Unlike people in some countries, British people are animal lovers and detest cruelty. But it isn’t only household pets that need protection. After a hundred years of campaigning by animal organizations, the UK government has finally banned the live export of farm animals for further fattening and slaughter.
An RSPCA director says “I’m still haunted by the smell coming off an export truck and the calls of the animals inside. I’m haunted by the eyes of young calves through the bars of the truck and their mouths sucking at the metal bars as though trying to find comfort. And I’m haunted by the sight of sheep packed too closely into trucks, their legs poking through the gaps and their wide-eyed fear visible through the wooden slats.”
When they sent gold records out into space on Voyagers 1 and 2 in 1977, containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, they ought to have depicted what nauseating scum populates this planet and the appalling way they treat defenceless animals. The cruelty of factory farming is still prevalent in this country. If you care, click on the link.
Nominated by Allan.
You are ignoring the fully clothed monkeys who are sneaking into our country on a daily basis. Their favourite hobbies are murder, rape and theft.
They are classed as `scrotes`, Sammy, and have a branch in the Tree Of Life just below bacteria.
Below bacteria Sam?
So viruses then.
Can’t be viruses GT, they evolve.
I think all right minded people would agree that cruelty to animals is evidence of a sick mind, and industrial farming can be cruel, but also:-
If we weren’t supposed to eat cows, why are they made of burgers?
Also Sam, we aren’t the racists. They are by having the cheek to come unannounced and stay! Not just on a sly visit, the twats.
A twig!
Best not look too deeply into the two species of sand rat’s slaughter practice, Halal does permit stunning, Kosher doesn’t.
Gotta pander to the sky pilots. Unless they’re Christian of course.
This is a manifestation of one of the basic tenets of religion Pooter i.e. I will do as I want and you must suck it up. Those who profess belief in a sky fairy regard themselves as being above the law and not subject to the same rules as the rest of us. In the UK at least, commonly they are dead right.
You are better than ‘sky-fairy’ Arfur.
Quite so.
Less a ‘sky fairy’, more a sadistic old prevert getting his rocks off watching sentient creatures suffer.
That’s so right MB.
When you consider what the other Gods were up to at the time the Abrahamic religions were started, Greek Gods turning themselves into various animals to shag nymphs or the Norse Gods getting pissed and fighting in Asgard that a certain Middle Eastern diety was Billy No Mates and took it out on the locals. ?
Shame you think that MJB, He speaks very highly of you 🙂
We shouldn’t kid ourselves.
The kind of shit that goes on in our abattoirs is equally bad.
And often far worse.
DEFRA are utter fucking spineless, supine cunts for allowing the Ropers and 4 x 2’s to allow unstunned animal slaughter in this supposedly enlightened country.
People who are cruel to animals are filth. Animals are totally innocent and have no means to understand anything other than the pain they are caused.
Good morning, everyone.
Fuck the RSPCA. They turn a blind eye re: halal slaughter in this country. If we were truly a nation of animal lovers, the likes of RSPCA etc wouldn’t be needed. Anyone who is cruel to animals need’s to be tortured to death very slowly. Cunts.
Morning 20, morning all.The RSPCA slaughter thousands of healthy dogs every year, plus they think they are Poluce because they have a second hand Salvation Army costume.
Very true, neglected horses the RSPCA run a mile.
If you eat meat then you have to accept that animals will be killed.
If you start imagining that animals have human emotions then you are a soppy, sentimental cunt, like the RSPCA inspector.
Humans are animals.
The only difference between us and other animals is our exceptional brain.
And opposable thumbs.
RSPCA inspectors working on the ground do a sterling job with compassion and kindness. No one with an ounce of humanity could not be moved reading the comments of the RSPCA employee quoted in the nomination.
However those running the organisation are a different matter. A neighbour of mine used to work for them and he says those at the top were on big fat salaries and using the charity to further a woke, left-wing political agenda with no concern for the charity’s stated aims.
If they really cared about animal welfare they’d be campaigning against the obscene practice of Halal and Kosher slaughter. But of course that would be Islamophobic/Antisemitic, so they don’t.
I am sure that they do excellent work, but sometimes people can just get too emotional.
The fear in the animals eyes, their calls for the help and sucking on bars for comfort.
Fuck off!
It’s a wonder that the cunt didn’t say that their were tears in the animals eyes too.
I’m guessing you’ve never owned a pet, AC.
Nah. Sort out Halal slaughter then I may take it seriously.
A sentient animal is one that has feelings and can therefore feel pain. What always confuses me are the people who become angry, sanctimonious, and righteous regarding dogs and cats being eaten, yet still munch on their sheep, cow, or pig corpse.
I love the smell of bacon in the morning!
There are plenty of horses being sent over to the continent, right now. Most originate from the Irish mainland. No stop at Calais either, because of an exemption loophole, that is discusting in itself. They certainly won’t be used for racing, many look like they have done that already.
The breeding of horses for racing is, to my mind scandalous. A decent stallion will cover about 130 mares a year, Most of the horses are finished by the time they are 5 then it’s off to France to be turned into steak tartare.
I have posted my stance on animal neglect/cruelty on this site several times before. Charity Inc. also.
I’ll whittle all of it down to one straightforward root cause, that won’t surprise many here.
People, as a species overall, .. are cunts.
Without people, it’s still ‘life on earth’, meaning there would still be fear and pain and death for critters. Nature, and all that.
But NOTHING like they suffer because of ‘us’. A percentage of individuals, specifically, then most of the rest of us passively… even if we take no direct bad actions.
Myself and the Missus are in the animal rescue game. Self funded, no hat out to anyone. Also : it’s for the good of doing it, where and when possible. (You can only help so many at any given time), so no social media noticewhoring (no social media full stop!).
I fucking hate the topic when it arises. If I read ’em, the articles stay with me (and I don’t need an ounce more ‘proof’, so often have to skip the links, such as the one above, I’m sure.).
But bombed orphanages doesn’t affect me one ounce when I read about them
Guess we’re all wired differently.
But, yeah. Heartless cunts the lot of us to some degree or other…
Here is a thought, remove all the fucking Halal eating cunts from the country, remove all the illegal cunts costing us a fortune and spend some of the bounty taking on animal cruelty.
Dangerous dog attacks, shoot the dog and the owner.
Someone breeding animals illegally, shoot them.
Over 90% of supermarket chickens are halal.
The rest are jihadists.
Can you buy halal bacon?
What is interesting is that we are discussing “cruelty” without any solid definition of what it is. This isn’t a criticism, it is an observation, what I mean is. we all know it when we see it but we all have different fields of vision.
For most of us we become aware of it when we “feel our blood boil” but that point is dependant upon our cultural upbringing.
Far harsher punishments for some of the nasty bastards when convicted would help re-enforce societies revulsion .” Oh but that is social engineering”. Well how else has society developed over the centuries?
Many of us eat meat (I do) and in much the same way as I hope the dentist doesn’t enjoy his work when inflicting pain, I wouldn’t be happy about abattoir workers who “enjoy their work”
But “ritualistic killings” ie halal and kosher, is something the intelligent peoples of the world cast off as being the silly actions of the ancients who knew no better. “But it is written in the good book…..” Oh do grow up.
“When Dick the shepherd blows his nails,
and milk comes frozen home in pails…
The only snow likely to be seen is on Christmas cards chiz-chiz.
Wet, and the decorations have been brought down from the loft in preparation for the w/end..
Mornin’ . ;
I would like to see extreme cruelty to the “animals” in this present government.
Animal cruelty – and especially violence towards animals – should get a minimum five year stretch.
And any cunt who murders an animal should get ten years.
Can we have a halal slaughter of every cunt in Westminster?
That’s the sort of animal cruelty that I’d be right up for.
Some of the numbers of ‘likes’ on this nom look a bit suspect.
Have you employed Diane Abbott to do the counting Admin?
I wondered where the phantom ticky bloke had got to!
Was just thinking the same thing. There were a couple of comments a few weeks ago, one had over 145 ‘likes’ and the other (by same person,) had over 160! didn’t think there was that many people who came on here?
117 as at 3.15pm.
Yep, it is Diane Abbott.
Anyone who has to hit or mistreat an animal to feel good about themselves is a sad scumsucking piece of shit that deserves a massive steel toe cap kick in the bollox everyday for a month.
Good day.
I’ve looked through the responses to this nomination and if some of them are anything to go by, I have to concede that I worded it incorrectly. It should have read “…British people used to be animal lovers.” A number of them are simply attempts to slag off anyone apart from those who are guilty. And I thought I was cynical.
Maybe the word humanity should be re-defined as not including compassion and benevolence. It’s the new twenty-first century man! ‘Fuck everything and fuck everybody. Aren’t I tough?’
Reminds me why I prefer animals to people.
Gosh dang it, yee-haw.
Another nomination that isn’t about mah commander-in-chief Donald Drumpf or them there fuzzy-muzzy foreign types.
What’s wrong with y’all?