Now, this is an observation and I have no link, although I’ll try to find summat suitable, Admin.
When did people start decorating their house for Halloween at all, never mind at the end of September?
Why is it OK to leave Halloween decorations up until after Bonfire night, only to replace them with Christmas decorations?
There’s about a dozen houses on my dog walking route who have outside lights/illuminated deers/Santa’s in the front gardens. Window decorations and inside lit-up trees, too.
What comes after Christmas, pink hearts for Valentines, dancing eggs/chicks for Easter?
When does it stop?
With a Wicker Man, perhaps?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Across the road from me The garden and house looks like Blackpool illuminations with Santa Reindeers Elves etc?
This pair are in their 70s and keep banging on about losing their winter fuel allowance Switch the illuminations off then This has been going on since the beginning of November ??