According to Justin Sun, proud new owner of 35p worth of banana and duct tape, a snip at £4.9m
“the piece represents a cultural phenomenon that bridges the world’s of art, memes and the cryptocurrency community.”
Eh? Okay, if you say so.
Whilst you’re in the market for objects d’art, Mr. Sun, can I interest you in a marvelous installation that you would probably describe as” representing the portal by which all humanity enters and exits this world? ”
I describe it as London Bridge!
Nominated by : Jeezum Priest
I’m surprised it wasn’t bought by David Lammy or Anthony Joshua.
Justin is a puffs name.
And he looks Korean?
Probably one of chairman Kim’s grandkids.
That’s one way to launder money.
Exactly. Even rich people aren’t that stupid.
Parcel tape him to the wall.Silly dog eater.
He clearly knows what he likes – duct tape and a banana, the contents of a serial killer’s lunchbox.
Good morning, everyone.
Good Morning
I was in Smythsons in Bond Street a few years ago peddling my wares. Tracy Emin, artist of the people, was in there spending money like water. I now appthow she could afford to do so.
Yes but ‘they did see him coming’
Dis layyciist post.
I makee monee any way I wan.
You no judgee me.
Ba-nana tastee lubbish anyway.
Herro Cap, he no Reonardo though.
Goo revenin
No, Toroose Retlec, eiver.
Some cunt threw up onth pavement in the next village to me,it had carrots in it.
I’ve emailed Mr Sun to see if he wants it for a bargain half million.
He’d better be quick it’s fucking pissing down.
The little yellow cunt.
Good morning.
Puke always has carrots in it, even if you haven’t eaten any carrots.
Mine usually has vodka in it.
I understand it’s not carrots Geordie, it’s bits of stomach lining.
Weekly rag in the town I grew up in used have a court-last-week section. Handful of drink driving convictions every time.
One time they reported that a cop said a man who’d failed the roadside breathalyser was brought to the station for a follow up test, where it was determined the man had ‘excess blood in his alcohol’ ..
Boozing legend, or editorial faux pas? …
In 2016 a can of shit would cost you €275,000 in Milan:
Personally if I had that sort of money to waste I’d rather spend it on a can of Giorgia Meloni’s dirty camiknickers.
Christ I’ve got a throb on just thinking about it.
Isn’t she a lovely politician lady?
I’d be delighted to filibuster her arsehole,in the truest sense of romantic tradition.
which we are a bastion of on here it must be said.
Good shout Mr Twatt.
Seriously, Geordie, who would want to by a tin of that now? It must be way past its best before date. And to be fair, the artist was going through his `brown period` at the time. The cheeky wop.
All because he likes something yellow in his arse?
Don’t talk about his special friend like that.
Wonder how much the banana that flew in the last Starship would have been worth, if it hadn’t been blown to pieces.
Stupid fucking question…
Storm Darragh keep me awake most of night, the Irish cunt.
Surely, storm `Aaaaarghhhh!`?
Unless the daft cunt brought the wall as well, it would have to be un-taped and then stuck on a wall in his house.
Then he might as well have brought a fucking banana and some gaffer tape himself.
Personally I don’t believe this shit.
For the auction price to have gone up to 4,9 million there must have been several bidders eager to buy it.
There can’t be that many stupid cunts in one auction.
I don’t see why not? Look at how many stupid cunts there are in the Cabinet.
All of them ?
A cunt and his money are soon parted, and so they should be.
Whoever is delivering this thing could pull a fucking simple but excellent heist, with a quick detour via a hardware store and his local supermarket. A black marker to stain-match the substitute banana. Quick coat of resin(I presume), roll of silver gaffer tape.. and for less than a tenner he can become the owner of the real £4.9M treasure. It would make no difference to the rich slant in the nom, but his courier/butler/whatever would always *know*….
Was it an original or a very good fake ?
Money laundering in action. All modern art is a load of pretentious wank. Someone left a shoe in a modern gallery for a joke and all the Bohemians and chin rubbers were there studying it and more than likely hailing it as supreme art. What a bag of cunt.
I don’t know about the duct tape but that looks like a very nice banana. In fact it looks exactly like the one I bought at Tesco on Thursday. I take potassium citrate so I’m only allowed one banana a week. And I really like them. Life’s so unfair.
I actually feel for you, Allan.
How sad not to be able to eat something you enjoy.
I can’t eat grapefruit, or drink the juice, because of one of the meds I take.
But I’m not downhearted, mainly because I hate the nasty, bitter shite.