I’m nominating a peaceful by the name of Khalid Baqa for a proper halal cunting.
This arsehole, a convicted terrorist, has taken offence to the name of a pub called The Saracen’s Head Inn. His complaint is “While walking through the area I was shocked and deeply offended by what I saw. I saw pub signage depicting a brown-skinned bearded Arab/Turk male with a turban and captioned The Saracen’s Head.”. He goes on “This instilled worry and fear in me since it was clearly xenophobic, racist and inciting violence to certain people.” Well this sounds exactly like the religion of peace, so what is this hypocrite’s problem?
If this cunt doesn’t like Western culture and values, he can fuck off to one of the Third World Islamic shitholes where he can crouch down with his nose an inch away from another Parking Stanley’s smelly feet during prayers at one of the local terrorist clubs.
Taking a look at the picture in the Telegraph article, I have to ask: why do so many of these terrorist types have beards the colour of an exploding backpack?
Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.
Why are one in every fifty terrorists ginger?
Some diversity quota or something?
Sorry but I can’t take a ginger muzzer seriously.
Freckles bin laden .
White converts always seem to be ginger for some reason. No idea why.
He looks like a Scotchman with that ginger beard!
Let’s hope he emulates the fate of all male porridge wögs:
Dying of old age by the age of 40, addicted to heroin, cold, miserable, penniless and blaming the English for all his woes.
Solve the problem by beheading the inbred pàķi and leaving his head on a spike for the crows..
‘Orf with his head….? What a sniveling bunch we’ve become having to defend ourselves against a convicted carpet kisser who allegedes he’s upset by the name…. I’m upset this piece of ? is still in the country, how about that UK government going to do something about it…no, thought not …give him a pork pie and a gallon of bombardier ale ?….cheers ? cunt
Torygraph article is behind a fucking paywall.
More cunter friendly link below:
A shame it isn’t his head.
Fucking sack of sandfilth.
I’m offended by his appearance but as I’m a resident in his country I suppose I’ll just have to put up with it.
Well, I`m of down to ȶɦɛ ռɨɢɢɛʀ`ֆ ǟʀʍֆ tonight for a few rum & blacks.
2025 had better watch out around me.
Thank fuck we have diversity, where else in the world could such a complete cunt, the landlord should have reported the cunt for harassment.
I am offended by Muslims living in the UK, perhaps a letter to all carpet kissers asking the to leave the UK.
Post something to that effect on the door of your local mosques and you will be up before the beak in a politically motivated show trial and serving a five stretch before tea time.
I had some toy Saracens as a lad.
Britain’s ltd.
Scimitars and black armour.
I also had some medieval infantry (Airfix) who bravely fought against the Saracens.
Winning every time.
I was probably about 8yrs.
Nowadays I’d be in some government facility for children who commit Hate crimes.
Perhaps the stinky, ginger bearded carpet-kisser should find employment if he is that desperate for money. Perhaps he has no time for working when he is doing the work of More-ham-head. How the fuck he justifies his “fear and offence” or whatever boollax, with the sum of precisely £1,850 will be interesting to see.
Terrorist cunt.
It`s never a dull nacht in 卐 The Geᛋᛋtapo Arms 卐 …
Frohes Neues Jahr, meine betrunkenen kleinen Fotzen !!!
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ? ⁍ ⁍ ⁍
Thought you were teetotal Adolf, and vegetarian.
You forget we had the best propaganda machine ever, Stanley.
And it`s now Sir Adolph, Vielen Dank !
Sounds like that nice Doctor Morell’s been overdoing the Pervitin injections again.
Best he stay away from Putney in case he gets natural urges and doesn’t have a goat in his pocket.
The disgraceful shitter.
I used occasionally to drive past an ancient pub in Bewdley called the Black Boy which had a picture of a black boy on the sign outside. Then one day I drove by and noticed the sign had been replaced by a sign with a picture of a middle-aged white man in a horsehair wig. The pub still bears the name Black Boy but I guess it’s days are numbered.
The Black Boy by the river is now called The Bewdley Inn. Changed as deemed to be racist
Get in a Baqa. I’d chop the rusty bollocking cunts head off and hang it alongside the sign until it rotted away, then sweep it into the gutter.
As Ricky Gervais said ‘just because you’re offended it doesn’t mean that you are right’.
I trust that this cunt is to fuck off in uncertain terms. Surely, this country has not yet reached the depths of allowing such bollocks.
Here’s an idea.
Throw the convicted terrorist out of the country.
I thought that was the job of the home secretary, and was required by the law of the land regardless of political allegiance.
Or am I missing something again which flies in the face of common sense?
Common sense is a quality apparently missing in all of those in authority.
Sadly we lack common sense ?
The historic names of Green King public houses have certainly had it in the ear in recent times.
And they’ve dropped their trousers and bent over every time. Why? These cunts don’t even go to pubs. I’d tell them all to fuck off.
They want, nay demand that all pubs are shut down because pubs offend them.
Child rape, goat rape and general rape don’t seem to bother them in the slightest though.
Go figure.
The beginning of the cure would be to hang the filthy cunt from the nearest tree to the pub.
When the inevitable paķi crowd turn up with their legal aid lawyers hang the fucking lot alongside the first sack of dung.
Then turn to their extended families and give them some British fair play:Quit the country within the week or hang.
This country has become an open sewer.
Start with the fucking lawyers, treasonous cunts.
I’m positive if we killed off a few of them, the Judges and Politician’s publicly then the rest would fall in to line. But alas…..
They hate our culture and country Unkle
You guys are far too harsh. We need to reach out to our Infidel friends in a welcoming and understanding kind of way.
How about inviting them to a Sunday Brunch Buffet at the pub?
All you can eat bacon, pork chops and ham.
What next, chimp boy Charlie getting offended by the Kings head, or fat reg over the queen’s head..
I see this greasy pàķi is targeting other saracens head pubs, so it’s all about money..
Pay him in pork scratchings…and deodorant..
He’s done three with the same name, & there are more out there. Sounds like he is on a crusade, just like his ancestors. At least the one near me is perminantly closed.
O/T … multiple NYE events across the country have been cancelled with the fret office issuing weather warnings ?️?️?️ …yet again more reasons for this soppy population to cower indoors because the ‘authorities’ have deemed it better to stay safe ?…the Welsh ambulance service are pleading with people not to imbibe the ? as they are already swamped……total control is nigh ?️ ?
Or is it O/T, Gelderd?
Given the propensity of ropers like Khalid Spaqa to be a copycat and drive a large vehicle into a white crowd, could there be another reason for the cancellations?
It’s very handy that there’s a bit of weather about tonight, isn’t it? Climate catastrophe makes for a good excuse.
Probably closer to the truth than they will ever let on.
Round my way it’s looking to be nothing more than a strong breeze and a bit of rain.
Although not letting a truck of peace mow down hundreds of white people is in itself racist.
The forecast for Edinburgh at midnight tonight is 7C, wind 20mph with gusts up to 43mph, 40% chance of rain.
In other words, pretty average. But they’ve still cancelled the annual Hogmanay street pissup.
Smell a rat, anyone?
Hogmanay Geordie?
That’s a celebration for the indigenous population of Scotland and therefore not inclusive enough…
Definite truck of peace,ass stabathon or nail bombing in the offing.
Perhaps this cunt prefers laundry’s.
Push the cunts evil head in a bucket of boiling pitch, use it as a beacon on new years eve.
Why do old rug pilots dye their beards red? As a Scot, I’ve never worn a tea cosy or my Grans nightie, no matter how drunk I am. Maybe a traffic cone or lampshade. Are lthey hedging their bets and hoping to get Into to Valhalla when they find out Abrahamic Heaven is for Jews only?
And yes, that’s a dig at Christians as well.
Presem Yasur.
You’ve got another think coming if you reckon that pile of goat shit is getting into Valhalla.
We might use his head as a football though.
I’m not going in nets again.
We only stuck you in goal because you can’t handle your mjød, threw up on Loki and flashed the Valkyrie.
They were all very upset.
Same time this evening then?
Ashamed of nothing, offended by everything, contribute nothing, destroy everything.
I fully agree.No contribution to our country at all.Thieving goat shaggers.
Kick the desert dweller out of an RAF Hercules over the Sahara above 30,000 feet.
There’s a assault on history as we know it.
Because you can take pride in a shared history.
It may cause outbreaks of patriotism.
I like pubs ,
I like pub names.
Older the better.
I’ve drank in ye last stop to Jerusalem.
I was ever so excited.?
I’ve drank in the Golden fleece in York with a human skull on the wall.
I’ve drank in the thatched roofed Bleeding Wolf near Stoke.
Pubs have names for a reason.
A connection to the past.
You’d not care if you didn’t love this country or was a enemy of these isles.
Gingerwhinger can fuckin do one.
As can his snake lawyers
And any appeasers in the Labour party.
????????????????????? vote Reform
Well said Mis
I was born in York, left aged 26. Nostalgia kick , took the wife and 3 kids into town – 2pm on a Saturday. Walked into the Fleece, big history with me. Some cunt with their arm out blocks me, didn’t even see it – appears lezzer door staff worried fat bald guy with children might cuase grief. I said “f**k me whats your problem …” “she” wanted some action. Clueless cunt. Haven’t been back since – York is now stag and hen cunt central apparently.
Seeing as park keys are petrified of dogs, I reckon any pub named the dog and …. will be next on the hit list, soon to be renamed the immigrant and asylum lawyer.
And when it gets a bit cold over the next week, be careful who you say “it’s a bit parky” to. It’ll cost you nigh on two grand to assuage their manufactured anger.
In preparation for Parking Stanley land kicking off with the Taliban (who aren’t scared of being nuked by the way), I have cracked open a case of Tuborg Jule bryg and stuck the candied bacon under the grille, in readiness for the most hilarious one sided arse kicking in history.
Backward, smelly medieval fuckwits nuking other backward, smelly medieval fuckwits is what I live for. ?
Yeah, it’s great isn’t it Odin? As folks on here are wont to say, pull up a chair and grab your popcorn. Remember the Iran Iraq war in the eighties? Estimates for mussies slotted in that debacle are well over a million and possibly as high as two million. All beneficial to us. Bring it on!
Rename the orbital M25 as Lord Khan’s Ring…
Maybe Mr Baqa would just prefer the pub to be simply renamed as The Prophet’s Arms, the Carpet Kisser’s Inn or The Terrorist’s Rucksack.