Liam Payne’s Death and the Media’s Vomit Inducing Reaction (2)

More proof, that your own personal responsibility is now the legal responsibility of a third party.

Gone are the days, when you could get pissed up be helped home by a mate who puts you to bed and then goes home himself to his own family…oh no, that’s all in the past. If you did that and your mate choked on his own puke and is YOU that will be charged with ‘abandonment’ and possibly receive if found guilty a lengthy sentence if your mate happens to die.

Your mate asks you for a line of coke before you go out in the evening, then sinks a few pints and decides to do a stupid thing and injures himself or dies…..they it is YOU that will be held to account for giving him coke.

What has happened to personal responsibility…….we have a world now where everything is everybody’s fault….that is my cunting.

PS. Liam…you’re a cunt as well.

BBC story

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

66 thoughts on “Liam Payne’s Death and the Media’s Vomit Inducing Reaction (2)

  1. The biggest shame of all this is that the dead pop prick wasn’t Ed Sheeran.
    Sentenced to death by defenestration for crimes against music.

  2. Liam’s gravity-based shuffling of his mortal coil reminds me of the terribly cruel Eric Clapton joke:
    Who’s the fastest reader in the world?
    Conor Clapton: 52 storeys in 6 six seconds.

  3. He didn’t think of the maid in the hotel having to clean all the mess up in his trashed room …. mind you I suppose there could have been some overtime going for the señorita…. ?? Ola senor poppa star ✨ muchas gracias ?

  4. Despite the circumstances, I still feel sorry for the lad. To be in a “boy” band when you are over 30 must make you feel positively suicidal. If he had got old he could have become the queen on pop like Cliff Richard – the original Peter Pan(sy). But for most of his adult life he lived in a fantasy world – sickly warm words from Cowell, the tours in great warehouses like 02, living in crummy hotels, with cheap floozies throwing themselves at you, and all the pimps getting money out of you, dodgy promoters and cheques that bounce all over the place. And that is only the glamorous side.

    Too much, too soon and living in an aquarium bowl. It is no wonder so many of them crack under the strain.

    I wish certain politicians would spend their spare time enjoying the rock and roll lifestyle – the downsides as well.

      • Yes, I think it is sometimes forgotten that there are loads of old per*erts out there corrupting young “pop” singers, it is a buyers market and I remember reading years ago that Brian Epstein advanced the Beatles career because he took a fancy to (I think) Lennon. Perhaps that is why the heterosexual Lennon had such a down on Eppy. Walsh certainly looks a bit of a Jessie.

        If you are musical far better to join the Max Jaffa Trio, or become the new Wilhelm Furtwangler – less of that sort of thing outside the pop world

    • @W.C. Boggs One Direction split up a few years ago so Liam would’ve still been in his 20’s. Take That (although now a 3 member group,) are STILL performing and are in their fucking 50’s! ?????

  5. Who got off his tits on drugs? Who wanted the drugs? Liam. Who dived out the window? Liam. Fucking own it you cunt. The ones my sympathy goes to are the poor sods who had to clean his impromptu artwork up.

      • That is just what I thought, when I saw the lads father going over to bring the body back, as a father myself, imagine how you would feel having to do that, and to have had to stand by to see him destroy himself, aided and abetted by the hangers-on in the pop industry cesspit.

    • I also had never heard of Liam and agree with the sentiments expressed on here, For God’s sale at 31 you are a grown man or at least should be. A tragedy for his family and friends but not for the rest of us.
      As for not taking responsibility for your own actions that’s the result of importing American legal practices. We seem to have grown a profession of shyster lawyers, our country is even governed by one.

    • Who’s Grace? I hadn’t heard that Harry. Were they fucking on the balcony when he fell off her then?

  6. Liam leapt to his death some weeks ago and the media still bang on about it. Last week the BBC offered us the views of ‘a tearful Rita Ora’.
    I managed to stop myself reading it.

  7. It appears everyone else is responsible for everything.

    I noted with some amusement those Welsh persons going on about being flooded and not being warned by “the government”…so it’s never pissed it down and flooded before ever? What do you imagine the fucking hopeless Welsh (or any other) govt or council should do? Have a bloke in a high vis jacket sat in a hut five mile up the valley waiting for it to rain?

    Fuck me,total cunts.

    As for the skydiving pop hero,no idea who the cunt was,would he have been alright if he’d rented a bungalow?

    We need to know.

    Good morning.

    • Nature was the cause of the first tragedy, Uncle Terry. The halfwit could have found another way to say goodbye for the second, but we’ll never know.

  8. The press say fuck all when the government is shafting us but can’t leave a celebrity corpse alone.


      • Ain’t that the truth. The press used to expose government arseholery, now they are just their shills, finding “celebrutee” tales to seductively divert the hard-of-thinking from the important issues of the day.

        The HoC would be on fire by now if the whole truth were out there.

  9. His funeral was last week and they had all of his celebrity ‘pals’ pictured looking suitably sad, including James Corden.

    I bet the fat cunt was only there for the grub at the wake. Scoffing the mini pork pies and throwing up in the bogs.

    Prediction for a Daily Star headline in the near future;

    ‘My bulimia shame at tragic pop legends funeral’.

  10. There appears to be a vigilante Svengali on the loose, doing us all a favour. If you happen to know of any such person, just give him a pat on the back for us all.

  11. To be honest, I’d never even heard of him! Why can’t someone really famous jump out of a fucking window? Would be awesome if that Op YewTree dodging cunt Cliff Richard were to top himself, after confessing to his decades of hidden noncery! Mind you, his colostomy bag would make a fucking stench when it ruptured on impact! Fucking Hells bells, can you imagine?

  12. When this was constantly on the BBC I thought who the fuck is this fella.

    A fucking boy band pop star….!

    I thought it was the second coming of the chuffing Messiah the amount of coverage he was getting..

    Am I missing something…?

  13. Soon it will be okay, you can plead mitigating circumstances, namely that you were merely assisting in your mate’s death. Sir Two-tier and Esther Rancid will back you up particularly if your mate’s one room property is then free for use by an immie family of sixteen.

    Assisted Killing, it is the coming thing. Act now to save our NHS.

    Good morning, everyone.

  14. Oh poor Liam. The living hell of not having little girls buying your warblings anymore and having to survive on your millions and not having to work.
    Fucking idiot.

  15. Cheryl cole is very upset about Liam croaking, she was devastated she wasn’t there when he died, as when rigor mortis set in she didn’t get the chance to sit on his d1ck for one last time, I bet the Geordie slapper was beating up toilet attendants at the time instead

  16. Suddenly I was expected to go into deep mourning for some cunt I’d never heard of.
    Papers full of shite about this god like figure who discovered that unless you are god defying gravity is a no no. I have a vague recollection of a similar situation involving a member of another boy band who was found dead in bed by his husband and the bent Bulgarian bartender who had been picked up earlier in the evening. I reckon he choked whilst being spit roasted but I’m no medical examiner. As to the latest demise I would posit nose dive over balcony cos he was so out of it he hadn’t a fucking clue as to were he was or who he was.

  17. A digression:
    The shitihad aren’t doing too well lately with lots of defeats and loosing leads. Its not that they can just nip over to the jungle for some up and coming players. Due to the predicament they are in with fiddling the book, the have to sit on their hands to wait for things to blow over. They were booed off I heard recently, which brought back memories of playing at Main Road. As a matter of fact, they’ve no reason to traipse over to the jungle, when they could be helped out with young black lads from their old stamping ground in Moss Side.

  18. Adele, dead from a pie crust stuck in her windpipe. We live in hope fellow Cunters.

  19. The fact this Liam cunt was on no ones dead pool list tells you a lot that he was nothing.

    Yet, as others have said- the BBC saw fit for his death to be headline news above the war in the Ukraine and Israel/Palestine….for several days. My observation as to why, is because we now have controllers in the BBC who grew up with this boyband, so has meaning to them…..a frightening thought we now have cunts of that generation in charge of media

    • don’t worry…the government will be sending shitloadd of our tax money to help them rebuild

      • Pity they dont send a few Titanic clone ships loaded with our illegals over to rebuild as they are so skilled and educated to architect level. Oh wait….

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