Gregg Wallace

It appears that the BBC have been harbouring yet another sexual deviant.

Step forward Gregg Wallace.

Allegedly this Hebrew cunt has been kicked off the programme Master Chef for inappropriate sexual behaviour which apparently has been going on for years.

I have never liked him and I can’t understand why he is involved in Master Chef.

He is a fruit and veg salesman and seemingly not very good at it.
His company went bust, owing creditors half a million quid.

His catering career was being the director of a few restaurants.
They went bust as well.
Owing about £150.000.

In fact, his only dealings with catering staff seems to be marrying them.
He is on his forth wife at the moment.

He boasts that he was a football hooligan in the Millwall gang.
I very much doubt it. He is just trying to be a ‘hard man’.
Nobody makes a confession like that unless they want some sort of recognition.

Besides Master Chef, which I have never seen, he also did programmes where he would visit factories and follow the manufacturing process.

It was in these programmes where he demonstrated what an immature cunt he is.
Always shouting, and he has the annoying habit of echoing the answers he gets to his own questions.

“So how many pork pies do you make here every year?”

70 million.

“70 million?”


“So you make 70 million pork pies here every year?”



An absolute cunt and a disgrace.
And fuck me side wards, he also has an MBE.


Nominated by the Artful Cunter.

69 thoughts on “Gregg Wallace

  1. Dear me.

    From what tripe Mrs Terry has kindly informed me of this funny fellow I’d quite naturally assumed he was a Gay.

    Has he committed the irretrievable sin of going a bit Benny Hill?

    Wrong century for that you silly cunt.

    Heterosexual Oven.

  2. I’m with Greg!
    Misogyny is the new Rock n’ Roll!
    Blokes dressing up as broads, invading female only spaces.
    Lezzers forced to have sex with tranny “women”
    Or be arrested for non-crime hate incidents.
    Presidents grabbing ‘em by the pussy!
    Celebrity game show hosts sexually harassing wimminz.
    Go for it Greg!
    Just don’t come anywhere near my missus or daughters,
    Ya cunt.
    Unless you want yer thick, Neanderthal block knocked off!
    Morning all ?

  3. Never thought much of this east end barrow boy, but the Bolshevik broadcasting corporation has certainly turned on him.

    Plenty of media coverage so as to distract from more important issues in GB today…!

    • Just about spot on, that slag married to Rod said he’s horrid and a bully because he wouldn’t try her undercooked pork dish, I’m with Gregg. At least he’s not a boy buggerer suppose that’s why he has to go.

    • Yep … always thought he was a talentless ex-potato vendor – probably grossly overpaid by the BBC. But hey, he’s served a great apprenticeship at that filth-hole, no wonder he was doing what he (still allegedly) did.
      Seems that his Masterchef oppo has also lined up against him now
      A useless cnut of the highest order …

  4. The BBC must have a tick box form for selecting male ‘talent’. Deviant, obnoxious, untalented, plug ugly, liar, all round arsehole. Any five from six will do. Savile, Schofield, Edwards, Wallace, Lineker, it cannot be mere coincidence.

    • Or be a raging rampant fruit picking sodomite.
      Russell .T. Davies, Graham Norton, Ru Paul, Alan Carr, Ncunti Gayblack.

  5. An annoying cunt for sure.
    Over the last three decades in business,I’ve been a creditor to multiple failed customers,a risk I was prepared to take with them.
    But you know what all these directors of these failed businesses had in common ?.They all at one time or another told me a dirty joke,or stood quite close to me,some even brushed past me.The fucking ray-pists.
    They’ll pay a high price for their behaviour when I tell the whole world about it……… in about fifteen years time !.

  6. OMG, a Cockney cheeky chappie told Kirsty Wark a risqué joke 14 years ago.

    Apparently that’s News.

    Or just useful twaddle to distract the proles from the fact that the country’s going down the plug hole.

    • I have a feeling that it’s more than just the occasional risqué joke Geordie.

      The BBC have ditched the Christmas special of this cooking show which will cost them a fortune.

      They will not be able to run endless repeats of the show, and they sell the programme worldwide.

      That’s why the BBC stand by their presenters until their positions become untenable.

      They booted the cunt Wallace into touch very quickly.
      There is more to this than is already reported.

      • 20 years after the first complaint and a non complaint at that just hurty words to left wing lesbo cunts, the bitch who started it off is John toads now husband and wants his job.

      • His ghost writer has accused him of parading around naked and outright asking for sex.

        There’s a lot more shit to come out of this pipe.

        Never really understood why women don’t just slap twats like this.

        Aside from him being a sex pest, he is also a colossal wanker.

  7. Apparently, Wallace is attempting to explain his “inappropriate behaviour” on undiagnosed autism, or should that be self-diagnosed?

    Why not go the whole hog and throw Tourettes and ADHD into the mix?
    You might as well, every other twat that gets called out does it, either that or the good old mental elf.

  8. I have an interest in manufacturing but couldnt watch this cunt shouting, oohing and aahing. It’s the only thing I have seen him in and knew he was a cunt.

  9. The pervy cunt might as well use the trendy excuse-
    Autism to blame for my inappropriate actions, Gregg Wallace expected to tell inquiry

  10. The only chance of success would opening a brothel on a chicken farm, using his egghead to advertise it.

    • Gordon Ramsey is a chef, Gayme Oliver is at best a cook, and this twat would be struggling with toast.

      Hear he’s a dab hand at a spit-roast though.

  11. I thought his on screen mate John Turrode was a bit of a cunt too, tbh.

    As for the Gregg, no fucks to give really, but it’s interesting how the lefftwaffe and other usual suspects have attacked and attacked.

    Must be that he’s a straight white male of a certain age.

    I had the misfortune to see some of the great British bake off whilst at a friends recently, the fat scouse cunt Hollywood getting ever fatter and some weirdo goth wrong un he/she thing that just appeared to wander around the ‘bakers’ making odd comments.

    No wonder this country is fucked.

    • He’s got an MBE? I thought you had to be the mother of a black kid who got killed to be awarded one of those.

      • With Khunts impending knighthood, you need no further proof that this is a no honour achievement.

    • Totally agree, Leonardo, he’s the subject of this weeks’ witch-hunt against the rapidly disappearing phenomenon of the straight while middle aged men on the box and elsewhere. Knowing the bbc he’ll be replaced by a rabid tranny who’s allowed to make all the rude jokes he wants. I’m not a particular fan of Wallace, but the inevitability of it all is getting boring. ?

  12. Maybe he is a wrong’un but goes to show the priorities of our media class when this bollocks is top of the new cycle for most of the week whilst with the grooming gangs they have to be almost shamed into reporting on it and even then they try and find a way to excuse it. Even Keir Starmer found time for a soundbite, its not like the cunt has got other things to be getting on with.

    • Exactly, a white gammon sex pest, a far worse crime than kidnapping, drugging and gang r@ping children from our swarthy invaders. Headlines for weeks until the next indigenous outrage.

  13. He should have played a card like al the others:
    racist card
    mental Health
    The H0m0 card
    The workin’ class card, inni’
    Bald noggin card.

  14. I like Gregg ?
    Never heard of him till last week.

    Turning up to work with just a sock on his nudger,
    Making Kung Fu noises at a chinky contestant,
    Sounds like the day would fly by working alongside Gregg.

    He will take his shirt off and get his thrupennies out at the slightest excuse!

    Like that other prevert Hulk Hogan.

    No I’m all for Gregg keeping his job.

    Shine on you crazy diamond ?

      • You too Pooter?

        I’m full of a cold ☹️
        Proper man flu.
        If I pass out drag my body into a quiet corner,
        Somewhere Gregg can’t find me and take advantage.

  15. Never seen so much news about fuck all since Schofield admitted he like boys bum holes. Greg Wallace, who ?

    That cunt John Turdrode is married to Lisa Faulkner, definitely would.

    None of these so called reality tv ‘Stars’ are worthy of any news.

  16. I’ve not kept up with this story because I’m not especially interested, from what I have seen he’s just Sid James in the kitchen.

    Greg was just being a man of his time but can’t be having that.

    • If he liked cock and made inuendos to male contestants I doubt we would be having all this confected outrage, it would be laughed off as a bit of banter or those accused of complaining branded homophobes. Professional q*eers like Graham Norton and Julian Clary have made careers out of it.

      • That’s spot on, if he was a bandit he’d be talking about cream on some bloke lips and everyone would laugh and applaud.

  17. I’ve booked him for the ISAC Christmas buffet.

    Sure after a few drinks he’ll relax and behave impeccable.

  18. I have never liked the cunt and was partially aware of his chequered business career. Like Hugh I have been to too many creditors meetings and they were all smarmy bastards who had taken me for a ride, Greg is very reminiscent of them.
    Having said that it doesn’t make him guilty and I agree with him that it is a certain type of middle aged, middle class woman who like to complain about this sort of thing, a number of whom, such as Melanie Sykes, have jumped on the bandwagon.

  19. I don’t want to come across as ghey , but there is something a bit odd about a bloke with no body hair,isn’t there ?. Flash your cock at whoever you like Gregg,but put your fucking shirt on,it creeps me out.

  20. Alleged Gregg quotes

    ” I’ll keep my knob clean for you”

    ” If you won’t let me sleep with you can I lick your arsehole?”

    He’s ISAC through and through.

    • Just a thought but didn’t Cunt Engine say just the other day that he would be having a sit down with his bosses at work and would be having more time on his hands in the runup to Christmas?

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