Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme

I was recently called out on IsAC by a (former) fellow cunter. He considered my posts to be boring (fair enough), but went on to extrapolate in true Sherlock Holmes fashion that I must be Billy No Mates, who spends ‘hours and hours’ tapping away on here, and that I need to get out more and get a life.

Now of course I do spend some time on here most days. Unlike about two-thirds of the human race, I don’t have a mobile phone which I dedicate chunks of my day to gawking at, so I come on here instead. I enjoy the comments and the banter. But there’s another reason I spend time on IsAC. It gives me a voice, however small; a chance to blow off steam at cuntery in all its forms, and boy, do I need that safety valve right now.

Let me introduce you to a real pair of charmers. The go by the names of Holly ‘The Immolator’ LeGresley and Adriana Orme. These two depraved cunts have recently been banged up for their part in (get this) an international monkey torturing ring, which saw helpless animals brutally abused for the gratification of sadists. Those of you with a strong stomach will find more details of the case here, with the judge in the trial describing the pair’s involvement as ‘depraved, sickening and wicked’;

Daily Mail Link

To me, the pleasure in seeing these two unspeakable wretches put behind bars is compromised by the short sentences imposed, and they’ll probably be out in half the time. I don’t know what you guys think, but my view can be summed up by a Tom Cruise line from the film ‘Jack Reacher’; ‘if it were left to me, I’d just kill ya’.

Thanks IsAC, for giving me a chance to say my piece.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

113 thoughts on “Holly LeGresley and Adriana Orme

  1. Let some particularly fired up Mandrills tidy this mess up..

    by eating both the wicked fat cunts alive.

  2. I can’t open the link.
    I hate animal cruelty and it’ll just upset me.☹️

    The pair of fat cunts should face justice by a upstanding removal man with a army entrenching tool,
    Meaning id cave their fat fucking faces in and cut off their feet.?


    Dunno why you’re upsetting us with tales of monkey torture because of willy Stroker?

    Can’t you just post dog shit through his letterbox or something?

    • Hiya Miserable.

      It ain’t because of Willie; I posted this because this pair are cunts.

      I’m also taking the chance to explain why I post on here, that IsAC gives me the chance to voice my opinion on unspeakables like this pair, the main reason I post. It’s a safety valve for me (and others too, I’m sure). Plus, I still think that it’s a great site.

      Afternoon all.

    • I too won’t open the link as I can’t abide animal torture. The punishment cannot be severe enough for these two odious cunts, presumably bitter about they were born hippo-like.

      Might I suggest their punishment be being bitten by a Blue-Ringed Octopus every week of their sentence.

  3. These evil fat cunts will be abused similar to what they dished out to the monkeys. I don’t want the sentences reduced, because that way they would loose weight and get the chance of becoming healthier. Its best they roam free and become unhealthy again and once free they’ll be watched constantly with things never being the same for them ever again.

  4. The truth be told I hate people much more than any animal. There is a special place in hell for cunts like this. We can hope for great pain to be dealt out to these two fat cunts.

    • I genuinely cannot comprehend individuals like this. What is even more depressing is that they seem to be a small part of a much larger circle of arseholes, who are beyond the reach of our laws.

      It’s utterly nauseating.

      • you know what they say about people who hurt animals. They are usually destined to go on and kill or harm people. Ted Bundy, Jeffery dama so on and so forth. I’d just save the population the expense and gas them.

  5. What sort of fuckin degenerate gets off on hurting innocent animals?

    People who are nobody’s.
    No control over their lives.
    Can’t make a impression on their peers.
    People who can’t cut the mustard.


    Same with people who hurt kids.

    I’d love to be allowed to show someone like this how pain feels.
    But I’m the one who’d go to jail if I put a screwdriver through her neck.

    People like me should be deputised.
    I’d happily hunt these cunts down for the common good.

    • Just a reminder, as you allude to Mis, the low-lifes who abuse children normally refine their craft on animals beforehand.

      Which reminds me of yet another case of a toddler dying with appalling injuries administered by her mother’s boyfriend. Link here, but seriously if this stuff bothers you as much as it does me, don’t go there. I was almost in to tears.


      • I saw that Arfur, couldn’t read to the end. Sick of hearing about children being battered to death by their feckless parent and “new partner” (almost invariably some drugged up psychotic waste of space who should have been dropped in a lime pit).

  6. There is at least hope that they’ll get a half-decent sentence.
    After all, that dog rapist/killer in Australia, Adam Britten got 10 years. Not severe enough, obviously; but still more than expected.

  7. Gobby cunt that I am I am not opening the link , sorry but animal cruelty is beyond evil in my book. It sickens me beyond words, and conjures up the most dreadful of vengeance punishments for perpetrators. If I had my way the pair would never see natural day light again.
    Why the fuck the big man thought introducing man into the natural world was a good idea is beyond me.
    afternoon .

      • Thank the Lord!
        Imagine if they could, I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen the way Dexter looks at me sometimes, and it’s scary.

        I comfort myself with the knowledge, that even if he does develop opposable thumbs, he still wouldn’t be able to go to the supermarket, he doesn’t know my pin number.

      • Arrgh!

        Never occurred to me.
        Fortunately, I’m a tech dummy, so I don’t have that saved ( wouldn’t know how to), so it’s plastic/pin or starve.

  8. Needless to say, during the trial, the usual snivelling excuses of mental elf, PTSD, ADHD ( and probably a painful bunion) were trotted out by their defense lawyers.

    That sickens me too.

    • I sometimes wonder how it’s possible to find people to defend such creatures as this. Does the legal system require a lawyer to take a case regardless?

      Any reasonable person would be sickened by the thought of defending such shit and trying to mitigate their actions in front of a court.

      • It’s souring me tripes ☹️

        Is there another nom later?
        One with big tits and maybe some up skirting involved?

        Not that this isn’t a good nom , and totally deserved but it’s sickening and I’m a delicate blossom.

      • MNC: How about some of the nude snaps I took when Liza Nandy, of the bosoms formidalbe’, came to the casting couch at the studios of Boggs Poronographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Limited (at the Kentish Town branch)

      • That’ll do WC!
        Lisping Lisa being corded out of her mini skirt and gently strumming her bean.
        A tear of shame rolls down her slack simple face.


      • Didn’t realise Salma is the same age as me!

        I don’t look anywhere near as good in a bikini.

        She’s a cracker alright!?

      • I think, if they got Legal Aid, they assign the next mug on the list, and of course, they have to make an effort to defend them, otherwise they would have a case to appeal, due to lack of effort from the lawyer.
        I don’t think Legal Aid lawyers can refuse to defend a case, no matter how sickening, unless there are conflicts ( ie, related to the shit bags via family)

    • I couldn’t be a lawyer, defending the indefensible.

      Hangman, now that’s a job I could get my head round.

  9. This pair of beached whales and their accomplices are way beyond the realm of cunt.
    They are pure evil.
    I would gladly kick their cunts in all day long until they were dead.

  10. I bet both these hags have Sapphic tendencies. I have a pair living near me always dressed entirely in black and with 50 inch wide arses. You can picture them wearing Harris Tweed knickers.

    In my view, any act of cruelty to any animal whatsoever, whether it is committed by a male, a female, young or old, would result in a large fine and a prison sentence, and I would like to see the birch bought back for additional punishment for them while they served their sentences.

  11. Are they Lib Dems? If so they could use it in mediation. Otherwise, no excuses, hang them.

  12. The fat should be flayed from their repulsive revolting bodies, While they are conscious, of course.

    Must have missed the Sherlock Gobshite having a go at you, Ron.
    Pay it no mind pal. Doesn’t mean a toss if somebody spends minutes or hours here, It’s nobody else’s fucking business. And it’s rich, that somebody goes on about someone else having no life and no mates. Yet it’s them who are spending their days making these ‘deductions’ and making these assumptions. Fuck ’em off.

  13. Hey Ron,

    When the end comes and the IsaC Faithful gather in Valhalla I’d like to be the first to offer a toast to you and your contributions.

    I come here for much the same reason. I enjoy the wit and wisdom of the Faithful and associating with like minds. This place is indeed a welcome respite from the Wokeist Dogma that permeates much of our society.

    As for being attacked…most Trolls are very disturbed people who live out their Walter Middy* fantasies from behind the security of their keyboard. In real life their bravado and bluff would get them beaten to a pulp so they puff up, bully and bloviate from behind the safety of their firewall.

    Some are jealous, some are threatened and some are just cunts.

    As for the 2 subjects in this nomination, to continue along a line you suggested, the only reason they’re alive is because it’s illegal to kill them.

    *The use of the double D is intentional and refers to a departed Troll.

    • Was it the poster who used to call you Billy Bullshit?

      Or the one called you a delusional buffoon?

      Either way I liked both of them.

      They were amongst the elite in the ISAC hierarchy.
      Both sadly missed.

      • Not sure and don’t care.

        Far from being elites, they were cowardly bottom feeders.

        When called out by the Admin Team, both Trolls ran away. They are presumably still out in their respective gardens eating worms.

        I’m still here.

        At any rate you need to get over it. They, like your ass (arse) are behind you.

        As I was making a point to the illustrious Mr. Knee and not speaking to you, this now ends my participation in this thread.


        Give yourself a bunch of ‘tickies so it looks like you have a lot of support and maybe you’ll feel better.

      • Yes, they mocked and derided you didn’t they?
        Thought you were a bit of a crank?

        Made you feel unwelcome like a ginger kid in a playground?

        I can see why you’re bitter.

        But they were elites on ISAC in my opinion.
        I get to decide that.

        Toodles ?

      • Ps
        As someone known for ticky manipulation that’s a bit rich?

        And as for support?
        I neither need it or want it.
        I don’t need the “faithful” to hold my hand.

        I don’t pander to anyone on here, or kiss anyones arse,
        Now run along to admin
        It’s time for you to get your nose brown.

      • He’s getting there, Minge, Mis.

        Won’t be long before he finds that the foot he shot was his very own ass-kicking foot.

        Cometh the day, cometh the man.

      • Dick wiped the floor with him on the Ukraine forum.
        It’s still there for all to see.

  14. If I wanted to see monkeys tortured I would put lammys jaffa cakes in a transparent child proof box.

    • Never understood the appeal of the narcissistic attention seeking old coffin dodger.
      Ok, fair do’s, he raised enough money (£30 million) to keep the incredibly wasteful NHS running for 2 hours and 10 minutes.
      Big deal.
      Doubt it even covered the cost of Diversity Training.
      Or rewriting NHS literature to eliminate words like “mother” and “breast feeding”.
      Wouldn’t have touched the sides when it came to sex-reassignment surgery.
      Plus silicone beef-ups for dippy tarts.
      Never mind, the cunt achieved his 15 minutes of fame, along with a free holiday in the sun at the height of lockdown.
      While bequeathing his greedy sprog a nice little multi-million pound earner, don’t you worry, thank you very much!
      Fuck them.

      • Minge@

        I think he cheated as well.

        Meant to be walking laps of his garden….
        Who kept a eye on him eh?

        I myself saw him look around furtively then cut across the grass!!

        No wonder his daughter is such a awful cunt.

      • Yep – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
        Sir (the true mark of a cunt) Tom got his priorities arse about tit.
        The money would have been far better spent hiring Ephraim (strange name for a black, innit?) and his fellow savages to go round the BBC and spunk all over Broadcasting House and the Director General, then burn the place to the fucking ground.
        Evening MNC ?

      • Evening Minge ?

        His daughter is one greedy grasping little fucker eh?
        Awful, just awful.

    • I take your comments on board, and in the scheme of things the amount raised was a mere bagatelle regarding the bottomless money pit that is the NHS.
      None the less, Captain Sir Toms scamming daughter, and her equally culpable husband, have enriched theirselves at the expense of the soft-heartedly public, and to the detriment of the charities that should have benefitted.

      For that alone, be it a tenner, or a couple of millions, people who steal from charities are lower than the scum underneath decaying leaves in the gutter, and should be jailed and have all their assets removed /frozen/whatever, but definitely unavailable for them to use.

      • As I understand it the money was for NHS charities and not day to day patient care. It was spunked on stuff like a wellbeing and foot massages. Not Capt Tom’s fault just the grasping NHS as usual.

  15. Haven’t even read the link ye, but your posts aren’t boring! Who said that?!

    Always look forward to a Ron Knee, as royal or political correspondent, or just plain Ron.

  16. OMG just read the rest of the nom. Those two need chaining up, left outside in the cold, no food, no water, pelted wirh elephant dung and set on fire.

  17. Those two unspeakable bastards are precisely the type who’d be quite at home torturing and murdering the hapless victims in a concentration camp. Hopefully they’ll die in prison.so that no-one and nothing else can be tainted by them.

  18. They should be given a choice.
    Fight to the death
    Eat each other.

    Winner gets thrown in a rock crusher.

  19. I don’t post often. Normally quiet stalker type. My interest piqued with monkeys tortured. How disgusted and dissapointed I was. There are so many ppl that deserve far worse treatment. Admittedly most from a troglodyte ancestry.

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