and the French people and whoever else was responsible for this disgraceful use of money
Over half a billion pound to rebuild this ridiculous edifice. There are probably so many cold, hungry and destitute individuals in France who would like a fraction of this money sent in their direction. I can only describe it as a pornographic use of money.
No doubt, before it was reopened, some guy in a pointy hat uttered some meaningless drivel over it and hey presto, it was a holy place again!
Makes my blood boil – absolutely fucking disgusting
Nominated by Cassandra.
The Brits spent double that to put a big tent on the Greenwich peninsula.
The repairs for Notre Dame Cathedral were paid for by private donations coming from 150 different countries.
Not by the French government via the French tax payers.
Who knows what the motivation behind these generous, private contributions were, but I am fucking pleased that they were made.
The streets of the beautiful city of Paris, along with the other major cities in France now resemble any North African shit hole.
The country is full of stinking, radical and mental Muslims who will not be content until every trace of Christianity is destroyed.
Regardless of what you think of the French, France or the obscene wealth of the Christian Church, I am not on board with this cunting.
There will be a time, hopefully not in our lifetimes but certainly in the future when the last church will be purposefully burned to the ground.
If you are concerned about the rapid growth of Islam then the churches must be protected.
The alternatives to rebuilding Notre Dame would have been to have left it in a state of disrepair or to have completely demolished it.
What sort of message would that have sent to the Muslim world?
Damned right, TAC.
Shame they couldn’t have doubled down and bulldozed a few Paris mosques to erect some classic Christian churches.
Thanks for correcting me about my mistaken assumption that the tax payer financed the repairs to the cathedral Artful. Had I been right though it would have been far better use of tax payer’s money than was the dome.
You cunted `the French`, arfur, which absolves you.
Afraid I can’t go for this one Arfur.
I don’t particularly like Christmas, for example, but I also make sure there are deccos up and visible from the street. We are bombarded with garbage like Ramadan, Divali, gay week etc and I think it is vital we maintain visible confirmation of our Christian heritage, or lose it forever.
I note that the cause of the highly suspicious fire has never been confirmed, and it appears one is not allowed to raise this concern in polite company.
For such an enormous fire to have taken hold so quickly, despite on-site security and fire suppression systems being present, leads me to consider the very real possibility of arson, and raises the further questions of what could be the motive for such a wickedness?
And who could have been responsible?
The renovation was paid for entirely out of private donations which amounted to more than the cost of the works. No taxpayer’s money was used.
As for the cold, hungry and destitute in France, the vast majority are sandwog immigrants either sponging off the French or on their way here to sponge off us. They’re always welcome to return home.
I never criticise other cunters, but I’m sorry, I think this nomination is bollocks.
That must be where the £600million the UK government paid the Frogs to “ stop the boats” coming across the channel was spent.
600 million and the Frogs did fuck all except video some French turd bursting a dinghy every few months to keep the coffers flowing. What a scam.
The nominator’s point about the poor and hungry: fuck them.
If you’re poor and hungry in 2024, you have failed in life.
People like this are happy to sponge off of taxpayers for years.
Being poor and hungry never seems to preclude idle filth from having loads of children, whether in India, Um Bongoland or Bradford.
As that wise sage Ebenezer Scrooge said, let them die ‘to reduce the surplus population.’
Of which the world has en enormous surplus.
My comment has put me on the naughty step, so in case it doesn’t see the light of day….
Quite right Thomas. Most ‘cold, hungry and destitute’ people in France are African or Middle Eastern dross sponging off the French taxpayer or on their way here to sponge off us. The second city, Marseille, is now effectively run by North African drugs cartels.
If they’re cold, hungry and destitute then let them eat cake (as somebody once didn’t say).
If they’re cold and hungry put them on a flight to Africa.
Where it’s nice and hot and the streets are paved with bananas. ?
Morning Thomas. I am forced to agree. In western society there are plenty of protections in place to give you a basis to build security and independence for yourself. If you can’t manage it you pretty much have no one to blame but yourself.
I hired a member of staff a few months back on the request of one of my supervisors who said the girl in question was desperate for a job and wouldn’t let me down. I explained to this girl that we needed her to be reliable and to be fit to do the job.
She managed a week before she pulled a sicky; I didn’t fire her straight away, I requested a phone call to discuss the situation and to make it clear she had no more chances and this had better not become a pattern. Over the course of three days she refused to answer her phone so I had no choice but to fire her, at which point she said she’d been really ill was really sorry could I give her that last chance. I declined, having been doing this for over ten years and knowing a dyed in the wool shirker when I see one.
Fast forward a couple of months and the same supervisor says this girl is desperate. Not been able to get another job, can’t pay her rent, has no money for food, will I please reverse my unerring policy on these matters and give her one more chance. I needed some staff at the time, so despite knowing it was probably going to end badly, I spoke to the delinquent girl in question and said you know what will happen if you fuck me around, she vowed she wouldn’t let me down this time. She did a couple of weeks before texting her supervisor last Thursday morning to say she’d gotten too pissed the night before to make it in. I immediately moved to fire her but my partner said no we’ll just have to put up with it, too much work in the weeks ahead. But then she did the same on Wednesday this week (coke-fuelled binge on a Tuesday night as you do) by which time we just had to take the disruption and fire her arse x 1,000.
So she’s now finding herself without a job, in rent arrears, skint and unable to fend for herself because she is one almighty reckless cunt who is choosing not to do the difficult thing and knuckle down and work hard. No doubt the dole office will bail her out, but when the Labour government makes it impossible for small businesses to sack pieces of shit like this in the future, there are gonna be a lot more “poor” and “underprivileged” people on the country’s hands who won’t even get a sniff of a job and the independence which that yields because they a) don’t want one and b) won’t get one because people like me won’t want to take the risk of being lumbered with someone who elects to make themselves worthless – and, worse – a drain to society,
Unless you needed to employ a secretary or a nurse BD, you should have known better than to employ a female.
True, a great many men are totally useless nowadays too, but I guess you understand my point.
I’m surprised she didn’t get pregnant and go on maternity leave.
Eat the poor!!!✊
I’m not religious but it seems a very good idea to protect all the historic symbols of European Christianity against the vile raghead mob that have been let loose by a cretinous political class.
Indeed 100ft statues of Jesus in every town and city is probably a good idea,the penalty for defacing them in any way death by hanging next to it.
Apply the same to all war memorials at the same time.
Good luck to France,and the rest of us,there is war coming.
Good morning.
The war started years ago Tez, and we are losing.
The biggest problem appears to be the Fifth Column in almost our entire political and media class.
Absolutely right on UT!
Unkle Terry
Vote Oven
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Well there’s nothing like a thought provoking and challenging nom, and I congratulate Cassandra for delivering thus.
Yes, my default position is religion is essentially irrational in its spiritual claims but motivated by the very rational determination to control people who are too ignorant / compliant to critique the preposterous supernatural artifices on which it builds its authority.
But, and as TAC points out, there is a cultural question at stake here, and one probably needs to accept that the Judeo-Christian heritage by which Western Society claims a common identity is probably the best we can do in order to define what WE are and what THEY are not (particularly when confronted with an enemy that so overtly describes itself according to, and proceeds to behave by, a theocratic manifesto of such barbarism as Islam).
It is true to say that Islam represents the greatest existential threat to western societies today, and it is a struggle that I fear we may well lose thanks to the cowards we have in charge; but asserting our religious tradition as regnant does seem crucial as the vacuum that will otherwise exist if we masochistically discard our religious heritage will be flooded by the symbols and the enactors of this murd*rous theocratic doctrine, the objection to which will in that event become a capital offence and our culture and our freedoms will be finished.
Morning all.
BD thanks for providing us with such a balanced, thoughtful observation.
Good on you mate.
Fully agree ?. Carpet kissing filth.
Why is it that ordinary folk can see the threat that Islam presents yet our political class can’t
I think they know full well Sick.
They’re just too cowardly to admit it. They hope that somehow the multicultural mess they’ve all created will still come right, and they’ll be able to keep claiming that it’s all a great success, and how ‘enriched’ we are by Islam in particular.
They can. it’s all part of their literally demonic plan.
The political class are indeed cowards. But the fact that Islam says it’s a religious of peace and if you disagree they kill you isn’t the reason the cunts always cave in.
It’s their vision of a Brave New Multicultural Green One World Caliphate that drives them.
The degree of control they think they’ll be able to wield in such a Utopia dwarfs even their most orgasmic Covid wet dream.
Keir Starmer, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and even Barack Obama are just the most recent examples of a dangerous long term trend.
Trump / Vance
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Excellent post Dave.
Morning all.
Au contraire BD, RE religion (Im talking about Christianity) being a controlling force.
Granted, ORGANISED religion most certainly is, but Christ emphasised personal responsibility, accountability and self control.
Even Thatcher was familiar with the scripture that teaches that “If a man shall not work, neither shall he eat.” and had the sense to unashamedly quote it publicly.
We’ll probably end up quibbling over terms T, and I have too much time for you to do that.
Suffice it to say I think we can agree on the principle that there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone privately having spiritual beliefs, and, indeed, using them as a basis for orienting their moral compass in the right direction. I also think it is perfectly possible to derive ethics and morality from the principles of human solidarity and not refer to a spiritual dimension in this process. Just so long as everyone behaves themselves and don’t let their beliefs fuck with other people’s right to a free and fair life, we’ll all get along famously.
Wasn’t looking for argy bargy BD,
just making my point.
Although I think it a terrible shame that a great many people miss out on the spiritual side of life, we agree it is not necessary for displaying behaviour conducive to a safe, highly functioning society.
Do unto others… and all that.
Anyone who needs a foreign, Middle Eastern belief system, culturally appropriated by the Romans to tell them how to run their lives, clearly isn’t the full ticket.
People that think humans came from monkeys, which came from fish, caused my a colossal explosion are obviously notbtge full ticket.
God made man, but a monkey supplied the glue.
Great post BD!
The French are cunts, busy getting all excited over Notre Dame and missed the 609 illegal bastards leaving the coast of France on Thursday.
Notre Dame, been there, got the T shirt, Paris would be lovely if it wasn’t full of North African filth.
Lovely building architecturally and all that, but it’s ultimately a big gothic barn for superstitious, weak people who believe in sky daddies.
And French.
A waste of money ?. France is finished(the dinghy vermin).As mentioned previously war is due soon.
AI generated answer to the question – churches burned down in France using Brave browser;
According to the Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux, an association working to preserve and promote France’s religious heritage, 27 churches were burnt down in 2023 and 12 in the first six months of 2024. Attacks on religious monuments account for approximately 90% of the 1,000 or so anti-Christian acts recorded annually by France’s Ministry of Interior.
Does anyone recall footage of the swarthy, bearded type destroying a crucifix on a church here in Stoke-on-Tent, England ?
Start the Crusades up again, finish the job this time, rebuild the Cathedrals with machine gun nests and smite these fuckers into pink mist.
Another idea, how about impaling pig carcasses Vlad style and erect them on the Southern beaches ?
I second that motion.
Reboot the crusades.
All that money spent for someone(?♂️) to burn it down again ?….he haw,he haw ?
I just hope Marine le Pen is voted in and tells that twat Starmer to fuck right off.
That’ll stop him trotting off to suck Macrons cock every five minutes oh sorry, reset our relationship with the EU.
He’s getting plenty of coq, is Macron.
Two Prime Ministers ago he appointed pretty boy Gabriel Attal to be their first openly quare PM. My French contacts tell me that most Frogs reckon he was Macron’s botty boy.
Christ, doesn’t he look the part Geordie? Macron appointed him to fight off the threat from Marine Le Pen. How does that work? Is it the fact that he’s more feminine then her?
Probably appointed to appeal to the woke metropolitan alphabets, arfur. Which obviously didn’t work as France is ditching Prime Ministers as fast as us.
Furthermore at 35 years of age the comely Gabriel’s basement has probably seen too much action now for the choosy President, so he’s moved on to fresher meat.
Each country should have a vote on were money should go. I’d pay for Britain to have our country whitewashed back to normal, just like it was when I was a teenager.
We do have a vote on where the money should go, it’s called a General Election.
The fact that, once in.power elected officials take not one blind bit of notice regarding the wants and needs of the electorate is further evidence, if any were needed, as to why:
i) We don’t live in a democracy
ii) Even if we did, democracy is a shit way to run a country
Iii) The state exists to serve itself, and not the people.
As George Carling once said, voting is merely the illusion of meaningless choice.
Well said sir.
A total sham it is.
It’s not the French government spending many millions on the houses of Parliament, Buck Palace and all the other symbols of feudalism.
Can’t agree with this cunting. It took over 180 years to build and cost countless lives during construction. The medieval craftsmanship is extraordinary. Whatever its purpose, it is a true reflection of what could be achieved through man’s efforts.
Would it be possible to build such a building from scratch today? I very much doubt it.
Get to fuck.
Good morning, everyone.
Fucking slackers, the great pyramid was built in 20 years according to archaeologists.
If the French valued their history and culture I’d fully endorse this restoration but as like us they’ve abandoned their country to shite what was the point? It may be a very expensive Mosque in just a few years.
Quite right, 6dogs.
Fucking lazy French shoulder-shrugging twats – it`s their default position.
However, they were good at revolutions – let`s hope there might be another one before long, the way things are going.
Sir Lenny Henry built most of the pyramids in a few hours.
Sorry can’t agree with this nom.
Not religious but do like a nice bit of (old) architecture. Got to admire the skill of putting up a stone vaulted ceiling and when it cones to the fan vaulting of some of our old cathedrals, well it leaves me gob smacked.
No hydraulic jacks in them days (plenty of dry bollock Jacques in France though).Ooh look at Canterbury err French architect.
Big old mosques are interesting, very large unsupported domed ceilings often put on a square base, which is a problem when you get to the corners.
Anyway good to see that the old skills are still around.
I often feel that when “government” help the poor it very soon becomes a “benefit” and soon after a “right” , and enough is never sufficient.
Well just my take on it, but good Cassandra and Admin, the discussion has raised some points I never considered.
Not actually read the the nom. Here’s why.
The French are cunts that hate the English.
Boycott anything and everything French. They are not, as the legacy media and pricks in Government regularly proclaim ‘our friends’.
Fuck them.
I know.They’ve constantly turned their noses up at us.Cheese eating surrender monkeys ???.
Still it was nice of the French to rebuild Quasimodo’s fancy home..
We just put our deformed, low IQ mòngs in 4 star hotels all curtesy of the British taxpayers.
That’s odd. I thought all our deformed, low IQ mongs were in the Cabinet.
Quasimodo? That rings a bell.
Theresa May’s dad!
Notre dame looks gay.
Like Liberace’s bedroom.
Typical french.
Not a patch on a English cathedral.(Sniff)??
I saw Peterborough cathedral on the news last night, my home city. They had turned it into some kind of disco with strobe lights. For charity you see.
My mums a churchgoer and she was fuming.
She thinks Justin Welby should of been fucked with his own mitre after resigning. And she’s a moderate.
Don’t you go with her?
Keep her company?
Stop the vicar dipping her purse?
Do you good to get some religion LL.
Your borderline heathen.
Go the carol service.
Your mum would like that. ?
Every country has it’s national monuments which they would pay anything to restore – Notre Dame, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, The White House. If I had to select one British public building which must be preserved for ever as an example to the world, I would select the London public lavatory where Blair a.k.a Charles Lynton disgraced himself fifty years ago, probably with a pretty Policeman. or Mandy. The rot set in there that day.
Bum rot?
Kier Stormfuhrer loves anything European.
Anything that takes him out of the country he despises…??
He’d go to the opening of a packet of crisps as long as it was in some ducky EU stronghold.
He prefers baguettes to proper bread.
Type of cunt who uses centimetres to measure things.
Knew he’d show up at Notre dame.
Surprised he didn’t have a string of onions around his neck and bicycle clips on.
Fuckin poseur.
Rodney is only doing all these foreign jaunts for the duty free alcohol and fags for Lord alli’s corner shop.
Brim full of jàger..
I have been inside Notre Dame. It’s a beautiful place. Awe inspiring. I can understand some people’s anger at spending this kind of money but to me in this instance it’s worth it. The architecture in Paris is jaw dropping. I’d advise anybody to go there and witness it.
It is indeed a beautiful city, Bob.
Such a shame that it is now infested with Africans and Peacefuls. Thieving, scrounging, scamming, raping, killing.
They have turned a lot of Paris into a slum.
York minster is stunning too.
Thing is , the church had master craftsman from the whole of Christendom to make these places works of art.
Master stone masons.
Gifted glass blowers
Skilled carpenters
It’d be surprising if these old cathedrals weren’t beautiful.
I’m glad the French rebuilt this magnificent Christian structure.
Considering the amount of churches regularly burnt down or desecrated over there then it would appear to me that this looks like a big fuck you to the residents of Allan’s legendary Snackbar.
One thing I can guarantee is that it wouldn’t have been rebuilt as a Christian church had it been in the UK – it would have been rebuilt as some multi faith globo homo abomination.
I’m looking forward to the future of new buildings in the UK. I mean, we must have millions of architects here now, they should be able to come up with some classy stuff.
Now Notre Dame Cathedral has reopened to the tourists, will they get a new Quasi to ring the bells (the bells!)?
Ed Sheercunt would fit the bill nicely.
Or Thom Yorke from Radiohead.
He is like Freddie Starr doing his impression of Quasimodo.
“Mad” Ed Millipede?
OT from OT. Warming slightly to Jim Ratcliffe. I am with Ratcliffe on the women’s team. A ridiculous waste of time and money. Low crowds, high cost and most of those who do attend their games are on a sex offender’s register.
Nah, Manchester scum.
Fucking Philistine!!
It will make a better mosque than the Hagia Sofia.
This nomination seems a bit misguided to me. With that said, I support Cunting the French government on principle.
It’s from the movie Yellow beard and I can’t remember which character said it, but I agree wholeheartedly:
“The most foul and foreign French.”
Well, it’s better than Grannyfucker Macron building another Mosque in Paris.