The “boomerang smell”
Ann Russell, pronouns she/her helpfully provided by her/them, gives us an explanation of what the boomerang smell is.
So, all that advertising about scent boosters, best performing washing tabs ever, long lasting freshness up to 14 days was all a load of shite, then?
If only we knew, that no matter what we washed our clothes in, with or for how long and at what temperature, it was all futile, because of the boomerang effect.
So, essentially, you’re saying you’re product is shite, use our new one instead?
Just how stupid do you think we are.
Along with Bud Lite/Dylan Mulvany, Jaguar/bunch of weirdos, I think you’ve just shot yourself in the crotch!
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Who the hell is Ann Russell?
Morning all.
Morning Ron, all.
I prefer Ann Margaret.
That’s what I call a woman.
I haven’t heard of her either?!These so called-celebs now a days no bodies heard of?!There used to be a time that to you had to be at least well-known by most people, to be famous was hard work, now a days any old blinking bod ,as Stavros said is a celeb.If anybody has heard of her then they have been watching ,reading or looking at shite!
I hesitate to criticise her appearance as she maybe ill, but if not, is she quire?
Also, why does she live in a goat shed?
Looks like a quare, sounds like a quare, wears florid double breasted suits like a quare. Probably a quare.
Marketing bollocks from a.n.other corporation is a.n.other absolute non-job, favoured by pencil case clutching boot lickers desperate to climb the greasy corporate pole. A wanky job for wanky people.
PS: buy a decent washing machine, the clue’s in the cunting title.
It’s better to have an indecent washing machine (the sort Keith Vaz maintains) if you are a politician, for washing your dirty linen in public
No shiny monkeys bottoms awarded dear.Stick your sadverts where it hurts.
The old bag talking about her “pee pants”, the bloody lesbian conducting a funeral with a coffin in a motorbike side car, the old poof advertising Sun Life, the ever present vampire Vorderman with her “cash equity” adverts, the supermarket adverts where ugly mudslimes or Lammy-a-likes are married to beautiful blond white women, and that dreadful Haribo advert where two policeman are voiced by particularly dim 4 year olds, that raddled old hag.Winkleman and her shampoo, and the back to the 1950s jingle for Morrisons – the real bargain basement of advertising.
They all get on my tits. Good morning
It’s the prevalence of these ads that pisses me off, a constant bombardment of un-asked for shite.
YouTube us virtually unwatchable now, as is terrestial tv (for more than just ads btw)
A lot of these ads have the direct opposite effect on me, in that if I find an ad irritating, or if I get the sense of attempted social engineering, I actively refuse to buy the advertised product in question.
Install Brave browser and you’ll lose the ads.
It works! Just downloaded it. Thanks Pooter!
I started using Brave for YouTube a couple of months ago, not had an advert since.
Absolutely right Temujin. It was in 2008 that Gordon Brown (one eyed Scottish cunt) allowed TV companies to increase their previously limited amount of advertising time. This was in response to the financial collapse of 2007/8 and it was thought that it would lead to an increase in consumer spending. I was to watch After The Party, an excellent New Zealand drama on Channel 4, last week, almost gave up as they had 20 minutes of advertising every hour.
If you watch the funeral in a sidecar ad it shows the man before he carks it as being a big, fat cunt.
The coffin in the sidecar is tiny.
He either died of AIDS or got flattened by something.
Could have been his ashes in the coffin
WCB excellent comment and so true. Often think that my tv is in another dimension the fucking crap adverts that are repeated ad infinitum do not compute in my World. Damm sure the only mixed marriage round here is if someone marries their horse. As the majority of adverts are so out to lunch I do not take any notice of them at all the companies might as well piss the money up a wall. Fuck the lot of them sideways.
I see blek people are getting ready for Christmas, according to the ads. Not sure what whitey does nowadays.
Good morning, everyone.
Anyone who uses pronouns is a cunt, sheep dip is the only cure for the idiot and would sort out the boomerang problem at the same time.
PS I use fairy and I smell lovely
Any particular fairy or just whichever one is handy?
Hehe, I am not fussy
Who cares, I don’t watch adverts.
I was my hair with Vim® & paraffin. Because I`m worth it.
My mother-in-law took in a stray cat. He was grey apparently but after she washed him in Omo he was black and white.
Where I lived in the early 70s a guy along the street had the nickname “Omo” because he hadn’t had a wash since the war.
These fucking things have been the bane of my life. I do my utmost to avoid the cunts. Living by oneself and the sound off is an advantage. Not having to watch anything live helps these days also. I’m probably one of the few on here that watched telly when only one channel existed and can only reminisce about those occasions.
I remember when there were 3. BBC2 didn’t start until 6pm, National anthem on BBC1 before closedown around 12pm. ITV was half decent.
Days long gone now.
And in those days funding TV through a licence fee was justified.
I remember the telly repair man showing up and connecting a box with a big knob on it that magically allowed ITV to be visible.
Gave up on the idiot lantern in 1999.
I hate adverts with a passion.
As for Brave browser, it definitely kills adverts on Youtube, but if you install it on an iPad it just links you to the Youtube app and you are therefore fucked.
I also pronounce names the way I think fit.
Most names nowadays are pronounced ‘Cunt’, Sammy,
Clothes still smell after washing? Stop adhering to the eco bolocks and wash at 40. You know it makes sense! This shit if full of nasty chemicals, some of which causes cancer. so take your smelly perfume shit and stick it up your arse. We are constantly being told to save the planet (of the apes) so why are they insistent on telling people to buy new every 6 months. If it ain’t broken, you don’t need a new one. Don’t even get me started on fragrance adverts, especially the one with the grow and the fucking dinosaurs! ? I do not want to smell like a chippy blek cunt so fuck off!
What gets on my tits is the endless begging from charities. Fuck off it’s not happening. You have more chance of being struck by lightening than yours truly opening his wallet.
Charities should receive zero Gov funding, or else they are quangoes, not charities.
Charities should have volunteers that give their time freely and work out of free or the cheapest accommodation possible.
The is supposed to be a thing called The Charities Commission in the UK.
Fuck all use they are.
Charities are for money laundering
Charity TV adverts should have the CEO’s salary in the bottom left hand corner the percentage of costs spent on administration in the bottom right.
I have a ball bearing clothes and dish washer. Me. Boom-boom.
old joke but a “clean ” one, a “clean” one, oh dear. He has wit as well as looks then..
g mornin’
A single word and the whole message is lost, lol.
I no longer have the normal sense of smell for beautiful flowers and other such things, but enjoy the smell of my own unwashed self and farts. The best is being able to smell the natural beauty of ladies snatches and can lick and eat them even with an aching jaw.
Wow! We must be related.
If I see that fucking Amazon advert with the dosser who can sing “What the World Needs Now” just one more fucking time I will put my foot through the telly.
Then you’ll need to buy a new one. From Amazon.
Likewise, that annoys me like no other…?
The adverts I hate most are the radio ones.
Because of woke lunacy, they are fulll of black voice over people.
And we know this because they have cliched archetypal black voices.
That booming Barry White style black voice that is on almost all radio adverts these days.
And the fast talking small print ones are ridiculous.
How is anyone supposed to understand some silly cow talking at breakneck speed? And the irritating laziness of it. ‘Ts and Cs’. Why don’t the cunts just say ‘Terms and Conditiions’? A typical one would be this (at ridiculous speed).
‘If sou sign up with us we will own your heart soul arse and bollocks we will also throw you out of your house if you miss a payment by even one second all loans are subject to status not avaolable in NI Ts and Cs apply’
Never fucking take notice of adverts. Of I want something, I will look for it.
No glittering toothed cunt ix going to tell me what I want.
Ban all adverts NOW!
Clearly, you`ve never tried Toilet Gun® have you, Harry …
I thought adverts were just for blacks and mixed race families now. Is the boomerang a reference to an Abbo’s armpit?
I’ll second that Cuntstable cos that all they seem to be aimed at
Fucking woke ad men cunts.
That Jaguar ad sure has all the idiot car nerds licking windows though.
Couldn’t give a fuck about anybody or anything.
Don’t think it is even an ad for a new Jag.
I own a small collection of boomerangs some made of wood the biggest made from some form of hi impact plastic ( fucking hurts if you lose sight of the fucker when thrown) Hand on heart none of them smell thus the advert is bollocks. Even if one lands in dogshite easy to clean and no smell. Pride of my collection is an original Abbo throwing stick years old and it doesn’t smell either
Must be over 500 years old if it no longer smells of Abo.
Forgive me if you remember me posting this previously;
“Advertising is the rattling of a stick in a swill bucket.”
“Keep the Aspidistra flying”, George Orwell, 1936.
My favourite ones are the deodorants that say they’ll last for 72 hours ?
Yeah I’m just not going to wash for three days .
That said there is a group of people in society to whom this must be music to their ears
I don’t use anti perspirants, it’s not normal not to sweat.
I also don’t shower every day, that’s just gay.
Women appear to find my pheremone filled manly aroma enticing.
If anti-perspirants actually worked they would cause you serious health problems.
Guess I must be gay though.
Don’t be hard on yourself Arfur, not everyone can be as attractive as me 🙂
BTW anti-perspirants do cause serious harm, they are full of aluminium, which is strongly linked to alzheimers and other neurological condition. Seriously, just read the labels.
My take is that if your top stinks of BO after you washed it, put it in the bin, you ruined it.
Add some white vinegar to the wash, a tablespoon is enough.
Two thoughts:
To the ugly four-eyed thing in the link.
(1) If you had a bath once in a while,you wouldn’t stink like a dead fish that’s been lying on the quayside for several hours on a hot day , and therefore your clothes should smell fresh.
(2) The cunts whose adverts on the telly for washing capsules who claim to cleanse clothes at 20 degrees and/or for 15 minutes have obviously never had to deal with an inbred Cornish farmer’s 30 day old underpants caked with layers of shit.
I listen to File on 4 (no adds) whilst watching the football with the sound off.