Attacks on Porridge


No not the comedy of jailbirds Ronnie Barker and Richard Beckinsdale.

The government has decided that porridge is a junk food and can’t be advertised till after the watershed.

Porridge, rolled oats, is my breakfast of choice.
It’s full of fibre, zero fat and sticks to your ribs on a cold morning setting you up for a days work.

Remember the Readybrek kid?
His healthy red glow like he’d had two week in Chernobyl?

Why has Labour decided it’s a junk food?
Because it’s NORMAL.
They’d prefer you to eat avocado or quinoa.
They hate normal.

I like my porridge lumpy.
Thick and lumpy and salted.

When Scotland finds out about this they’ll declare war.
And I’ll fight alongside them.
Its a religion in Scotland.

Fuck off Labour.
You granny killers.

Daily Fail

Some people put fruit in porridge.
And I suppose you technically could do that.
If you’re some sort of arsebandit.

Nominated by miserable northern cunt.

A second bowl of breakfast slops below from Cunt of Peeblesshire.

An unadulterated rolled oats seconding for porridge (porage for the purists) being designated a junk food under the advertising of junk foods ban, Cheers Jamie Oliver you fat lipped cunt.

Obviously gateway porridges such as ready brek and oat so sugary do come under the excessively sugared breakfast offerings category of not porridge but to ban porage in its pure form is somewhat questionable.

By this basis the bastardisation of bread should follow suit, a blanket ban on advertising what we accept to be bread now, but for added measure and this logic, we should also ban any advert for wheat!

I was about to cunt this ban on advertising porridge myself until I seen I could second it and have some other ideas about cunting the state of food in general which I will save for a seperate nom, But this ban is truly ridiculous.
Besides the fact adverts for Iceland and other places selling questionable if not cancer causing food exist and are allowed to advertise their self proclaimed food, To ban adverts for pure oats is ridiculous. Sure, any self respecting Scot will add a pinch of salt, lesser Scots and others will add fruit or honey (note the lack of ban of adverts for those) but still end up with a relatively healthy breakfast.

Included is possibly the only BBC link I will ever use that is to the point and without BBC agenda…


143 thoughts on “Attacks on Porridge

  1. My porridge is the faggiest porridge ever…guaranteed to elicit a snigģer from MNC.
    It has in it: walnuts or brazil nuts sultanas, a bit of brown sugar, cinammon, spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of mincemeat…ooh, ducky! ?

  2. “Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, cook and Wahaca restaurant chain co-founder Ms Miers welcomed the advertising ban.

    “We’ve got the worst diet in Europe and we know it’s causing us absolute pain, discomfort, long-term sickness, early death, preventable death. It’s bringing the NHS to its knees”, she said.”

    No, Ms. Miers, this is not what’s bringing the NHS to its knees. It’s the top-heavy management, uneccessary DEI hiring, increased demand on the resources by non-natives who have, and will never, contribute towards funding, along with successive Governments who make all the right noises but do the sum of fuck-all to make much needed changes.

    But wait! I’m sure the Minister for Health will have another cunning plan, probably along the lines of compulsory euthanasia for the over 80s, to be gradually decreased to 71 over a period of years.

    “You will get three-score and ten, and be happy”

    • Afternoon JP/all.
      Following a mild stroke years ago, I was visiting my mother in hospital when a doctor of an all-year-tan persuasion came in and attempted to liaise with her.
      “You get away from me,” she managed. “I’m not being examined by one of your lot. Go and get a white doctor.”
      The doc attempted to convey a look to me that suggested “dear oh dear, old people, eh? What can you do?” only to be met with my eyes, as cold as a shark’s, at the thought that I’d be in favour of a barely-English speaking fuzzy-wuzzy examining my old dear.
      I can’t imagine where I get my despicable racism from(!)

      • It’s built in to people with white privilege. Even if you don’t have any. For instance, I have no privilege of any colour but my racism has increased at least 100 fold in 25 years.

      • Hi Thomas,
        Was your mild stroke a TIA STROKE I had in August, where you come out of it, after a shit scaring numbness down one side, besides slurred speech, poor vision and unsteadiness on the feet. I spent 5 days in hospital and allowed home after tests.

      • I had a TIA about 40 years ago, I think I’m still suffering from the effects, even now.

      • Thanks Thomas for the advice. I was given tablets for the time being that thins the blood on its way to my brain.
        I shall also coax some lady to help me get these mushrooms home.

      • @Jeezum, excellent post, one of the best I’ve seen on here.

        @TtCE; When my wife miscarried and was taken into hospital she was treated by a black doctor. I won’t bother you with the gory details, it could still upset me if not you, but had this doctor been a vet working on a cow you would have said he was needlessly callous and unfeeling.

      • I had a stroke once.

        Lovely blonde she was, fantastic balcony.

        I only got 6 months suspended too, so a proper result.

      • I thought it was Thomasina that fucked up the NHS with a food poisoning outbreak that she got away with scott free, fucking stick insect bitch, daddy buy me a restaurant chain NOW.

  3. I thought kids today hardly watched TV anyway.

    Maybe porridge is suspiciously white looking so must be treated as potentially harmful.

    Soon Quaker oats will be traded in darkened alleys along with cigarettes and anything else this miserable bunch of cunts can think of to ban.

    • I was always told porridge is good for you?

      And I still believe it is.
      Sporty types eat it,
      Not full of fat,
      Slow release of energy
      Full of fibre etc

      It’s the only healthy thing I do eat.

      Who says it’s bad?

      That’s who.

      First they came for the cigarettes
      And I said nothing
      Then they came for the porridge
      An I said nothing
      Then they came for me
      But I’d gone out looking for breakfast

      • I think it’s only the porridge with added sugar and the ready made stuff in pots that contain all sorts of unhealthy shit that is getting the ad ban before 9pm. According to the links , porridge oats in their natural form (Scott’s/Quaker etc) will still get advertised during the day?

  4. Much like DI Jack Regan I was under the impression the Scots stopped eating porridge when they found out it was healthy. Joking aside, it’s usually the main component of my breakfast, eaten plain with salt.

    Baffled as to why it should be designated by junk food. Jamie Oliver – got a degree in Food Science has he? Didn’t think so. Cunt.

    • Sorry to say, my father used salt in his porridge and died from a stroke. Or it could have been due to my brother and I pissing in his special mug he’d drink tea from without washing it out beforehand.

    • The trick to making it unhealthy is to make it with melted butter so thick it can be sliced then dipped in batter then fried in beef dripping.

  5. Great nom, MNC.

    Porridge is brilliant, with plenty of dark brown sugar. If it can be followed with kippers and toast, that is perfect. Otherwise, kedgeree will do, at a push. The Government is nothing but a cavalcade of arse bandits,

  6. I’m sure I read that it had been added by accident. Not that this bunch of cunts government would ever admit to having made a mistake.

  7. Fucking hell , if porridge is bad for us then this Labour shite will have us eating dog shit. This communist government want us eating a bowl of fucking rice like their slanty eyed masters. Starmer & Co have declared war on us OAPs but we’re tougher that that fairy cake thinks. Bring it on faggot Starmer , you’ll regret it. Cunt.

  8. Fuck me I’m a communist.

    I like cheese on toast,possibly with some ham or I’ll have pate on toast.

    Porridge is fucking rubbish,gives me the shits.

    No doubt I’ll be appointed Chancellor in April when Rachel’s accounts add up to Diane Abbotts expenses plus inflation minus a full blown recession and the collapse of the economy..

    Only to die from a cheddar cheese racist Far Right induced English heart attack.

    No doubt a Frosties purge is being plotted as we speak.



  9. That fucking ReadyBrek ad. Probably the root of my lifelong hatred of all things advertising. Saw it circa 3 y.o. ; requested it added to the weekly shop. Choked the stuff down morning #1, (despite finding it awful) … and waited for my orange glow to materialise so I could go out & play in the snow. After it didn’t, and my folly was explained to me, the remainder of that RB went into the press unto it’s expiry date… never touched the stuff(any brand) ever again…

  10. I get the impression that even though porridge probably contains trace amounts of small, dead insects, the levels simply aren’t high enough for the NWO.

    So they’re probably banning porridge, only to reintroduce it at a later date as “newer, better porridge” consisting of 90% bugs and 10% oats.

  11. Always loved Ready Brek when I was a lad.
    Got to have proper full fat milk in it, mind. No skimmed, long life or soya shite.

    Had a ‘ready made’ porridge recently. Put in in the microwave and it’s supposed to be great, Turned out to be shit. It was minging.

  12. Scott’s Porridge Oats was the one I remember. With castor sugar. It looked a bit like filler. Some added salt too, but that never sounded quite right.

  13. If you haven’t got much food in and you don’t want to go shopping, but for a big box of porridge, milk and honey. There is your answer. A big bowl of it in the morning, will see you through until the next day.

  14. You can render your walls with it.
    Use it for mortar and build a outside khazi in the garden.

    It can be set as a cast for broken limbs,
    Of fill in the bodywork of your Reliant Robin.

    It isn’t just a great breakfast.

    Kier Starmer can’t eat porridge.
    It rejects him.

    David Lammy won’t eat porridge
    His witchdoctor said it steals your shadow.

    No, you have to be pure of heart to eat porridge.

    Like Goldilocks.

  15. This sick government giving “health advice” is laughable. Student Nurse Streeting always ready to wag a reproving finger, at our “unhealthy” lifestyles doesn’t seem to think sticking his finger up some blokes arsehole is even slightly unhealthy, nor what goes up his anus.

    They are like a load of old women. How many people watch adverts anyway, either to buy or not buy a product.

  16. Think that’s bad? Denmark banned Marmite, Horlicks, Ovaltine and Farley’s Rusks on some spurious grounds about them being fortified with vitamins. You’d think that would be a good thing, wouldn’t you?

    Call me old fashioned, but a spot of the old gunboat diplomacy never goes amiss in my opinion. We had a supposedly Conservative Prime Minister (Cameron) at the time, so why didn’t he threaten to nuke Copenhagen unless this outrageous affront to four of our treasured national commestibles was withdrawn immediately?

    Some fucking Tory he was, too busy hanging on to his top hat whilst buggering his fag Clegg Minor in the Junior dorm.

    • I’d ban all four Geordie plus Bovril, not because of the added vitamins but because of the taste. I think I’ve tried all of them once and found them to be absolutely puke-inducing.

      • Sorry to read that arfur.

        If you find it so offensive perhaps you should nominate Marmite for a cunting.

        Then await the whirlwind of abuse you’ll receive which will make the vilification Bz got for cunting potatoes seem like a mild admonishment from the vicar at a Church fete.

      • The Bovril at Old Trafford used to be at volcanic temperature.
        And it was red hot even at half time. The Wagon Wheels were massive in those day and all.

        Now, it’s shite from our many sponsors. Shitty Chinese noodles, piss-like Budweiser, and a load of vegan bollocks.

        I have also been told by dismayed old school Chelsea lads that papaya juice is now sold on the Chelsea Shed. Unthinkable in the 70s and 80s.

  17. I eat it as it’s supposed to be ‘good’ for you.

    Gives me fucking crippling heartburn though.

    The jockanese revenge I refer to it as.

  18. Proper porage, not those ” instant oats” shite, is good food, as Mis says.

    I see no reason, though, not to chuck a handful of raisins or sultanas in a bowlful, a bit of sweetness and a source of iron.

    Not currents, though, nasty little dried up pieces of rats hit they are!

      • Hey JP, after you mentioned ‘Freezing This Christmas’ earlier I saw the cunts at the BBC are trying not to give it too much if any playtime. Hopefully it will go the way of the general election petition and take on a life of its own and get to No1 for Christmas.

      • LL, the BloodyBollockingCunts are refusing to play it.

        Can I encourage all on here who may listen to BBC radio request programmes, to call up and request it?

        If you’re retired, like me, it could provide hours of amusement.

        Failing that, just request ” Lonely this Christmas”.

      • How did a lovely looking bird like Jane Birkin get pulled by that ugly sweaty frog faced cunt Serge Gainsbourg?

    • So, let me get this right…

      The BB of C is refusing to play this Freezing at Christmas song.

      Yet, they will have a rampant raging screaming black pootter in the Christmas Doctor Who. And said blackphag will be making smutty innunedos about bottybashing, and the ‘Beeb’ see this as festive family viewing.

  19. The Stasi are imposing “their rules” upon the great unwashed(us). Bunch of cunts.You vill only eat ze bugs ja? Thanks to the WEF and William Gates.Full gibbet treatment for these twats.

  20. This is supreme cuntishness. Porridge reduces the uptake of bad cholesterol into the bloodstream – hardly a fucking junk food then.

    I suppose ducky Streeting thinks it is healthy to insert a Meatball Marinara Subway Footlong (of course) up his chocolate starfish?

    Fuck off.

    • He’d probably prefer a french stick, all hard and knobbly, with those little baked peaks ripping his tender flesh.
      Afternoon PM, how’s tricks?

      • Good afternoon TTCE,

        I’m fair to middling, thanks. How’s you?

        It bet Streeting would love a hard, knobbly French stick (stale of course), covered in sesame seeds. A right viscerating affair, he’d likely spew his custard all over Sir Kweer’s winking walnut.

  21. Well I am glad so many of you seem to be getting your oats regularly, always a good sign.
    Porridge with ‘vappy milk and nutmeg.
    A good home produced breakfast with only the additives that you choose to put in.
    I understood the “ban” was on the ready produced stuff in a beaker that the cooks of today lovingly prepare by just adding hot water. I haven’t read the labels but I assume they contain wicked ingredients like sugar, and as we all know that’s not that different to crack.(fact checked by BBC)
    Fags one day, breakfast food the next, actions of a focused Government.
    No you twats focus on the Channel for a change.!
    Pantomime:- Not just behind you but in front , next to and all around you.
    “But we believe in Fairies” Well, need I say more?
    Culinary tip:-
    Why not add to the festive season by putting swirls of green and red food colouring in your porridge.?
    “Err, Green , Red , and White, is that porridge supporting Palestine?”
    No, now just politely go away.
    Old Kellog was an odd one, thought you should eat cornflakes naked. Takes all sorts I suppose.
    Evenin and it’s bloody windy here just now.

  22. Forgive me if I sound somewhat naive, I’m not really interested in politics, either homegrown or Global.

    I often don’t understand the implications of events in, say Syria, and what possible interest/impact it has for the UK.

    It strikes me that Labour has spent so much time as the Opposition that they really are struggling to get to grips with actually governing.

    It’s time that people stop referring to Sir Kier as “Labour PM”, he’s supposed to be the British PM, and the Government is supposed to be the British Government.
    Someone needs to remind them of that.

  23. I can’t imagine a worse breakfast than porridge.

    Walking around for the rest of the day with a gut full of stodge.
    Fuck that!

    I used to have half of a small baguette, toasted and spread with tomatoes. A little salt.
    Accompanied with a strong coffee and a few Benson’s.

    I can’t eat the bread anymore so it’s just coffee and fags now.

      • Mrs Cunter won’t let me have bread as I have diabetes.
        I have never been able to find a café that has brown bread baguettes.

        I don’t like olive oil with tomatoes on toast.
        I find the flavour too strong.

      • Nowt wrong with coffee and fag’s for brekkie AC, I can’t function before my 5th fag and 3rd coffee.

        Make your own bread mate, loads of special flour in the supermarkets.

        Obviously, what I mean is bung the missus a couple of quid and a wink to get her to buy the stuff and make it for you.

        Tell her its fuels your libido.

      • Excellent idea!

        I spent a lot of time on the road and staying in hotels.

        I always book one that does a good buffet breakfast.
        Something about a hotel buffet breakfast that I really enjoy.

        Plenty of choice too.
        We do have gachas de avena, our equivalent to porridge, but I avoid it.

      • While porridge is my mainstay,
        My favourite is obviously the Great full English.

        World renowned and envied by other countries.

        Probably the greatest meal ever invented?

        Up there with Christmas dinner and egg n chips.

        The french tried to copy it,
        Using horsemeat instead of bacon
        and tadpoles instead of mushrooms.


      • A proper English breakfast is a meal for all occasions, not just the morning!

        Feel self-conscious about eating a fry-up for supper? Simple, buy my patented breakfast clock!

        It’s always breakfast time with the JP Patented Breakfast Clock!!!

      • Second thing I do, in the am, Termy.

        Quick swig of water, out on the back with the dog and a fag.

        He has a pee’n’sniff, and I have 3 minutes utter peace, before the cat starts screaming for breakfast, the dog wants a dried duck foot and I need builders tea.

      • Gotta have a cuppa mate,

        I like my coffee like tarmac and you have to be able to trot a donkey on my tea.

        No sugar in the tea, obviously. And milk second, just a splash, so you don’t scold it.

  24. Never dip you spoon in another man’s porridge. Frist dibs is the golden rule of dogging. Apparently!!!!

  25. A full English is a thing to behold, but the quality of the ingredients has to be right.

    If Mrs Cunter shops around she can find English bacon but when you fry it you get a pan full of white residue which I think is the water coming out.

    Spanish bacon is the streaky type.
    Unfortunately more streak than bacon.

    If you go to any supermarket you can buy a cheap jamón.
    Poor quality so you wouldn’t eat it as a normal jamón.

    Instead you can cut it up in thick slices and fry it like bacon.
    It tastes better than any normal bacon.

    Button mushrooms are shite too.
    They have no flavour.
    Much better to go for something obscure and tasty.
    Not Thomas’s type of mushrooms, obviously.
    You will get no work done.

    Black pudding?
    Stick it up your fart box.

    • How dare you!!!

      Black pudding is the backbone of the whole meal!

      Agree about the quality of the ingredients though Artie.

      Decent eggs, bacon, sausage,
      No fried bread for me though.

      • Supermarket sausages really are shit.

        I remember the butcher that we used in the UK.
        He would make all types of sausages.
        Big meaty fuckers, full of taste.
        He made his own mustard too, called Dragon’s Breath if I remember correctly.

        It may seem a bit naff, searching out artisan butchers.
        But it’s worth it for the sausages and burgers alone.

      • Although I wouldn’t eat it JP, I respect your choice.

        Wholesome, homemade and probably traditional.

        People today would probably just have a processed meat burger or some fried chicken if they get the munchies.

        Delivered by a Pákí on a moped.

      • So what about those great big mushrooms all soft and soggy soaking up all the liquid in the frying pan, mopped round with a nice bit of fried bread, black pepper just to taste. Bouquet of fresh coffee wafting from the pot to follow the Rosie Lee taken with the nosh/ Proper set up for a day on the hills.
        We Happy Breed.

      • A nice mushroom here is called Oronja.
        I don’t know the English name.

        Only buy them in a supermarket.
        Never risk picking them yourself as there is a very closely related variety which will fucking kill you.

  26. I fucking love porridge.

    Proper oats with lots of full fat milk, a touch of salt and a blob of organic honey.

    Leave it to settle for 15 minutes after cooking. Beautiful.

  27. Scrambled eggs x 3 eggs
    One slice of wholemeal toast
    One cup of black coffee.

    Alternatively, bowl of porridge, a smidge of locally sourced honey and whole milk.
    One cup of black coffee.

    Breakfast of champions

    The government trying to offer health advice. Hahaha. Good one.
    Like pumping people full of Ozempic which has more dodgy side effects than benefits.
    Like all government advice, I’ll take it with a drum of Saxa.
    Forgive my rather cynical point of view but it isn’t in the government’s best interest for citizens to be healthy. There’s no money in that for them.

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