The Devastation of Valencia

The devastation of Valencia.

I don’t believe in God and I don’t follow any religion.
How can anyone believe in a benevolent God when all around is death and destruction.

I believe that we should have churches.
These should be important places where communities can gather for comfort.

How any priest can use tragedy as an excuse to preach about God is shameful.

Today being Saturday we will have the Jehovas Witnesses knocking on our doors, in the hope that they will find people at the lowest point in their lives.


Mosques should also be important, but they are not.
While men and women are segregated they do not bring communities or families together.
One of the many reasons why I despise Muslims.

I live in the Valencian Province.
I don’t get into the city too often but I have seen on the news the places that I know well completely destroyed.

Over 200 people dead and many more still missing.
They are finding more bodies every day and they will for weeks to come.
There will have been occupied cars washed into the sea which perhaps will never be found.

Three day’s of official mourning but a lifetime of loss for hundreds of families.

La Vanguardia News Link

NPR News Link

Nominated by: The Artful Cunter

50 thoughts on “The Devastation of Valencia

    • Sure I saw a local being interviewed and they made a big point of all the dams being removed etc. Probably something to do with eu eco policy. I really feel for the survivors of this disaster I hope the eu coughs up some dough for them.

    • Yes, it has everything to do with that. A dam in this respect is used as a type of flood water attenuation.

      The same reason that areas like Salisbury flood. Because of the fucking EU sticking their noses in.

      • Yeah they switched off the pumping stations and then tried to blame climate change. Cunts.

    • Nothing to do with removal of dams, it’s all about climate change…isn’t it? No doubt Greeting Cuntberg will use this as a demonstration of climate change…the thick cunt.

  1. I’m as religious as you are AC. But churches must stay because of their acoustics alone for classical music. Then again its give over jehova.

  2. Back in the 90’s I worked with a guy who lost his wife in a flood in Spain, I don’t think it was the Valencia region but he said there was torrent of water that just swept away houses. He only survived because he was away working.

  3. Fuck ‘god’, and churches? … meh.

    I lead a decent existence, I don’t fuck with anyone who doesn’t fuck with me, know right from wrong, .. have most likely done more to rescue/help/rehabilitate and save animals in need(victims of cunt people, and injured/orphaned in nature) … than any random full congregation’s-worth of believers *combined*, .. and don’t need any ten commandments nor fear of eternal flames to BE like that.

    On the flipside, one of the worst cunts I ever knew (employer, back in the 90’s .. crook/bully/philanderer/utter cunt – millionaire, of course!) .. THAT cunt could be found going to mass every Sunday, and right through the entirety of ‘Lent’ .. it’s all just fucking on it’s head, and dumb …

    I had a nom down about the pope and the whole fucking lot of it recently but it vapourized .. guess I must have unintentionally
    crossed some legal line calling out on some of the hypocrisy of the rotten lot of it.

    Might as well throw out the ‘lighthearted’ link from same again… it suits this nom somewhat anyways.

    • As they say ignorece of the law, doesn’t excuse you from it. It’s like saying you can drink ect in the UK. All true but not out there, should have checked the laws. Oh and if are doing something you shouldn’t in a foreign country, don’t fucking go on social meeyar. one less cunt to worry about if he gets banged up with the goat bothers.

  4. Unfortunately this great town has a history of flooding.

    I think I’m right in saying that the flood of 1957 led to the diversion of the Túria River to the south of the city, with the river bed being transforming into a huge garden and recreation area.

    Having visited there a few years back, I recall my thoughts then that this low lying area was ripe for another wash out.

    It’s very very sad indeed to see what happened.

  5. I worked with a company in Silla, a suburb of Valencia. Silla’s main claim to fame was having the only ISO 9002 certificated whore house in the whole of Europe, El Cisne. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to visit. Anyway I hope all the members of the Noble Order of Horizontal Sisters of Mercy are all okay. El Cisne was around the back of the tannery and although they, at least when I asked a couple of weeks ago, hadn’t lost anyone staff there had lost family members and a lot of property, mainly cars. As you can imagine leather workers are not the best paid in the world so it is a real struggle for them.

  6. I’ve never been to Spain.
    This isn’t selling it to me if I’m honest.

    If grounds hard, baked by the sun, then fast flowing water struggles to drain into it .

    The people there were very angry.
    Shouting abuse at the spanish king and PM!!

    Which is odd because a swim relaxes me?

    • Chucked mud at him and his milf queen. Didn’t have massive Dumbo ears like our king Charles to deflect the missiles and block out the insults.

    • Correct.

      The ground would have been baked like cement without any rain for months.
      So no natural drainage which would have helped, but only a little.

      Valencia got a year’s downfall of rain in just 8 hours.

      The city centre is generally high rise with parking under the apartments.

      People tried to move their cars to higher ground and were either drown in the car parks or on the roads themselves.

      No dams have been removed around Valencia.
      Some wiers have been taken away in the past years but by doing so drainage should have been improved.

      I was as close to the city as the shut off roads allowed a few days after the flood.

      There were police cars in convoy from all directions.
      I have never seen so many police.

      I was there again last week and the public response was remarkable.
      It seemed that every company that had diggers, cranes and bulldozers were there to help.
      The armed forces are all there doing what they can.
      Thousands of residents are trying to clear up.

      The King turned up with the Prime Minister.
      Both got pelted with mud.

      Prime Minister Sánchez legged it.
      The cunt.

      • Awful thing Artie.

        Always amazes me when it floods in the UK that they don’t seem to realise that cutting down trees is a bad idea.

        Tree roots make the ground stable,
        Like reinforcing concrete.

        They realise when upto the armpits in a mudslide.

  7. The only cunts that go to church are sinners and perverts most priests are kiddie fiddlers also never trust a scout master

  8. People using social media have managed to panic the feeble minded.
    The dimwits who get all of their news by reading Fuckbook or Twatter.

    At the first sign of dark clouds or any rain it’s………
    Barcelona is under water. Police are blocking all approach roads and not allowing anyone in.
    Tarragona is completely flooded. Don’t even think about going there.

    The truth was that Barcelona had heavy rain (I was there), and the airport terminal flooded. Nothing more.
    It’s a fucking huge city and very little was affected.

    I stayed the night in Tarragona and didn’t see a puddle.

    Huelva, 85 kilómetros north of Barcelona and very close to the French border had some flooding, but nothing out of the ordinary for a gota fría.

    Málaga, way down on the south coast wasn’t so lucky.
    It was dangerous there.
    A number of people died.

  9. They didn’t want tourists. Then this is the great invisible sky ghost giving them what they want. Lazy Spain Cunts, most likely to busy sleeping all afternoon to even tidy the mess up. Mexicans without a cactus and nothing more…..

    • When you come to think about it, God’s a rotten bastard, He knew these floods were coming even if He didn’t create them Himself, and going off disasters that have happened in the past I wouldn’t put that past Him. Even if He didn’t, He just fucking well sat there and did nothing to stop it.
      What I don’t understand is, how does He expect us to worship Him when He does things like this? I mean we’re His children and He’s supposed to love us. Got a funny way of showing it if you ask me. Look at all the people who’ve died and the damage caused. It’ll take years to put everything back in order but the families of the bereaved will never recover.
      Nothing else for it, we’ll just have to accept that the Lord moves in mysterious ways.

      • God has a long history of smiting. Just read the Bible. He enjoys it, just to let you know he’s around and not forgotten about us.

        As awful as this is for Valencia, I can’t help thinking that as an act of God, it’s less destructive and vengeful than the imposition of a Labour government on the UK. That was a good days smiting for the Lord.

      • By the fact that he is using Rachel from Accounts as his chosen instrument of retribution, I’d say he’s got a sick sense of humour.

  10. If god had been in a real job, he’d have been sacked years ago. If I was in the job, I’d have made everyone, wherever they were born to stay where they are and never moving willy nilly whenever they felt like it, just the same as taken potluck whoever which football team you want to support. Tough titty, you are to be stuck with the likes of Leeds United and be hated for the rest of your life.

    • Just who the fuck does God think he is?!!!

      Notice you can’t reach him by phone?

      Fuckin cowboy.

      • That’s because He has caller ID and His Voice Mail box is full.

        And because there are no atheists in a foxhole, He also has a Call Blocker App for those pesky last minute converts.

        Perhaps you could reach Him by email…or on X…or snap chat?

        I wouldn’t waste time on Tic Tok as it is owned by the Heathen Godless Chinese Commies.

      • I don’t have any of those things to be honest.
        Snap twitter or X chat,

        Besides, it’d be a awkward conversation between me and God.

        That thing of talking to someone you’re in complete awe of.

        He’d probably be tongue tied.

      • It’s doubtful, but always a first time I suppose?

        Are you a Christian General?
        I know lot of people are in America.

        I wasn’t raised as a Christian.
        Never christened.

      • Can I just make this comment.

        When you pray to God for help, remember that ‘No’ is also an answer.

      • Always knew you were a heathen.

        There were four of us, two of each.
        When the last was about 6 month old, my Mum had us all christened in a batch lot. I was about 6, at the time.

        She were a Yorkshire lass through and through, got a discount on a bulk deal, also only had to by one hat.

      • Evening JP.?

        My dad didn’t believe in it.

        Said priests are all puffs and workshy cunts.

        I’m glad.
        Nowt against Christians but I’m not really a turn the other cheek type.

        I prefer a happily burning Whicker man ?

      • Cuntster @

        Donald is the citrus of righteousness foretold in the book of revelations.

        He resembles a popular UK snack called ‘wotsits’ a cheese puff snack.

        Donald is Cheesus of Nazareth.

      • Don’t worry JP, only the very best Aldi packing crates on your Viking funeral pyre.

  11. Was in Valencia in 1989. I saw the Stone Roses play there.
    The same day Manchester City battered us 5-1 at Maine Road.

  12. God, all powerful, all knowing and not bothered. God gives the chaos of existence meaning. From Gods point of view how important is life?

    God is like a dog, people try and see human characteristics in his actions,God is not human, we can’t comprehend the idea of God let alone understand his actions.

    There’s only one certainty about God and that is that God is a Gooner.

  13. It’s Spain. I grew up there from 2001 – 2008. It’s not a period I particularly enjoy thinking or speaking about.

    TL;DR, the lazy, chicken-strangling, bull-stabbing cunts did an absolute number on my parents’ finances. A nation so dishonest I have never met. I saw my mum physically assaulted by a Spaniard. Oh, and another one of the fuckpigs stabbed my dad.

    The beer’s shit. The wine’s shit. The food’s shit. The cities are shit. The people are worse.

    As much as I postulate as a racist, I hate the place. I haven’t set foot there since leaving. Nor will I. Ever.

    Fuck ’em. You reap what you sow.

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