Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak plus the Guardian [31]

Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak are a pair of rich cunts unfamiliar with common sense and surveyors reports.

Guardian Link

My take on grauniad link is pair of cunts bought a house in 2019 for 32 odd million

Some moths appeared and we are only hearing about it now when they are trying to take the estate agent (seperate cunting deserved for that lot) to the cleaners for not telling them about the moths that estate agent may or not have been aware of.

Said moths or mothy potential would certainly have appeared in a surveyors report if the pair of cunts knew what one of those was or had bothered to assimilate into British society.

In my very limited (theoretical) experience of buying £30m plus houses I would always like to know what I am buying and always consult an overpriced surveyor with my profound (theoretical) wealth.

But no, they claim it would cost £10 million to fix despite a more realistic estimate being £160k.

I hope the moths end up being a protected species used to make judicial wigs and the judge tells them something ridiculous like “a rare victory for moths over toffs”.

Nominated by: Cunt of Peeblesshire

77 thoughts on “Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak plus the Guardian [31]

  1. Iya Patarkatsishvili and Dr Yevhen Hunyak?!
    That’s what I accidentally typed on my phone the other day whilst high.
    Those aren’t names; they’re the result of a buggered keyboard!

  2. They would have to prove that the moths were resident prior to their moving in.

    They would also have to prove that they didn’t inadvertently bring the moths in with them.

    As this is an old listed building (buyer beware!), the insulation is a natural material, namely wool. Any decent surveyor would have told them that natural products harbour organic life forms, which may present themselves in ways that you wouldn’t see with modern building materials.

    Being the age it is, the building is probably riddled with asbestos too. I will bet a pound to a pinch of shit the arrogant fuckwits didn’t get an asbestos survey done either.

    Instead of bleating like a pair of cunts, get the place fumigated, invest in a ton of mothballs and get on with decorating your new home in the most garish way possible.

    • Moths are the ghosts of flutterbys.
      They eat fabric.

      If mrs Tamateaturipukakapikimaungahoro
      Leaves one of her curry smelling saris out for them it’ll give them a upset tummy and kill them as they shit themselves to death.

      • Just get some permethrin, apply liberally whilst holing breath, 24 hrs later job done.

        I’ll do it next weekend if they like. 10 grand plus pizza and beer.

        Lovely jubbly.

  3. “vermin infestation’” moths that’s the least of your worries in londonstan.

    Living in Notting hill, you could have hugh grant on your doorstep.

    Suspect in a double shooting released on bail..spicy tweet two years breaking rocks..

    Well good luck to the Georgian equivalent of the osmands..

  4. Moths are very lazy. They don’t move even when you are about to whack them with a rolled up copy of Horse and Hounds. Maybe the rich cunts don’t realise this.

    Here are some facts about the butterfly’s scarier cousins: they might eat your clothes and curtains; serial killers have been known to insert them into victims’ airways – just for fun; moths can tell the future – ask Richard Gere; they have scary skull motifs on their wings and, lepidopterists can make tedious dinner party guests.

    I hope this helps the rich cunts if they happen to be reading.

  5. Makes you want to heave a bit of timber full of wood worm over the fence.
    If you don’t like our British moths you know what you can do don’t you.
    Twats the pair of them

  6. A difficult situation certainly.

    Put them in the mansion then dynamite the place.

    Moths have no place in Labour’s eco friendly Great Britain.

    Nor pensioners,farmers and anyone trying to make a few quid.

    • I hope they get bats!
      They might eat the moths but you can’t do shit to a house with bats roosting there.

      If they’ve that much money maybe dig a cavern beneath for bats?
      Bruce Wayne did.

      Bruce is a billionaire.
      And hangs around with a ‘ younger companion’ called Dick.
      They hang around together in this cavern wearing underpants, tights and masks.

      But it’s all good clean fun.

  7. Whilst out walking the other day someone came up to me and asked why I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I replied “Those fucking moths. Again !”

    • I went into the Doctor’s surgery the other day and said ‘Doctor, I think I’m turning into a moth’.
      He replied ‘Do you have an appointment?’ and I said
      ‘No, but I was just passing and I noticed the light was on.’

      • The old ones are the best, Geordie.
        Did you get that one from Latin carved into the roman Wall?

      • Don’t exaggerate Sam.

        Actually I found it in Bede’s ‘Ecclesiastical History of the English Church and People’.

        So only 1300 years old.

  8. Patacake should just buy a colony of bats, let them out each night when they go to bed, they might have an issue with bat shit but I am sure they have slave cleaners to sort that out.

  9. I couldn’t give a flying fuck, are these two cunts fleeing Georgia after the recent elections that went against WEF wishes and arrived to a warm welcome from the establishment here. Perhaps they, like the Ruski oligarchs have stolen state assets to launder ?
    Anyway, how are these moths managing to materialise through the walls, did someone put some tiny doors in strategic positions ?
    The scaly winged cunts.

  10. As a self qualified biologist and leading zoological expert,
    You have a infestation of pests you need to find a natural predator.

    Mice- lynx or cobra
    Rats- boa constrictor or honey badger.
    Moles – saltwater crocodile.

    It’s a arms race and you’d best get in the first punch when it comes to nature.

    Mate of mine had a problem with cats shitting in his flower beds.
    Once he introduced a pack of hyena to restore the natural balance it was fine.

    • In the crumbling ruin where we lived in the mid fifties Mis, we had a problem with mice roaming around the place all the time. Our dad got a couple of cats. 100% effective, never saw a mouse again.

      • Yeah Arfur,
        The reason for farms having cats and the old sailing ships too.

        Cats are superb hunters.?

    • They’d have no trouble affording the removal of this infestation if she spent less on makeup. She’s got so much shit on her face her own mother wouldn’t recognize her.

    • Moles, spade my old farmer Grandad showed me how to do the little velvet buggers. Wait till you see soil being flung out of his hill then wack the hill flat with a stainless spear and Jackson.Real wack a mole.

    • Loving the mole solution.

      One small problem, apart from moles, what do saltwater crocs eat?

      Oh yes, sharks.
      And humans.

      So they’re unlikely to be fobbed of with £100, and an “I won’t tell the Taxman if you don’t, nudge, nudge, wink; are they?

  11. Moths in an old house?

    Who ever heard of such a thing?

    What’s next?

    Flies in the old Bog?

    These dumb cunts! If you’ve got 30 plus million to spend on a house, step up and spend a little more on an exterminator.

    Moving on…

  12. And another thing…

    What the fuck kind of Saxon name is Patarksishvilli any way?

    I’ve seen old Gaelic names written in Ogham that were easier to pronounce.

    Esme: Trevor darling, lets take a bottle of wine with us tonight when we go to Iya and Yevhen’s.

    Trevor: Yes dear. I’ve got a bottle of Chateau d’Shithole from October that should do nicely.

  13. Beyond me why anyone with £30 million to spend on a house would buy something built in Victorian times. I’ve lived in such. Cold, damp, draughty, no DPM, lead water pipes, cast iron gutters and downspouts, no electrics obviously, 10′ ceilings so you burned coal for the comfort of the spiders who lived in the corners while you shivered below, softwood sash windows which had rotted and jammed when Victoria was still alive, slate roofs, I could go on. No thanks, if you’re in the market for such you’ll get no competition from me. As for the thatched cottage, who the fuck wants a house with walls made of straw and cow shit and a straw roof?

      • Arfur @

        The other day I was working at a old timbered hall
        Part of it had exposed wattle and daub! !!

        If I had money I’d have a thatched roof property,
        They’re rethatched every 30/40yr so one needs paying for once in a lifetime.

        I once watched a property being rethatched,
        A proper skill and a dying art.

      • Good evening lads.

        I typed up a detailed response to you both but WordPress got the hump for some reason and blocked it. I’ll just say I’m not trying to impress or offend anyone.

      • Don’t think anyone thought that Arfur.

        The older the property the better the craftsmanship of the work.

        Especially when owned by the church!

        Master stonemasons,
        The best materials.

        There’s a church me missus Miserable and the dog sometimes go and sit in the grounds, after fish and chips.
        The chippy is a hundred years old.
        The church?
        A thousand years old.

        What a great country!!
        God bless England ???????

      • I broadly agree with you there Mis but I can’t help but think that the churches and cathedrals were the vanity projects of their day. The poor saps who built them scraped a living and were housed in hovels. It seems to me that there was no real effort made to providing decent housing for the masses until after WW1 and it all came to a shuddering halt with the advent of WW2. Following that skirmish we were skint and didn’t get out of austerity for 15-20 years.

    • I rather think the fragrant one is merely a beard in the same vein as Brown’s fat doozie.

      He’s an ass bandit if ever I saw one.

  14. Sloths fur is infested with moths.

    It’s the job of an Estate Agent to sell houses.
    It’s not his job to give people reasons not to buy.

    The surveyor probably didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.
    How many moths could there have been?

    Don’t these silly cunts live in the real world?

  15. Just thought I’d mention that the yanks can’t pronounce moths correctly. Its delivered with an R between the O and the T for some reason.

  16. Weird aren’t they?

    Not the cunts above although they are weird I mean moths.

    Touch them and they crumble to dust.
    Like Joe Biden.
    Living dust.

    All he needs do is install a floodlight in the garden and open a window.

    Moth issues solved.

    • They’re lame as fuck compared to butterflies. Adjacent but an ugly poor second.
      Like Wales hanging off England’s arse.

    • But Gaylord is.
      Fucking Gaylord, for crying out loud!
      Evening C_C/all.

  17. I never took moths to be wine drinkers?
    I pegged them for barcardi Breezers..

    Anyway how slow are you drinking the vino if a dopey moth is finding time to dive bomb your glass.

    Could be the next Mescale worm.

  18. Get some big moths round here.
    Great hairy fuckers.

    Reports of them carrying off small children and pug dogs.
    They eat the children but breed with the pugs spawning a hybrid of a flying goggle eyed asthmatic mutant.

    Rumours like.
    But I believe it.

    Mate of mine got chased by one and had to hide in a women’s public toilet.
    Peeping out of a small hole he cut with a penknife to check it’d gone.

    That’s what he said in court anyway.

  19. Looking at the header pic, they have the most insincere smiles I have seen of late.
    Verdict: grasping cunts.

  20. A pair of gormless foreign chancers.

    Posing in front of a Christmas tree ? that they probably blagged off a poor old honest shopkeeper.

    Festive oven, with all the trimmings ???☃️

    Freaks ?

    Get To Fuck.

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