The MAGA cult

No, I’m not referring to ordinary Trump supporters. I’m referring to the MAGA diehards. The ones for whom Trump can do no wrong. The ones who dismiss every attempt to criticise/scrutinise him and his policies as a ‘deep state conspiracy.’ The ones who believe he is God in human form, and would quite literally jump off a cliff for him. The ones who literally stormed the Capitol because they couldn’t accept that he lost.

It is creepy to see any politician – and yes, that is what he is now – hero worshipped to this extent. Dare I say it, there are even echoes of Jonestown in his Movement, inasmuch as both him AND Jim Jones present(ed) themselves as heroic saviours who hold the keys to a perfect utopian future. Hopefully if he loses the horrid cult will go away.


Nominated by Angry Cunt.

117 thoughts on “The MAGA cult

  1. Hello Thomas. Been in something of a black mood recently, not helped by some kind of winter bug, which flattened me for a few days.

    I don’t normally suffer from bugs and colds etc. But this one got a grip.

    Ok now, just need my mood to lighten.

    On the political front, Stormer is turning out even worse than expected.

    People will end up hating him more than Blair.

    That’s some achievement.

    How’s things with you ?

    • Pretty good, thanks.
      I’m about to take a three week sabbatical to finish off writing my book. It’s going to be lots of fun!

      • It’s called
        “Chains , pains , and automobiles’

        A expose on the underbelly of ISAC.

        Stuart Hall wrote the foreword.?

      • I wonder what IsACer’s are going to find in their Christmas stockings? I don’t think there would be much point in Cunt Engine employing sensitivity readers. It would be like that Simpsons episode where the Fox executive is reading through a script and laughing like a drain before redacting it in thick black marker pen.

      • Don’t advertise it on social media Thomas or you’ll find yourself in one Comrade Keirs re-education dungeons.

        Which would provide much material for the sequel.

        Good morning.

    • Ello Jack,
      Hope you feel better soon pal?

      You’ve probably got Tearoom fatigue ?
      Brought on by a scone baked by a ethnic.

      Anyway, you need to coat your chest in goose grease and suck a fishermans friend.

      • MNC@. If his friend’s a young lady called Lucy or Debbie or summat I’ll give that a go ? LOL

        Cheers ?

    • I hated Bliar with a vengence, he was democratically elected. I put up with it.
      I want Kneeler to be hanged drawn and quartered, with his head on a spike.
      The fucking cunt.

  2. Come on, WhatsApp? … you bestowed upon humanity the pregnant mustachioed dude emoji (white-only just sayin’) last year, .. who was side by side with the mustachioed dude in a wedding veil…

    There’s ALL sorts of stupid twee shit on a list of thousands of ‘humanly relevant’ tat.

    Surely a little red baseball cap is way overdue?

    Wanna wind up some cunts, I do!

    ? + ? not too difficult, surely?

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