People who are totally careless and oblivious

Firstly dear fellow cunters, my apologies for not being very active here of late. I’ve had a lot of things to deal with and not much spare time for anything else.
An ongoing and very draining observation which has grown like a virus in recent times is people being totally unaware of their surroundings and oblivious to everything around them.

It was always bad as humans and cuntitude go together like pie and mash, but just lately and especially since Convid-19, people are more zombified than ever before.

A good question has been raised: “How do we prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse?” Answer: “How would any fucker even notice the difference?”

The plague of oblivious people has reached a point of critical mass. I sadly lament the demise of our old friends, common-sense and forethought. On the flipside, I’ve seen many videos where clueless people have been removed from the world by their own dumb arsed ways, so Natural Selection in action is a very good thing, especially when said people do blatantly dumb stuff, like walking into an aircraft propeller and their head vanishes in a pink mist or a worker climbing into a hydraulic press and getting his upper torso flattened like an A4 sheet.

I saw a video of some doss Karen cunt, vandalising machinery and deliberately trying to cut hydraulic hoses with a pair of garden loppers. She clearly didn’t realise or care how much extreme pressure they run on. What in the fuck?

From people merrily walking along rail tracks and getting dismantled, through to dumb arses climbing up on pylons and getting cooked, or drunks wandering in heavy traffic and getting smeared down the road like a steaming steak-crayon, the list goes on. However, nature has a way of thinning said people out with their dipshit actions. Good lord and good day!

Nominated by TwatVarnish, link by Jeezum Priest.


74 thoughts on “People who are totally careless and oblivious

    • I’ve lost count of the number of occasions that I’ve had to slam on my brakes because some simpleton has wondered into the road on their phone. When I beep my horn, the usual response (if any) is to look up from the phone with an indignant look on the mong’s face which says “Hey! I’m texting here!”

  1. I’ve no work on today.
    So I’m stripping wallpaper in 2 bedrooms for when the decorator arrives.

    Mind numbing ☹️

    So it doesn’t take much of a excuse to get me away from it.
    Took the dog for a walk.

    I was on a path through the woods looking down on a medieval chapel that’s popular with dogwalkers (Chadkirk)
    There’s a field and two deer are running across it.

    Nobody noticed.

    Ive had this before, people walk around half asleep.

    Humans are animals but we’ve lost any instincts for self preservation.

    If we’d started out this fuckin dull witted and slow to react we’d of all been eaten by predators.

    • Good point Mis. I go for a walk across the fields everyday at 6.30 rain or shine, in the pitch black or the better summer months and seen some cracking sunrises.

      Seen muntjac deer, foxes, falcons, owls, rabbits all out in the early morning but hardly any other person aside from one or two regular dog walkers, which kind of suits me to be honest but locals are missing out, the lazy duvet diving cunts.

      • These were roe deer ,
        Yeah Ive seen all sorts of wildlife early of a morning from hordes of inner city rats in Stockport town centre to hares boxing in the field in Staffordshire and Wales.

        Love it early in the morning before people are about.

  2. The wife and I watched a young woman (early 20s) head down in her phone, walk face first into a lamppost. Gods it was hilarious, but what was most funny was her tantrum afterwards. She did really twat her face, but she then started stamping her feet and shouting “stupid fucking thing” at the top of her lungs like it was the lampposts fault. Fuck me love, it’s not like it could get out of your way now is it???
    This obviously set us off into even more gales of laughter which she REALLY didn’t like, we even got a few “F’s and C’s thrown our way which made me cry laughing as she was getting very, very red faced and upset. It really was one of them “shit, I wish I had caught that on camera” moments.

    • Quite a while back a woman yacking on the phone walked out in front of me as I was driving. I slammed everything on and stopped about 3 inches short of splattering the bitch. She dropped the phone, bent down to pick it up and then screamed ‘you should be more careful, you nearly killed me. I pointed out that stepping in front of a ton of metal travelling at 40mph might end the conversation more quickly than pressing the end call button.

      • Sod that. Stupid bloody cow. You see it all the time, people just swanning out across the road not paying any bloody attention what so ever. Madness.

    • Good fucking riddance.

      He should never have been appointed in the first place. We had that cunt Cameron to thank for that.

    • Has he resigned rather than getting the boot does he get defrocked in private with a blow job from an alter boy.

      • A black woman, surely?

        What a fabulous opportunity it is now for King Charles the Woke (and the shadowy cabal that controls the CofE) to appoint an Archbishop who truly represents what this great country is now all about.

        I present, for your consideration, the Rt. Reverend Rose Hudson-Winkle:

        Her wide watermelon grin always reminds me of the days when wollygogs were fun – Oh, Lordy, Lordy… Jebus save me… catch dat mouse Thomas types – not the uppity tranny loving breed we have nowadays.

        I’m certain that if Rose was to appear at my local Church, I’d be right there in the front pew. The sight of her beaming face as she pedals a tricycle up and down the aisle, ringing the little handlebar bell, bone through her nose, before shinning up the rope into the belfry from whence she could sling her dung at the congregation, would surely make believers of us all, and halt the worrying decline in Church attendance.

      • Uh oh.
        Rev Rosey Mudflap Winkle seems a bit focused on race.

        She mentions her skin colour a few times but never mentions jesus.
        Always a bad sign in a vicar.

        She’s Dawn Butler in a dog collar.

      • Welby will start presenting MOTD and Gary Lineker already thinks he is the anointed one.

  3. The amount of people on phones is scary now. When im out with the turbo spaniel its just me and him, whether we are looking for clay pipes or old bottles in the river, its a simple pleasure, and when people ask what are you doing, i explain and then get a look like im from mars. Its a big wide world so make the most of it and fuck off and leave me an the mutt to it.

    • I’ve got 2 turbo Spaniels. Their incessant need for a job is offset by their affection though.

  4. Great nom TV.

    Cunts glued to mobile phones boil my piss. So many just seem to think it’s MY responsibility to avoid walking into them. Nowadays I just drop my shoulder and keep going; if the mobile goes on a soaring arc to the pavement so much the better.

    Gangs of schoolkids are as bad. They herd along the pavement simply expecting other pedestrians to make way.

    • Quite right Ron. The other thing the yoof do is throw their bikes across the pavement, just asking to be accidentally trod upon.

    • Has betting opened yet on that sobbing little cunt of a bishop jumping off the roof of Canterbury cathedral?

      Alas we all know angels would catch him..although I suspect he’d prefer to be swept away on a sand wőgs magic Islamic carpet.

      Fuck me backwards what a cunt.

  5. The world is getting dumber, stupid is as stupid does.

    What did people do before smartphones when walking, maybe looked where the fuck they were going

  6. I used to like the Stupid Deaths section of Horrible Histories when watching it with my brother and his daughter. I think she found it even funnier than we did – but kids love a bit of schadenfreude don’t they?

    Anyway, goes to show there were as many gormless cunts back then as there is now, they’ve probably always been with us.

  7. Not surprised one bit really. People today are self absorbed in their bubble of bollox.
    Nothing is real in cyberspace just a concoction of click baits and influencers who also wouldn’t be able to cross the road without a prompt or a tube videos guidance.
    Savvy and craft is what’s missing but some think thats only for dinosaurs and prefer to get botox injections instead.

    All copycats of each other. All victims when physical, monetary or health reality hits them hard and fast.
    All tears but the damage is done, when they knock a kid down because they were busy responding to Tit tok whist driving.
    Dumbed down for years and MSM started these trends long before social media existed.
    Have to say the Cough vaxx certainly fkd a sizeable portion, to pea brain territory.

  8. Some people have no spacial awareness.
    Clumsy cunts.
    All thumbs.

    Bumping, tripping, falling, they lurch from one accident to another till the Reaper sick of being taunted takes them out

    I’ve always had good reflexes.
    Catch things thrown to me.
    Caught things before they hit the ground.
    People who are slow moving, bumbling irritate me.

    Know it’s not their fault really,
    Just the way they are but it’s like they’re a 33 in a 45rpm world.

    Women in particular but not confined to them.

    If Hitler invaded today he’d take this country with a tank and 5 men.

    Modern people are wankers.

  9. The woman in the link reminded me of a video I was sent by a mate, some poor cunt who got himself caught in an industrial lathe. I suppose he must have been careless if it grabbed a bit of clothing and then its game over.

    • Good point LL. If it’s the same one I’ve seen, it’s the infamous Russian lathe accident video. It grabs his shirt sleeve, holds him there for a couple of seconds and then rapidly spins him into blood-spray, sheets of skin and flying meat all over the factory.

  10. Sad but true most people have the spatial awareness of a brick. Yesterday as I drove carefully into the supermarket car park a Young lady staring at her phone just walked out in front of me, she had headphones as well so if I’d been driving a fucking tank she would not have noticed. Luckily for her my reflexes are still pretty good and she was saved from the embarrassment of waking up under my car. Know what she never noticed anything just kept walking. It amazes me that so many of these zombies survive to breed

  11. The Taliban have been rather careless.
    Fancy attending the same clownshow as Rodney.

    How humiliating for them.

    • He will be picking up some handy tips from them on how to live a stone age lifestyle in the 21st century for when we hit net zero.

      • The four eyed twat had a new fantasy today – 81% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 (why not 80% or 82%) yet previously he and Mad Ed have said net zero by 2030.

        It doesn’t matter he is just talking shit again. Everyone knows it won’t happen. IF he is still in Parliament he will be on the back benches by 2030

      • Haven’t the Taliban just banned women from speaking in public?

        Actually, having heard Mrs Twatt and her sister in full flow on many occasions I’m not entirely sure that would be such a bad thing.

  12. The Taliban can learn lessons on how to penalise your own people,
    Punish farmers and imprison anyone who goes online and disagrees with policy.

    Achmed ” Rafiq, what did you make of the British Prime minister?”

    Rafiq ” he’s a monster.
    And talks through his nose.
    Let’s go stone a woman to death I need something to take my mind off him.
    He’s creepy.”

  13. Talking of creepy wonder what Justin Welby will do now he’s unemployed?

    Host match of the day?

    Catch up with friends?
    Huw Edwards and Philip Schofield have time on their hands?

    • He should just convert to Islam, for what use the twat was to Christianity.
      Spineless cuck.

      He should of been calling for a holy war, instead of inviting the peacefuls into our churches.

      • The Church of England (and the Catholic Church) have never borne any relation to Christianity.

    • Justine could get a job at his other spiritual home, the Limp Dumps, as Ed Davey’s stunt co-ordinator.

      Or head of BBC Vilify?

      Editor of the Grauniad?

      So many possibilities. He’ll be avalanched with offers.

      • He’s just accepted a position as scout leader.

        Camp Justin?

        Hand on your wōggles boys

      • He’s going on ‘I’m A Celebrity’…first, his experience in the House of Lords will prove invaluable when dealing the rats and parasites in the jungle.

  14. Cunts that walk backwards away from something or someone and the turn around and instantly collide with something or someone. Usually me.

    Looks where you’re going you thick cunts!

  15. Has anyone else ever contemplated a robust government allowing the indigenous population to concealed carry firearms?

    How quickly the illegal shitbag problem would be resolved and how street muggers, shoplifters, burglars, chavs and rapists would rapidly become a thing of the past.

    The economy would boom overnight. The NHS would be instantly fully funded and a dentist appointment could be booked for the same day.

    Just saying.

  16. A while back, there was a big weeping blurb in our local paper (that shows its age). Some tool had removed a big mat from around a ski lift pylon – they are there to stop people injuring themselves should they hit the pylon. Him and his mates then dragged it up the hill and used it as a sledge – no prizes for guessing what happened next. The tit crashed into the pylon and killed himself.

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