The fucking BBC yet again (135)


Sorry Admin if my nomination tends to confirm the view of some on this site that IaAC is becoming too narrow and dismal in its outlook but I suspect that this pile o’ shite will boil the piss of many of us.
Entitled ‘ Kaba verdict leaves black community traumatised’ it is the worst piece of propaganda that I have encountered in years.

Firstly it implies that there is a coherent black community in London. Whilst there are many black people in London I doubt if the majority feel that Kaba did not get what was coming to him.
Much is made of him being someone’s son whilst neglecting to mention that just days before he tried to deprive someone else of their son. Additionally, Kaba’s activities as a drug dealer no doubt deprived other parents of their children.

The BBC is building the barriers between the racial groups within this country for reasons I know not.
What l do know is that it is not going to end well.
As ever, l look to another counter to proved the link.


Nominated by Guzziguy, link by CuntemAll. Further on this cunting by Tricky Dicky below.

The BBC are cunts
Last financial year the BBC got this amount from the licence payers… £5,390,000,000
That’s £14,767,123 per fucking day
And they churn out complete shit programs, repeats, and biased reporting not to mention paying, among others, that cunt Amol Rajan, that cunt Nick Robinson and that utter cunt Lineker huge undeserved amounts of money.
While I’m on what’s this BBC Verify” all about then? Why do the fucking BBC take it upon themselves that they get to be the ones who get to decide what’s “real” or “not real”. It also implies that anything on the BBC News webshite that doesn’t carry the stupid “BBC Verify” marker is not to be trusted, which is probably about right to be honest.
I want to know what they fuck they are spunking all the money on cos almost 5.4 billion per year is a mind boggling amount for what they actually do. The cunts.

98 thoughts on “The fucking BBC yet again (135)

  1. And their ‘re-imagining’ of The Famous Five.

    Where ‘George’ – now a ‘feisty’ young black woman – is now ‘leader’, as she saves the day and gets those useless white kids out of trouble in every episode.

    And – for 1930s Britain – the treeswinger quota is ridiculously high.

    Just fuck off!

  2. Also, has there ever been a more nauseating morning presenter than Naga Munki-Machete? She’s like a car nodding dog with anything woke.

    Everything black or gay – from Ncunti Gayblack to Holly Johnson – is, according to Munki-Machete, a ‘joy’.

    ‘Ohhh. Isn’t he a joy?’

    No, he isn’t. Fuck off, Topov.

  3. And – I have no doubt – the the Beeb will have another push at promoting that ISIS groupie and smelly cunt, Shamima Bigbum very soon..

    Another ten part series on her perhaps?

    ‘But… But she was only young…’

    Get to buggery.

  4. The whole country more or less unanimously hates the BBC.
    Their negative ratings/reviews on Trustpilot tells us that.

    The Defund the BBC organistaion has thousands of members.

    They must know that they are nationally despised. Yet, these arrogant woke shitehawks still think they are above the ordinary person and have the authority and intelligence to ‘educate’ them.

    I just hope I live to see the BBC finally die a very painful and spectacular death.

  5. Nevermind when we become a caliphate, the guilty party and their while family will get the chop.

  6. I remember when Ron Atkinson got the sack at Manchester United, November 1986.

    BBC’s Football Focus covered it impeccably. Bob WIlson presenting, and big names in United history interviewed. George Best, Bobby Charlton, Bryan Robson and even Big Ron and Alex Ferguson themselves.

    Fast forward to 2024. Erik Ten Hag is sacked. BBC’s Football Focus had some daft squeaky woman presenting it. No United greats. Some ex-Premier League journeyman cunt who nobody would recognise. And also two wimmin ex-players gave their ‘opinions’. It was absoute drivel and like watching paint dry. I had the misfortune to watch this shit while I was waiting in the hospital the other week. These cunts were giving their ‘expert’ views on Manchester United and who should manage them? May they get Super AIDS. topped up with Ebola and a biit of Covid and Monkey Pox thrown in.

      • He was great at Old Trafford too, Ron.

        Brought the attacking swagger back to United after the dull Sexton years.

        Ron also brought us Robson, Moses, Muhren, Strachan, Olsen, Whiteside, Hughes,McGrath.

        Barcelona at home in 84 being a highlight of that time.

        And that unbeaten ten game run at the start of 85/86.
        Peter Barnes – of a ll people – was on fire for us. He flew like a coke sneeze.

  7. I asked the BBC when they would be verifying Reeves from the complaints departments CV.
    For some reason my question went against there moderation standards for being “off topic” in an article about her budget.

    Cunts and not even slightly interesting in pretending not to be cunts.

  8. Gawd.

    Yet more mind-bogglingly inappropriate wokery from the cunts;

    Apparently the production team thinks that ‘times have changed’ in terms of casting. That’s debateable, but one thing’s for certain, the historical record of 16th century England hasn’t. Will they ever stop trying to twist the past to match their right-on attitudes?

    Fucking wankers.

    • That’s a shame. The first series of Wolf Hall was quite good. Well, as good as anything can be on modern telly.

      But, the Tudor court full of treeswingers? It gest worse and worse.

      What I hate though is how selective this shite is.
      The wokies and the dark personages claim historical drama should be right on and inclusive. Yet it’s very selective and one sided. And it only works when they say it works. As is the left’s wont.

      If – say – there was a BBC drama about Nazi Germany. Would there be black actors cast as people like Himmler, Speer, Eichmann, Mengele in such a programme? I think we all know the anser to that one. These woke bellends are obsessed with blacking up British history. It’s that what they wish to re-write.

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