73 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. For some reason, New Years Eve is the time of merriment and jolly because everybody’s in the same boat and seem to all be glad that another shite year has past.

    Christmas Eve on the other hand is a cunt and seems to turn people into cunts – if you’re having a shite Christmas and other people are enjoying themselves’, then drown your sorrows in a Stella-fueled binge and start a fight with someone…. misery loves company after all.

    Back on Christmas Eve 2001, I was walking to my mate’s house to have a few pre-nightout drinks and in the town centre I saw an ambulance closing it’s doors and driving off with a pool of blood left behind on the pavement…. it was afternoon and the sun was still up.

    Last night around midnight I heard lots of aggressive shouting outside. I peaked out of the window to witness two groups of young lads fighting with one lad lying down in the road while another lad tried to put out a non-existent fire with the bottom of his foot.

    Christmas – what a load of old shit.

  2. Merry Christmas to all cunters.

    Many thanks to the admin team for your hard work all year, enabling us mortals to have somewhere to vent, thereby maintaining a semblace of sanity in this increasingly bizarre reality we now find ourselves enduring.

    Peace and best wishes to you all.

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