This scruffy freeloading little cunt has annoyed me for years. I gather there is yet another Paddington film doing the rounds, as though there was anything more to say about this very thin tale. I saw an advert for it today when I was out, which got right on my fucking tripe.
I recall a series of very dull children’s books years ago, which could be taken at face value. These days, I cannot help thinking that Paddington is a Trojan horse for the acceptance of illegal immigration, and is cynically directed at the very young.
The cunt speaks perfect English, wants nothing more than a marmalade sandwich now and again and apparently has no sexual urges or political or religious beliefs. He is not making use of the NHS or claiming any benefits. People just want to help him because he is so charming. Who could possible object to such a wholesome little character?
Well I do for fucking starters, anyone who goes around in just a duffel coat is clearly a wrong ‘un. Also the character is meant to be a Peruvian Spectacled bear, and the cunt in the films looks nothing like one of those – he is therefore a cultural appropriator and stealing another bear’s livelihood. The cunt.
Nominated by: Mary Hinge
I’d turn the little shit into a rug. ???
Yet another illegal immigrant turning up expecting free marmalade.
An he’s south American!!
Probably one of those Narco bears you read about?
Lisping and coke sniffing in our capital city.
I despise anyone who wears a duffle coat.
Didn’t the father pick him up at Paddington station. Makes you wonder what he was actually looking to pick up.
I’m surprised he’s not a cute little “BLACK” fucking homosexual bear these days….?
Here’s a Peruvian spectacled bear.
Foureyed foreign twat.
He’s almost certainly working with the cartels to traffic fentanyl into London.
Looks a bit of an hard cunt, not like Paddington.
Should be deported immediately. Bloody freeloader.
Morning all.
A nice British badger should tear the simpering little cunts head off.
Asylum seeking bears?
Fuck off.
The family implicit in harbouring this hairy illegal alien in London was a family called the Browns.
I just bet they fuckin were.
Middle class cunts.
Speccy liberal book readers.
If I’d of wrote Paddington I’d of made him a Alaskan grizzly bear.
Swelled to gigantic proportion by eating salmon he’d leave a trail of mangled bodies throughout London that would make Jack the Ripper blush.
I’m highly offended by this ursinophobic nomination.
I have reported Ms Hinge to Essex Police for a Non Crime Hate Incident.
Fair enough Mr Twatt. I’ve been expecting the knock on the door for several years now, for any number of things.
Good morning all.
Paddington 2024 ought to see him threatening his rivals in a drill rap video, spreading marmalade on his KFC with a zombie knife, fathering several illegitimate bears and riding a moped round the west end of London, ripping dullards’ phones right out of their hands.
He’ll import the rest of his tribe as soon as possible and open a Turkish barbers or a vape shop to launder drug money and profits from soft toy trafficking. Happy World Conjoined Twins Day by the way Cunt Engine, you doing anything special?
Anthropomorphism is a strange thing. Understandable for children but indulged in by so many of us adults. Millions of us keep cats or dogs and invariably we name them, as if the animal gives a toss. We have always kept cats, Mrs Brain is very allergic to dogs, they trigger her asthma. They have all shared one common characteristic, they know their own name having learned it from the wife. If they regard it as to their advantage they will respond to their name, if not you could be forgiven for thinking the creature was stone fucking deaf.
Too right about thinking cats could be deafnArfur, our buggers- Lennie, Paddy and Cookie deal with us on their own terms and treat us with mild contempt.
I wonder why we love them.
I’d use the fucker’s skin to keep a sentry’s head warm outside Buckingham Palace once storm Vlad ‘The Cunt From The East’ hits us later on this winter.
Yes indeed, and leave the face on it and facing forwards so it looks particularly grim, in the manner of the severed heads at Traitors Gate centuries ago.
Good nom, Ms Hinge.
Rupert is another freeloading communist scum-bear who should be shot immediately for wearing sickeningly awful trousers …
And those polo bears just lie around all day on ice cubes sucking mints.
Yogi`s OK though – he`s smarter than the others.
Rupert looks like a n0nce to me.
Not sure that he’s a n0nce.
Definitely a granny fucking degenerate though.
Yogi might be smart but Winnie the Pooh’s a thick cunt, probably smelly too.
Winnie the Pooh never seemed to wear anything on his bottom half, fucking degenerate.
Clue`s in the name, Mog.
`Winnie the Shitter` has a better ring to it.
My cat has a teddy bear and various other soft stuffed toys, he looks so cute when is sleeping with them.
The rest of the time he is a complete cunt.
There are lots of adverts for protection of bears against cruelty, I would be quite happy to give asylum to bears and feed them on recycled cross channel rags heads.
We should be milking their gall bladders and offering it to the chinks at discounted rates.
Ah. I see the problem.
As far as I am able to ascertain, Paddington is not claiming bennies, pushing drugs, or stabbing the locals. However, I still don’t know the precise nature of his relationship with the aristocratic actor/luvvie/national treasure Hugh Bonneville. I think we should be told. In the meantime, he should be kept under surveillance along with that tiger who comes to tea.
Good afternoon, everyone
Definite wrong ‘un.
I hear Bagpuss lived up to his BBC stereotype and was forced to leave after “inappropriate” behaviour with the members of Playschool, ie. he was double-tagging Jemimah with Big Ted and of course there was the Little Ted gr00ming thing.
Off topic rant.
Some cunt had the fucking cheek to try and break into my house last night.
The thick cunt had the luckiest escape ever while trying to pick the lock on the front door. Very loudly
We have a camera doorbell, CCTV and a four legged Belgian fur missile. It was the fur missile that alerted us before all the other high tech kit came into play.
If you’re reading this, you cunt. You had the luckiest escape of your life last night.
There’s always room under the patio for one more.
If you ever face that situation again, God forbid, make sure you drag the little fecker inside your house before you thrash him.
And give him a good left hook from me.
Second off topic rant. considering the first one has gone into moderation for reasons unknown.
The bastard Labour party. Utter cunts with no mandate.
If anyone would like to sign the petition for an early general election, it can be found here:
Just shy of 600,000 have signed. let’s see if we can get more signatures than Labour had votes.
Reckon Keir should cave in around tea time. ?
Over a million now.
It’s increasing roughly 1200 per minute lol
I never thought anyone could be as feckless, and useless as the previous Tory government.
Fuck me I’m almost nostalgic for them now!
This Labour bunch are hell bent on turning us into a version of Pol Pots Cambodia.
Just signed at 1,737,000 and stil rising at 1,000 per minute.
I disliked Paddington when he was in stop motion animation format. Turning around and falling on his arse. He has been hijacked as a metaphor for asylum seekers and acceptance of illegal immigration voiced by a homosexual white man. Send the bugger back.
Mrs Pillar loves the films. There were 9 people in the cinema when we saw it last week so that will be a big success for Britiah cinema. No one noticed the actress that played Mrs Brown had changed.
The original Paddingon had a charm to it.
Like The Magic Roundabout, The Wombles, Parsley the Lion and Ivor The Engine.
But – from what I’ve seen – kids programmes are shit nowadays.
And, of course, they are all woke and shoehorn blacks and poofs into them.