Tayba Amber

This witless, scheming, lying. lazy up her own arse BAME tart has had three admin jobs that we know of, all of them in the soft-as-shit public services, currently she has inflicted herself on the police service, prior to that the NHS, and first, and the point of this cunting , with the West Yorkshire Fire Service. It seems she was miffed when her employer told her, that her LATEST (so more than one) sick note had not been received and given her 3 days to supply it. She suffers from stress poor darling.

She had a conversation with her boss who mentioned that he had bought his wife a Mulberry handbag, just like Amber’s – so naturally as all decent grifters do, she took him and her employer to an Industrial Tribunal, for discrimination and implying that he was a sexual predator.

She failed – but the jelly-bellied employers said that the man’s handbag remark was “unwise” – Unwise, perhaps is the fact that we pay shit like her enough to afford £1000 handbags. Clearly they didn’t want to deflate her already massive ego, so they sort of gave him a tap on the wrist.

It always seems to be brain dead BAMES who are given these jobs in the name of equality, and they exploit their positions for all -and more – they are worth..

I wonder if she will ever take a great risk and get herself a job in the private sector, where the silly bitch would just be seen as the work-shy trouble maker she is and invited to fuck off:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.

103 thoughts on “Tayba Amber

  1. I’ve given my opinion before concerning these folks but to repeat myself safest course of action is to avoid all communication, that way their smart-arse lawyers can’t twist your words to mean the opposite of what you intended.

    And going off work with “stress” should be a sackable offence, no ifs, ands or buts.

  2. Thank fuck I’m out of the workplace….what a load of cunt it must be now working in a factory/office environment were one comment about literally anything can lead to this kind of 💩….take me back to the 70’s 🙏 the only ❄️ flakes then came from the 🌨️….this little arse wouldn’t have got past the factory gate👍

  3. Incompetent public sector DEI hire gets found out, cries sexism or racism.
    Paid off with taxpayers money, rinse and repeat..

    And with slack angies workers rights Bill, look forward to it happening more and more..

    How long before this government plays the sexist, racist, homophopic card over all the abuse these useless cunts are taking..

  4. I heard the other day DEI hires, diversity, equity and inclusion, branded as Didn’t Earn It which about sums them up. Minority women are the worst as any case almost always includes the twin cancers of racism and sexism, these cunts play the percentages as they know employers especially in the public sector will chuck some cunt under the bus to avoid a scandal.

    • *Women are the worst.


      Women should be allowed to be secretaries, nurses, infant school teachers and chip shop assistants.

      Anything more than this will inevitably lead to unnecessary drama, decreased productivity and numerous law suits.

      Sprinkle in a bit of ethno-diversity and, well, you were asking for it by hiring her.

      • Hey Termi,

        As someone who always looks forward to your posts I must say it seems to me you are not exactly endearing yourself to the lovely members of the IsaC Ladies Auxiliary.*

        I’m just sayin’…

        *A select group of elite female cunters. (No Trannies in this Hen House!)

      • My life is not a popularity contest General.

        I’ve always thought that, when death’s dark veil covers my eyes, if there is not a soul with a bad word to utter about me, I must have been doing something wrong.

        BTW, My experience is that most women, a large majority in fact, would much prefer to be led by a strong, capable man that will allow them to fully embrace their true feminity, than have to, in effect, raise a teen brat of a so-called man, whom she will eventually despise for his pathetic weakness.

      • Hey again Termi,

        Man! Some of you Cunters are really sensitive and defensive about popularity. I agree that you should not say something because it is the popular notion or sentiment of the day.

        But there is nothing wrong with saying something that is popular on its own merit.

        As for me. When Shaun names me in the Dead Pool and I pass on to the Great Abyss, I won’t really give much of a fuck what people say about me.

        Basically, I agree with your point of view. I have absolutely no respect for Soy Boys.

        But I do like women and see no point in intentionally aggravating them.

        My experience has been they’ll find a reason to be aggravated without me giving them one.

      • As a point of personal privilege I would like to say that I am a big fan of the few Lady Cunters we have here at IsaC.

        I always look forward to Mme Beau’s contributions. I like Jill and the (presumably eponymous) Gloria Snockers too.

        I’d include Isabel End but I think that’s a clever nom de guerre and not reflective of the cunter’s gender.

        And of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the elusive and enigmatic Mrs. Knee who I’m convinced is the real force behind the Illustrious One’s musings.

      • Wasn’t trying to aggrevate General.

        Just espousing a view that appears to me to be objectively true, and was commonly held by both sexes just a few decades ago.

        Look at the misery ’emanicipated’ women must now suffer. Wage slaves, barely able to afford the necessities of life despite working full time. Conned into murdering their own children, then actually celebrating it as a ‘right’. Suffering the literally soul-destroying effects of promiscuity, the full horror and carnage of which only takes full form long after her looks have begun to fade, in the form of an incapability to properly bond with a life partner, sexual diseases, torment and lifelong regret over childlessness, obesity, having been sold the lie that not taking care of your appearance is perfectly fine and dandy, financial hardship, loneliness, resulting in more failed ‘relationships’, etc, etc.

        All aided and abetted by the MSM, the current zeitgeist, years of lies and indoctrination and last but not least, pathetic man-babies that think agreeing with everything she says and does will get them laid, not having boundaries will encourage her (and his) healthy development as a person and partner, buying her useless entranklements in the form of ridiculously expensive clothes, handbags, phones etc will show how much he loves her, being a house-husband will command her respect and countless other follies.

        He’s as obnoxious as she.

      • Oh, wonderful!
        Now we have a couple of Talibannies posting on ISAC.
        Diversity is our strength, lol!

  5. Stress, anxiety or depression is the way to go especially in the public sector.

    No wonder the country is down the shitter.

    Tayba isn’t a cunt, the fucking system that allows grifters like her get away with this crap is the fucking cunt.

    • Being shot at in Iraq/the Afghan/Nottingham is stressful. Can understand you might need a cup of tea and go home 10 minutes early, I’m not a savage.

      Going to ‘work’ (I use the term loosely in her case) is not stressful, unless of course you are universally despised at the workplace for being a whining split-arse.

  6. It’s about time DEI was thrown under the bus, never mind some sacrificial lamb, LL.

    I’ve never known such a non-job in my life. It’s on a par with quality checking jellybean.

    • Women should be banned from all forms of paid employment, with a very few exceptions.

      They think they’ve been set free, lol.

      Free from a loving husband that provides everything, free from fulfilling their biological destiny of bearing and raising children.

      For what? To work in a factory or shitty office, making already rich men richer, for only just enough money to ensure they survive long enough to go back again next week. To massively increase the available labour pool, thereby severely reducing wages and helping to create enormous unemployment.

      Societally, male unemployment is immeasurably more damaging than its counterpart.

  7. My wife doesn’t have a handbag so I’m safe.

    She has a Aldi bag for life.
    Got it her for her 50th.

    Ever rips it’ll be replaced free of charge.
    Now that’s luxury.

    • I could never sell to Mulberry my leather was always too expensive for them. Leather is just like a piece of wood, if you have imperfections, such as fly bites or scratches you can sandpaper them out, print the skin to imitate the natural grain and then put a pigment coat (just like paint) to hide any other sins. Low end leather has a low end price and that is what Mulberry tended to buy. High end price for low end raw material, I always thought anyone buying a Mulberry handbag was a bit of a twat.

  8. What did the head of NATO say a short time ago? Oh yes “Europe should get on a war footing or something similar. Can you imagine the horror of being the target of hurty words even if printed years before or just spoken. Can you imagine their reaction to some cunt shooting at them? I think that with our record of arse kissing the echr feather bedding crims and the inability to deport any one any where.the obvious solution is a painless diplomatic surrender to the eastern hordes. All our forces will be able to do is slow the advance long enough for the political elite and our beloved royals to fuck off to Canada. Sorry to drift off topic but this sort of shite is dangerous it’s an insidious disease that’s eating through what’s left of our country, traditions and everything else that makes us British.

    • I think global conflict is a great counterpunch to this wokery shite, think of the millions of deaths that will be incurred, the more of these abject shitstains being obliterated, the merrier.
      That’s the sort of reset I’d like to see, I’ve had a full life, these snowflakes can fucking rot in hell for all I care.
      Worthless cunts.

  9. It’s not just the female of the species.

    Frank Aliyu, a delivery driver for Tesco, complained that a co-worker gave him a ” Heil Hitler” salute, that he claimed was racist.
    He was initially told that whilst it was “rude, it wasn’t racist”.
    When a Tesco manager first rejected his complaint, he told her she
    ” should be cursed with the pain of 1,000 widows”
    He was sacked for gross misconduct.
    His appeal against racial harassment have been dismissed.

    The fucking panty waist!

  10. After non jobs in the NHS, police service and fire service the next logical step is to enter politics as a Labour/Limp Dumb candidate.

  11. When it comes to sexual harassment, workplace bullying, homophobic, transphobic, or racist comments,
    The policy is quite simple if you want to work for me,
    You’ll get plenty of the above.
    Also dangerous horseplay and hazardous practical jokes.

    If opposed to this don’t apply.
    I’m not going to change.

    Help yourself to a tissue to dab your eyes on your way out.

    • My Elder works as Admin on construction sites, for a company that builds for hospitals and schools.

      She’s on site, the only female amongst a group of hairy-arsed, foul-mouthed, unapologetic recedivists, who wouldn’t acknowledge wimmins rights unless one clubbed them between the eyes.

      She loves it! They worship the ground she walks on, in her hard hat and Rigger boots!

      • Do the day lads singe your beard when you are snoozing in the cab sleeping off lunch.

      • No time for snoozing LL!
        Jeepers no.

        While I may laugh at a labourer walking into the taillift and doubling over ( basically hit in the bollocks by a steel corner)

        They also laugh when I jump up on the back of the van and inadvertently headbut the steel roller shutter.

        It certainly does wonders for your concentration, nearly biting through your tongue.

        Accidents happen and they’re always amusing in any workplace.

        They also laughed when I went through rotten decking.

        How times flies for the workplace casualties 😀

      • I work in construction and the site level trainees are treated like anyone else. Maybe a bit gentler when the bollockings are being handed out.
        Generally we treat them like little sisters. Let them form their own site persona, join in with the banter and the nights out of heavy drinking and falling out of clubs at 3 am

        It’s the university career bitches you need to watch out for.

        Think they have to be twice as good as a bloke in the same role, just without the experience, man management skills or the ability to not instantly start crying when the MD gives them the hairdryer treatment when they fuck up…They always fuck up.

    • It’s all OK on my screen, Mis.

      Have you accidentally hit a key that’s formatting your text size?

      Calling all folk who understand these wizarding devices. Give Mis a clue on how to restore text size.

      • Mine has gone into “dark mode” (heaven forfend) for no good reason.

        I’ve tried shaking and shouting abuse at it, but alas to no avail.

      • That bird in Crocodile Dundee was well fit. Linda Unpronounceablename.

        Hogues was a lucky old cunt.

  12. Mis, try Settings.

    Then arse about clicking on this, that and the other, until

    You come across ” font size”
    It’s a tap the right arrow for bigger, usually.

    That’s the extent of my expertise.

    • Evening JP.👍

      I’ll just suffer in silence.

      You know me I’m not the type to complain.
      One of the silent majority me.


  13. Anybody who is happy to accept being appointed to a job for any other reason than simply his/her ability to do it is a liability, Both to those around them and the aircraft they are building, (to give a ‘frinstance.)
    Many women and members of the tinted community find the who DEI thing an embarrassment, and so it is.
    Instigated and put in place by politicians who think it makes them seem popular and go ahead. Still it backfired on old 2TK when he cast his eyes about him and saw the material he had to hand when it came to forming a cabinet. Sex, tick Colour, tick Ability, oh fuck!
    The biter bit.
    and no I haven’t put the lights up, far too early still.

      • Loathed Swap Shop and Going Live. That cunt Schofield was horrible even then. And that cunt Chegwin polluted the Multi Coloured Swap Shop.

        I heard that Sarah Green was a bit of a dirty one though. A right goer, allegedly.

      • And will probably sue, when he’s replaced, on the grounds that it was

        “because I’s blick, innit?”

      • And Danger Mouse was ace. Absurdist and surreal in parts. Very British, and David Jason’s finest role. His ad libs as the narrator were genuinely funny.

    • Why adults watch children’s programmes I’ll never know JP.

      I can picture my father now, cursing the ‘lunatic’s lantern’ in the corner of the room.

      It would be ridiculous to think he would have been remotely interested in Dr Who then, let alone the shit-show it is now

      • Don’t you even watch Scooby Doo?

        It’s a detective show/ supernatural topics/ animal welfare.

        Ticks every box.

      • Of course I did, when my girls were kids.

        Mind, they had different opinions to me on what age the stopped being kids, spoilsports!

      • I think it’s a suppressed longing to have a cuddle on Mums lap, Termy.

        Or summat phycologist thingy, like that.

      • No.

        From what I remember of it one of them is a lez and there’s a smelly hippy in it as well.

        Top Cat was ace.

      • Top Cat lived in a bin.
        Like a Scouser.

        Wacky Races was good?
        Motorsports, but without sponsorship.

      • Stop the Pigeon?

        Magic Roundabout?
        ( far too good for children)

        Captain Pugwash?

        I miss those days.
        “Grand, why are you laughing?”

      • The Flintstones too, net zero living before it became fashionable amongst Islington throbbers.

      • For me it’s Noggin the Nog.

        In the lands of the North
        where the Black Rocks stand guard against the cold sea, in the dark night that is very long, the Men of the Northlands sit by their great log fires and they tell a tale …”
        “Listen to me and I will tell you the story of Noggin the Nog, as it was told in the days of old”

        Poetry sheer poetry…

      • Chorlton and the Wheelies.
        Mancunian creature who lived near a witch who loved in a kettle with mushrooms that had eyes. Brilliant.

        Rhubarb and Custard, with it’s fab early Stones-like theme tune.

        Captain Kremmen. The genius that was Kenny in cartoon form,. With the big titted Carla as his sidekcik.

        Tiswas. The Phantom Flan Flinger, Sally James, The Dying Fly.

        Bod, John Le Mesurier narrated chill out with Derek Griffiths jazz theme song.

    • Friday evening viewing was Harold Lloyd, followed by Monkey. Both on BBC2. Neither coild be classed as kids shows, but I still loved them both.

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