Esther Rantzen (2)

I usually cunt with alacrity, but I hope you will believe me when I say I have thought long and hard about this nomination, but I feel after several long newspaper articles and interviews, I have to cunt this poor woman, for making such a career out of her dreadful illness.

Like most people I have lost friends and relatives to this unspeakable illness, and I know the distress it can cause, but ever since that ghastly bull dyke Kim Leadbitter announced her wretched “right to die” bill in Parliament (and may I remind fellow cunters Dykie Kim shouldn’t really be in Parliament, as labour broke the rules in allowing her to stand as an MP when she had been in ze party for less than six months – another occasion when “Mr. Rules” Kweer broke the rules to suit himself).

Ms Rantzen has been going on and on about the right to die. She has the money, if she so wishes, to perform this frightful act herself by going to Dignitas, but she chooses not to. I can’t help feeling, with all due respect, that it is one word for “the public” and many sentences for herself.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

109 thoughts on “Esther Rantzen (2)

  1. I wonder how many kids, now adults, had their fledgling lives ruined after being sexually abused by Jimmy Savile?
    This old witch knew all along what be was doing to those poor kids and for all her high-moraled pontificating, kept her mouth shut as tight as my wallet when faced with a charity worker.

  2. If esther rancid wants to cark it, well that’s life.

    You don’t have to join dignitas to die peacefully. Spend a weekend with Rodney and your life-force will simply drain away.

  3. I have disliked this woman for over half a century. There are few people that I take an instant dislike to but she is one, something rather suspect about her imo.

  4. The handmaiden of the Grim Reaper.

    She wants everyone dead she does.

    Allegedly she had that dog that said “sausages” put down just for upstaging her.

    This assisted dying will be abused.
    I don’t want anyone to suffer unnecessarily but it’ll be a cluster fuck in the hands of the NHS and the Labour government.

    Give it a fortnight and someone will be ‘assisted’ due to acne, to help them give up smoking or to lose weight.

  5. Ps
    That Kim Panel beater is all for sick people dying yet cried her fuckin eyes out when her sister got a taste.


    • Assisted dying should only be for Labour voters and cyclists.

      Administered by a surgical shovel to the back of the head.

      • I saw a news article in which Kim Leadbetter had suggested that feeling like a burden was a good enough reason to opt for assisted dying. There are probably plenty of people who are made to feel that way, simply because their relatives are cunts who wants to get their hands on property or money.

        If any of this is about being a burden, there are those that actually are a burden on society through choice, maybe she could share her words of wisdom with them.

    • I saw a pic of her last week and I thought she was up for the part of zelda in terrahawks remake.

      The far right would need fire and pitchforks to take care of that.

    • Flabbott also said that what the Act proposes and what will happen in practice are three different things.

      • I think she is just worried that if she is caught stumbling around looking dishevelled and wearing two left shoes again that she may be sectioned and quietly euthanized, Geordie.

      • Flabbottus is safe for now,we used all drugs taking down her grandad king Kong in the 1920s

  6. Enid Rancid. Friend of Savile and purveyor of dick shaped vegetables. She will be greatly missed.

  7. I would vote for assisted dying, however nothing to do with terminal illnesses

    I would include the hit list but it’s far too long.

    Back to the debate
    I mean ffs, if some poor old fucker is on his/her last legs loaded up with morphine, just up the dose a bit and bring on the inevitable a little sooner, what’s the difference, Tuesday rather than Friday.

    • Esther Rancid, I thought she dies years ago, she will be a ‘dead’ cert in the dead pool when she books a flight to Switzerland.

    • In reality Soi, stepping up the morphine is the way it’s been handled since Victorian times. It’s the way my father-in-law went out in 1965. Sound method it seems to me. When the pain is so bad supression requires a dose which it’s known will shorten your life I can’t really see any argument against it.

    • That’s how my Dad went you could smell the Morphine in the room 10 months of purgatory for him and us, 21 years has gone by really fast.

      • My mum, in the final months of her life, used to joke about wishing Dr Shipman were her doctor.
        Except she wasn’t joking.
        In her final weeks, this once vibrant woman (a nurse who raised 4 children) had been reduced to something unrecognisable,
        Relying on various carers for even the basics, such as changing her diapers.
        I wouldn’t allow one of our dogs or cats to go out like that.
        So why was she made to suffer so unnecessarily that way?
        (My dad didn’t fare much better).
        No so called “civilised” country can legitimately insist that its people linger on painfully in their own shit and vomit at the end of their lives.
        Especially when there’s a viable, humane alternative.
        Fuck the hateful authoritarian scum and their religious useful idiots.
        Bodily autonomy means nothing to these cunts.
        Fuck them.

  8. Legalised Voluntary Human Euthanasia?

    Absolutely … signed-off in advance (whilst compos mentis) in the case of terminal this or that, but above all – dementia – I can’t find fault with the notion.

    Granted the whole humans are bastards angle immediately comes to the fore … offspring looking for their inheritance ASAP etc., but in principal (in a ‘perfect’ world ?) .. I’ll sign up.

    Old cunt about a mile from where I live went 8 fuckin’ years not knowing who the fuck he was, in nappies in his 70’s to 80’s til he crosked last Xmas. It’s poor cunts having to tend to that I’d be even more sorry for.


    Fester Rancid? .. Yup, cunt!

    • The eskimoes had the right idea.

      Leave the “patient” in a tent prior to the entire tribe de-camping to the next port of call.

      The patient was furnished with food, water, hunting equipment, firewood and a means of making fire.

      If said patient was still alive upon their return the following season, all well and good.

      If not, well, time was up.

  9. It has just been announced on the BBC that the bill has passed it’s first reading. A sad day, in my view.

    • The bill’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. But it’s a step in the right direction.

  10. Cheerful little nom for weekend ?

    They’ll probably get pensioners to sign up saying it’s for help with winter fuel.

    If anyone from the government or NHS ask you to sign a form?

    Ask them to move their hand off the top of the page so you can read it.

    • I would sign as Ron Knee, he would never know, going blind looking at Salma Hayek and Julia H-B

      He would chose to die being smothered by those two in the centre circle at villa Park.

    • I think the first volunteer ought to be Keir Rodney Starmer, ex farmers-boy, stone gatherer, toolmakers son, crap DPP and even crapper PM a dead loss.

      He could take the old bulldyke Kim Fred Leadbitter with him.

      • How long will it be before a 2yr (minimum), multi-million pound public enquiry is required to deal with “over-zealous” Shipman types and grasping relatives?

        DNR notices are regularly and routinely placed on patients now, with neither their knowledge nor consent.

        This is going to be a shit-show.

        Allowing the Government to get involved in elective suicide is sheer madness. Everything, absolutely everything, without exception, turns to expensive, mismanaged, corrupt shit that ALWAYS suffers from the law of unintended consequences.

        Fuckers can’t even collect the bins, do people think it will be any different with assisted suicide?

  11. Some good news for Louise haigh, paramount have snapped up the movie rights to her story.

    It’s to be called ” the hunt for reds Motorola”

    • If she is telling the truth (a stretch, I know) about having informed 2TK about her criminal conviction prior to her appointment then I don’t understand why she has resigned.

      She should have been automatically disbarred from public service by virtue of her admitted fraudulent activity and 2TK should go for appointing her.

      There is NO way MI5 did not inform our glorious leader about her criminal behaviour.

  12. Anything or anybody soiled by the BBC needs obliterating.
    Cunts one and all, Mrs Bastard as always hated Wallace.

  13. If she’s that bothered why doesn’t the windbag bbc harridan just quietly fuck off to dignitas instead of fucking mithering everyone with her woe is me bullshit?

    Shut the fuck up and die,it’s not difficult,people have been doing it for years without this cunt and her braindead chums prattling away.

    Here’s an idea..Oven today.

  14. Needless to say, I loathe Dame Fester Rancid.

    Apart from the Sunday night torture that was That’s Life, this tombstone toothed crone blatantly ignored pleas from young girls who were Jimmy Savile’s victims.

    Rancid’s Childline ‘charidee’ did nothing to help these victims of abuse. The auld wytch simply told them to ‘go away’ or that it was ‘just Jimmy being Jimmy’/

    And, anyone who even thinks about giving her even a shred of sympathy, should remember Dame Fester and her mate Jimmy.

  15. I for one would like to have the right to help my mother die – regardless of the fact the old hag isn’t ill

    • Too right BD.

      Mine was truly awful and took great delight in creating misery for others.

      No gravestone, not wasting money on that.

      Couldn’t speak at her funeral. not overcome with grief, but I genuinely could not find a good word to say about her and thought it inappropriate to say what I really thought.

      • Genuinely sorry to hear this T, as I can completely relate. Both my parents were unspeakably selfish cunts, I actually hate my dead father more with every passing day, and my mother is a totally self absorbed narcissistic harridan who did untold damage to her children and does nothing now to help her children and grandchildren.

        Like you, my brother and I have already decided she won’t be getting a funeral. She has requested I pour a bottle of her favourite wine on her grave, and I’ve agreed on the condition I can pass it through my kidneys first

      • Yup BD, a very sorry state of affairs.

        An alcoholic, narcissistic psychopath, really.

        I relate to your experience of damage to siblings, and self.

        Most regrettably, the psychological damage inflicted on my brother was too great for him to bear, resulting in his suicide.

        According to her, he had always been ‘an attention seeker’.

        Ghastly woman.

    • You are Les Dawson, Dave, and I claim my £5. I had a soft spot for my mother in law – a bog in Epping Forest. She was so fat that when she walked down the street, the weighing machines all hid, She used to get her knickers on prescription.

      • That’s nothing WC, my mother in law was so fat that wherever you sat down she was sitting next to you.

        I never forget the time we were all at the circus and the ring master brought this crocodile on a leash into the ring. He dropped his strides and took out this piece of meat that was 12 inches on the slack – draped it in the crocodile’s open mouth, took out this hammer, and whack! straight on the croc’s bonce. The croc’s jaw shuddered downwards but stopped a fraction of an inch from closing on the ring master’s old fella.

        “There you go ladies and gentlemen, a highly dangerous but, I think you’ll agree, impressive trick! Are there any volunteers in the audience who would like to try to do the same?”

        My mother in law stuck her hand up and said, “alright, I’ll have a go, but don’t you hit me on the head as hard as you did that crocodile.”

  16. The unquestioned part, of this right to die legislation.
    What will it be like in twenty years time?
    “She, he, wants to die, they told me in person” Me Lud
    What about people that are unable to articulate and the family say that, that is their wish.
    To open to abuse and in twenty years time this will be the norm.

    Inherit the property earlier, so you can pay the draconian inheritance tax and be done with it
    It suits only the people who have never known suffering.
    Just cheering Friday Night up.

    • It is indeed one of the dilemmas of the potential legislation – and I think it would demand that one expresses these wishes in legally certified form before you are deemed to be mentally incompetent; for example I can tell you now that I wish to be put down before I become a vegetable – in the same way I can say I wish to be an organ donor. You can also sign a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form when infirm and elderly, so I don’t know why by the same token someone deemed mentally competent can’t say “when my cancer gets to the point where I can’t move and I’m in permanent pain I wish to be put out of my misery.”

      But complicated yes.

  17. The only winners out of this will the bloodsucking Lawyers. Moved on now from prosecuting Iraq war veterans. Now on the cases of ‘they got this assisted dying case wrong’.

  18. I don’t want some nurse that doesn’t speak English or some budding Shipman having a say on my demise.

    I remember shipman swanning around Hyde dripping in gold jewellery like he was in RunDMC.

    I don’t like doctors.
    Dodgy cunts.

    I don’t want any assistance when it comes to dying.
    They can fuck off.

  19. Only the second Cunting for the bitch that did Child Line? Well of course, Jimmy Saville done over 50 marathons. That would have kept a Jewess like Fester Rancid quiet! Jim fixed it for himself, & the Dame was very happy. He was given keys to places that knowone else would not have been alowed to go. I keep hearing about Dignitas. So what is the issue. Of course she will always have the sad fucks that will feel sorry for her.

  20. I hate Esther Fucking Rantzen. Teeth. Her Heart Of Gold is a Heart Of Wood.

    Assisted dying? Her and Kim Leadbeater (Betwetter?) will have a lot to answer for. She’ll be shitting bricks when she’s 85 and being pressurised by her greedy, grasping family to die with dignity. Who voted for it? Dr Shipman, Dr Crippen and Lucy Fucking Letby!

  21. Well, as it’s passed the first ‘hurdle’ in parliament this afternoon, if taking away the heating allowance doesn’t make a few pensioners freeze to death, they’ve given them a ticket to do it themselves….speeds up the dying process so the pension bill will come down quicker.


  22. David Lammy sent out a tweet:

    “I’m incredibly grateful to all my constituents who have reached out to me about the Assisted Dying Bill. Here’s why I voted no.”

    He then goes to explain that he was overwhelmed by the number of people who volunteered to help him off himself.

  23. “Choose assisted dying. Save the NHS”.
    I believe that if Rodney had his way, it wouldn’t be the patients right to choose, it’d be the governments.
    Can’t have the terminally ill or elderly becoming a burden on society.
    A kind of Palliative Aktion T4.
    But only for the white working class, obviously.

  24. My understanding is that she wants to die surrounded by close family members, but if she goes to Dignitas she’s afraid they will be arrested when they arrive back in this country.

    A spokesman for the Daft Bastards Society says that this bill goes against the will of God, He created pain for a reason and our suffering and torment is essential to enable our ascent to meet our Holy Maker. They can also produce irrefutable proof that out of all those who have expired through assisted dying, sixty per cent of them would now change their minds if given the chance. Furthermore, almost all those who assisted in their dying go on to suffer feelings of anxiety and guilt, and contemplate suicide themselves. This could have a domino effect and could lead to the human race dying out.

    DBS says all those who opposed this bill should sign the petition calling for a repeat of the general election and make sure next time they vote for a Christian candidate, preferably a Roman Catholic.

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