Keir Starmer M.P. [27]

Rollup, roll up and roll under for the Crown Prince of Habitual liars, Keir Rodney, devoted nephew to Uncle Tony and Aunt Mandy.

How anybody can take this shit-stain seriously is beyond imagining. Let’s take one example, which concerns me personally not a whit, but it does give me the chance to let you see the best photograph I have ever seen of Kweer which shows the arsehole up for what he really is. The only time the Daily Star has got it right.

Two years ago Kweer said he was going to “abolish student fees” so, naturally yesterday he RAISED them, Do we have to spend 4/5 years with this liar, or should we just reverse everything he says?

For Gods sake Angie, stab him in the back – at least we know you are an unreliable gobby Commie, and you might get rid of the poofter champagne socialists in the cabinet:

Daily Star Link

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

With supporting evidence of extreme cuntitude provided by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

The dollop of shit otherwise known as the PM is a fucking anti-semite cunt.

Apparently he agrees with the communist/eezlambist ICC that the democratically elected Prime Minister Netanyahu should be arrested for war crimes:


Obviously there is no way the most righteous Israeli Prime Minister would want to visit a stinking jew-baiting dung heap of a nation like the UK, but should he choose to do so, I suggest he brings the IDF with him and flushes the filth from Downing Street. I would be wholly behind such a move. While he was at it, he could do us all a favour and sluice The Crystal and Palestra House from the river to the sea.

In case anyone is unaware, there’s a cracking petition going on now calling for a new General Election. It currently stands at just under 2.5M signatures and rising by the minute. By all means join in and let’s see how far the disaffected UK population can push this cunt – NA : Link To Petition.

106 thoughts on “Keir Starmer M.P. [27]

  1. Worst PM ever?Herr Starmfurher is a tin pot dictator.Madame Guillotine was invented for this treacherous leech.I’ve voted to remove the Commie Scum.One rule for them and bollocks to the rest, Comrade.

    • I think he’s looking to be cunt of the year.

      He’s doing an awesome job in that regard.

      Everything else he touches turns to shit.

  2. Rumour has it that the caring Christian from cardiffs father was charged by the icc for being complicit to genocide, two tier free gear never here enemy of the farmer starmer as his beak claimed him asylum here.
    The rest is history.

    • I’ve heard that too, and if true he’s gone and probably the Gov with him, but I haven’t seen any evidence of it yet.

      Allegedly, the defendant in question was wanted for war crimes in his native land, committed during the Rwandan civil war, including mass murder.

  3. Michael Caine has joined the General Election campaign.

    Let’s hope other famous names and even a couple of big newspapaers get behind it too.

    • I reckon that Liebour will let Starmer do all the dirty work first, then stab him in the back at some point. It’ll be great fun to watch if it happens.

  4. Is he even human? They called Theresa May Maybot, Starmer is like Kryten from Red Dwarf. No personality and only really fit for cleaning the bog.

    Novelty condom headed cunt.

    • in past years Theresa May would have been hanged for treason for fighting the EUs side against Britain

  5. I hope the petition gets more signatures than people who voted Liebour.

    Starmfurher is currently brushing it off as just non-Labour voters, so it will be a nice message from us to him if it can get the numbers.

    Maybe Donald might put Keir straight on a few things, you never know.

  6. Stoma, Thieves, Turnip and Millibrain.
    4 horsepersons of the apocalypse.
    Fucking cunts one and all.

  7. For what it’s worth…

    From my perspective as an American it is imperative that Starmer be removed and replaced if Britain is to retain (regain?) it’s sovereign integrity.

    As to removal…

    No matter how unpopular he is, it seems unlikely to me that Starmer will call for a General Election.

    The petition is a good tool in the battle of public opinion but likewise seems unlikely to force a General Election on its own…no matter who or how many sign it. However, I could be wrong and it might force the PM’s hand.

    A no confidence vote is the traditional means and seems best. But if one is called for it must succeed lest it set back the opposition and embolden the PM.

    The King could break all precedents and call for new elections. He doesn’t have the Prestige his mother had so I don;t know how much weight it would carry with the public. And while lacking any legal authority it would be a bold move and make a strong statement that just might make a difference. Of course it could cause a constitutional crises too. That might not be a bad thing.

    As to who replaces the PM…

    If you’re going to remove him you must have a viable alternative. That alternative cannot and must not be the return of the clown car parade of ineffectual Tory PMs.

    If it is to be Reform they must take strong and unequivicable stances. I know some of you hate this, but look to our model and advocate for a Britain First / Make England Great Again stance.

    The movement must have a leader who can articulate the message. The choice must be binary. I’m not sure Farage is that leader. I’m not sure he isn’t that leader. But if not him someone must step into the breach.

    With all that said…

    The mood of America has changed dramatically with the re-election of Trump. We are determined to defeat the dark forces of the Wokeist Brave New One Green Multicultural World Caliphate.

    If we can do it, so can you.

    Make Britain Great Again

    • Crashing the economy into sun is a legitimate reason for a GE General and LEGO head has set the the controls for the heart of the sun.?

      • She’s not going back there again, is she?

        You know she was the first woman on the Sun when she was head of NASA, right?

    • I fear Charles has Keir lined up for promotion to Baron as a token of his gratitude to services to the WEF!

    • Good analysis, General.

      Two things occur to me regarding this situation:

      1. Labour were in opposition for a long time, but it was clear the Tories hold on power was coming to an end. Seems to me Labour did not adequately prepare to take the reigns and are winging it – badly. Two-Tier has found out in a hurry it’s much easier to nit pick and criticise when you’re not in charge. Now that he is, he’s found the job is a lot harder than it looks. He does seem completely out of his depth and floundering at every turn. Zero leadership skills if you ask me.

      2. I did not check to see what was in the Labour manifesto, but if the news outlets are to be believed, Labour are doing things they said they wouldn’t and did not disclose to the voting public before the election. That being the case, that’s not democracy – that’s blatant deception. The petition if nothing else is highlighting Labour’s bait-and-switch. That’s no basis for government and not a mandate for what Labour are now doing.

      Two-Tier will not call a GE for a couple of reasons. First, he’s under no obligation to and probably thinks the unrest will eventually blow over. Second, if he did he knows he’d lose so he’d effectively be signing his own resignation – which of course he won’t do.

      As you say, if things keep going the way they are and something were to happen, who would step into the breach? The Tories are still in turmoil and probably not in the right place to assume control again. Plus I don’t think the country wants them back in charge any time soon. I don’t think Reform are ready and established enough yet. Maybe a Reform/Tory coalition?

      The petition by itself won’t achieve its stated objective. But it will move that argument forward. Labour MPs will eventually revolt and force a change of leadership. Two-Tier is toxic now so it’s only a matter of time before his position becomes untenable.

      I thank my lucky landslide stars the US is about to turn a corner and get back on track thanks to Trump. I just wish the same could happen for the UK.

      • Hello Old Friend!

        We are basically in agreement.

        Where we might differ is with Keir’s plan. I don’t think he’s winging it. I think this is the implementation of the Labour Party’s long term Fascist plans for total control.

        It is as you so correctly pointed out classic bait and switch. No matter how bad the Tories were, nobody would have voted for this cluster fuck, wet dream of Leftists repression, pain and de-construction if he had campaigned on it.

        The PM is claiming a so-called landslide so he can ram his mandate through the backdoor. (Puns intended.)

        I think you make an excellent point about a Tory / Reform coalition. That may be the most viable option even if it is fraught with danger.

      • How do, General?

        Sadly, I think you’re probably more right than I. It’s just so horrifying what’s being done to the UK population as this Labour government systematically destroys everything they touch. I struggle to believe it’s being done intentionally, but it is a akin to how the Dems behave on our side of the pond. They too just want power, control and other people’s money, but do not and cannot govern well.

        Reasoned debate, common sense, nothing too drastic too quickly which has the potential to do more harm than good. These principles seem to be a million miles away from Labour’s thinking, if indeed they are thinking.

        I still stand by my comment on Two Tier. He does look and behave like he’s completely out of his depth. Like he’s on the outside looking in, wondering what the hell is going on. He exhibits zero leadership, zero incisiveness and instills zero confidence that he’s actually working towards positive outcomes for the electorate.

        For a tiny little island stuck out in the middle of the North Sea, the UK should have little claim to be a fine, upstanding leader on the global stage. But historically, that was achieved with aplomb. Fast forward to 2024 and the state and standing of my home nation is in tatters.

        As other fine cunters have said, people’s parents/grandparents fought in wars to protect the British homeland. They didn’t make those sacrifices for this shower of shit. I despair, I really do.

  8. He clearly wants pensioners to die off from the cold and have all the boat lovers move into their homes. Patrick McGoohan’s version of Edward I, once said “If we can’t get them out, we’ll breed them out”. Dame’s version is “If we can’t get them out, we’ll freeze them out”. This country has already been embalmed by cuntitude.

  9. I like to tell myself and anyone who’ll listen that I’m a good judge of character (despite the fact I’ve been wrong many times). In this instance though, I’m one hundred percent sure I am right about the PM.

    His beady, pig-like eyes being too close together (never a good sign) aside, this slug of a man has the countenance of a flabby pedarast with unusually unhealthy appetites. If he isn’t a depraved collector of pedo snuff , I’m a chinaman. Just look at him !

  10. Did you know this cunt’s father was a tool maker as is apparent by his son being both a tool and a cunt.

  11. Rayner os the type of girl who would let you cum on her face. But only as long there’s a black pudding and egg cob for breakfast. Ginger pussy always looks like a drowned dog…….

  12. I think it must be occurring to the gurning sock puppet that he needs to do something to appease the peasants, but another GE won’t be it.

    I reckon he’ll throw helmet-head under a metaphorical bus, by making her ‘Minister without portfolio’, but who could replace Rachel from complaints?

    Lammy, with his wooden counting sticks, passed down to him from his great grandma?
    Milliband, with the xylophone teeth?
    Naw, his fellow beavers would miss him.

    Well, whoever he victimises ( I mean promotes), I wish them luck.

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