Dame Helen Mirren


I’ve never liked this attention seeking old boot.

She’s always been willing to whip her withered udders out for some publicity, had more free lunches than kier Starmer ,
And talks bollocks.

In a recent interview she said

You lose people along the way. And I always say it’s so sad that Kurt Cobain died when he did because he never saw GPS as it’s the most wonderful thing to watch my little blue spot walking down the street”.

Kurt Cobain was a self pitying little smackrat.
What would he do with GPS?
Find a methadone clinic?

She’s senile.

She also waffles on about going to church as a atheist (why?)

You may of been worth a root 50yr ago but nowadays you’re just a luvvie from yesteryear.
Shut the fuck up.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

86 thoughts on “Dame Helen Mirren

  1. Good nom.

    Clearly a crackpot.

    Tits aside (nothing to write home about), I’ve never understood the appeal of this average at best actress.

    • FFS Terry. You were actually serious about the slutty eyed dog munchers taking over my laptop.

      I urge everyone not to click on that link.

      • it was the 70s tits and fanny that did it,couldn’t resist.

        it worked OK on me phone apart from my bank app now only appears in Nigerian.

        Must just be a glitch..

        But those big TITS!

  2. I am an atheist who quite likes going to Church. It is the mutual singing of songs we learnt at school and the reciting of old familiar prayers that generates a bit of community spirit. The rest of it, of course, is bollocks.

    As for Dame Helen an accomplished actress. Why is it the acting profession seem to get a disproportionate amount of Knighthoods and Damehoods compared with say, engineers or taxi drivers or whoever?

  3. Michael Parkinson is always blamed for his disastrous interview with this stuck-up tart.
    For behaving like she did Parky should have given her a slap and told her to go and put the kettle on.

    • Parkinson (“God’s own Yorkshireman”) has form for this. He is also blamed for ruining the career of Meg Ryan after he interviewed her. The Curse of Parky. That’s why he ended up giving away free biros to old age pensioners on daytime tv.

      • I heard Meg Ryan was Hollywood’s biggest slag.

        Mind you, that’s up against some pretty stiff competition….

      • He loved Yorkshire did Parky – that’s why he lived in Surrey. I always thought he was a cock – confirmed by Beckhams’ “interview” – arse licker.

  4. Is it just me or does that left buttock look a lot bigger and saggier than the right one?

    Maybe she’s got Proteus Syndrome (Elephant Man disease).
    If so she hides it well.

  5. She was a stunner in her younger days. But once she played the Queen she started thinking she was the Queen. Another British “national treasure” (“national treasure” being an alternative word for “cunt”).

    • She’s Russian, not British. It’s probably why she’s a Leftie. I’ve never found her attractive. She has a long, dowdy face as if Shergar fucked Celine Dion and had a half-foal.

      • Half Russian and half English, I believe, Captain. And born in the UK. Surely makes her British?

      • Perhaps. She probably tells her luvvie mayes she’s a Ruskie, while they all pretend to be from wherever they want.

  6. If you saw her in “Age of Consent”, you will change your mind. They continually kept doing retakes, due to James Mason having a permanent hard-on.

  7. Works in fantasy land, lives in fantasy land, way too past it to be anyone’s fantasy.

    Luvvies should only ever speak if a script requires it.

  8. I actually thought she was dead,maybe wishful thinking on my part.

    Must be the only British actor not to be in the Harry Potter movies. Might of made them more interesting having her bummed by hagrid..

    I take it she was doing more smack than Kurt when she gave that interview..

    • The casting of the Harry Potter films has always annoyed me.
      Every fucking two bob, over the hill actress worked their way into that series, all desperately trying to overact each other.
      Any cunt could have done what they did, and for less money I’d wager.

  9. She would certainly never appear in a film made by Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd. Tits not up to par – we need watermelons for our discerning clientele. They have to be big and bouncy – nipples like acorns, firm, pneumatic, cleavage the average man could get his head between. She just hasn’t got the equipment to measure up, Our productions need megaboobs.

  10. Helen is the poor man’s Jenny Agutter.
    The later was a strumpet back in the day.

  11. Not really on board with this nom, sorry. Ms Mirren was great in the 1970s documentary ‘Caligula’. Maybe she could get together with Claudia Winkleman and Liv Benson. Phwoar!

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  12. She was very jumpable when she was in that ATV series, Thriller..
    Right up to the 1984 film (and 2001 follow up) 2010.

    But ths Russian (that’s what I said, Russian) ‘national treasure’ is now a serial gobshite. As a certain ex-Beatle said in 1971, ‘Too many people preaching practices’.

    And, here we are in 2024. Where preaching luvvie cunts are legion. Whether it’s Patrick Stewart, that Abbington slag, ‘Hairy’ Mulligan, Olivia Horseface, David Tennant (quintessential cunt), those Harry Potter cunts, and that Ivan granbag Miranov.

    You are mere average actors at best (and some of you aren’t even that) with average intelligence (again.,some with not even that). So your ‘opinions’ are not welcome and they mean nothing.

    And Cobain was a whiny smack riddled pussywhipped cunt. Like Neil off the Young Ones on heroin and cough syrup. He was also a thieving cunt. The name and logo of his ‘Nirvana’ were stolen from the Britsh psychedelic band. And their ‘Come As You Are’ was a direct rip-off of ‘Eighties’ by Killing Joke. And their much trumpeted ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ nicked from both Boston (‘More Than A Feeling’) and the J. Geils Band (‘Centerfold’).. One of the most unorignal and overrated cunts in musical history.

    • And Eighties by Killing Joke was ripped off from the Damned’s “Life Goes On” !!

    • That Patrick Stewart – is he quare?. He certainly looks like a quare, and he sounds like a quare, so if he looks like a quare and sounds like a quare then he probably is a quare. Loves the theatre though,.dahlings. But he’s married, but Oscar Wilde was married….. I will put down probable quare.

    • & while I am on the subject, it’s about time Dame Fester Rancid took herself to Dignitas, & put herself down.

      • She won’t and has no intention of doing so.

        Dame Fester Rancid is using it as a sympathy ploy. To get out of her Savile ‘association’ and to get people to feel sorry for her. Well, she can fuck off. The sooner she goes, the sooner she can join Sir Jim’ll in Hell.

      • Most of us us thinking people sussed Dame Rancid way back in the early 1970s. This was confirmed when she set up home With Desmond Wilcox after he left his wife and six kids.

      • Hold on there chaps, surely Dame Fester qualifies as a National Treasure, just like Dame Helen?

        I well remember how she used to brighten many a Sunday evening when she showed us a picture of a vegetable that looked like a cock and balls.

        Oh how we laughed.

  13. Miranov is major luvvie celebrity cunt.

    But – for my money – nobody comes near that complets cunt and woke acoylte, David Tennant. Not even Ncunti Gayblack is as bad as Tennant (and Ncunti really is awgul). Tennant is the sort of cunt who would grass his own grandmother to an LGBT woke Nazi Party, for saying something ‘far right’ and ‘hate speech’.
    I believe he really would do that. He has – after all- already sacrificed his kids to the LGBTQ ’cause’, hasn’t he?

  14. This ‘great actreess’ and ‘national treasure’ basically did blueys in her early career.

    Prefered Marliyln Chamners and Sylive Kristel myself.

    Oh, and the greatest ever, Kay Parker (RIP).

  15. Looking at the header pic I wonder if the partcipants give their front and back bottoms a thorough scrub, because those studio lights must warm things up a bit.
    Must be hell trying to do a sex scene with the whiff of claggy arse! ?

  16. Mirren had a nice body, definitely. But I get what the Captain says about her fizzog.

    Another old actress getting a lot of coverage lately is Elizabeth Taylor.
    Sure, she was a decent enough actress and a cracking looking woman back in her day. But she’s been dead years, and cunts in the media are now labeling Taylor a ‘pioneer’ and an ‘activist’. I fail to see where this comes from. In her later yeas, Liz not only lost her looks, she was drugged up to fuck, as she made insane statements, like comparing Michael Jackson to E.T ( well, they did look similar, I suppose). She was the ultimate washed up drug addled pissed up over indulged former starlet, And, what that cheapo famous for nothing whore, Kim Kardashian has to do with Taylor. I’ll never know.

  17. Like a lot of actresses of her era, there’s a a tendency for other luvvie types and the media to refer to them in superlatives.
    They’re always ‘Amazing’ and ‘Wonderful’.
    If that’s truly the case, why is it that, like Chinky Dench, I cannot think of a single role they’ve played that nobody else could have done?
    Not only are her ilk lucky enough not to have to work for a living, some cunt then decides to award them for services to dressing up and pretending to be someone else.
    And from that point it’s a small leap to believing that they truly are special and every utterance they make has the potential to redefine the cosmos.
    At the end of the day, as shown here, no fucker mentions any acting ability above the norm. Only that she once had nice tits.
    Hardly worth a fucking dame hood is it?

  18. What is this raddled old twat on about?

    ‘The black community paved the way for fashionista Harry Styles’?

    Oh really?

    Let him walk through Harlem or Chicago’s South Side in his red carpet frocks and let us see what the black community thinks.

    • Styles is just a pop puppet. A manufactured boyband knob and another Cowell phag.

      I didn’t know being a virtue signaling freak who dresses like a drag act to gain woke points made someone a ‘fashionista.’

      Also, I also thought only women sould be fashionistas.

  19. OT. Was talking to some lad in the kidney unit yesterday. He is an old school Leeds United fan. And me, as an old school Manchester United fan, had a chat.

    It was in the day time and it wasn’t loud at all, But some horrible bitch with a horribly big gob started moaning. Not to our faces, but to others. Skriking that not only did we ‘talk too much’, we – according to her – didn’t talk about anything interesting.

    Now, I didn’t know that talking at a normal volume was a crime. But also what is actually talked about. The other lad (the Leeds fan) was a bit baffled and rightfully thought she was a psycho, But natually I had to reply to this slattern. And I said ‘Things that aren’t interseting to you?’ ‘So that’s Tik Tok and Emmerdale then… Fuck off.’ And if she ever speaks to me again, I will mop the floor with her chav head.

    I’m not standing for that sort of shit off anyone. Kidney patients or not. It’s the women that are always the worst,. They are ‘complaining’ about ‘noise’. Yet it’s them who are shouting and disturbing everyone. They are cunts. Satan’s snakes.

    • Good for you Norman, keep it up! I have no interest in football but the idea I should complain of others talking about it in a conversation to which I was not even a party wouldn’t enter my head. Fuck ’em.

      • No worries arfur.

        Thing is, the bitch tried to egg other women near her to take part. The nurses were well embarrassed and couldn’t get why it was happening. I suppose you get scum everwhere, including hospitals.

        I’ve been told now that this woman has had a previous run-in with the other lad who I was talking to. I don’t know about what and it was fuck all to do with me. But, the slag was trying to drag me into her feud. Well, she can fuck off and/or die. Either will do me.

  20. Off topic, but just got back from the Doc’s and it turns out the deafness in my left ear is down to earwax.

    Thanks to MNC and Arfur for their help on that one.

    will be visiting spec savers tomorrow to get it sorted.

    Thanks again gents!

    • Ear syringing used to be done at my health centre. (Free) We don’t do that anymore…!!!!?

      Last time I had it done was £60 from some Asian “professional” …!

    • You’re very welcome Odin, best of luck. Sad though as pointed out by ZM used to be a free service carried out routinely at GP surgeries. Still available free on the NHS but takes weeks to get an appointment at some distant health centre.

      • Glad you are back on track Allfather.?

        May your Raven fly the skies
        and the wolves howl your name!

    • A decent bottle of eardrops, and it should be gone in a week, Odin.
      I think you can still get Cerumol. The tuff that smells like pear drops.

  21. I’m here to double down on what I’ve said about Helen.

    If I was stood at the bar enjoying a pint of mild and this old bid pinched my arse and said

    ” Hello handsome!
    I love bald men with massive beards!
    How would you like to go back to my mansion in Belgravia and have me writhe on your beer belly?”

    I’d slap her leathery face and say

    ” You hag. You crone.
    I’m no necrophile.
    You Clive Dunn looking old trollop.”

    And give her a swift boot up the arse.

    • We will have to agree to differ then MNC.

      I would joist up her tight skirt and shove my hand into her trolleys and waggle her prawn.

      She would love it.
      Her fanny would feel like a horse eating oats out of my hand.

      I would then take her into the car park, bend her over my bonnet and shove my kidney prodder up her arse.


      • Evening Artie?

        I’m ok with that.
        I don’t mind a difference of opinion.

        But watch out she doesn’t break a hip, or something.

        As you gaze into her milky eyes
        And run your hand through her thinning hair ,
        Stick your thumb up her trumpet and tell her that’s from me!?

      • She would have given you a palm reading and whipped out her Ouija board after having her way with you Mis.

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