are a load of cunt.
Now, Mrs Norman sometimes gets a wimmins magazine called Red. Anyroad, she recently bought the latest issue (January 2025). Normally, this wouldn’t interest me in the silghtest. But, this time. it did.
On the cover is a beautiful woman, So, naturally I thought that she would feature inside the magazine. However, the lovely cover girl is nowhere to be found. All the models inside the magazine are black, black, black and – just for a change – black.
I – as a red blooded normal male – find this very unfair and totally underhand. Raising my hopes up (and other things), only to have them dashed. The cunts don’t even tell,you the cover model’s name. A total swizz.
Nominated by Norman.
All the models were black?
You’re sure you hadn’t accidentally picked up National Geographic’s special Christmas edition “The Life and Times of Dian Fossey”?
At least you get a satisfyingly white cliental in ‘Love Dungeon Monthly’, Cunt Engine.
Oh, I don’t know about that, LL…a small contingent of dark meat has made its way down the dumb waiter and into their pens.
After laying fresh straw, of course.
Or accidentally picked up “Baboon Monthly?”
The cover model’s probably a bloke.
You can have any colour as long as it’s black…Henry ford never said a truer word ?….. Nostradamus was nowhere to be seen with that comment ?
The lingerie section of a 1980’s Gratton’s catalogue mate, top tottie.
You’re a man after my own heart, Tmj.
God knows how many I must have banged out over those milfs.
Lol, those were the days 🙂
And they would have had a full muff of hair.
Oh Wanksock please, don’t!
That is so unfair! ?
It’s a strange world, in a county that is (for now) majority white the adverts on TV, with very few exceptions, are either all black, mainly black or include at least one black.
The question is why, what is the reason advertisers are filling their content with black ‘actors’ and what has happened to all the white ‘actors’ who used to get the work.
How many mixed race couples are there in the UK, it can’t be 100% but if you look at adverts you would believe that there aren’t any white/white couples anymore, the occasional all black couple gives us some hope but where are the white ones.
Publications like Red I assume get much of the revenue from advertising, as the advertising industry has now eradicated white its is logical that the magazine will feature black, OK the cover may have a white so they aren’t completely stupid, I imagine the demographic who buy Red are white women.
Why wasn’t the woman on the front featured inside or even named, well why bother she was only a token to attract buyer.
It’s all about being scared of being accused of Racism via social media..
Corporate Shithouse Cunts.
Rarely see slọpês, char wallahs and never Inuit.
Evening SOI, evening all
‘Kalergi Plan’ essentially,The jew using the harvest as a broom for white extinction is at the core of it.Harvest (mastermind.dr Who,etc,etc) could it ever be more obvious at this point?
The type of wankers in advertising are to blame or maybe they are being forced into it in a vain attempt to make multiculturalism seem normal which would no doubt work on a fair few of the halfwit population
You should count yourself lucky..
it might have been this thing…
Immediate deception Oven.
Not much of a deception Tez.
Fat, ugly, attention seeking faggot oven.
Blimey Unkle,
That link was nearly as disturbing as a Cunt Engine one!
Misleading publications…
The Labour manifesto is the biggest work of fiction known to man..
Streets ahead. Is there anything remotely true in it?
I used to enjoy Pall Mall magazine. The drawings by young Beardsley and contributions by Wilde were top hole. Or maybe that should be bottom hole. What, what!.
Norman, were the sheboons comely or like the rest Dian Fossey photo’s?
Never mind misleading cover photos, what about misleading titles?
For example ‘The Women Who Made Modern Economics’ by Rachel from Complaints.
Or to give it its correct title, ‘Wikipedia’.
“Nummers n sheeit” is a classic in Keynsian economic philosophy, by Dianne Abbot.
The real lesson to be learned here is that beauty is only skin deep.
But ugly goes clear to the bone!
There are very few mixed race marriages, even in modern times when you have been bombarded with nothing but mixed raced relationships for a number of years.
It was even more unusual almost 40 year’s ago when I proudly married Mrs Cunter.
There are many extremely attractive black and mixed race women around.
However, advertisers ignore them in favour of fuck ugly ones.
I don’t know why they do that, and neither does Mrs Cunter or any of the black people that I know.
There is a new police programme called Ellis.
When I saw a trailer for it I remarked that the lead character was an ugly cunt.
Mrs Cunter agreed but added that she knew her.
There’s enough trouble just relating to a female of my own race, throw in cultural/racial differences, well, a bridge too far for me AC.
Granted, a few are nice looking. Used to have a thing for Whitney lol.
I can relate to that tooTermi,
Race never really came up for us but culture sometimes did.
Race was a big deal for her family though. They thought my Anglo-Saxon ancestors were the Blue-eyed sons of Satan.
Her mother did not like the idea of her baby seeing a white man.
It only took about a decade and my love’s death to change their perception of me. Her mother and I became close that as the family matriarch she wouldn’t hear a word against me.
Her sisters had to walk softly in presense.
Was it Kamala Harris?
Was wasn’t it?
Knew it!! Hahaha ?
You find my romantic involvement with a black woman and her death funny? Something to make fun of?
As to the question as to whether or not you are a Troll with an incurable case of Cuntster Derangement Syndrome, I rest my case and leave it to the good judgement of the IsaC Faithful.
I didn’t know she was dead.
Hence the Kamala Harris joke.
I didn’t read she had curled her toes up till further down.
So calm yourself down.
Pack it in grow up both of you ffs.
Fucking Troll!
You knew it. Not only from this post but I’ve talked about it before.
You’re a fucking liar.
“…curled her toes up…”?
Fuck you!
Pack it in you and mis ffs grow up. C.A.
How would I know that?!
You’ve never mentioned it before you daft twat.
I neither knew or cared.
Don’t be so hysterical.
Sorry CA.
I’ll leave it be
Hey Artful,
As someone who was romantically involved with a black woman I wholeheartedly agree with your post.
I have always wondered why the publishers constantly ignore the gorgeous ones and focus on the Gorgons.
Amazing isn’t it?
It’s like all actors/actresses these days.
There was a time when a woman had to be drop dead beautiful to make it into films and I’m sure that fellow cunters could put together a huge list.
Same went for male actors.
I showed the wife a photo of the totally unfunny cunt Charlie Chaplin without the make up on.
She said that he was a really handsome guy.
As we’re all of the ‘oldies’.
I didn’t know about your loss General.
Terrible. My sincere commiserations.
Thank you Termujin,
Your condolences are greatly appreciated.
I thought she was an Uruk Hai orc from LOTR, until Mrs C corrected me. ?
Sorry to go off course but talking of misleading :
“Lessons will be learned, blah blah blah”
CPS cunts. NHS cunts. Barrister cunts.
Lucy Letby – cunt.
I’d suggest wait and see, when the main witness for prosecution does a complete 180 then something’s awry.
I guess there’s a very small chance she’s innocent Poots, but I would have convicted her, and would do so again.
Black fella’s seem to prefer white lasses, a black mate of mine calls black women “Bessie’s” and no way would he date a black lass…!
Is that racist…?
Black guys have experience of how vicious black women can be, probably learned from their own mothers.
Black girls will usually only put up with abuse, either physical or emotional just once.
Then the guy had better learn how to sleep with one eye open.
Boy you got that right!
Latin girls will cut off your dick with a butcher knife while you sleep.
Black girls will look you right in the eye as they cut your heart out with a rusty and jagged scrap of metal.
Well Dr, you know the saying…
Once you go black, you’re a single mother.
Something like that.
Due to only having an old iPad, l shall have to rely on the experience of friends who live in this country, its solely aimed at and not the 1% that don’t. I shall dismiss myself from what I imagine to be viewing negatives of my former self.
Even the Beano has caught the woke disease.
It is now mandatory to have a black character on the cover.
And, the Bash Street Kids have been ‘re-imagined’. Fatty, Spotty and Wilfred have been replaced by two peacefuls and a black personage.
And the Bunny Mag is now a pussywhipped joke, and they surrendered to the woke loonies. Since Hef’s death, there has been a transgender playmate of the month, as well as an AI generated one.
Mind you, I still like my Shindig. A magazine that covers the more psychedelic and lesser celebrated rock and pop acts. Immediate Records star Billy Nicholls is on the front of the latest issue.
I’ve never been with a sooty.
Not really for me.
I’m not keen , don’t get me wrong I was a big fan of Johnny Morris and enjoyed Any which way but Loose.
But that’s as far as it goes.
Don’t even like permed hair.
Fuck that?
You never went out with the girlfriend like me, with her hair in rollers under a scarf. I took my one to see Johnny Morris covered in camel phlegm.
Sounds as if you prefer them natural Mis, like me.
I prefer them white Arfur.
And English.
With big knockers ?
Surly Mis, you’d give Sweep one ? That squeak is a turn on for me anytime.
Agreed.Never dated a sooty woman and I never will.Not for me.Is it cos I is waycist??
Apart from the odd one or two, there not a bonny race of people…!
Probably not racist.
You just don’t find them attractive.
Personally I don’t find ginger or blondes attractive.
I know that there are exceptions but they don’t do anything for me.
I like black haired girls.
Ginger lasses, pale skin and pink nipple’s. Hhmmmm?
People say I’m racist. According to me it isn’t.
A woman’s magazine called Red, is it a monthly or a periodical?
Definitely if they’ve got the decorators in.
Black ops at work I suspect, fill the populations heads with shite, move in and take over. White is the new black.
Confusing today isn’t it .
Red magazine I thought would be full gorgeous Russki blue eyed lasses, wearing real furs in the snowfall and want to meet up with you, even if one is an old bollox.
Hold onto the deeds of the home though and the bank details before applying.
Just watching the ” wheeltappers and shunters club”
Bernard manning singing show tunes?
Decent voice.
Sign up on wall
Meat pies 10p
Plate of peas 5p
Imagine a night out and ordering a plate of peas?!!
Fuckin ell.
Treat yourself, go on.
Peas? Peas? Luxury! When I were lad…….
Bernard Manning doing his best Sinatra and a plate oh peas, does life get any better than that?
I can’t imagine how?
Another sign said
‘ No bicycles inside ‘
Bradley Wiggins types coming in for a plate of peas
A cone of steaming black peas with plenty of salt and vinegar, outdoors, on a freezing night, in front of a blazing fire.
Spot on.
If the BBC is a publication;
Headline tonight: Andrew will not join royals for Christmas at Sandringham.
Article: The Duke of York will not join the rest of the Royal Family for the traditional Christmas gathering in Sandringham, royal sources have told the BBC.
It is expected that Prince Andrew will “honourably withdraw” from Royal Family events at Christmas to avoid being a distraction.
He is instead expected to stay at home in Windsor on Christmas Day.
So cunty!
I suspect the only thing from which he has ever previously withdrawn is (possibly) a young lady..
Cut him some slack Hugh, at least it was a lady.
Epstien Lady Boys, by all accounts.
Them Files, Them Files, need canceling
Thats an unnatural Law.
Poor old Andrew, not being invited. This is one of the last Christmases that he was going to get to interfere with Princess Charlotte before she became too old for him.
Hell be lonely in pizza hut☹️
He could nip round his mates the spy for a bowl of noodles and bats ?
Smyths Toys in disguise, be wary of the teddy bear aisle.
There are some women who are black who I would say are absolutely stunning…. but I’d also add that they are the exception, rather than the rule. Indian/Pakistani women on the other hand tend to be absolute stunners (when young) but those women are the greatest danger-fuck of all. Good luck trying to go balls deep in one of them without losing your balls to her male cousin (future husband).
They all seem to bloat out terribly after the age of 30.
The hairy foreheads and moustaches don’t help fan the flames either.
I won’t mention curry.
Fuzzy felt foreheads!
Wonder why?
I know it’s only Monday but fuck it ………..
I blame Charles Darwin for all this .
Why, I’d no sooner whip off my belt get on all fours and fuck next doors terrier.
I suspect Bob Geldof feeding up those Ethiopians was instigated by his sly wanking as a boy to pictures in national geographic of some Mammy two shoes with a water jug on its head and it’s udders out.
It’s beyond the pale.
The Pale was never Ireland Mis
even if it still Rules
Alright Mecuntry??
Watching something about Robert the Bruce’s brother Edward becoming king of Ireland.
Scotland invaded Ireland.
I never knew that!
Some egghead in a university showing a skull,
It’d been twatted with a sword
But before that a hammer or a mace.
And the bloke lived!!
Although he probably had to part his hair differently.
We had blacks an all Mis coming here, kidnapping us for slavery in “`Africa|
for Fks sake.
Fkrs, the cheek of em, Im going black awhile to be fair to the underprivileged
We had the vikings kidnapping us.☹️
One day out in the fields working looking forward to a hearty meal of turnip…
Next thing smacked in the face of some hairy arse Abba reject.
Chained up and taken to Scandinavia as a slave making IKEA knockoffs .
We wanted turnip
But got swede.
Hah ha hee he he
On the ball Mis.
Mow you have ended up with Swede fk all.