Dr. Erin Pritchard and The Midget Pub

Dr Erin Pritchard is a midget and a very angry midget at that. So much so that the senior lecturer on Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University started a petition to get the name of The Midget pub in Abingdon, Oxfordshire changed because it was offensive.

“I have dw@rfism and like the majority of people with dw@rfism I find the word offensive. I doubt anyone would tolerate a pub with a name containing an equally derogatory slur against another group of disabled people or an ethnic minority” whined Dr Pritchard.

Just one small problem Erin, the name ‘The Midget’ isn’t referencing dw@rfs or midgets, hobbits or leprechauns, its in honour of a former land speed world record car produced by MG. There is a picture of the car outside the pub and the decor is car themed. In fact it used to be called The Magic Midget which was an even more brilliant quirky pub name.

Owners Greene King of course caved in to the online mob of offence seeking whackos and bedwetters, a lot of whom I’m guessing are not even from the supposedly offended midget community. After thinking ‘long and hard’ they changed the name to The Roaring Raindrop another record breaking car manufactured in the town. They banned half pints and took Tiny Dancer off the jukebox too, Friday night dw@rf tossing has obviously gone as well.

A counter-petition has been launched with 2,600 signatories to change the pub back to the original name but I feel they will come up short. Well done Dr Pritchard, what’s next? The Fox and Hounds? The Saracens Head?


BBC News.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

100 thoughts on “Dr. Erin Pritchard and The Midget Pub

  1. Chippy self appointed self important jwarfs. That’s all we need.

    I have heard that the vertically challenged are hung up little bastards. Napoleon Syndrome I believe it’s called. With some famous sufferers (Paul Simon, Prince, Danny Devito, David Crosby). But this academic gnome takes the piss.

    I presume this is the same self important gremlin who ‘demanded’ that the sweets Mijit Gems had a name change. Who does this gargoyle think she is?

  2. The ugly little big headed and tiny limbed freak of nature had Midget Gems banned from Marks and Spencer in 2022 ,citing hate search as her weapon of choice. She has form for this type of crusade it seems, the weird little gnome.

    Still, I wouldn’t mind dressing her up as a clown and making her drive around in one of those tiny cars where the doors fall off…before violating her little backside.

    • Ho ho, nice one Horace!
      Do you perchance attain a diamond-cutter when watching the busty lady Hobbits galavanting around in the Shire?

  3. When unfortunately being on the short arsed side, it can be to some advantage for a couple of them with one on the others shoulders wearing a long coat and go shoplifting in Harrods.

  4. Pathetic brewery
    Even bigger pathetic Prof..
    Gracious they will be wanting to re name the Gay Hussar restaurant next.
    and it’s back to the vino collapso. and sanity for me.
    Evenin’ all.

  5. Quite like Bridget the midget on pornhub.
    It goes like a 1978 MG on a newly opened M25.

    • Dwãrfism is all in the mind.
      Low self esteem.?

      I beat my dwãrfism through the power of positivity.
      Think big.

    • Bridget rhymes with midget, but truthfully she’s a dwarf. But we shan’t argue the fact that she’s a dirty little cunt.

  6. What the fuvk is Liverpool Hope University??
    Hope the win the fucking league?
    Hope they learn to speak properly?
    Still the should name the pub-

  7. Stupid b%tch should stick to playing an Oompah Loompah. Chatty cunt, no need to apply method acting either..

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