

Well there’s good news of sorts, and there’s er, uncertain news.

After years of war and genocide, the blood-soaked reign of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has ended, with his regime suddenly collapsing like the proverbial pack of cards. The erstwhile ‘Butcher of Damascus’ has, it appears, folded his tent and fled to the sheltering bosom of his long-term backer ‘Mad Bad Vlad’ Putin, no doubt taking along a shed load of swag with him.

I suppose that the downfall of any cunt like Assad is good news in itself, but this is tempered by the fact that so far at least, he’s managed to dodge being strung up from a lamp post.

And this brings me to the uncertainty part. Assad’s fall is bound to create a power vacuum the size of a black hole in an area already beset by war, terrorism and chaos. The vultures are no doubt ready to circle. What will be the next move on the part of a humiliated Putin? The Yanks apparently have ‘special forces’ on the ground in the country, and fearing another ISIS relaunch, have started lobbing missiles at the ‘rebels’ who’ve taken over. I’m no expert on the subject, but I’d bet that it won’t be long before factionalism and in-fighting start to occur where the ‘liberation’ forces are concerned. At the same time, Turkey, Iran and Israel will no doubt be readying themselves to join the party. Meanwhile, as more trouble develops, we can look forward to more hoards packing up and heading our way.

The Middle East. What a festering sack of shit


Nominated by Ron Knee.

97 thoughts on “Syria

  1. Assad was a murdering bastard. This will turn into what Iraq went like when Saddam was offed. These shitholes need someone like Assad to keep the other pricks in line.

  2. There is no reason to doubt that Syria will become a thriving shithole just like the other Arab countries, a thriving democracy is about as likely as Mr Knee getting his leg over JHB
    The only involvement that the UK should entertain is shipping the cunts back who are here and making sure no more come.

  3. I imagine it will turn into a star trek like utopia, everyone pulling together to make it work.. but then I have been mixing prescription drugs with copious amounts of gin..

  4. Syria must be rebuilt.
    All men of syrian extraction must return to their home country to lend a hand.
    Don’t come back here.

  5. I listened to a bit of the Today programme on the Home Service for the first time in years the other day The ‘International Editor’ Jeremy Bowen was giving his thoughts on post-Assad Syria.

    I have to say that Ron’s summary above is more insightful, more thoughtful, more succinct and more to the point than the BBC’s bag of wind.

    Welcome to the post of IsAC’s International Editor Ron.

    • Thanks for the kind comments Geordie.

      I must say that the situation in Syria looks very ominous. It was surprising how fast, and how lame, the collapse of Assad’s regime was when it came. It can’t be a coincidence that it occurred at a time of weakness for Assad’s pal Mad Vlad as the Russkis continue to bleed in the Ukraine conflict.

      As sure as night follows day, Turkey and Israel have now stuck their oars in;

      As the cliché has it, the country’s now a powder keg.

      Nobody’s saying much on the subject, but I bet the Yanks and Israelis in particular are busting a gut to find out what’s happened to Assad’s chemical weapons. Oh, and let’s not forget those happy chappies the Iranians.

      What a fucking shit hole the place must be.

  6. I’m fully expecting that in a couple of years the ex wanted jihadi who’s the new poster boy will have sorted it all out and tourists will be flocking in on all inclusive Beano’s ?….5* al-beheadi spa resort…’we’ll take those stress levels away with our fast and effective remedies’
    ⚔️ ?…..or it could be just the usual ? hole ?

  7. Syria today is us tomorrow. Ayatollah Two-Tier and Mad Ed will soon be on the deck of cards so beloved of the US Special Forces. Hiding out in caves waiting for the drones. Can’t wait.

  8. Wherever the cult of hatred that is Islam thrives, there is chaos and blood.
    And as the most popular boy’s name in England now is Muhammed, it will surely engulf us.

    • They do seem to have a great deal of trouble getting along with others. They can’t even get along with each other a lot of the time.

  9. The US of A and Israel have their grubby dirty fucking mitts all over this.

    Lots of cheap oil via a new pipeline and lots of new land for Israel to steal/colonise.

    Fuck the lot of them.

  10. I’d also add that if and when Israel do annex part of Syria then it’ll just be in self defense (as always) and fuck all to do with expansion.

    The irony being that the Nazi’s got a bad press for wanting more “Lebensraum”

    I know these views are unpopular in the main on this site but to ignore the crimes and continued crimes of Israel due to a hatred of Islam, is to be wilfully blind.

    Benjamin Netanyahu cannot be cunted enough.

    • Afternoon Herman ?

      I like old Ben.
      And if I’m honest hope the yanks and Israel DO steal all the oil there.

      Sometimes I’ll hear ” war has broken out in the Middle east”…
      And panic.
      Until I realise they didn’t say middle earth.

      It’s the nature of the people who live there.
      Always at war always fighting each other,
      Helps keep the numbers under control.

      • Ben is a top bloke in my book too. Doesn’t take any shit from the neighbours. I bet no one trespasses on his radish patch!

        Israel securing its borders by putting outposts on bits of Syria is no different to NATO securing its borders by putting outposts on bits of Ukraine. A bit safer though. Iran does not have as many nukes as Uncle Vlad!

        No need to panic, It will all be sorted out when The Donald starts kicking international ass. ‘Ave it!

      • Brilliant eh, MNC, can’t wait for his state visit and those cunts at the BBC having to provide coverage. Lammy will have to make himself scarce, along with most of the Cabinet!

    • @herman…tbh I prefer the IDF doing what they do to keep the backward savages that follow the untouchables in check…is anyone or anywhere safe if they go unchecked, still it’s all about opinions and we’re still just about free to give them…for now ?

      • If only it was the IDF.

        Israel is totally incapable of defending itself. Without the simply enormous levels of military and financial assistance given to Israel by the US (and UK) it would cease to exist.

        Yet another reason we keep getting dragged into wars that are absolutely nothing to do with us.

        Syria will look like Gaza now, or Beruit in the ’80s, within 3 years.

      • Hey Termujin,

        You may have a point but I wouldn’t sell our big nosed friends short.

        Those pager bombs were certified kosher.

    • From my observations, I’d rather have a Jew as a neighbour than a Muslim…

      I can’t seem to remember any Jewish suicide bombers in GB. Or any other part of the civilised world..!

  11. Couldn’t help but notice that Labour half wits Kweer and Dirty Ange are seemingly cock a hoop at an unpopular oppressive regime being overthrown.

    An irony probably lost on this pair of complete retards.

  12. Assad gone = shithole a simple enough equation. Let us all wish for a happy peaceful festive season in our dreams Alan’s Snackbar


    I completely agree. They hate us and they hate the West so fuck ’em! Shitholians killing Shitholians is a good thing in my view.

    Trump / Vance
    Peace through strength
    End the forever foreign wars

    • Indeed, General.
      These sub-humans have been killing themselves for the last 4000 years. Let them get on with it. And perhaps, after a cõõn`s age, the ancient lands will once again, be fertile & fruitful.
      (You`ll see this comment later on after it clears bizarre censorship).

      • Hey Sam,

        We agree.

        Long before the peaceful unifying force of Islime brought these goat fucking mongrels together they were butchering each other and laying waste to fertile ground.

        Nothing has changed except now they do it in the name of peace.

        The land…and indeed the world…will be better off when every last one of them reaches their heavenly reward.

  14. The BBC soon had their rancid raghead loving tongue up the arse of the ISIS vermin that have booted that other sand wōg cunt out.

    Where there is the Arab there is trouble.. as night follows day..and the Taliban follow goals.

    It’s a another raghead dungheap that will soon enough become a major pain in the arse..Good on Israel for sending them hundreds of “welcome back” gifts via air strike,so too Merica and those fucking Turks.

    I look forward to a festive season where the MSM pretend Syrians are just the same as us,the lying cunts.

    Assad’s Oven.

  15. oh and the fact that Syria is home to islamist extremism chemical weapons,Iranian military advisers and other assorted mischief that camel fuckers should never have access to makes it a prime candidate for the Full Donald in 2025.

  16. With all these competing jihadi groups, I think its safe to say Syria will stay a shithole for the foreseeable future. That Assad was funny looking gangly cunt, like a sand w*g Mr Bean. He’ll be looking for a new job now I suppose? Fancy running the UK prison system?

  17. At least David Lammy is on top of things saying the other day that Syria was next door to Libya.

    Close Dave but out by a thousand odd miles. I guess all these cunts look the same to you don’t they? Now you know how whitey feels..

  18. As ‘Mohammed’ ? is now the most registered name for new t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ babies, our only hope is that, as all these mụzzıe cunts marry their first cousins, hopefully their generational inbreeding will start killing them off through heart failure, etc, the dirty incest-lovers.

    • Anyone have Duncan Norvel in Deadpool?

      I’m shocked, only other day on here was talking about him.

      Me and Chris stuck up for him , saying he was a talented comedian.
      The rest of you saying he was a puddle skipper.

      Hope you’re all ashamed of yourselves.

      • Yeah, he seemed like a decent sort. Better than his foul contemporaries.
        By the way MNC, what’s the funniest thing you’ve ever accidentally seen in someone’s house whilst doing the moves?
        Dildos, gimp costumes, that sort of thing.

      • Seen lots of forgotten sex toys Thomas.

        Handcuffs still attached to the bed,
        Lifted mattresses and found big throbber dildos.

        But the worst was for this old bloke!
        Looked like Larry David.

        Neighbour was shouting abuse as I’m carrying stuff out,
        I thought

        “Aw, dead tight that!
        He’s a frail old bloke!”

        Then my labourer called me in the bedroom.
        Under the mattress was loads of gay magazines and a pair of shit stained Avengers undercrackers ????

        The foul cunt was having Gaylord gangbangs and the neighbours had more or less run him out.

  19. Another Iran… Just what the world needs… Oh great.

    And, just like Saddam in Iraq and Gadaffi in Libya. Assad was the zookeeper who kept the savage animals in line.

    Now, we will probably have Syrian filth running amok all over Europe now.

    • We already do Norman, Cologne for example, molesting women outside the railway station. What a fool that Merkel was. Dumping one million of them into German society. And they wonder why the AFD vote is going up? Obviously need some history lessons. I’m sure Mt Schickelgruber will concur.

      • She wasn’t incompetent, it was and continues to be entirely deliberate

        With the the proliferation of white sluts either lezzing themselves or willing to interbreed with the incoming hordes, and the disgusting, soy filled beta makes willing to stand by and watch while they jerk of to O/F, the white race is headed to extinction.

        It’s all entirely deliberate.

  20. Assad was a trained optician. You’d think he’d of seen the writing on the wall sooner. My very own handmade joke of the year.

  21. Turkey for Christmas and Isreality for afters, of course Black-rocks will steal everything in sight also.
    There was the Neo Cons systematic pressure to destroy Syrias economy since 2011.
    Assad was warned way back by the Ruskies and the Winkies but didn’t address the problem, so ran out of money to pay the army generals, who availed themselves to bribery from likely sources.
    No resistance simply was why it happened so quickly.
    Its fkd now and will be in turmoil just like all the manufactured Arab spring bollox.

  22. Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan…… Syria, Iran next no doubt.

    Trouble is the west in often in collusion with local rebels\prescribed terror groups drags another functioning nation controlled by a dictatorship and turns it into a jihadi hell hole which will now no doubt cost the lives of some innocent kids on our streets sooner or later.

    Things for the average Syrian are about to most likely get worse and Assad’s regime will be fondly remembered as the good old days.

    Who does all this regional chaos benefit? Israel, does it benefit you or me in any meaningful way.

    Winners: Israel and the defence contractors
    Losers: Everyone else.

    More war means more illegals with a grudge heading our way.

    So many people seem to care more about the sandpit of psychopaths than they do about our own homeland.

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