It’s comforting to know that our hard-working MPs will once again be tucked up nice and warm in their homes for another winter, courtesy of UK taxpayers.
Of course some of our pensioners won’t be so lucky now that our munificent government has taken the axe to the Winter Fuel Payment, after swearing blind before the general election that it wouldn’t.
Still, our suffering pensioners can heart from the fact that their sacrifice will enable old ‘TwoTierNeverHereFreeGear’ and his band of rogues to continue spending
billions on setting up illegal migrants in comfort, not to mention sending more billions in freebies abroad.
I’m just surprised that they didn’t do away with the £10 Christmas bonus while they were about it. Still, there’s always next year for that. All together now…
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Got my tenner ….spent it on bog paper and relished every wipe whilst picturing their vile faces on the 3ply ??
So, okay to let English people freeze to death, but not foreigners who shouldn’t even be here. How the fuck has this country got to this point. I am truly astounded that we don’t rise up and just do the cunts in.
Couple of folk tried a little bit of pushback after the Stockport murders were treated with clichés and nonchalance by the establishment. Poor cunts were made an example-of and are in prison for their efforts. The protests fizzled out quickly. Anyone expecting an overthrow-sized rebellion a la V for Vendetta’s climax will be waiting unto their graves. Despite seeing hundreds of comments online this decade so far along the lines of ‘something should be done’, or predictions that ‘it(a countrywide uprising)WILL happen’, . I’m aware of precious little somethings BEING done besides being wished for.
I’d love to stand corrected at some point on the matter but ?% doubt it.
Eventually the time for words will come to an end. I have a horrible feeling it might lead to a civil war and a dictatorship.
Dickie Daki and Joe Congo will be as warm as toast in their 4 star hotels.
And, those of them that get free (fucking free, mind you) three bedroom houses, they have pre-paid topped up electric meters.
Fucking parasitic leeching dirty bastards.
Because we were.or at least many were,(gun clubs) confiscated of their weaponery following the Dunblane incident years ago,They came for automatics later post Ryan’s Hungerford extravaganza,Hmm.
Crossbows are now circa 7k to buy when decent quality models generally topped out at1200 nicker around 6 years ago,
What will transbender pensioners do? OK thank you all very much. Likewise 20 zillion illegals. Could be a clever plan to reduce the population of U.K. free up money and housing for all the illegals those bringers of wealth and diversity whilst introducing raping and kiddy diddling to the mainstream.
We all know having a house full of people will keep you warm without using fuel. That’s what our government wants us to do, to make room for illegal immigrants. The silly cunts didn’t think we’d stick to our British principles of loners for this long and will get their comeuppance eventually.
Reeves is a shit.
A Mount Rushnore sized surface to air interccontinental ballistic thermonuclear shit.
Anybody have Paul Hogan in the dead pool?
He was a funny fucker. A mad TV show, with loads of Aussie totty to ogle. Before TV banned having a laugh and attractive women.
Cheers Hogues. RIP.
Delvene Delaney has now come into the mind of Norman.
She gave me the raging horn.
He’s not dead, the crocodile is.
My cunt of a cousin told me that Hogues was dead.
Turns out it’s a fucking crocodile.
Mind you, a croc snuffing it making worldwide news sums up the madness of modern media.
And, still, Delevne still gives me the horn.
It was the way the tabloids set it up as clickbait; gave the initial impression that Hogan had croaked.
RIP to a man who helped raise Australia’s profile on the global stage
Haven’t we had this nomination before? Or is it just to give us another excuse to criticize the government? I’ll say what I said before, I used to get this bonus even though I’m not on benefits. I can afford to pay my fuel bills, but if they’re giving money away I’ll take it. So the government says, why should we give all this money away to everyone, presumably including millionaires, when they’re not hard up?
So they stopped it. Anyone in a position where they can’t afford to pay heating bills can apply for benefits. Sorted.
All this talk of poor pensioners starving to death is a load of bollocks.
They forgot to stop it for themselves, though … it’s the double standard on the matter being cunted here, specifically.
There’s taking free money(when you dont ‘need’ it), … and then there’s taking the piss! Would any of the Westminster cunts qualify for heating benefit if their fuel allowance wasn’t automatic, and they had to apply?
Bet half the cunts would have the brass neck to have a go for it, too.
Did anyone ever peruse the expenses list? The cunts want a cornetto on a sunny day? … it’s an expense, if they submit it.
Quarter of a million on sweets in one year alone, I’m reading in another tab.
Here’s a direct quote.
Kit Kat. Hazel Blears, Lab MP for Salford. She claimed £2.50 for a Kit Kat from the minibar of the Sherlock Holmes Hotel.
Another one I always recall is the MP cunt that put a fiver in a charity tin. Big fucking gurning fake smile, it was done as a photo op by the cunt. (Hovering the note half in half out of the collectoin tin waiting for the *click*).
He then submitted the fiver in his expenses claim.
He probably never put the fiver in the fucking tin either.
Thanks Cuntemall, you got it in one.
Still couldn’t help but write it in two, though, Ron ?
Never caught the name of that charity-tin cunt, but I remember the photo. An old guy in a wheelchair with the tin in his lap. The MP leaning down & in from the side. It was an early HIGNFY story. Angus Deayton era. (When it was somewhat watchable).
My guess is Frank Cook.
Wow, .. a backpeddling grovelling cunt there, indeed, Moggie .. but A.D.’s exit from HIGNFY was 4 years prior, meaning the expenses-claiming of a charity fiver by an MP was not a one-off occurrence. (I had long since stopped watching HIGNFYby ’06).
I’d have been more surprised if it WAS a one-off. These fuckers are only ever ‘sorry’ if they’re named & shamed.
Playing Devil’s advocate here but what about those who are just above the threshold Allan, who would have been able to eke it out for the next 2-3 months until they’re over the worst of the cold weather?
Now they’re like Charlie Bucket’s grandparents.
Meanwhile the MPs who can easily afford it have kept their own allowance for themselves and bonuses etc. That’s something we’d expect from the Tories and it would be criticised by the likes of the BBC et al, yet it’s ok when Labour(in name only) do it?
Mate of mine works for Eon.
He was given a job to top up electric meters in new bulid houses. But he was told to keep it hush hush.
Turns out it was free electric for ‘asylum seekers’ who’d been ‘given’ these houses.
And, they are reluctant to help out the elderly.
This country has well and truly gone to Hell/
@ Norman
All I can say is, for fuck’s sake!
If you don’t get the point of this nom, Allan, I can only conclude that you have no elderly relatives, or if you do you don’t give a shit about them.
I’d just like to point out that one day, you will be old.
Gawd ….lend us your tenner then will you I need more 3ply ?
If some elderly person has worked all their life and have paid in, then they should be automatically entitled to the heating extra, regardless.
If some filthy dinghy rat or iron curtain gyppo can get everything on tap for fuck all, then some British citizen who has more than done their bit should get a leg up during the cold weather.
??????? first
The whole country is just not the same any more. It’s a joyless land now, with no humour or guts now. The rapport between the British people and bothering about each other is virtually non-existent these days. And almost everyone is frightened of saying sormething funny, in case it offends someone.
Even the police used to have a sense of humour. One game at Old Trafford in 1980, there was a rather MILF-like policwoman on her horse. I chatted to her for a bit, and I remarked that her horse looked exhausted.
The lady cop looked at me, and said ‘You’d be knackered too. If you were between my legs for a couple of hours.’
I miss the old Great Britain, and Keir Stapo, Reeves and the rest of them will kill it off for good.
Brilliant from the lady cop Norm. She sounds old school.
She was, Ron.
Was regularly on duty at Old Trafford and Maine Road. She looked like a hard lady, not to be messed with. But she was also pretty sexy with it. My imagination ran amok with scenarios about handcuffs.
Well it’s nearly here again!
Merry Christmas, to cunters everywhere!
Same to you, Ron..
And all other ISAC regulars.
All the best.
I don’t do Christmas, but Happy Holiday, all.
Same to you Jeezum.
How do we reverse this? In all seriousness.
Did you ever hear the saying ‘Too wet to come in from the rain’ ? … there’s no realistic, practical, feasible way to even *halt* the many ongoing societal downfalls so frequently bemoaned on this site, letalone reverse them the slightest modicum.
In theory, a straightforward list compiled from asking your question of the average everyman and compiling a shortlist from the top answers (much like the cunt of the year voting process) would see – for example – the immediate end to at-will unvetted illegal immigration. Tip of the iceberg, of course, … getting RID of the already-arrived would be next on that score and, well, .. can you imagine that, based on the sham attempts to offload a relative handful of the cunts to date?
And so on. Pragmatically simple – undo all the stupid bullshit dragging society backwards. Realistically, though, ..past the point of no return, and so IRreversible at this point.
But your new Prime Minister, in his infinite generosity, has earmarked something like five billion pounds of aid to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.
Now, I’m a thick Yank and have no real knowledge of the machinations of this fuckery, but let’s say The King and The Prince of Wales collectively say PISS ON YOU, STARMER, we’re going to stump up and pay out of the Duchys of Cornwall and Lancaster.
Is that possible or must The King and The Prince of Wales remain outside of this motherfucking eejit’s slashing of the heating allowance. And I didn’t vote for Trump. I pray to God every night that the shitstain will die before January 20, 2025.
Those over priveliged leeches will do fuck all other than parasite off us. Merry Christmas.