Jonathan Bailey

I nominate Jonathan Bailey.

No, ne neither, until I saw this pile of shit :-

Sky news

Aside from from not knowing how to spell his own name correctly, ge also can’t tell arse from quim, although he would like children, ffs.

Thats OK though, because he’s read a book on it. Again, FFS!

Do what normal people do, find a nice chick, get married, raise a family. No turkey basters, egg donations, tablets, procedures or invitro Frankenstein shite needed.

I’d never heard of Bridgerton either, which appears to be a mercy.

He goes on to bemoan how difficult it is to cope with stardom (you wish), and that he’s really good at saying ‘No” to photographs.

He’s so far up his own arse (and other people’s) that he is in danger of disappearing entirely, which would appear to be the only useful thing he’s ever done.


Nominated by Termujin.

48 thoughts on “Jonathan Bailey

  1. It should be illegal for The Gay to “parent” children.

    Their degenerate “lifestyle” should not be part of any youngsters life.

    Starstruck sobbing Oven.

    Good morning.

  2. He used to be in a relationship with a woman. Really?

    More likely give him a map, a compass and a torch and he still couldn’t find a vagina.

  3. Right girls Blouse.

    I’ve never heard of the little sword swallower ,
    But he’s a actor and they’re all puddle skippers aren’t they?

    Look Dorothy Gayle I had any say in things you’d not be allowed to adopt a kid.

    Not because your gay.
    Because your a self absorbed airheaded actor wanker.

  4. Never hear of the cunt. Bit his having managed to read a book reminds me that I read something the other day that stated UK adults have an average reading age of eleven. Apparently most of them cannot even read and understand simple medical instructions. I suppose that is a small mercy, there is a chance that the fuckers will take an overdose.

    Good morning, everyone.

  5. Apparently known for his musical roles and is a avid cyclist, well that explains alot.

    And isn’t that Bridgerton, the period drama chock full of pavement apes in high powered positions of power..
    A massive work of fiction..

  6. Read other people’s words.
    Wear other people’s clothes.
    Move around to other people’s direction.
    Wear makeup.
    Self obsessed egotistical posing cunt.

    No wonder they’re head fucked….?

  7. He sobbed when he watch wicked, what a cunt, some fucking film where they painted a sooty green, racist init.

    What a fucking cunt.

    Maybe Sam Beau could go green ?

    • Morning SOI/all.
      I did wonder if the makeup department had to paint her with primer before painting her green; presumably painting green on top of black wouldn’t provide a good key?

      • Hehehe ?

        ISAC lads night out!
        Off the pictures to watch Wicked then a Babycham in the nearest pub.

      • Showing us up, Mis, .. anyone with a bit of culture surely knows that a group field trip to wherever some clump of ‘wicked’ actors are treading the boards with this literary work of unparalleled genius is the only way to see it.

        Not like all these philistines that think seeing it in a common cinema counts for anything.

        Leave that kind of half measures to the likes of that uncouth lot over on cunts corner! ?

      • No pub afterwards for those cunts, either … they’ll have bought (or shoplifted) their Babycham on the cheap in Tesco’s beforehand. Snuck it in to the picture house in hipflasks!… they’re not classy like what we are. ?

  8. Fame…. never heard of it! as for that pile of ? bridgerton well it’s just another vehicle for inclusivity and diversity which the establishment want to rewrite OUR history with….I bet this sop has more ? in his house than you can shake a stick at….oooh I look wonderful ?

  9. I’m glad I have this sixth sense of sensing mediocre iron actors of which our paths don’t meet and only have a fleeting moment due to occasions such as this when none entities get a mention for some reason. All that needs to be done, is put him on the register and we can all go on our merry way.

  10. I’m finding myself less and less inclined to subject myself to the link stories & just read up the comments. The (unfortunately) numerous cunts like this one are all cut from the same cloth and there’s rarely any variance in their pathetic, enabled(for some reason) self-centric existences.

    As for cunt parenting, .. I’ll touch on a point that was in yesterday’s headlines. A Gazan man who, it says, has lost one of his twin boys born ’20 days ago’ in bombing or something, and the other one is dying of sepsis. (This is the 2nd similar ‘newborn twins’ story I’ve twigged from the same place in a few months. I gave the first episode the benefit of the doubt, but simple mathematics in this case put the conception date in April 2024. Almost 6 months into the oft moaned(by Gazans thrmselves)ongoing bombardment. (The first one dated back to a Dec ’23 conception)).

    Yes, yes, .. people have the ‘human right’ to make ’em and keep on making ’em, .. but sometimes, you’d have to concede(surely?) .. it’s just not the ‘right time’. ffs.

    But then, .. look at frikken’ Africa, I suppose!

    • What about the ‘human right’ not to be subjected to horrendous existences, from Puff Daddies (!), to starvation from day 1 and many instances inbetween?

      • Thanks, Barry, … I had hrld back on that angle of it. Yesterday’s guy was photographed holding a wrapped blanket(the dead child, supposedly) in several photo-opportunistic locations, cumulating with one of him standing over an incubator…

        They’ll be alright. He probably has his woman up the duff again already.

      • There WAS a great one 12 months back, where some cunt on a rooftop was filming a sad procession down a Gazan alley. Body on a board, under a white blanket, being shoulder-carried down the street, couple of wailers behind them. Then a bomb exploded, pretty nearby. The mourners scattered and ran. The carriers dropped their fallen friend and ran…. and a couple of seconds later, the corpse threw off it’s blanket and ran off too!

        A wonderful miracle, caught on film! ..? ‘s a wonder it wasn’t on broadcasts all over the place, praising Alan, or whatever their imaginary-friends name is … for a resurrection, of all things in these trying times .

  11. Bridgerton is such a heap of shit. They could actually have made a dozen decent programmes with the money they spent on it.
    I have recently enjoyed Wolf Hall but again it has black chaps in positions, which is about historically accurate as me not having a hole in my arse.

    • I once met a person who boasted about having two arseholes (shite pipes to be medically correct).

      What a fucking hassle.

      Funny old world.

  12. I don’t know who this self loving turd is, but it should probably go back up inside that ponce David Tennants Anus from whence it came.

  13. Never heard of the cunt tbh.

    First glance at the nom pic and I thought it was that other Turkish toothed gayer ‘Rylannnd’

    Ho he what a couple of cunts,

    Now I see admin are spoiling us as Ducky Streeting gets a nom.

  14. I feel his pain.

    Getting paid handsomely for messing around and dressing up must be hard?

    Deciding on the menu at the Ivy,
    Something from the vegan menu?
    Or the avocado salad with chicken nugget side dish?

    Going parties full of arselickers, getting told your wonderful and then taking free promotional gifts?

    Count myself lucky?

  15. He has a right to be bi or gay or whatever he feels he is. Live and be happy and all that.

    He just comes across as a luvvie who has swallowed the message and is now streaking down the road with it, screaming ‘Look at meeee’. Does he have some kind of affiliate deal with the deep state and gets some kind of credit for this?!

    He’s not that good looking either. Looks like he was squished on the way out.

  16. What an absolute load of shite. I have just been fortunate enough to holiday in the USA and have just visited Pearl Harbour where the “men” there made the ultimate sacrifice alongside those from the UK so that this little twat can mince about.

    If fame is so hard why the actual fuck did he become an actor? You do get attention duckie from the public who pay to watch you mince about, you dumb fuck.

    Another ammonia who brings little to the human race.

    Fuck off.

  17. Gareth Southgate knighted.

    The rewards for failure in this country.
    The cunt should have been sacked after his ‘Three Degrees’ fucked up those penalties in that Euro 2021 final.

    At least Beckham and his vile wife didn;t get a sniff of one though. So at least there’s thar, I suppose.

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