the cunting, General…. in the nom page it was an add-on, separate.
The Sky one was to carry the nom.
I remember when that baldie fuck Sinead O’ Connor tore up a photie of the Pope on MTV.
I wonder, was that before or after she had an abortion, because she simply couldn’t be arsed having it? Because that’s what she did.
Made out she was ripping up John Paul II to protest about peedaux in the catholic church. But, of course, she did it to serve herself and get publicity. Becuase that’s all she ever did. Fucking baldie attention seeking self serving batshhit insane fenian fuck.
Not a fan then?
Fucking hated her, MoggIe.
Had the misfortune of meeting her in a Dublin pub in 1991.
A total cunt, who had about eight people following her everwhere. Even to the bogs. Little bald cunt acted all Big Time Billy Big Bollocks. Didn’t go to the bar, didn’t (wouldn’t) talk to anyone, her arselickers waited on her hand and foot.
I had a Joy Division T-Shirt on, and one of her toadies informed me that ‘she’ didn’t like it. I told the Irish poof to fuck off and I threw a Guinness in his face.
No, no Pope of Rome
No chapels to sadden my eyes
No nuns and no priests
No Rosary beads
Every day is the 12th of July
Shut the churches down and that goes for all religions which is total bollocks. Who in the their right mind believes in all this shite, just because what it says in the bible. I believe more truthful things happen in the Viz comic. The Fat Slags and Sid the Sexiest are in every pub. At least kicking religion into touch will cut child molesting by half. Churches could be used for housing illegal immigrants, that way it would help them to behave themselves, due to foreigners being more religious than us.
As the Pope can choose his own name I wonder why they don’t think of something trendy, so they appeal to a younger generation.
He could use the rapper idea for names by taking his first name initial and having the first 2 letters of his surname.
That would make the present Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope J-Be.
He really should consider it.
A couple of popes later, Pope roadmanest “G” m’lubeulube the first.
Retards believe in gods.
Go on.
Fair response to me stating the bleeding obvious I must admit Odin.
Why is the old cunt bothered that the two main Abrahamic faiths other than Christianity are doing battle?
Ah yes, now I remember. The Catholic church is determined to blame the Jews for Christ’s execution. (Even though the Bible clearly states the Romans did it).
The Bible. Spoiler alert. The Devil did it.
I thought it was those fucking heathens. Then again, I never got to the end of the bible.
Acts 2 v 36, amongst others, lays the blame squarely at the Joos’ door.
The Romans were the murder weapon, the Joos were the murderers, who preferred the murdering bandit Barabbas over Christ.
The idea that the Romans killed Jesus at the behest of the Jews is nonsense.
The Romans never did anything at the behest of the Jews, a subject people.
The Romans killed Jesus because they regarded him as a rabble rouser who was disturbing the peace and threatened a popular uprising.
Furthermore, the New Testament was shaped by St. Paul to frame the Jews.
He wanted Christianity to appeal to Romans, so he couldn’t make them the villains of the piece.
A sly old fox was Paul. ?
You should tryvreadingvtge Bible before you comment on it. You are obviously ignorant on this subject.
Pilate did all he could to avoid executing Christ. The Joos were threatening insurrection were He not executed.
“Crucify Him, Crucify Him!”
“Let His blood be upon us”
The words of the joos.
“I find no fault in this man”
The words of Pilate.
Read the Talmud SCB?
It very clearly states that Christ was a sorcerer, a necromancer who used black magic to perform His miracles, and that He is currently in Hell, boiling in a vat of excrement.
This is orthodox jooish teaching.
In a way, we are all responsible for Christ’s death. It is our sins which put Him on that cross.
The Church used to be kingmakers.
Ex communicating kings like Henry vlll , (not that he took it laying down.
He ransacked the churches and monasteries and burnt them to the ground)
They were seriously powerful in the same way monarchy was.
Now they’re toothless.
No real power.
Plenty of money
But no real power.
Just about provide easy jobs for homosexuals so they keep their hands soft for wanking off the quireboys.
I have mixed feelings about this.
You have to admire a true believer when he’s on a mission.
Look at Oliver Cromwell
Tomas Torquemada.
Can do types.
Stacking up the corpses like firewood in the name of baby jesus.
Be pure
Be vigilant
Wanking off the quireboys?
These Quireboys?
Naw ?
Two stories for you Thomas!
1) the singer in that band?
Ginger, well I stole his groupie!
Blonde, massive tits, and wild.
2) I was on a late bus through Manchester after going a rock club called Jilly’s.
I was about 18, had long hair and looked like Joey Ramone.
There was a bunch of chavs on the bus kicking off and they had their eyes on giving me a kicking!!!?
As luck would have it a bloke got on the bus in full glam rock getup.
Like he was in Motley Crue.
Makeup, leggings, cowboy boots etc
And a badge ‘Quireboys’.
The chavs were distracted by him.
” Quëérbøys? Fuckin quëērboys?
You a Quéèr?”
They beat the living shite out of him.
I got off a stop early?
I’ve never been so grateful for a badly understood badge
Henry vlll was a great king.
He did whatever the fuck he wanted and listened to no cunt.
Big burly bearded, put his dick in the chambermaids.
Liked his ale and his dindins,
Quick to anger,
He’d have you killed for looking at his pudding.
A proper king.
Not like the pale trembling waste of spunk we get nowadays.
Sounds like Gregg Wallace without the beard.
Id never heard of Greg Wallace till this week.
He sounds okay!
Making Kung Fu noises at chinkys,
Telling dirty jokes,
Making fun of Asian accents.
He’d do ok on here! ?
Catholic’s ye all would still be if Henry de eat, could have managed a ride.
Plenty of money
But no real power.
Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me Mis. I suspect rather that the power they wield is simply hidden from the hoi polloi.
Aye maybe Arfur.
But not power like they used to have.
And they were cruel as fuck with it!
Where is MilesPlastic, when needed most on a subject.
Rome still knows everything from the start, to the beginning and back again.
The talk in circles currently is that the Vatican had a coup de devil.
Rainbows everywhere for Christmas.
Why did Popeye give the Pope a knuckle sandwich?
Because he had Olive Oyle on her knees?
Bravo Mis, I was unable or lacked to come up with anything
He heard he was going to Mount Olive.
Despite Olive Oyl being a pẹrv who was able to contort her bendy limbs in all directions and comfortably able to accommodate Popeye’s entire meaty fist-into-wrist combo with minimal lube, Popeye was still wishing to play naked spinach wrestling with Bluto.
Why did Popeye want to kill Moses?
Because he got to Mount Olive.
Q: What do you call it when David Lammy carries a nun?
A: Virgin on the ridiculous
I digress: The United team are well and truly getting wogged up.
Never been a fan of the CofR. One was forced to go to Papist schools even though my kin are all CofS. I never got fiddled by a cleric (not pretty enough)but had to endure the physical and mental abuse by.lay teachers and clerics.
Their lust for gold is unfathomable and I hope the tonnes of Reichsgeld, in their possession made from the tooth fillings and wedding rings of murdered Jews, Slavs and Jehovah’s witnesses is cursed and shall guarantee their place in Hell.
Jesus is Satan.
Don’t forget the artwork.
Painting by old masters,
Valued in the millions.
Rare beauties.
Stolen from Jewish owners during WW2.
Never to be seen again.
Rome accommodate most of the best of the sales, for information of course, goes without saying. WWII for instance.
Amazon,Temu and all the chancers of Black and Friday special deals, ye need to learn a lot from the Masters of time.
OT from OT.
Rashford has a decent game shock.
We will see how long it lasts, because it never has before…
Totem pole head had a good game. That’s a surprise. It won’t last. His mother rules him.
Mrs Odin parted company with the Catholic church aged 9.
Back in the old country her family were dirt poor, but the kids were given a penny each to put in the poor box at the end of Sunday’s thinly veiled lesson in guilt trip hypocrisy.
She had the audacity to ask the priest where all the money for the poor goes, considering her family were on the bones of their arses and could use a bit of God’s help.
She got a slap round the face and a one way ticket to hell.
As she puts it: “We went to bed hungry every night, while the priests never missed a meal”.
Have you ever seen a Catholic church that wasn’t dripping in gold?”
Lived the life that you describe.
It was indeed harsher and an accepted normality.
Innocence is easily corrupted, when nobody defends.
Them fkrs will burn
Yes Allfather, one that has been looted and razed by your devoted followers. ? Just ask Varg Vikernes.
No fuckin priest has ever done anything for me or mine.
They won’t be one saying a spell over my corpse.
Or my dad’s.
And they won’t be getting any spare change or a free meal either.
The disco dancing little workshy cunts can jog on.
I’ll speak for my dad.
And Ernest Borgnine can speak for me.
This seems appropriate ..
I’ve tried to put a link to a cartoon, not worked.
It has now….?
I would like to see Anthony Blair appointed the next Pope. He would enjoy wearing a dress, and it would allow him to be even more pompous than he is already, then, when he kicks the bucket, we will be able to see him laid out on his dias (wearing slightly less makeup than he did as PM), with his gob shut (which will be a first), a nice bunch of pansies clasped in his hands. He will probably appoint Dame Kweer as his top man in Britain, to give him access to all the bum boys at his command.
The promo trailer for Fury Vs Usyk 2 has just landed.
Fuckin ace
Can’t wait ?
Dog fart.
Check out George Carlin’s opinion on religion it says it all