Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme

I was recently called out on IsAC by a (former) fellow cunter. He considered my posts to be boring (fair enough), but went on to extrapolate in true Sherlock Holmes fashion that I must be Billy No Mates, who spends ‘hours and hours’ tapping away on here, and that I need to get out more and get a life.

Now of course I do spend some time on here most days. Unlike about two-thirds of the human race, I don’t have a mobile phone which I dedicate chunks of my day to gawking at, so I come on here instead. I enjoy the comments and the banter. But there’s another reason I spend time on IsAC. It gives me a voice, however small; a chance to blow off steam at cuntery in all its forms, and boy, do I need that safety valve right now.

Let me introduce you to a real pair of charmers. The go by the names of Holly ‘The Immolator’ LeGresley and Adriana Orme. These two depraved cunts have recently been banged up for their part in (get this) an international monkey torturing ring, which saw helpless animals brutally abused for the gratification of sadists. Those of you with a strong stomach will find more details of the case here, with the judge in the trial describing the pair’s involvement as ‘depraved, sickening and wicked’;

Daily Mail Link

To me, the pleasure in seeing these two unspeakable wretches put behind bars is compromised by the short sentences imposed, and they’ll probably be out in half the time. I don’t know what you guys think, but my view can be summed up by a Tom Cruise line from the film ‘Jack Reacher’; ‘if it were left to me, I’d just kill ya’.

Thanks IsAC, for giving me a chance to say my piece.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

113 thoughts on “Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme

  1. Ron, first thing I would like to say is that I have never found your postings boring in any shape or form. The opposite in fact.
    Good cunting, these two bastards should be terminated. We have enough cunts on this planet as it is the removal of these two would be a massive benefit in the scheme of things. Pointless cruelty to any creature is one trigger for the ultimate punishment. I save all the pictures of these kind of shits cos you never know. Have a fine collection of peaceful diddlers and others of that ilk.

      • Ron Knee – You are one of the very finest fellows on this site Sir; and whoever said anything less about you doesn’t deserve the paper you wipe your fine bum with!!!. Whoever described you that way clearly doesn’t have an ounce of the skilful wit you grace these pages with.

        Keep it going fella – your country needs you!!! ?????

  2. Immersed in roasting hot vegetable oil for starters
    The two of em together would provide free home heating for a year.
    Recycle this shit now and fk the courts on humanitarian grounds.
    They ain’t human, these sick, twisted, demented pair of knts and fk knows who else is involved.
    Torch em all.

  3. Just further confirmation, if any were needed, that the Human Race is a cunt.

    The sooner it’s extinct the better.

    Good morning ?

  4. What an awful pair of evil fat bastards.

    To quote Pulp Fiction “A couple of hard pipe hitting ni*#ers with a blow torch and a pair of pliers” is in order for these two monstrosities.

    Keep posting Ron.

    Nobody gave a fuck what that clown posted about you anyway ?

  5. Off balance. I think the shitihad are wobbling because Gladioli appears to have stopped spitting on the touchline, like a mischievous kid.

  6. These pig ugly pair of fat cunts should be chained to the rocks on Gibraltar, for the monkeys to get their own back.

  7. Your posts are great Ron. Always a good read as you go for the throat of your cunting subject, but often do it with good humour too. Keep it up fella. ( that’s if you have the spare time in between spaffing over your nymphomaniac Mrs) ?

    • Morning Ron.

      Good to see Man Cheaty get annihilated yesterday in the football.

      “Oil be damned” I thought to myself when I seen the score.

      • Indeed HJ.

        However my happiness is tempered somewhat by the fact that the Villa seem to be circling the drain at the mo.

  8. I’m no great lover of monkeys; seven years in Africa will do that to a man, but cruelty of any kind, to anything is absolutely abhorrent. There are, however, a few exceptions to this, some of them named in that article. What I wouldn’t give for a few hours alone with these two, my toolkit, a good mains supply, and a blow torch …to teach them all about DIY, obviously. I had to stop reading that article part-way through, even though the aforementioned seven year stint on God’s Own Continent taught me a thing or two about cruelty. Disgusted beyond measure.

  9. A superb cunting, Ron…and the words “It gives me a voice, however small; a chance to blow off steam at cuntery in all its forms, and boy, do I need that safety valve right now” are so true and sum-up today’s way of life. ISAC is a last true refuge for spleen-venting and common sense.

    Anyway, anyone who gets off on seeing animals tortured, needs to be brutally tortured themselves, before being slowly ended from existence. Animal abusers and child abusers are two groups of people which I hate with a passion akin to a pint of taipan venom. I love reading accounts when I hear stories of poachers being eaten alive by lions, and I also love watching bulls goring abusive pricks to death. Those sorts of people entirely deserve it and are better off being removed from life.

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