Oliver Hall

Oliver Hall. A face that you instantly want to slap, and an attitude to match.

This prepubescent little shit, never heard of him (is it a him, or maybe a her, or an X?) until this week, fancies himself a “journalist” and worldly enough to tell us why the Democrats lost the election; and surprise surprise it’s not the Democrats fault, it’s the 74 million people who voted for Trump who were tone deaf to the saintliness of Harris.

Writing in The Grauniad he explains that despite his impassioned pleas as a telephone campaigner on the Harris team, Trump voters just didn’t care about his apparent wickedness and didn’t want to listen to the truth. In the end they were just seduced by the cult of the Don. So 74 million people were exclusively blind to reality. Ah yes, it all sounds so feasible!


Here’s a more elegant and less contorted explanation, Oliver. An overwhelming majority of voters – many people who voted Democrat just four short years ago – voted for Trump because they were sick and tired of a corrupt, lying, immoral band of crooks, who had presided over soaring inflation, unchecked illegal immigration, and the flooding of public life with woke identarian hysteria and the oppression of free speech. They were sick and tired of being conned by a sinister bunch of treacherous Marxist nihilists, and wanted to elect a President who promised to put their country ahead of their own deranged psychotic vanity.

Hope that helps you smug little fuck. Why not have another run at your “journalism” career when your balls have dropped in five years time (assuming you haven’t had them shrunk into raisins by your puberty blockers)

The Guardian Link

Nominated by: Balsamic Dave

95 thoughts on “Oliver Hall

  1. Allan dear, do take the blinkers off. I think we can all agree if it is a politician speaking, of any party, he/she is a lying,… well, so and so.
    So gooses and ganders.
    Now we may not like the result of an election. referendum, call it what you will, but there should still be a certain degree of “nobility in defeat” shown by the losers, (and God knows I have lost often enough,)
    I do really think that calling our Colonial Cousins molluscs is a tad beyond the pale, the next thing you know they will be calling us names for voting in (well not me obviously) that twat Starmer, and that would never do.
    I bet dem ol’ immo ‘otels is warm an’ cosy, not like this ol’ shuffler.
    Time for a brew.

  2. Ah Allan, glad I’ve caught you – a little off-topic but not much.

    Could you specify why you voted Labour, what you were hoping they would achieve, and how you think that’s going?


  3. Wow! Allan certainly triggers you lot on here! ?


    He’s winding you up.
    An making a good job of it!


    • I don’t mind a reasoned argument, Mis.

      Hopefully, Allan might actually provide one at some point.

      • I don’t mind Allans posts JP,
        Don’t agree with them but do read and think about what he says.

        He’s winding us all up.

        And even if not,..
        Why would I care what somebody on some sites views are?

    • I don’t believe that it’s a wind-up, if it is he’s got a very narrow sense of humour as it seems to be the same joke all the time.

      In any case, I’m pretty certain I’m not feeling triggered – I genuinely want to know what motivates the Labour voter and how they assess the performance of the party they’ve voted for. And an honest, and reasoned, answer would be good – one that’s free from party-loyalties, and, dare I say it, that levels criticism at those in power where it’s due.

      I may sit on the right of the political spectrum but I’ve no problem explaining why I voted Reform and why I think the Tories are a bunch of treacherous cunts, and also where I think Reform are making mistakes. I hope I’m not too wedded to political ideology but I’m happy to be challenged on that and have it pointed out if I’m succumbing to political idealism over the harsh realities of what those in power are up to.

      • Allan is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the left side of the aisle now that OC has been banished. Everyone has the right to an opinion and if allegations are made then evidence should be provided.

  4. To sort of lurch back near the subject, unlike the Grauniad this site is not an “echo chamber” of the “party line” but one of differing opinions and thoughts, some thought provoking, and some just provoking. The Grauniad just employs those who sing from the same hymn sheet, or wankers as I prefer to call them.
    I wonder if they still chalk cheeky notes on the Storm Shadows like they did in Bomber Command, I do hope tradition has not died.

  5. I think the outrage that Allans comments bring points to this site leaning towards being a bit of a echo chamber.

    I can’t think of anyone else who gives a Left of centre opinion on here?

    Can anyone else?
    They’ve all gone.

    • Nope, maybe they have gone to leftie version of IsAC where GB News has been nominated 150 times and Donald Trump is on the ‘Wall of Cunts’.

      I somehow doubt they are complaining about the lack of right-wing opinions though. Lets not get too carried away.

      • Naw,
        Probably not.

        Thing is I don’t think it’s healthy when everyone agrees ,
        Thirty people all saying YES.

        I like when someone asks WHY?
        Or says NO.

      • Well said LL.

        I speak from experience…

        Allan is entitled to post his opinion. And the IsaC Faithful is entitled to challenge it.

        Whether he chooses to respond to those challenges or ignore them is up to him. Whether the IsaC Faithful decides to accept his silence or call him out is likewise up to them.

        For those who don’t like it, I believe the Admin Team expressed it best when they said feel free to fuck off elsewhere.*

        Many have made that choice and as Night Admin once remarked, IsaC is a better place for it.

        There is nothing wrong with like minds seeking the company of like minds.

        *Their words, not mine.

      • You can shove your “ISAC faithful” bullshit up your hoop you fantasist.

        I say whatever I want and don’t follow the herd.
        You don’t like it?

        Feel free to fuck off.

        As admin said, (grovel grovel)

      • To some cunters, a different opinion is like a crucifix is to a vampire.
        Fucking snowflakes.
        Long may Allan ride.

      • That’s what I love about this site.

        We cunt who we want, when we want (except fellow cunters, of course).

        And that’s how it should be. Hope Allan is still about. He’s alright is Allan.

    • Evening MNC. I used to find Miles Plastic’s views challenging, entertaining and offensive. I wonder if he has gone to help out in Gaza?

      • 20@
        Yeah Miles Plastic was a odd duck.

        I liked him but not his love for the Palestinians!

    • I think the assertion that this site is an echo chamber might have some merit if I ever saw – here, or elsewhere – a persuasive argument for the beliefs and policies of the left.

      Allan has the opportunity to explain these things to us, but, so far as I can tell, he prefers to just assert the iniquities and stupidity of Trump voters and the right. That’s fine, but don’t expect me to be persuaded from my views in that case. If someone from the left could mount a convincing case for:
      – why one should vote Labour
      – why they have the right ideas / they’re doing a good job in respect of all of the principle concerns of the electorate I.e. the economy, immigration, identity politics, Islam, energy security and so on

      …I would be very happy to discuss it. There is no satisfactory political movement in this country as far as I’m concerned, but I am yet to be persuaded that Labour / the left offer what I’m looking for in government and until that view is persuasively challenged why should I consider myself to be opting to live in an echo chamber vs just exchanging views with like minded people and being entertained and sometimes enlightened along the way?

      • Well put Dave. Allan doesn’t raise my dander – far from it.

        I would just like to see a bit of meat to the bones of his argument, rather than just some random anti-Trump grenades lobbed in. These just seem to be intended as bait for some, as opposed to some well thought out views, which could otherwise benefit even the most staunch right wing Trump lovers on here.

      • ps and O/T.

        Did anyone have the perennial pie-eating corpulent Labour pugilist John Prescott in the Dead Pool.

        I always associate him with his affair with that secretary. Just imagine that Jabba the Hutt tribute act suffocating that poor lady with his naked mounds of flesh, whilst grunting and sweating as he desperately attempts to insert his micro penis into her .

      • What I don’t understand, is why the fuck would anyone vote for any of the politician bastards. They’re ALL the same. Lying, thieving, conniving cunts.

  6. Two Jaguar cars going cheap.

    Back seats somewhat flattened and jizz-stained.

    All sensible offers considered.

  7. Mornin’ sorry a late start.
    For a different opinion, and I am sure some will disagree, I now think Thatcher was an evil poisoned dwarf.
    1) Falklands , well done, tick
    2) Privatise Water, Railways, Gas, ‘Leccy Phones, Post sell off Shipping Ports,, err what were you thinking you old Harradine? cross
    Knew a chap who served with Prescott on the ships when he was just a purser, said he was an arse.
    And to re-dress the balance of political sex horror pictures I offer John Major and Edwin(a)

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