Drinking and Driving

Of course nobody should drive a car when they are pissed.
That goes without question, but how drunk is drunk?

In the UK the blood alcohol content limit for driving is 0.8.
Fair enough, that works out as a pint and a half.
But if that’s your first ever pint and a half then you would be pissed out of your head.

I remember throwing up and the room spinning round after my first ever can of beer when I was about 10.

The limit here in Spain is much lower at 0.5.

I was stopped by the Guardia about half an hour after having one large beer and was told that I was just on the limit.
They didn’t nick me but told me not to have any more to drink.

Now the Spanish Government are going to further reduce the drink drive limit to 0.2.
A quarter of that in the UK.

A small beer would cost you 6 points off your licence and a 200 euro fine.

Get stopped a few times and your licence is gone.
You would need to retake a driving test after attending an alcohol awareness course.

Effectively this means that not only can you not drink at all before driving a car, but also you would be advised not to drink the day before you are going to drive.
Alcohol takes time to leave your system.

How fucking stupid is the fact that you are over the limit for a drive to an airport, but once you get there you can legally fly a passenger plane?

Don’t imagine that the police are going to make a heap of money out of back-handers by stopping ‘generous’ drivers that are slightly over the new limit.
That doesn’t happen.
Anyone trying to bribe the police here will be locked up.

All that will happen is that almost everyone that gets stopped will be unjustifiably criminalised and the government will make a fortune out of fines.

Not one life will be saved.

Take note if you are coming here on your holidays.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter

40 thoughts on “Drinking and Driving

  1. Quite right too.

    If I’m driving I won’t have a drop the day before.

    The police pull me over?
    Crack on officer.
    I’m completely confident because there’s not a trace of alcohol in my blood stream.

    Im out driving and there’s a accident, kid runs out in the road or something?
    I want my conscience clear.

    And don’t want to dig a shallow grave on the hills?

    • Good for you Mis. Further proof, as if it were needed, of what an upstanding member of society you are. People who drive when pissed should be euthanised.

  2. I mean it seems baffling to me that given a set amount of alcohol will impact each person differently, then why don’t we just say if you are going to drive , then you are not allowed to drink.

  3. I went on an alcohol awareness course last night at the Whippet Inn.

    This morning I’m on a hangover awareness course.

    • In Northumberland do you have to put a hand over one eye and spell out the name off the back of a Newcastle Utd shirt from someone standing 20m away when stopped Geordie?

      • Quite right LL, and fiendishly difficult it can be too.

        I’m just thankful Belozoglu and Gutiérrez don’t play for them any more.

      • I know the feeling Geordie, here in Lincolnshire having five fingers is the exception rather than the rule so being asked “how many fingers am I holding up sir” can involve a lot of guesswork.

  4. Having an uncle who was killed by a drunk driver (late 1940s before it was illegal), I believe anyone who drives a car with any intoxicating substances in their body is a solid gold selfish CUNT!

    The driver who killed my uncle got off Scot free due to his “connections”

    • Not sure Sam.
      I thought you could be prosecuted for being drunk in charge of anything.
      How they establish drunkenness is another issue of course.

      • Indeed Duke. I remember some years ago a woman was prosecuted for being drunk in charge of a pram containing a young child. I’m not much concerned about pissed cyclists; it’s almost certain they are the ones who will die as a result.

  5. I think more people accept a serial rapist than a drunk driver. All joking aside, the legal limit should be zero! My brother got caught once and my brother in law about 5 times! Both are complete cunts!

  6. Driving drunk is bad and illegal, Driving hungover is worse. I smashed a most decent bloke’s ankle when I was on a forklift because my attention was on feeling sorry for myself rather than being aware of the task at hand, I Was rightfully sacked and have only operated plant equipment when I’ve been completely lucid since.

  7. I’m not sure drunk driving is that much of crime where the establishment is concerned.
    Ant McPartlin and the awful Katie Price seem to indulge with impunity.
    I’m sure there’s others to which the law does not apply.

  8. I was stopped by an over zealous dorset plod in my ford sierra many moons ago because he thought i was going too fast, he seemed annoyed when breathalysed i was squeaky clean, so i lit up the tyres just to annoy him. Got pulled again in my maestro diesel because it sounded loud, so i said its a perkins prima direct injection engine and they are fabulous but agricultural dear boy. Glazed look ensued, he looked about 12.

    • I recall that back in the 90’s Dorset plod released drink drive figures for Christmas/NY period. Out of 10 RTI’s attended, 3 of the drivers were found to be over the limit. Statistically, it would appear that you are safer driving whilst tanked up!

    • Two points DC; if you are breathalysed at random and you know you’re kosher refuse to accept the tube they offer you from the breathalyser. It gives them an immediate problem as a “biohazard”. Not recommended if they have something on you but a course of action taken by an ex-met copper of my acquaintance when pulled by Thames Valley for speeding. As for lighting up the tyres, I have heard they issue tickets for that now. I don’t know what the charge is but I expect to find out one of these days.

  9. It’s the fact that people who were considered as being socially responsible and law abiding are now, with a stroke of a pen, irresponsible criminals.

    I know that there are cultural differences in the way people drink.

    In the UK you would do exactly that….. Go out and drink.
    You wouldn’t think of ordering a few coffees during the evening or break up your drinking session with regular snacks.

    You might appoint a designated driver.

    Here lunch is a drawn out affair.
    Starting at 2pm and going on until at least 4.
    There will be a lot of food and it’s almost a tradition to have wine.

    Now even a glass of wine at lunch will see you over the ridiculously low limit for your drive home after work.

    Going out in the evening in the cities would start at about 10pm.
    It’s only in the resorts where tourists eat earlier.

    If not going to a restaurant then typically you would visit a handful of bars and have tapas and a small beer or wine in each one.

    There are no ‘measures’ of spirits here.
    It’s down to the generosity of the person that pours the drinks.
    Visitors tell me that we are served at least 5 times the amount you get in the UK at half the price.

    You will of course be over any acceptable driving limit so a driver in your group that has had little or no alcohol is essential.

    Either that or a taxi.

    If you intend to stay at home then a bottle of wine is always a part of your evening meal.

    But no more as you may be over the new limit on your drive to work the next morning.

    I doubt that anyone between the already low limit of 0,5 and the ridiculously new limit of 0,2 will cause an accident because they are intoxicated.

    The new law is just social engineering.

  10. Being one of the oldest members. I’m wrapping up warm to prevent having to put the heating on, due to the Nazi in Nr zheng stopping my winter fuel allowance. Its not that I can’t afford it, it is the principle of the thing. The evil cunt and that’s swearing.

  11. Different rules in different places. I have seen it myself on a fairly regular basis both Ian Blackford and the local police man sink a few pints in a rural pub on Skye and jump into their car and…..police car and drive home.
    Still, on the islands at least it seems to work, nobody falls of the roads or causes accidents that I know of.
    Can only imagine the chaos sobering up and driving would cause.

  12. It’s a regular occurrence that a motorway will be completely closed off for a Guardia Civil checkpoint.
    Try doing that on the M25…!

    Every car will be stopped and the driver tested for drink and drugs.

    Mrs Cunter got stopped in one.
    She had to take the breathalyser test 3 times.
    The officer called over his colleagues.
    They had never seen an absolute zero result before.

    She was almost finished with an antibiotic course and not had any alcohol for over a week.

    If the police, with all of their experience had never tested a driver and found not a trace of alcohol then it just makes you think how many drivers will be prosecuted in the future when they have almost no alcohol (just over 0,2) in their system.

    The police here more or less make up their own rules and unless they take a dislike to you then I think that they will ignore anyone under the present limit of 0,5 and save themselves a load of work.

    We will see.

    • Good afternoon Artful.

      In your nom you mention pilots and alcohol. I can’t speak for Spain but in the UK the alcohol limit for pilots for many years has been 0.2 i.e. the same as the proposed new limit for drivers in Spain. I’ve been on the flight deck on a number of commercial flights and in every case both pilots drank only water, I was the only one who indulged even in coffee. In the tiny number of cases where pilots have been caught even slightly over this limit they have been jailed for many months and sometimes for years. It also is the end of their career. When I was flying light aircraft regularly I would spend all day at the flying club. Even at that level you knew who had already flown and who was yet to fly by the drink in front of them i.e. alcohol or soft drinks respectively. On the other side of the coin my father was a fireman on the steam locos through WW2 and into the fifties. He told of drivers who were routinely pissed and in fact some who he reckoned couldn’t move the loco until they were pissed! The loco
      alone weighed near 100 tons, think on that.

  13. Of course, that Easter Island headed cunt, Ant (as in ‘and Dec’) can get pissed and endanger lives while pissed as much as he like.

    Fucking coneheaded mekon cunt.

  14. I have an easy quarter million driving miles under my belt, 300,000+, even, .. but only ever asked to blow into the bag once. Just finished a 12 hour shift .. clean as a whistle.

    The night I was stopped at a roadblock whilst collecting the Mrs. home from her work Xmas do was way more nerve wracking .. what with my broken right arm in a cast and all ? …. Managed to cover for it, shoulder pressed to the window. Stupid cop cunt didn’t even think to ask why I’d used my left arm (and crossed my own torso). . to let the window down!

    So SOMETIMES the cunts being useless & disinterested pays off, for we the (mostly) non-criminal….

  15. 8 hours from bottle to throttle as I was instructed 30 plus years ago..In all honesty it’s best not to drink anything before driving.

  16. Considering loads of people do daft things on the road when they are sober, they should stay clear of booze period.

  17. Being a none drinker of alcohol is the way to go. Booze simply causes too much trouble. Can’t stand the stuff.

  18. I like a drink. I like cars. Never do the two meet, though! If anyone drink drives, they’re a proper cunt. They’re up there with paedos in my book.

    Like MNC said, if I’m driving the next day, I’m not touching it. No chance. A fool’s game.

    Despite liking where I live in the Peak District, pissed up driving is still a thing up here. It’s not uncommon to see a Land-Rover weaving about the roads on the lesser-traveled roads up here.

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