A Nigerian student who came to the UK to complete her studies in Marketing with a PhD. She arrived late 2022 on a student visa, with husband and child as dependents.
( A buy one, get two free offer, presumably)
She was lured here after allegedly being promised funding for her fees and paid work at Newcastle University, none of which materialised.
Somehow, she managed to raise the first year’s fees of £13+k, was given subsidised accommodation, but failed
to register for her second year.
Sometime at the end of 2023, she was diagnosed with stage 5 kidney failure.
Wow, that got bad really fast, didn’t it?
Now, because she had failed to adhere to the terms of her Visa, Mrs. Agazie was informed by the University that they would have to report her to the Home Office.
In May the HO informed her that she must leave by June.
She immediately lodges a complaint against the University ( which of course puts the deportation on hold)
on the grounds that the stress and anxiety of being unable to pay her debts, when she was promised grants and a job, made it impossible for her to continue her studies.
So, nowt to do with the kidney disease, then.
She’s been refunded the £13+k fees, had her rent arrears wiped and awarded £5k for hurty feelings or summat. Is she fucking off home, with her plus two?
Oh no, of course not. She’s applying to remain on medical grounds, as she can’t afford the high quality treatment she needs, in Nigeria.
The high quality treatment she’s getting free, here. That includes a place on the transplant list. And a school place for her six year old.
Don’t you just love being a taxpayer?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Satan Blair let hordes of these African personages in.
And the cunts have been arriving ever since.
My local Spar had to put tins of tuna fish and jars of coffee behind the counter with the cigs and booze bottles. This was because African cunts kept nicking them.
Mind you, they only have themselves to blame. I have seen two of these African sods get ‘caught’. They simply played dumb and laughed it off. The store ‘security’ softly told them not to do it again and then let then off/out/go. The two chearspuckers went out and told their relatives that this shop was easy pickings.
They do have dialysis machines in Nigeria.
And, what’s this crap about afforffing it? She’ll get it free anyway. She certainly will here.
The rest of them do that’s for sure.
They ‘no talky engerlish’.
But just watch the shitehawks when the hospital tea trollley comes around. Getting the support staff to add more milk, sugar and tea to an NHS cuppa at 8am, like they are at the fucking Dorchester. While every other poor sod waits for them to shut up and finish.
And, it’s funny that they know all the fillings they want if there are butties as well.
Last month, in fact.
One of these bastards was tasting the brew, and then ‘demanding’ a bit more milk. Tastes it agan, and it’s more sugar. Then after drinking most of it, the parasite wants it topping up agan. Now, this cunt usually doesn’t speak in English, unless the tea trolley is about. And it’s always the same old shit for several minutes, every time. And the staff indulge them.
Anyway, we all endured this bullshit, unitl one patient (a lady) shouted ‘This isn’t a hotel, you black cunt!’
GB – laughing stock of the world….?
Talk about laugh, I was listening to the news on the radio at tea time, it was saying how many immigrants had reached our shores lately and that the Conservatives were criticizing Labour for not doing enough to stop them. Can you believe these hard-faced bastards? They sat on their hands for fourteen years and now feel free to criticize others?
150,000 durt2024.When will our political “masters” wake up and send the vermin back?Not rocket science.
Nigeria? fuck off back there
This type of shite has been going on for years. Student visa and you can bring the fucking family, right. Boat people are a problem not only to channel navigation, but fuck me check out the number of “legal” gimmigrants that have arrived since cunty Blair. Millions of the twats. Cunters have a gander at the Migration Watch website you’ll see the total number, guaranteed to make your eyes water. As an after thought there seems to be no mention of any evidence re jobs and accommodation in any news story regarding this case. Did the tribunal whatever ask for any proof from this lady or did they take her word for it? As for the kidney saga up too a few years ago you had pregnant Iranian women arriving at Gatwick in the full getup then they would disappear in minibuses or cars. Seems they all ended up having their kids in good old Blighty courtesy of the NHS. They had a “minder” who would play the husband with a local address etc. Free free free any problems specialist care running in to thousands free free. When all sorted hop on plane back to Iran making sure the middle men got a few quid and the NHS another fucking black hole. Shame but the person who told me this has moved to Scotland and I,m no longer in touch so never found out if this scam was discovered. He was a reliable person for stories of this kind.
The fact that the figure is net also disguises a major problem.
In reality, it has a dramatic and severely deleterious effect on society even if the net figure is zero. That means that millions of affluent whites have left the nation to be replaced by brain surgeons, architects and rocket scientists.
That’s exactly the thought I have Termy when they publish figures for net migration. In reality it’s even worse than it looks.
A “PhD in Marketing”? Marketing is not a science, let alone Philosophy. It’s a shady technique to lure gullible cunts into buying shit they don’t need. Shouldn’t be taught at the university, either, or else, smack pushers should have their Philosophiae Doctor, too.
I’m trying to think if something erudite and clever but my mind is just screaming “fuck off you thieving cunt “
I was getting a train this morning and standing behind this small African woman . Train stops , door button flashes and she goes to push it (after thinking about it for 10 secs ) misses it completely and then stands there looking at it like it is witchcraft
By this time my patience had disappeared
‘Love you need to push the button”
Cunt turns around “do not shout (I hadn’t ) at me , I have already pushed di botton”
I said no you haven’t and leaned over and pushed and open sesame the doors opened .
These people are a fucking liability