Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak plus the Guardian [31]

Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak are a pair of rich cunts unfamiliar with common sense and surveyors reports.

Guardian Link

My take on grauniad link is pair of cunts bought a house in 2019 for 32 odd million

Some moths appeared and we are only hearing about it now when they are trying to take the estate agent (seperate cunting deserved for that lot) to the cleaners for not telling them about the moths that estate agent may or not have been aware of.

Said moths or mothy potential would certainly have appeared in a surveyors report if the pair of cunts knew what one of those was or had bothered to assimilate into British society.

In my very limited (theoretical) experience of buying £30m plus houses I would always like to know what I am buying and always consult an overpriced surveyor with my profound (theoretical) wealth.

But no, they claim it would cost £10 million to fix despite a more realistic estimate being £160k.

I hope the moths end up being a protected species used to make judicial wigs and the judge tells them something ridiculous like “a rare victory for moths over toffs”.

Nominated by: Cunt of Peeblesshire

77 thoughts on “Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak plus the Guardian [31]

    • Works wonders on my tent, an annual coat keeps the ticks away. Sadly not the midgies.

  1. ? I look fantastic.
    I’m made of plastic ?

    Couple of Barbie dolls. Please tell me they have pink cars.

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