Reality or gen Z (4)


are cunts

What, in the name all FUCK, does ANY of this SHIT mean … ?

Some time ago, I was born into this world of lovely innocent fluffiness.

Then, several decades later, it appears to have gone all `cunty-booby`*.

It`s truly a Kafkaesque metamorphosis – I went to sleep one night, then woke up the next day and discovered I was in this alternate reality.

Am I still living on the same planet as these sub-`humans`? or is the Darwinian hypothetical of Evolution truly regressing back into the `Cradle of Civilisation` ?

And this, on top of our completely sane and rational `elected` representatives across the planet trying hard determinedly kill us all.

I could go on for fucking EVER.

Perhaps one day we will regress back to amoebas and just spontaneously explode due to natural osmosis.

I am now truly fucked up.

Seriously, cunters, what the FUCK is going on?

*Bowie`s original album title of `hunky-dory`, before the drugs kicked in.


Nominated by Sam Beau.

55 thoughts on “Reality or gen Z (4)

  1. It really is regression, Sam. Soon everyone will be impaled on the beef swords of the shuftis. That is the endgame for the humin rayce.

    Good morning, everyone.

  2. What is going on, Sam, is simply the BBC losing its traditional viewers and listeners hand over fist. So this is a futile attempt to appeal to a younger, more diverse demographic.

    It’s guaranteed to fail.

  3. It appears there are a great many cunts who want the entire Western World transformed from white to some sort of vile dogshit brown,all via disgusting interbreeding.

    All media,all politics, is obsessed with removing our history and indigenous identity and replacing it with inner city rap Just Eat “mixed race” sludge.

    Fuck off.


    Good morning.

  4. Sam, you could have stopped at Gen Z are cunts.

    If they haven’t had mental health issues by the time they are 30 there is something wrong with them.

    • My stepson is 25, but has the mental capacity and social skills of a 12 year old, like his mates.

      He does nothing but eat, make a mess and play video games.

      I’d throw him out but he’s not mine, which us causing such problems with missus that that relationship looks like it’s going the way of all flesh.

      I tried to enlust him in the Army. They wouldn’t have him. Says it all.

      Not even fit for cannon fodder.

  5. Thing IS, .. this lot seem to think this current life is all a big, easy open-ended party stretching into the future without end. Too fuckin’ stupid (the majority of them) to realise that can’t sustain. It just can’t.

    A big proportion of them(gen z) think they’re going to be YouTube millionaires streaming their ever more vacuous shit, or something…

    Surely it’s s all gonna come crashing down like a (mega)ton of bricks on ’em within a generation or two..

  6. I’d tie him up and force the illiterate Muzak freak to listen to Wagner’s Ring Cycle, which takes a whole day of listening. It might not convert him, but he will have listened to something decent for once in the silly cunts lifetime.

  7. O/T
    Yet another and most recent example of hypocrisy from this shambles of a government of quares and third rate wimminz. Now it seems that Kweer’s anti-corruption minister might well be corrupt herself – and her family – but as she is a Paki she will no doubt get away with it, no doubt one of those famous Westminster “misunderstandings”:

    • Oh dear, could we be looking at a triumvirate of sacked ‘totty’ (I use the term loosely) – Gray, Haigh and now Siddiq?

      Ah well,Tulip will just have to join her sisters Daffodil and Crocus cooking tandooris for Friday night pissheads in the Taj Mahal.

      • And just wait till AnalEase Dodds craps herself in front of Lord Mandy and Sir Tony over the port…..

  8. Rap is to Music as Crap is to Culture. It’s just talking whiney and too often evil shit with some rhythm, boring at best. “Lyrics” (that is, bickering words) mostly glofifying lowlifes, crime and pimping, complaining about everything. Can all fuck off to the place where the pepper grows thick, for all I care.

  9. The only currypants musicians I could name were Cat Stevens and Ravi Shankar.

    Now they are forming HipHop acts!!

    Not so much 8mile
    As curry mile

    It’s everything I hate in one package.

    MC terror suspect and the grooming gangs

    ” Taxi 4real” being a classic though.

    Westside ????
    (Of Rochdale)

  10. He allegedly is a very private person and is never seen in public without his face cover.

    Fuck off!
    He has a terrorist beard and knows that nobody would take him seriously if he showed it.

    What about when he goes into a bank or buys petrol?
    He does that in a mask too?

    I think that it’s illegal to disguise your face in the UK unless you are a Muslim woman in your letterbox dress.

    Why doesn’t this cunt get nicked?

    Answers on the back of a stamp please.

  11. Gen ‘Zee’ ( it’s Z you cunts) are all ‘suffering’ from anxiety and other made up mental elf problems.
    And it’s all the boomers fault.
    Get a proper job you wankers.

  12. Every generation blames the one before. As Paul Carrack once sang. And he had a point. The abomination that is Gen Z is down to the previous generation. In other words, I blame the parents.

    Nobody of the Z generation has ever been given a clout. Not even when they’ve deserved it. Even the most sadistic and heinous act will have been ‘punished’ with some cunt of a parent meekly saying ‘Not good’ or ‘be nice, dude/bud/mate’.
    I once saw a kid terrorising his little sister. Proper bullying and sadisitc shit. His mother said unforcefully ‘Morgan (the little fucker’s name) that’s not nice’.
    ‘Morgan’ smugly looked at his mam and said ‘Are you gonna hit me? I’m only ten.’ She didn’t, she backed off and he knew it. Gpd knows what sort of monster this little bastard will become in later life. And there will be millions of cases like this up and down the country.

    And, most of them will never have had anyone say no to them.

    A spoilt demanding kid will turn into a spoilt demanding adult. Stands to reason.

    If they are treated like they are untouchable and beyond punishment and criticism, there is going to be a load of grown up monsters and horrendous human beings. And so, it has come to pass.

  13. Apparently, the Gen Z mongs have a new word for ‘great’.

    Wait for it…… Wig

    For some unknown and fucking daft reason, something these retards like is ‘Wig’.


    ‘Charlie XCX is wig.’

    ‘Marcus Rashford’s pimpmobile is wig.’

    How about ‘Taylor Swift’s arse is wig.’
    Doesn’t really scan ,does it?

  14. The face cover will be an excuse for a nasty injury received for not shutting his mouth after the umpteenth time being told to shut it, due to all the nasty bile being spouted.

  15. The spoilt fucking useless cunts will get a wake up call after 5 years with the children running this shithouse of a cuntry.

  16. I may have previously mentioned a person who resides in a house that backs onto my house.

    Likes to play music extra loud, especially at 7:30am on a Sunday, and is under the misconception that his garden fence is a soundproof barrier that prevents anyone else being disturbed by it?

    Well, the music is a disturbing mix of Bhanghra and drill, and I’m 99% sure that it’s actually live, not recorded, so look no further for Sheffield born rap artist Slime.

  17. Don’t recall teenagers being a bunch of total fuckwits back in gen x
    Perhaps we were but just didn’t have social media to spread our stupidity so thoroughly

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