Band Aid [2]

Band Aid…. What a load of cunt.

As the festive season looms on the horizon, this smug and self satisfied dig at the working class is going to rear its ugly head once again. The original 1984 version was bad enough. A terrible record, considering all the musicians that were involved. Like a bad version of the Z-Cars theme. And that’s just the musical side of it.

But, what really stinks about it is the finger wagging at us ‘ordinary’ riff-raff. According to that scruffy cunt Bob Geldaft and his cronies, it’s up to us to dig deep and buy this tripe. That horrendous line ‘And tonight thank God it’s them, instead of you’ delivered by – who else – Bonio sums the whole thing up. How dare you working class scum enjoy Christmas. How dare you and your family have your end of the year reward after 11 months of shit. Feel guilty as fuck when eating your turkey and Christmas pud. All those (cough) lovable Africans are in schtuck if you don’t buy this record, you horrible selfish oafs.

And now, this preachng dirge is back again. There is now going to be an ‘Ultimate’ version of ‘Do They Know Its Christmas’. Mixing the orignal with the several shitty arsed follow-up versions.

So, as well as Bob, Bonio, and the like, There will also be Sam Smith, Phaggy Styles, and that repulsive Ginger Quasi Ed Sheercunt. A collaboration that is well and truly from Satan’s bottom.

At least the orignal one had some talented people on it. But getting lectured by shite like Smith and Sheercunt is even more insulting. And although the 1984 version did have genuine pop/rock stars on it, the dregs and shoe scrapings that were on the other versions is laughable.

I mean, look at this array of shite…

From Band Aid = Marilyn
From Band Aid II = Big Fun / Deuce / Technotronic
From Band Aid 20 = Daniel Bedingfield / Cat Deeley
From Band Aid 30 = Joe Sugg (YouTube star/Strictly dancer)

Band Aid has been a dead and rotting horse well and truly flogged for some time now. But this latest shit is a piss take too far.

‘Don’t go to the pub t’noight! Just give us yer fockin monee!’

Get to fuck.

Official Charts.

Nominated by : Norman

86 thoughts on “Band Aid [2]

  1. The best thing nowadays is if you want to listen to any of the aforementioned cunts ” music” you can just download for free. No more working class money going to these inflated egotistical posing twats…

    It’s just throwaway shite. Which in reality it always has been…..?

    All of it…inc….?

    • Ah yes, the multimillionaires asking us, whose way of life is being constantly eroded, being asked to give money to corrupt regimes

  2. £4 Trillion Dollars of aid given to Africa over the years. Not made one iota of difference except to the war lords. No interest in becoming self sufficient knowing the soapy idiots of the west will bail them out and make any funds non conditional. I honesty can’t remember the place, maybe West Ethiopia (if that exists). It has one of the world’s highest concentration of mineral deposits, diamonds, platinum, silver, gold, oil, natural gas etc. There’s one mud road in and out of the area. An area that could be one of the richest nations on Earth. You cannot help them to help themselves. Absolute bone headed idiots. Speaking of Band Aid I think Bernard O’’Mahoney said “The thought of multi millionaires browbeating poor people to give money to other poor people really brings out the Adolf in me”.

  3. Albert Schweitzer would have no truck with this nonsense, he knew what Africans were all about and he was on their side.
    From a review:
    “This book is priceless. It is a first (English) edition of Albert Schweitzer’s notes from his attempts to bring medical and 20th century technology to the African continent. The Doctor/Author dedicates two chapters to comparing the “Black” African to the “White” European. When reading this, one must remember that Dr. Schweitzer was not a KKK member or Nazi. He was a compassionate individual who would heal many Africans on this forgotten continent. His description of the African culture are blunt and might appear racist. But why would a racist volunteer his time and talent as a physician risking his life to help those whom he says: “Would devour you”. Dr. Schweitzer was a compassionate health care provider. He did not go to experiment on Africans, but to heal them. He won the Nobel Prize in 1951.”

  4. What does that cunt Weller expect? With a bunch of 80s rock stars, coke and booze are going to be commonplace. At least Status Quo were honest about it.

    The thing is, Paul Weller was/is a huge Quo fan. One of the few bands he has something good to say about.. Spandau Ballet’s Kemp brothers are also massive Quo fans as well.

    Only good bit about the Band Aid record is David Bowie, saying ‘This is David Bowie’ in his best David Bowie voice..

  5. In 1984, Shakin Stevens had his festive single ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’ all ready to go.

    But, because of the Band Aid shite, he knew he wouldn’t get the top spot in the Christmas charts.

    So, he waited a full twelve months, and then got his Christmas No.1 in 1985.
    Canny old cunt, Shakey.

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