is a cunt.
Congratulations to this young feller who’s just beaten all his competitors to win Fashion Awards Model Of The Year 2024. In a ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall, this young alphabet boy said, “No matter what anybody says around you, you are that bitch, and you will be that bitch, and you will be as successful as you want to be as long as you follow that.”
Oddly, he was wearing a dress, a Union Jack dress, so perhaps he was pretending to be a woman.
Well done to this gender-confused, young dude for having the courage to be able to walk down a catwalk better than his female colleagues.
What a load of bollocks – and I’m not talking about what this pervert tucks past his gooch every day when he plays hide the dinosaur.
He needn’t put a pair of knickers on his head to pretend he’s a cunt.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.
Freak.Pour petrol over it and throw a match ???
I’d genuinely love to run over a ‘transwoman’ with a cement mixer then bury him in the cement, together with everyone who goes along with this society-destroying nonsense. The journalist who wrote the article, for example.
Calling him ‘her’ when he should be called what he is:
A mentally-deranged pædophile who ought to hurry up and expedite his inevitable suicide.
Who does he think he is,
David Bowie?
And there’s the truth, Bowie was a freak 50 years ago. He grew up and decided he was a straight right man.
This cunt is using a formula, if he wanted to be outrageous he’d have to say something like there are only two genders.
But no, because of the world he moves in he has to play the part of a jizz guzzling fem boy.
Good luck mate, you’ve decided to be a freak show.
When this fella grows up he’ll probably look like Nigel Farage.
What will you be when you grow up Minge?
Train driver or spaceman?
What a 9 Carat cunt.
Oops sorry Jill, just seen your Christmas Panda, No offence meant.
Mea culpa. Triton
Er, stunning and courageous. Or Summat.
Trannies winning awards seems to be all the rage these days.
Morning all.
Ooh well may you mock, but this is the type of chap (?) who will be first to volunteer for duty in the front line to defend the old country against our foes in any wars yet to come. The safety and well being of the country rest on those shoulders.
He of course will be joined by our truly patriotic Alan’s Snack Bar clientele eager to maintain our way of life.
Or perhaps not
A sobering thought.
So there is a “Best Model of the Year” award, now just stop a moment and consider just how utterly pointless and meaningless that is to anyone outside his/her sarcastic circle.
“And your not going out with all that mascara on young lady, you look like a panda.”
Mornin’ all
It won’t be long before real life catches up with this geezer.
No more fashion shows, no more awards and no more speeches to inspire people.
He will be too fat, too old and too ‘yesterday’ in just a few years time.
Hopefully he will then kill himself.
The stupid cunt.
That seems a bit harsh. Can I suggest he doesn’t wait.
More likely he will melodramatically threaten to kill himself, repeatedly, then not do it.
I shall now attempt to sum up the “trans debate”..
A gruesome mental illness that leads to sexual deviance (and AIDS probably),a terrible burden on all manner of health “services”,attempts to poison normal society,all inevitably leading to suicide.
All aided and abetted by the media and the pathetic weaklings that imbeciles consider our leaders.
Absolute fucking dung.
Good morning.
Oooh er, sounds a bit qu eer…..
No real job, to much time navel gazing.
A good 10 Hour shift down the pit would sort this twat out..!
Oh dear, there’s been a cave in.
I have an even better idea. Now that Mandy is mincing off to be something “important” in Washington, Kweer, as he is so anxious to promote employment, could employ young Alex as his Groom Of The Stool, assuming that young Wes Streeting turns his nose up at the offer, for which he will no doubt get first refusal.
Wes couldn’t be trusted not to eat it.
He would have to trim his nails or Mandy’s eyes would a watering be. He is that bitch (with a serious mental illness).
Fuck only knows what is happening to today’s “yoot”. Back in the 80s, when I was a young lad, the prevalence of freaks like this was, thankfully, an extremely rare occurrence. The ones that made a big song and dance about it (there was one at my Uni in the early 90s) would have been given a firm and entirely reasonable kicking for their troubles.
Not sure what is causing what feels like an exponential growth of these mutants – additives in food? Diesel fumes? Shite in the drinking water? We should be told. Obviously something out there is reducing testosterone and shrinking some folk’s meat n 2 veg.
The media should be given a damned good kicking with a size 10 steel toecap boot for championing this wankery.
I think Paul, that it is seen as an easy job opportunity (which it is). No hard graft and no broken nails. There is no aspiration, job wise, to do anything or be anything that smacks of masculinity; that is now seen as being a toxic element and to be avoided, unless you is female in which case even if you can’t do it you think you deserve to be able to. (see previous cunting)
and may I take this opportunity to wish you all the very. oh you know the rest. Triton
Estrogen In the tap water, it’s a byproduct of the pill. Phytoestrogens in food, things like soy and the like. That’s what’s causing it. WW3 should sort the order of things out. I bet loads of wammens and assorted freaks will be volunteering to join. I won’t hold my breath though!
CC, beat me too it, plus androgens in plastic food and drink containers.
I blame social media.
Hundreds of millions of dull, pathetic people who despite not being able to hold an intelligent conversation, all craving attention.
Simply being a vegetarian?
That won’t get you far.
You need to be an extreme vegan who only eats fruit which has fallen from trees.
Just being a homosexual?
There are too many of them around.
To get noticed you need to pretend that you are a woman.
Please look at me!
I think you’ve nailed it there Artful.
Yep agree with that
I reckon I’m tri-sexual.
I keep trying it on with the missus, but she’s not having it.
“Don’t you point that thing at me!” somewhat dampens my desire.
Yet another load of shite yank that shouldn’t be allowed to flourish in our country and in the Royal Albert Hall of all places, where my beloved promenade concerts I’ve frequented. This should’ve been ignored and swept under the carpet. Why wasn’t this event taking place in Canada’s lavatory and the chain pulled on it umpteen time to make sure it was flushed away forever down the hamshankland shit house.
The abhorrent cunt’s a Yank?
Dearie dearie me … I present the probable Democratic presidential candidate 2028, folks … ?
Fur million TikTok followers? FFS get a fucking life you sad fuckers. This cunt needs to go peaceful skydiving.
Four FFS
Fore! Just before he gets twatted in the head with a golf club.
Deep sea diving with a faulty aqualung to make sure.
Very odd, is it really trans, was it one of those either/neither.
Started modelling at 12 (youngest trans model) …. drugged up through puberty.
Does it have cock and balls, did it ever have cock… has it got lady bits inside
So many questions ???
He/she/it will soon see the light and become a lesbian footballer so they can go on to commentate for the BBC
She/He/Whatever is quite tall so would be perfect as the only goalkeeper who can touch the bar ?
Diageo are in trouble, running short of Guinness.
I think I’ve got the perfect answer. Make Alice their brand ambassador, a la Dylan Mulvaney, and watch the sales fall faster than Manchester City’s league position.
Bollox, Geordie. It`s just a marketing ploy.
Gen Z have adopted Guinness as their distraction of the moment, fuelling this shortage. Tik Tok ‘challenges’ such as Splitting the G .. in which drinkers ‘attempt a single first swig so the remaining liquid ends up intersecting the Guinness logo’.
Wow. Is the REAL challenge amongst these cunts to come up with the MOST mundane, pointless thing to gain traction on a stupid, kids, website?
There was a time when you might have said of an individual cunt ; ‘the parents must be mortified’ .. but the fucking parents in a lot of these cases are of the same brainless stock. The kind of useless stock that shouldn’t have kids in the first place.
Sounds harsh? Look at the cunt in the nom. Add some 4 million cunts admiring the antics of same….
Has there ever been a glassful of more overrated, liquid manure?
Wouldn’t drink that shit if you paid me.
Why isn’t the likes of this cunt not having the piss taken out of him anymore. Even the school teachers would ridicule these pansies and everyone would join in. Everything’s turned on its head, like something out of Lewis Carroll.
If I saw that in a pub, I would wonder which toilet it would use. Of course some now have the unisex ones fitted, so maybe this is an example of why these are now fitted. But I would still feel a bit unconfortable, if I was followed in, when I needed a piss.
Its certain this twat will be stood erect alongside you or I having a conversation in the gents. Just make sure he’s not glancing your way in the meantime.
Glanding would be even worse.
Fuck sake legs like that and and it’s a model that’s a truly fucked up awards ceremony must be run by a bunch of fucking perverts
We should be talking about the forthcoming shite event that’s almost upon us, instead of this, that will be forgotten within the next breath. Maybe I’m speaking too soon. Things like this just annoy me. Should really ignore the likes of people who don’t know their arse from their elbow and wait for something more substantial to get ones teeth into.
O/T but fair fucking dinkum. Did anyone have Paul Hogan AKA Crocodile Fucking Dundee in the DP?
Ignore the above. Fucking media cunts, it ain’t Hogan but the fucking crocodile that died aged 90. Did their level best to make it look like it was Hogan himself that threw the lucky seven. CUNTS!
Looking at recent pictures of Paul Hogan just now, he looks as old as the crocodile with both having the same leathery skin.
Seconding the cunts, anything to get readership.
How about Linda Kozlowski’s arse in the bikini in the first film? She could play pick up sticks with those cheeks. Pwoaarrrr.
Fuck me, this post has been up for nearly half-an-hour without a reply-in-kind.
Does anyone know of Norman is OK? ?
Joking aside, .. indeed Bob that scene by the watering hole must be right up there with Basic Instinct’s flashing the rat moment for ‘most-paused VHS moment in a movie’ around the globe..
To borrow from Mr. Arthur Brown….
I am the God of Hellfire!
And I kill it with……
The Fred Perry shop on Oldham Street, Manchester.
Once a staple for the Mod, the original skinhhead and then the 80s footie casual.
Now, it has mincing transbender freaks advertising their gear.
Grotesques and woke abominations have ruined yet another classic.
Fucking ruin of great British brands first Dr martens moving away from ox blood and black and now Fred Perry being promoted by cunts.
It’s like I’m in a parallel universe only It’s a worse version
To the left. That hair will keep the U boat crews feet warm…
Still blessed with a small set as it took hormones during puberty. In other words a man. Simple innit.
Look here, we gave you Liberace. YOU gave us Bowie, Gary Glitter, and all those lame ass glam rock cocksuckers. England has lots to account for, what w/your men dressing up as wimmints and all that. I mean, Prince George of Kent (RIP) and Miss Noel Coward used to snort a few moguls and parade around London in drag!
The thing is, the young girls love these blokes who look like this. They’re a lot less threatening than the chav culture you have so beautifully cultivated..