Foley Dogs

In filmmaking, Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. Foley is named after sound-effects artist Jack Foley. Foley sounds are used to enhance the auditory experience of a movie. They can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass.

Further to esteemed Cunter Ron [Knee]`s criticism of various motion picture `devices` this one is not directly aimed at Foley itself, rather Foley DOGS.

I mean, who can forget the massively successful, good clean harmless fun of the classic The Jazz Singer, the first film to employ the addition of extra sound …

The Jazz Singer.

So, why dogs? Well, it would appear that every single televisual thing Mr Beau and our 57 benefit-earning blackberries have recently watched – films, TV series, anything both old and new – ALL have somewhere in the background the sound of a dog barking in the distance. I wouldn`t care, but it`s the SAME fucking dog.

It`s got to the point where we actively listen for the first instance of the `woof-woof`. Listen out for it yourself.

They`re listed as “Foley Artist” in the credits: “Lazy Fucking probably Gen-Z Cunt” would be more fitting.

PS The Jazz Singer doesn`t have any dogs in it, but I thought I`d share the image to cheer us all up.

Nominated by : Sam Beau

With a second take by Lord Cuntingford:

Can I please second and add to Sam’s nom and cunt sound effects in general. What gets my goat on films as a biker (apart from no-one doing up a helmet properly) is that a bike that is obviously a wheezing 250cc fart has a sound track of a 1000cc plus super-bike – yes Tom Cruise, I’m looking at you.

74 thoughts on “Foley Dogs

  1. Yanks are violent bastards. They hit buttons when they are supposed to be pressed or touched.

    • A simple argument becomes a fight. These yanks need therapy. No wonder the world is becoming violent.

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