The ‘Hot Assassin’ Hero Worship


First a little background. On December 4th UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was gunned down in the early hours on a Manhattan street by Luigi Mangione. Mangione then fled and was arrested in a McDonalds restaurant five days later in Pennsylvania.

As with most high-profile cases this prompted intense interest in the suspect, it wasn’t long before Mangione was dubbed the ‘hot assassin’ by ghoulish social media mongs, desperate needy women and even more desperate and needy fruity men. This sick adulation was based purely on his appearance, as it began to overshadow the seriousness of his crime.

The fawning over criminals is nothing new of course just the medium in which it is expressed that has changed. Ted Bundy was charming and charismatic during his televised trial until his date with Old Sparky. Serial killer Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker exercised a cult like grip over women with regular groupies at his trial and eventually marrying one in prison.

I suppose its inevitable that the US healthcare system will be put on trial as some kind of justification for the murder, Brian Thompson the evil corporate bigwig profiteering off the misery of desperate and poor Americans and Luigi Mangione their avenging poster boy. The question has to be asked if Luigi Mangione had looked like a constipated John Prescott or if the victim had been a prominent doctor sterilising trans kids would there have been the same outpouring deluded fandom?

At the end of it all, Brian Thompson a father of two and a husband is still dead and that should be the real story.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

54 thoughts on “The ‘Hot Assassin’ Hero Worship

  1. What a hero, shot Brian Thompson in the back and ran away.

    Definitely someone to look up to, all you brainless idiots out there in Lala land.

    Perhaps the Shit Tok posters thought it was some kind of game, like GTA?
    Sorry, what am I saying?
    These people don’t think, do they.

  2. I certainly take your point about the lefty losers lionising Luigi Mangione, LL.
    However, Brian Thompson, like all the CEO’s of multi-billion pound corporations (and all politicians) are uncaring, unfeeling psychopaths who think nothing of human life, even more so for the U.S health insurance industry, so fuck him…I’m glad he’s dead. Undoubtedly, the decisions he took for the benefits of greedy shareholders have directly contributed to the deaths of thousands.
    Hopefully many more ultra-wealthy CEO’s follow in his wake and are assisted in shuffling their mortal coils.

    • Way more to this than meets the eye.Nancy Pelosi well known for her effulgent insider tradings hails from a major Italian crime family and had some cosy relations with the corporation head who was subsequently gunned down,

      All the hallmarks of a mob hit to keep things under wraps,Telling that the rancid hag is still in Luxembourg with an ‘ankle injury’ Her days are numbered.

      • Hmmm…that’s certainly interesting.
        You’ve intruiged me to the point of doing some further investigation.

  3. Well it was only a honky he killed..
    So don’t expect to much of an outpouring of grief.

    My sympathies lie with his brother Mario, after defeating donkey Kong he now has to run the plumbing business on his own..

  4. It’s certainly true that being handsome can help when committing crimes.
    When looking for new guests for my love dungeon, it’s almost impossible to persuade a lady into the side door of my Transit on account of me being rather odd-looking.
    I’ve had to resort to being an Uber driver and leaning round in the seat of the Avensis, saying ‘excuse me miss, does this hankie smell of chloroform?’

  5. His lawyer should of had a word in Luigi’s ear.

    “Whatsamatter you eh? Gotta no respect?
    What ya tink ya do? Why ya looka so sad?
    It’s a notta so bad
    It’s a nice a place
    Awww shuttupa ya face”

    Something along those lines.

  6. May many more CEO’s and politicians receive the same fate.
    If Mangione had been a dusky type he would have had a statue built in his honour and riots setting off so the grauniad is correct in that assumption.
    Fucl ’em all. Ho Ho Ho.

    • He definitely should have blacked-up a bit, then played da raaaaace card. If he were British, he would be in the House of Lords by now.

  7. I will never see the appeal that women have for psychopaths.

    I remember some stories before the election of female journalists getting wet over Rodney.
    Fair play he is a grade A psychopath, but has the sexual appeal of a cold plate of cat sick..

    The teddy boy haircut, the nasel voice,the endless stories of his dad’s job why wouldn’t cat ladies get turned on.

  8. What would be very interesting is how the killer got hold of that particular type of pistol.
    A Swiss German design and manufacture, similar to the Welrod used by SOE and others during the ww2. Rare as rocking horse shit no loud bang little reaction from the crowd easy to getaway. I look forward to further information relating to this case, and my deepest condolences to the victim and his family.

    • Seems I was using an out of date source seems that a newer article from the bbc states the gun was a ghost gun. Can be made with 3d printed. Thought it was too good to be true. My apologies for wasting your valuable time fellow cunters

  9. I think being a pretty boy will turn out to be a double-edged sword in prison. He seems to have fairly good teeth, but those are probably going to get knocked out soon after entering the hoosegow.

    I don’t think that the US prison system has a good dental plan – another travesty of the US healthcare system which I’m sure his army of loyal simps are going to be campaigning to improve.

  10. That weird fuck Ted Bundy was a pretty boy and women wrote to him in prison despite knowing what a depraved monster he was.

    Charles Manson was another.
    Although not exactly a pretty boy,
    Unless you like hippies.

    That Charles Bronson, although not a murderer or sex case, he’s still not son in-law material in my book.
    But woman write to him.
    Offer to marry him.

    Ronnie Kray had birds mithering him although he was quite happy icing fairy cakes in Broadmoor.

    Girls like a bad boy.

  11. What I find most repulsive about all this is Luigi being arrested in McDonald’s.

    I wouldn’t be seen dead in a McDonald’s ?

  12. Such is the herd mentality.

    It would have been fitting if the coppers had blown his brains out,perfect for McDonald’s.

    And no,I couldn’t give a flying fuck for his “motivation”.

    If the stupid cunt has a grievance against the health insurance corporate monster then torch some fucking headquarters…shooting some cunt in the back is the work of a faggőt.

    First thing Luigi will hear in prison is “you sure got a purdy mouth boy”..

    Fuck him.

  13. No doubt in time there will be a GB Luigi, when the NHS has been finally run into the ground and it will be pay up or suffer…

    Not of course for the rich and titled, just the little people..☠️

  14. This nomination is absolutely pregnant with other related potential nominations. Too many to detail here.

    So the point…Under the American system of (so-called) justice this murdering little cunt is innocent until proven guilty. He deserves a fair trial before he’s found guilty and excited for Capital Murder. Except fucking New York State has abolished the death penalty which is why they involved the Feds in an attempt to circumvent their own laws and why this whole mess is going to be a cluster fuck.

    As for his fan club…it’s too late to do anything about them. Rather than being the “critical thinkers” alluded to in another nomination they are the thinking impaired and should have been aborted.

    There is real and genuine anger in America over how the government and the Insurance Companies manage Health Care and it is not being addressed.

    The real villain(s) in this mess, is the Community Con Artist the Demonrats with his/their Bullshitable Care Act*. It has absolutely destroyed health care in America. But nobody wants to talk about that.

    I have United Health Care** and I can assure you that they are cunts of the highest order. With them it’s never about your health. It’s always about money and control. And they are able to operate that way because of the so-called reforms that govern their practices.

    *Barack Obama and the Affordable Care Act.
    **Way too complex for a short discussion here, but retiree insurance in the States is almost always supplemented by mandated private plans and the availability of those plans is limited geographically.

    • @General Cuntster

      It’s not all doom and gloom though. He’ll skip the death penalty but, assuming that he doesn’t enjoy gorging on copious amounts of black cock, he’ll get more than his fair share of it in prison…. so there’s that at least.

    • I was going to take a stab at explaining this and now I don’t have to.

      I will say that Obamacare was primarily written by insurance lobbyists, who were delighted to learn that Congress was planning to mandate that every American buy their product. Talk about handing Dracula the keys to the blood bank.

  15. Mark Chapman never got called a hot assassin ?

    Poor Mark.

    Did everyone a favour by shooting Scouse gobshite mummy’s boy John Lennon,
    And because he’s a dumpy, chubby speccy cunt he’s a social pariah.

    Well, I liked him.
    Sort of a intense, nerdy, diabetic Milky bar kid.

    • Like that nice, heroic Michael Barrymore.
      Reducing the headcount of England’s rent boys, one elbow-deep anal fisting at a time.

  16. Just like that baldy shag-happy twat that was hanging out iof Philip Green’s daughter a few years back. ‘Hot felon’ was printed large all over the shit end of the media. Complete conniving cunt in my book.

  17. I personally hate all those ‘dramas’ that glamourise or sympathise with murderers or serial killers.

    Hannibal. Bates Motel. Dexter, Killine Eve, The Fall.

    All crap.

  18. Off topic…Goddamned Auto Correct is driving me insane!

    I got an update and even after editing it STILL changes my posts!

    What a fucking cunt.

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