Funding Overseas Agriculture Projects While Taxing British Farmers

Post in thread ‘Labour foreign agricultural aid’ The Farming Forum.

So what the fuck are those cunts in the labour party trying to do to the country, it seems they are on a mission to the fuck up the very people they are supposed to support.
Farmers are getting fucked in the arse by labour all while they spunk millions up the wall for farmers abroad, that’s a major kick in the bollocks for the whole country.

Fucking hell, bring back Sunak, who would have thought Queer Charmer would be so much worse for the country, that’s just the tip of the iceburg, things are going to get much worse…… Cunts of the highest order

Thank god I didn’t vote for these useless cunts

Nominated by : Fuglyucker

Seconded by : Benito Cuntolini

A Manure and slurry soaked cunting for Labour Development Minister Analease Dodds, her of the gurning mush and ironing board body. This utterly brainless haridan has decided it is a good idea to shell out the taxpayers hard earned moola to the tune of 70 million in farming subsidies to the usual grasping leeches that make up our Third World neighbours. As is standard for these grifters, the President of Um Bongo will soon be flying high in one of his many newly purchased Lear Jets at the expense of you and I. The Labour Party appears to be stuffed with naive, intellectually challenged twerps who discuss ideas to waste our money over a glass of fizz and a canope. Wankers. (Wonder what our farmers think?)

85 thoughts on “Funding Overseas Agriculture Projects While Taxing British Farmers

  1. These fucking lefty cunts are killing this country – driving another nail in our spine each and every day.
    Billions for 3rd world dictators – poor will never see a penny. British taxpayers hard earned cash pissed away.
    Kill the pensioners, fuck the grafters, import millions of leeches.
    Stay in power forever. suck $expenses from the teet of plenty.
    Kill freedom, kill thought, kill sanity

    Traitors . they make my piss boil

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