73 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. I hope that Dame Kweer enjoys, and gets full use, out of the gift of Mobi-Prep (large economy size pack) that his estranged wife Victoria sent to him and his “houseboy” at their holiday hideaway. He will need another holiday to get over his holiday, and when people congratulate Wes on his tanned face, he will ruefully tell them all that brown is NOT suntan.

  2. I’ve sent Admin a Christmas present this year to show my gratitude for their sterling work.

    Admin – Thank you very much for keeping the show on the road, and I hope you enjoy the box of Dirty Ange’s growler-scented candles.

    Marry Christmas to one and all.

      • You’re lucky Sam. Gone from my phone, husband’s and brothers ☹️Ours are androids not iPhones if that’s any different?

      • ??‍??

        Samsung Android, Jill. Did you try the emoji search (magnifying glass) function?

        The pregnant-man emojis I twigged last summer are gone from android but persist on whatsapp, I see …

    • ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. Yuletide greetings Cunters and Admin.
    It’s the season of goodwill to all men, (and women I suppose), but don’t let that stop you all cunting the many fuckwits out there!
    Have fun.

  4. A merry Christmas to all IsAC cunters, past and present.

    May you feast long and heartily.

    To the Admin team a big thanks for keeping the site going, its much appreciated by all.


  5. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

    Happy Christmas to all posters, past and present.
    Merry to Christmas to the admin team who somehow manage to keep things running and maintain order.

    {pssst… when are we having a different Cunter of the Year? Miserable has been in that role for too long and the power has gone to his head}??

      • Or as Rodders seems intent on taking us back into the EU, perhaps we should have that other supporter of European integration, Adolph S.

      • But it’s IsAC’s chance to have its very own kamala harris. Which could (in mitigation) get cunters a few months off their IsAC-related prison sentences, when ‘the’ day comes .. ?

      • (Norman), … I’d think twice about ordering something in a McDonalds that that cunt was managing, … nevermind that some (deluded, ridiculous) cunts saw her fit to run the fricken’ USA, for fuck’s sake … ?

        See Biden’s commuted the sentences of 37 cunts that are (or were) on death row? Prolonging the lives of convicted fucking murderers, at taxpayers ongoing expense. Sooner the cunt is out of the White House the better …

      • Fucking hated Tiny Tim.
        Horrible noise, and he looked well creepy.

        Like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

      • Was watching Scrooge from 1970 yesterday. The Albert Finney version.

        The wife’s sister was gushing about how ‘cute’ Tiny Tim was as he burst into song.

        I said I thought he was an irritating syrupy little bastard.
        Didn’t go down well, that. Women, eh?

  6. Seasons greetings ?…oops sorry went all woke and one nation then ?..merry Christmas to all true traditionalist and hope the big fella brought more stuff you already have ?…last day of holiday in Espana before home tomorrow, enjoy your festivities you bunch of reprobates ????

  7. I’ll enjoy it if I can.

    And, if celebrating Chrstmas and calling it Christmas gets on the tits of the woke loonies and the ethnics, then all the better.

    All the very best, cunters and cuntesses.

  8. Oh yeah.

    Today’s Doctor Who(ke) Christm… sorry… Holiday Special.
    Starring Ncunti Gayblack and written by Steven Moffatt.

    You have been well and truly warned….

  9. The 24th December window in the advent calendar in our house had the nativity in it.

    Bloody hell, I was surprised. I thought all such pictures had been banned

  10. A very happy Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful 2025 ( yeah right) Now which bloody dog drank my glass of mature cider?. Peace and goodwill to all cunters keep the faith.

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